ron IF you like to iron we'll be glad to do the harder job of washing. And without messing your home! We'll call for your family bundle. We'll wash it snowy white in pure soap and rainsoft water. We'll extract most of the water in our special fabric-saving spinning basket wringers. Then we'll return everything to you, sweet and sanitary. . . . and just damp enough for your own hand iron. We call this our Wet Wash Service. " The charge only 5 centB a pound. The LAUNDRY Does it best CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners Phone 8 Revivifying The Glands Because they say certain glands wear out and that we lose youth in consequence, some "scientists" advocate their removal and the substitution of equivalent glands from a monkey. They are wrong, for these glands did not wear out their supply of vital energy was cut off. Every gland and organ ia the body functions by 'means of vital energy delivered over the nerve lines. This energy is necessary, but the delivery of it is dependent upon keeping the nerve lines open. This is accomplished by Chiropractic Spinal Adjustments. By my chiropractic health method I correct diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, lungs, heart, stomach, liver kidneys, bowels and lower organs. VOUU APPOINTMENT for health can be made by telephoning Green 241 Consult W.G.AspmalifD.G. 6 and 7 Exchange Block (ireen 211 Hesidenre: 10:17 1st Avenue MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McHride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy 11th St. Telephone 657. Radio Radio Ax well as specialising on th No. 17 Radlola. we wish to draw your attention to the Radlola No. 10 It U anosbar of the up-to-date, last six monthi model, a hix tube receiver rrloa, less (Udlotrona OSMl Price, with Kadlotrons . $111.11 Price, complete with Radio-troua and I0Q.A Loudspeaker SIS3.7S f. W. CIIANDLKK Bxclmive Wholesale Dealer tor Radlolas Of flee: JIM SlUh St. Hon Q43 I'rtsrM ttupert, IXC. aawaoiianwuwuainnani Considerable merriment prevailed In County Court this morning at certain 'junctures of the case of Wong Hoey. Chinaman, who Is suing Mabel Iowa. colored lady of Comox Avenue, for S3SS speataT and SS6O0 general damages Mr medical expense, a man plaintiff hsM W .MaW'TUmi m WB..BMW me weather "ami ywwral' atiimt ty'ief OT- suit of a dog bite alleged to have been Inflicted by defendant's canine.' As a result of the bite, plaintiff's leg, he claims, became Infected ana he was confined to his bed for a month. After hearing the evidence, Judge Young reserved his judgment. John V. CUne appeared for the plaintiff and h. W. Patmore for the defendant. BASEBALL SCORES NATIONAL LE.U11E Chicago 3, Cincinnati 9. Pittsburg 0, St. Louis 6. AMERICAN LK.URE Cleveland 3, Chicago 1. St. Louis 7. Detroit 3. Others postponed, weather. ' COAST l.K.MU'i: Snn Francisco 3. Missions 0. Portland 3. Oakland 4. Los Angeles 3, Hollywood 0. Seattle 4, Sacramento 11. WE DONT (JIVE ANY GOODS AWAY FItEE Hut our Prices are Right TKY THEM! Itobin Hood Flour, 49's, per sack 52.33 Flour has already advanced. We have only a few barrels at this price. King Iteach Strawberry Jam, 4's. tin 70f Nestles Evaporated Milk, per dot. tins $1.10 Per case of 48 Jj3.30 Quaker Deans with Pork, 2's, tin Itlttf Per doaen Una 81.5W Del Monte Sliced Peaches, 2s, per tin 2ISf 2,2,s. per tin HO We still sell Braids Dest Coffee, in tin, per lb 00? i Market Day Special, Seedless llaiains, 4 lb. pkge 30f Jap Dice, No. 1, iwr. lb Frenche's Prepaired Mustard, jar 13f Evaporated Irunes, 40-50, lb. 12t4C Evaporated Prunes, 30-40, lb. 13f Evaporated Peaches, lb liOf Evaporated Pears, lb !23p Evaporated Apricots, lb. ... 23? New Hallowi Dates, lb. .. 12? 5 lbs. for 33? Alberta Market P. GAMULA, Proprietor Fifth Street. Phone 208 Prices at Prince Rupert of the New . Chevrolet Light Delivery Chassis $0:11.00 1-1 Ton Truck Chassis $800.00 Roadster 8808.00 Roadster Delivery 8808.00 Touring 8808.00 Coupe $0:11.00 Coach $0:11.00 Sedan $10:10.00 Cabriolet $10:10.00 Imperial Landau $1080.00 Front Bumper and Rear Bumperettes standard equipment on all Passenger Models. Disc Wheels Standard equipment on Imperinl and Cabriolet only. On other models $80.00 extra. Spare Tire and Tube, $10.00 extra. Kaien Garage Phone 52 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST ! lmM,tWlMM, 1 HALIBUT PRICES ARE STILL LOW TODAY AT FISH EXCHANGE HERE Halibut sales here this morning total led 148.000 pcunds. prices still being at a rather low lvl. Six American vessels disposed of 133.000 pounds at bids of from 8.3c and 6c to 10.3c and 5c wan two Canadians acid 39,000 pounds for Sc and 6c and 8.6c and 6c. Arrivals and sales: AMBHICAN Doric, 39,000 pound. Atlln Fisheries, 8.3c and Sc. Paragon. 