J- cidiiy, April ia, 1028 bur i logical -VJ .R Fine fast trains Union Pacific carries you on the finest of all-steel trains thru the r idlest, busiest, most interesting sections of the Middle West via Salt Lake City, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago. FLctric nf.tr .liasl. rr mlU ft to nf the unowtfcMt nidM ia America. u O N PACIFIC iuM OYKAMD ROUTg I iilnn Mat ton. Seattle. 1 IMI I'ewrin Ave. RICHMOND'S Louvre FAMOUS FOIl VALUE in Ladies' Coals Hats and Dresses II. S. WALLACE CO LTD. MEIK'UKY FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE Hnffon and Service WelRht in 'iunmutal, Black, AtmoB-I'liero, Nude, Evenglow, Mer-ida, Flesh, etc. i From $1.75 to $2.50 The II oie for Salinfactinn H.S.WallaceCo.LlfJ. Phone 9. 3rd Ave. & Fulton. NOBLE FIVE MINES Miller, Court & Co. sponsored and plmi'd before the IHililit- Hueh well known properties as Cork Province at Whitewater at 26c, Psnd "ifillo.ut 26c, and now thsy Her NOBLE FIVE MINES .LTD. at 80c a share. Ovir three quarters of a million dollars has been "pent on development, power Hunt and mill. This is a proven property. Subscriptions taken by S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 017 2nd Avenue Agent for Miller, Court Co. T M. TEAM DUE BACK HERETOMORROW I'kinci: icn-titT miiii school us-' KICTIIAIXtKM HAD (tM)Klll'l I, I wi:kk t ockan fall ! utKAN FALLS, A a week's visit which wiM, entertainment ; Pr.iic, RuDCrt HlBh fte' and Tom Kelsey. Kool linitKOWFIi flMRV Dtaapprovlng Father think. Joan, what she saw you la that frock. FotlOWlnR : replete I nor. the I B9y basket- n.ini nilin BClHXJl n iurl of th Kainta. will sail by the (.earner Prince (Rupert tonlRht on lu return home, i moment .the Rupert, here early Sunday alter-1 noon, their time waa fully occupied, no' palna have been (pared to make their j visit pleasant for them. On the first' afternoon they were given a couple of j houia to limber themselves in practice and ahake their aea , lega. In the ! evening, after a Benlor basketball- game Between the Vancouver and New West-1 : minster team (made up of player who hall front the cities wnoae name traty bear), an addrea of walcome wac d- Uvered to the Rupert boya by C. L Barker. thU betng followed by the first : inter-High 8clMk,l match which Ocean i Fall won by a ncore of 27 to U An Ea?-tei Monday dance, through the cuurieny ol the Cbolr OuUd. roundad out thl evening. On Tuesday afternoon, there wan a iboottng competition followed by an hour's practice. There waa a girl s s-hlbjtton tame In the evening, followed by the ascot Inter-High School match in which the visitors defeated the local by a score of 18 to 17. The game left nothing to be desired aa far as closeness of play and enthuataam was can- corned, evening Lauchltn. "I shudder 2 and THIRD CABIN ccmipmdintly hnk tlandard on all tinmen. HMjrtufkKmttlcaiTuHipaijealarwfihj yy CANADIAN StRVICt and Till; l VfU HTBAM Mlllf Ml., I.IM1TKI) WVt lstlna street. W.. VANCOt VF.II. Around The World With Sport Fans (It The Tramp) Jlmmy McLamln would aay if Montreal If the attendance MM Daughter: "Tea. so do I. dadv. tt bar freak 'Port William $32v.DAILT HBW3 PAOS Flva man can win. ' If be' can't get a title i bout this year be say be will keep 'hi man rn good trim with bouU against the runner up. s The Winnipeg Toller b.isketbaU team' looks ilk poslb inner of th basketboU obemjsVmehiii . They will play either Regina or the UnlverHlty of B.C.. depending on wlii.li win the semi-final. Th Toilers are champion of Manitoba. I .. I Jim Oorbctt, gSohaiiiplon , boxer, 'thinks cleverness in the ring u much bull warn, which competed with the A trlptoFauopvthtsruinimerby mor' 1mpo,Uttt thm "'"K" ability 1 rUl u i .. v, n i ,. il v . . . 