V l. I! f ! ti it 11 1 M i; i i, it ii li a ii i; II i ii li m t ti i !I ; ! I J 'I M I' ! I M t' 1 ' r li li It : II I! sat PAGE TWO 67 BEST PROCURABLE BOTTUD rtUD i 6UARANTUD, SlURANTIlDJiY pnoouce rVaJl AT) or jcotuho The (3riiinl Lbl look for It it tk Vendor and limit on .; a. a .1 ( nwvrtn ft T. I IT tf This advtrtlsement is not published or displayed by the iLiquor Cintrol Board or by the Government of ' British Columhia AMERICANS BUY ROYWORTERS Sale Sanctioned by President Frank .Calder of National Hockey League MONTREAL. Dec. 7. The sale of Roy Worters by Pittsburgh to the New York Americans has been that players under suspension may not be transferred from one club to another. Worters was recently signed by. Pittsburgh after a holdout over salary and was then sold to the Americans. Calder at first refused to lanction the transfer. The board of governors increased Calder'S term aa president from one to five years as a mark of confidence, A. R. Holtby, superintendent of the C.N.R. bridges and building sanctioned by the president, Frank j department, returned to the city Calder, of the National Hockey on yesterday afternoon's train League, after the board of gover-: from a trip to the interior on of-Bors upheld him in the principle ficial duties. ' BURNETTS 13 oz- SiJ0-26-6 oz. $3.50 ESTABLISHED 1770 This adcjl(ement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Contr'n Board or by the (Jovernirent of British Columbia )l ivfj rt iH rfll ''tw - ; -1- .LiZ -- M Bl FOR A HEAL ENJOYABLE MOTOR DRIVE Rent One of Our HEATED CARS AND DRIVE IT YOURSELF Walker Motor Co., Limited Phone DIuc 389 2nd Ave. and 4th St. Knocked Out Eddie Mcdooiy Fourth Round of Rout Last Evening OOOl) PRELIMS. WOiiDdsTherc was some JgingroffOTh NTna haS thouWhi'trlrirted and up in Battling Dido Gurvfch of Prince Rupert had easy pickings over Eddie McGooty of St. Paul in last night's bout at the Moose Hall, and, if he had tried very hard, cpuld just as easily have put the big boy from Mlhnesota out In the first us in the fourth round. Dido allowed the visitor to lead off in the first three rounds, but McGooty was wild and spent most of his energy missing. Dido did hot hare much trouble getting out of his way and did the most of what little hitting was actually done. The local boy outclassed his opponent in all departments of the game. About all McGooty seemed to have was willingness and ability to get into the way. He sat down once in the second round and in the fourth his solar plexus connected with Dido's left hook, as a result of which he went to the canvas and nearly rolled out of the rlrtg as he writhed a round while the referee was counting him out Dido did not have to extend himself very hard and it was about the so f est battle he ever had. The bout was a tame affair to fay the best' Of it and did not go over very strong with the audi first roiind, Batt slugged him. so hard that Kennedy was reeling from the floor to the rope. Ken Heat Portland on Their Own Ice in Hockey Last Night PORTLAND Vancouver Lions Dec. : The making r their SPORT CHAT cide which is to become the runner-up to Port Simpson in the Senior Baaketbal! League. As things stand at present, Kincolith. Xatite Sons and Players' Club are all tied for second place with The galley was well-fllleifi two wins and three losse each "Sunny Jim" Bottomlev. St. Lodfa first bsemai), haatben ad- ional 1928. He more than his only serious rival. 1 1 ! I . . k his kne in the seennd round -choice of the Others, when the final bell rang. nedy put on a better front in the Senior League second but hurt his hand as Batt I p continued to swing on him. Ken-! Port Simpson 6 r.edy was game thbugh his hand Kincolith 6 waajstill hutting him in the third. !Natie Rons 5 It was a no-decision exhibition, j Players' Club 5 Tod Morgan and Howard Keefe prdvided the bpener. Morgan was heavier and had the best of things Ladle' League in the first round. Keefe was a! P belter sparrcr and made Morgan Maple Leafs G lay off him In the second. Keefe 'Drill Team ; 5 carried a punch, but could not get It. across effet.tlvely. This was also a three-round no-decision. Eddie McGooty, who boxed Dido Gurvich here last night, sailed by the Printe Rupert this morning oh his return south. C.P.R. steamer Princess Rnynl, Capt Albert Rlppon, arrived In port at 11.30 this morning from the south and will sail at 10 o'clock tonight on Vr return to Vancouver and, waypolnta. Intermediate Lindstrom Young Batt and Kennedy put RASKFTRAII MaMllSAlX IFAHIIF LbAUUt , a Hvely deuce-spot In the. S1ANU1NU5 1UUAY W 4 2 2 2 W 5 0 P W L Pt 'High School 5 5 010 iHig Pour 5 S 2 G Eagles 5 8 2 C R. C. N. V. R 5 2 3 4 Toe H 5 2 3 4 C N. R 6 0 5 0 Junjor League P High SChooU 5 ColtB .1.. fi W 4 1 L Pt 1 8 4 2 Fought Ten Slashing Hounds at Displaced New Em pre Athletic j Victoria and Won IH jHIJ i Club Last Night by Renting Best Style , X ; Them