23000 pounds, and Columbia. 30.000 pounds, Canadian Flsu St Cold Storage Co , 8.3c and Sc. : Tatooah. 14.000 pounds. Booth PUh-j erles. 9.8c and Sc. Chum. 8.000 pounds. Pacific Fisheries. 10.1c and Sc. Tahoma. 10,000 pounds. Booth Fisheries, 10.3c and Sc. CANADIAN Oslo, 18.000 pounds, Canadian PUh t Cold Storage Co.. 9c and 6c. MarssUlee. 7.000 pounds. AUln Fisheries, 8.6c and 6c. WOULD INVESTIGATE POLICE COMMISSION DECLARES FLETCHER VANCOUVER April 13 Commissioner Fletcher said yesterday afternoon: "Personally I am cf opinion that the police commission should fce Invest 1 ,1 gated as well as the police deirartmen and I shall continue to work tor the appointment of a Royal Commission and trust the city council will do likewise. TELEPHONE COMPANY AT STEWART INCORPORATED VICTORIA. Apr.l 13. Incorporation of the Portland Cannl Telephone Company. Ltd. capitalized at 3.000,:a,.frl- vate concern with head office at art, la announced here. TEACHERS ESTABLISH RESEARCH ENDOWMENT VANCOLvUl. AprU 13. An endowment fund for use In rewarding research in education work will be established by the B.C. Teacher' Feder ation It was decided today. Oecrgo Kerr Is In the hcspltal with bad knee Injured when working at the elevator. Advertise in the Dally New Upaya! TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TORNISJHCD ROOMS FOR TWO LADTJKS or two ftntlesnen Phone Oreen SfO. tf IARVEUBEIS I GOOD FOR AUTOS l.tlt'AL TAXI FIRM AdKKEABIA HIR-I'KISKI) AT SI'l-KNIIIl) LI UK I -CAT1M1 0,1 AMTIhK OF MAIIVKLUIIK The following unsolicited testimonial, ha been received by Imperial OH Limited from Joe Brown. 80 Taxi Service: Mr. Oeorge A. Weoalanu. Imperial Oil Limited. Prince Rupert, B.C. Dear Sir I wuuld ilk to draw your attention to one of my Dodge ttecuna, a 1935 model, twty-slx months old today, driven 60.000 miles in the taxi business We took the motjr out to look taei over, thinking that after that amount of mileage, we might have to do a re-boring Job and other tightening up. ' phoned you at your office but you were out of town. ,1 would have lUsec you to have ssen the' splendid condition the cylinders were in, also man. bearings and crunk shaft bearings not a bit of slack In either, cannhaft In good condition and all we did was pu. in new pistons, and now the engine li ready to do another 80,000 miles I have used Mane In be OH since the first day It was procurable, and ham five cars all using same and have go' splendid result. I have tried other oils but only for a slort time as wlU-fc'.me oirwr oils which are more expen sive, the engine wculd pump oil In tht two front oylmders. I am giving you this record of my car unsolicited aiu. if you want to use It. you may. as I asm steady user ol Manrelube. Youn truly. (Signed) JOB BROWN. Brown Taxi Service. fcB 60 Taxi. If- i J I '! Man in (ie Moan THIH Is the scn n Of the year whei. the chickens hold their coining out parties. THZRE are two reusoiuj why Prince i Rupert people do not i .t very sari.. I In the mcrninit. One is that they sta J up late at night and the other that the Sun Is &t least ball an hour latfc on account of having to come up over the mountains. WAKS me early In the morning When the dew Is on the sward. If you fall to wake me early I'll get up of my own accord. THIS Is the lime of yesr when It is possible to study birds. And I am not referring to the birds that stay out al night and forget to work. THE most flirtatious girl I know Is the god"s o! spring She does not seem t know her own mind. One day ougar 20 lb. Granulated Sugar for Sl.oO 4 lb. Brown Sugar for Milk Special, all brand 12 tins for M Limit 12 to each customer. B.C. Pullet Extras, 3 dot. . . 03? Canned Baby Beets, rag. 30c, 2 for 47c Royal Purple Pass, No. l.jtfade, just like French Peas, 2 for 3f Hice, No. 1 quality. 