11a uvu t Hat fri-it rUinrlmik linvn Kaaii I Right from the Donaldson TouristThird Cal.In ,whlppf(' "7 '"J" , Mill be a revelation to von. r , ti i l,. .:i:. . r r , There w ha w been lot of criticism I Soil andQ,ieWtriyniomh,Cher- , 8pi ,u nIol,rfal th mouta ' m.kln th. the league - lHHirg and London by the tlon ptsy semi -Una! before the bag Auraniu, Alaunia, Ascania, and nni aeries. The Canadlea were legV Ausonia.. to Ilelfagt, Liverpool, timately the winner of the Canadian and Glusgow by the Alhenia, section yet they had to atake their Letitla, Andania, and Antonia. chances on the two semi-rinsl game I J on rid trip fare for $181.30 up. 00 whtcn " WCT 'xatan. One iporta Cubin end Third Clan KtommodaHon U ej writer say: "The pro hockey season Is virtually conftMd to a few game about the time the baseball aeoaon la scheduled to doanraen. The. rest of the fuss la merely preliminary." Since bo many o! the fair sex In Toronto have become h.xliiK Ian that strange remark are bend at the lng snows. One uch convert to the upon waa heard to remark during a recent bout: "My. aren t the trainers kind to their aaen " , i .The dett ol the departure of the CaneMan teaaa tor the Olympic games finally ha bean rued for July 11. when the athletes will board the Albert la at Montreal. They will have lust enousih who l on hi way time on the other aide to become ac- n a aiice was neia later ui the iirora Vancouver to new Ten wnere lie climated somewhat and accustomed to at the borne of Ivetyn Mc- will train for hi big bout with Sasamy their new surrounsUna before the iMandell on May 17. will not only gat names, whleh are billed for July as to Before their practice on Wednesday a goodly sum for the big display but August 4. The regatta is from Aug. 4 , - ' imwmm v..r Wmt w wi, l.UW W u AIM, V. UUh . LWU Ol LMIIBUK K ' tors on a trip through the mill which J a few sheckels from those wattling to representative. Joe Wright, Jr. tad proved of great Interest. Alter the see him work out. Jimmy la very con- Jack Que, wiU he on hand early, as: game that evening, there was a theatre 'fldent of becoming the champion light- they will compete In the Royal Henley j I party by the courtesy of the Pacific weight and it Is said he is both faster on the Thames. The swlntaaers will Mills. Ltd. This waa followed by a and stronger than hi clever opponent, compete in the Royal Henley on the i party at Doug Fuller's house . . . . J , Thames. The swimmers will compete Yesterdsy sf ternoon weather waa most Iverybody Hereabouts expects the Ma- en the Srd. 4tb aaja Sin of August. ' i auspicious for a boat trip on the lake roooa to win the series lor the world The United States Olympic team will back of town. Games in the evening championship. But then everybody ex- sail from Vrm Tors, on the asms day were between the local .All Star aad pec ted the Canadieii to win the semi- the fa nasi Ism ale perl irom Montreal. 1 tchnlc and between Prince Rupert finals yet tbey did not. It la about and the Whit Bang team, an bi termed- s hard to guess on a hockey match of The Bdmonton Bulletin ssya: The' late quintette. A dance was held later that sort as it 1 to guess which of the Orade. must get w Parte. Idmontool by the Athletic Association. ponies will win a race at Tia Juana. oould not award tw let them be cheated j I This afternoon a hike waa made to! , eut of the ahaace te defend their "the farm" be fere the visitors embark! The legal battle between Kearna and world rwampmnehlp by lack of means upon their return home. An enthusias- Dempaey lor a share of the Tuaney to make the trip. This city could be. sca-aa wui oe given mem at me iigni reoeipie opens saonaay in new intarasinnsilj glads fit n aa a steamer. -York. It win be more interesting thar. town if It left such a team at ' Salph Smith, the manager of the some of the fight gamea. while some Interior oombinattoo annes- j Prince Rupert boas, proceeds from herej ad 1U laurels through defaait. If Id- joa a buslnssa trip to Vancouver and Holding and wrestling is to be banned anon ton will attend to the sijmiiisss. the, .that- point m tfea auuth. .at the next mg cbamplenahlp tight, it Orads wul do the reat. CM that there: The Prinee Rupert visitor were: Boh la said. seed net be aary dsvaht. I Irvine. Boh talker. Harold Macdonald.i i . . - Allan Oreas. Jot Seott. Danny Morrison I While everything possible has been The Unlveralty of London A.U. will done to popularise hockey In United have two wears nutlvee la the Olympic I INS I S T O N S Tfc&"L I N G G I States cities, there Is apparently some Games at Amsterdam this yesr J. Lon- ! disappointment at the gate, especially don, the KJng'a College sprinter, and 'In some of the cities. The Stanley Cup R. W. Rlvans. the University College Tount tar tb JUUn victory to games would not" have been played in long Jumper . " I cities had Justified a change. Flavor wins! It has won more people to Kellogg's Corn Flakes-) than to any other ready-to-eat ceroal. That wonder flavor! That makos-you-hungry crlspness Kellogg originated and nobody else has ever equaled! CORN FLAKES that this at returned him If. Oke la the man who trained Mere than 11,000,000 peo pie enjoy Kellogg' Corn Flake Jsily. Prafei thai flavor and critpnetl imitalioa cannel equal ! Delicious fer luatk, dinner or b.e.kfait. With milk or cream fruit or honey added. Order at hoteli, reitauranli. On uinlng'tara. Mad by Kellogg in London, Oat. Alwmy II l ii aez." a U1W 0RN fUKES $1 ii 1 mm 30 OR. a quality Gin possessing the most' pleasing navor, asK ior sterling London Ury. C( It is distilled by experts according to the best London tradition and is thoroughly rectified to obtain perfect purity and sparkling clearness. Sterling John Collins (X Two-thtrd cocktail glus Strrlmg London Dry Cm. juice of one lemon, piece of ice, one teaspoon ful sugar, tot tie coU tod. Sterling Gin Ticey X One lump ice in tumbler, juice of one lemon or lime. Sterling London Dry Cm. Fill up with auiia water . ,.,,, Mm wcO tni troc aJul flfnig LONDON -i-DKY-i- G 1 W This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia in the n i . , . I Sara osrnia la te is planning to w organise nearae .Venuw u In hi tmnwi t 'Teddy Oke tor the nest Wrigley Mara- Johnny Rlaro is vary anxious to get thon He puu up the three thousand a look In at the world championship, dollar necessary to pay the cost, and His manager Danny Dunn ha been only ask talking about It and ha an Idee hla he wins. pitcher' league to villages. This may be no laughing am if the league become a success. SPORT CHAT best that can be expected 1 a tao-team 1 I a senior league, even that would be a a good deal better than nothing. ; continue In the 1938 season to be actively played aa ha been the case In the past. Prince Rupert 1 the biggest town for seversl hundred miles In sny direction and It would. Indeed, he a pity should It not be on the baseball wlniap. even a two game league would tend to keep the players in trim for If you took back over the flatlc re- ! with ttmmt , cord of Tom Heenej and can make him mtiilv played. 