3 lb. for U3f Cream of Wheat, per pkg. . . t Ugilvie Rolled Oats, 8 lb. sacks 33 r Wheatlets, 6 lb. sacks .... UlC Jorn Flakes, per pkg Uf Egyptian Lentils, per lb II? King Beech Strawberry Jam, 4 lb. tin 73f Highest Grade Brooms, reg. $1.00, special , . . K3r Saanich Clams, per tin 17? K. 0. Sardines, per tin .... 13? Tuna Fiah, splendid for sandwiches, per tin -If Combination Cnnned Fruit Special 1 tin Sliced Pineapple 2 tins Crushed Pineapple 1 tin Apricots 1 tin Peaches (halves) 1 tin Pears 6 tins for $I.1H Put in your supply of Soap at Real Bargain loyal Crown, per carton "3? Oatmeal Toilet Soap, per carton reg. 25c, siiecial -Of Fels Naptha, per carton, special 70? Old Dutch Cleanser, per tin II? Eureka Bleach, per bottle ..121? Liquid Ammonia, per bottle "1? Full line of Green Vegetables, ilso fresh, and Citrus Fruits ar "iving ach boat.- WATCH OUR WINDOWS BX.'Butchers & Grocers Limited Phone 45 - 571 she Is bold and in evidence everywhere and the next she hide her face and leavs her' admirers cold. STOCK QUOfATlONS Naati CbMdag VrUr Twliy on YmteaHi- vrr Ksrlwme (Courtesy 8. D. Johnston Co., , Ltd.) Bid Asked Argenta " .48 B.c Sliver 1.36 1.70 Bayvlew OS1, a .10 BlR Missouri SO1, .61 Oeorge Copper 8,80 4.00 c:ork Province ftl A3 Uunwell M M Oisdstone .01 .00 Olssiar Al Oolconda M .00 Independence -18 M Indian .10 Kcotenay Florence . 43. I. . L H .16 I Lakevlew .OB ILondHmlth M II. uiUy Jim Si .41 Msrmot Metals ... .It .16 I Nat lonal Silver 1J4 18 iPend Ortllle ISsUf 1JM I Premier Porter Idaho '.in in in Richmond . . . RiKh Hope .. Selkirk Sliver Crest Silverado . . . Silversmith Slccan King Bunloch Trrmlnu . . . Whitewater . W'.)dbliw C'II.mi Belt Gn, !-.!;, H.U'I I (l! ,i 1 i i lew L . .ii SB' .Oil' .11 111 10' :ns 3.66 .42 .40 .6(1 1.2. J00 MV, .13 1 00 .an u 4,00. JS 3.86 .46 .90 AH .01 1.2.. Friday, April l: PACK MX COMOX CASE v Sold the World Over- Well COURT TODAY Wash You World-wide recognition is positive proof of Superior Quality, HIRAM WALKBR & SONS LlMlTM) cisMWunr amu ie ernes . tusutaaviixs. camam ISTABLISHEO t 3 S S Write to our Montreal OfKc, 17 Phillip Sq.Joronu ofour FREE PATENT WALL DOTTIX-OP&NERS Phone (il.i. IcanadianJ PACinc sVRssstWv To Mis Musstv Kins aiows V WfflSKYs This advertisement is not Liquor Control Board or Itntixh WESTHOLM FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee. .'( p.m. "The G The creepiest,, iuniiiciU of all mystery phtiil . showing the strange adventure of tiarriu and MuIIik-i'.. famouH detective. 0AHHITY CHAHLES MUlUtAY. .MULLIGAN FHED KKI SKY. ALICE DAY. WALTKU IMlMiEON. CI.AI 1)1 OILLINOWATEB. ( ASTON (iLASS. TUI.LY MAHSH M I BItOOKS BENKDICT. SYD I'llOHSLEY, ACt.lE IIEHHINd and many others. COMEDY LUI'INO LANE In "A HALF-PINT HERO." MBTHO-flOLDWYN NEWS Admimdon, 50c and 25. published or displayed by 'b by thf? (ioveriimont of ('iilnmbin E THEATRE oriila 99 Matinee. Uv and K s Smocks lid 45 JsV4tt.UAS) llrd Avenue and 7tli Stic : IN OUU WINDOW WE HAVE AN ATTRACTIVE DIHl'L.W of Women and material for the making of name. The Smocks conn i aasortsd sizes und colors and prices range from $Si.OO to $U.1T each; the material retails at ftftf a yard, and we have a l.i"" assortment consisting of beautiful design on the populur dai background in stock. Jabour Bros Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Krttlilkan. WraiiKfll, Juneau, and Kkuxuay Msreh 31, April II, ll To VinvotiVtr, VletofU wl.heaUle rll I. la, !i. , ttlUIIVrK!.s (UlYAI. .'i lr lluledsle. lUist AWt, llellu. fall-. Naniii. AlWfllNV. tjaiupbrll Ither aidBJBBJnsMiier eiWL.l rl.lin In uml Aien4) for all 'JHrf- ....'jWV IMferotalloti fm iwr , .Niiii,iiii,-aipTHi .icrni, Corner ol 4lli Streit Snd Srd Atrnoe. Pfhtee7 lttipert, lie. IMhiih Ji UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hslllnis from TrliiiT Kuprrl. Iw VAXClii;it. VHVIOUft. Mwbiivhi iuj, llutmUle. Alert liny. elr. fw VAX Ml I V Kit, VICTOHIA, lluleOale. Alert Day. He., HalurtUv a.m lor I'OUT siim!n and NAAN IllVIHl POI.NTN. hSM. lor AI.ICi; AIISI, ANYUX, SlBWAItT, WALKH INLAKIt, fORT HIMI'SOV NtiiKi iy, S p.m. 1S Stwl Avtuiif. It. M. HUril. Apeat. I'rhiee lliinerl, III Tlirssifli lleketa to Vlrl aad Sss I tie. asd'k .i " tkrstiiaa to lstbullr