8jmmer would not look liv.cnr jTiuiiey eren on pwp-r n m .cbjkb. "v ,- IUmmer in Prince Rupert without for n fn.,t clew boxer like O"' ball and It l to be hoped, for the you . ix wer man titan I good of athletics fccun.':; here, that it am. If any. writes Andy Little ui the!,.,,, Meantime, it ia Vancouver sun. ueorge asooricn. n0 mttn th.n ugual th,t tbt brief visit to this from New paid a city .houW , .t wrl, Zealand, and waa notable bust a , go 11to the situation and get the ar- heavyweight, knocked out Heeney In nntt:mt.ntg ,or .on going with- Auckland. Heeney lost to Phil Scott lp out England. He didn't win a round against , Scott, and lent the boxer, by any Neepttetletu are now under ajar tor a means, or the master of defense, that jbnmy Ideltonald. new of (Tunney unquestionably la. Heeney p,, Rupert, and Alf Harding of Cat, , looked better than avast of the 11-1 try. siiimniinsit OHaiile Browav Mc- logMav 'WUatkdara around. Maw erVTVmakt'a aeal manisaii Thssai. 1 bava I That waa haeauss. one seems V"leW hivf, tne other were to mgniruiiy nd irtnd rKh q,,,. th, other onc lost to Cook, another ! Heeney European .,, to w ten-round game nam, oui am neat ncln -l He has hosed a number of such en- aaom m uuoun .gagemenU in Calgary and thlnka they adjustmtat I made, the pro past 1 Ithal thii one organization will have th beat material offering while the ether get the rest. Such a state of ajfslr .would not be otealuelv to Interest and so th posibie dUaeuliy in getting the gam launched. Th iuggeti-n te being put forward In certain quarters that there may be no league baseball at U tbii year. Whil it looks u if tne are to hla advantage. His two latest Mortimer, the chap who discovered !Urta , tB, mxlth mtve It, won by " """ knockouu and he Is considered a very irmu tne succeaaive tnoex utaineo U Mphl aluggor. McDonald will have that, was induced by a bookmaker tref- tne of mMly local supporters if neaiag ia ivreney at me tune. 10 taxe tAe xil Is pulled him eat of Bngland. Monimer took him ta New York. Tea Rtckard realired that Heeaey waa "hammy," but he was desperate. There waa nobody else In sight. Bat building Heeney Into a spot where he will draw many custom-eta la, evest at MO tops, la a task probably far beyond the ballyhoo cap-elttea at Mr. Rtckard ' corps of trained type MpeHa. On past performs ntr you cant give Twaa Heeney better than s salmon oh nee in a fish cannery Certain diffeulti stem ta be feared la the matter of etesUng a successful organisation of ht baa ball game In Prinee Rupees that nasan. II 1 not o much that there to a dearth of players. there are peeelhly a many If not more than In previous year, of late at east, hut their allotment will be the possible cause of trouble One ot the intending team to aald to have picked off th cretm of the talent and. miles same Subscribe for the Dally New Had a Severe Cold Coughed Incessantly Mrs. a Fehrman, Selkirk, Ont, writ: "Last winter I suffered from a very severe edL I eoagked latti-aatly wkiea irritated tk giaada and caused aor throat. "I tried several medicine without a luck, bat one day I picked u year alataaaa and read about Dr. Wood's Norway Pino Syrup "I got a bottle and after taking i eoeple of Jowl felt much relieved and when I bad finished it mj cold bad Imply dtetpprared." g ' T)r'Vood ' ' 1 Me. a bettle, largt family lit Gl for at all drug-riiti and dealer pat up ealy by Tbt X. kLULuxa 0 T tmluJ, TmoaU), Oat Selling Out Our whole slock must disposed of quickly and be COMB EARLY. AND GRT YOUIt SIIAKB OF TUB IlAKtiAINS Montreal Importers Third Avenue J; R. Miller. Proprietor. NavySuits Ensemble Suits "Deniers" LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Grave!. We SpeelalUe In Pinno and Furnltum Mavlng.