VICTORIA. Dec. Gi-i-A hew ' f, . VrmtMmt . lAiuvv ituii. a tarn uni vr lltni urstapearanoe of the aeason here!""" . H M'";V " Lenue results '- wero " of the paciflc Collate the i lest night established a local rep- ens f ., uUtion when they Wanted the P"n of Alb'e Davies,. youthful roruana liuckaroos in a fast and """"a uwtiueijsiii. hard faught Pacific Coast Hockey cHmb ,tlto prominence has been League game three to nothing. lfke a dr?am- 0n,y a week. ago he wa8 "Bating preliminary bouts There was never a moment when the result was in doubt as the on Vancouver Island, but' last Lions stepped out and scored a niht at the Tilllcum gymnasium, goal in the fi. t period, then ad- in h'8 fim .main etfent h.e ave ded two more for good measure. Harvey Hdlllday, of VanHdVef, In the aecond period the Bucks an artistic trimming after ten started to cut loose and in the Ashing rounds. The Victoria third outplaced their rivals au Iflash took eight rounda; Holliday thourh thpv fnilpd tn hrk it one. while one was even. the scoring column. Davie fought the best fight of his career. He outboxeui 'out-fought and outgeheraled ji lad I , with many more hard fights un-ider his belt. To teli the story I in as few words as possible, the local battler had it over his by reason of the fad Pnent like a tent WheH IJol. battler, one who proved kble to take and give with nojejs than I but there were a lot of empty ring-1 The aCnacks last Friday night the crafty Mr "o"'".; of an j side seats. getxe Port Simpson its first de-i Pete Laporte was referee and j feat of the reason and the Dram-jRoi Barnes and Kenny McQuaig'atists were victorious on Tuesday were announced as judges. An- over Kincolith. That tonight's nouncer Joe Downey introduced j game between the two local teams Alf Harding to the crowd and an- will be a 'very keen one is announced that he challenged the su red. Ia .the Intermediate winner. , This, at least, gave the League, the Canadian National I fans something better to look for-j team will seek its first win of ward to. Max Heilbloner was: the season from the Naval Re-timekeeper, jserve. Junior and Ladies' League The semi-final between Ned, matches will round off the pro-jilyrne and Dan McMillan of Kltf- gram. maat -was . better fight than the ! 'main event. Byrne did most of i the hitting, though he did itot faze the native. MeMifiad was willing ;tb mix but did not' know as much bbout boxing as Byrne. He failed to avail himself of openings. Had he known more about how to use his hands he would have been able to give better opposition to Byrne, who, as It was, earned a fair de- itlslbn on points. The native was rocked several times but apparently it did not hurt him. Nina .Gurvich had it all over Tomm,,, De Marco in a specral evejit and should have been given the decision. That is not saying, however, that De Marco did not figure in the fighting. They took the lead hi turn and covered up and clinched in the first two fast slpg- couver. MAKING PLAte FOR BASEBALL BIG LEAGUES NEW YORK. Dec. of the Pacific f Baseball .Xeague prpJpiy' iwill not interfere" with thei'iplans 'of three major league luu to go judged the most valuable Kat-,.:i, nn Leagae baseball player for' . .i. .iu Lj rH moo received received 76 76 votes, six .,,, .ti mt nt ... , MSSU f0 t CC9M i w a II U IUVV I VI IA hibition games scheduled with 'V T , "e . v,8,t,nfe major league outfits Will Giants. MRuntiy Jim" will receive t.... fi u' iT. i ' ' . . ,. inaic iu ue L-niicciicu. . a dipjoma and $1000 in gold. Although Rottomley's bat proved to be full of boles in the last two months of the season, and during the world series, he was chosen because of his great playing in the first four months of the campaign. His u", Ility The Chicago Cubil, however, will remain at Catallhh --.Island and the Pittsburgh Pirdt6s at ''aso Uobles. The westerh movj tient for spring baseball ifcohdli-oning has gained a reerillt Jn the Detroit Tiirers. althhuVh the VJ, American leagues will Jiet cfihi in runs In the first half L ariye tinue on to Calfforplh, stoHng w mr wruBiin rviifi. won vne a Phoenix Ariz. ' " pennant for . the Car .3. Each Tha Titrert t.ndpr ifoV nf t eight' sports writers makr Ing selection represented a Nat- the he maft, WurAjf. -roniliji j: we went to flniti holce. iv four- nd aecond larity use San Antonio as a camp and John J. McGraW Vlth ,hti rjTOiraMlciJpijnlw- Texas where Detroit leave1 off. T T " William Wrigley. Jn. owner, of Niria did,airthe leading and fight- received three first chociea, three th Cabs ajg0 owng fhV island ing and De Marco devoted most seconds one third and one sixth. where hg club tJ.aiftj nld j,e wllj of the time in the third round to "araing at any ume, covering up and was all but out not permit changes In the Pacific Coast schedule to cause him to move. The White Sox, the o"ther Chicago entry, is also moving its training camp west but hot 'far enough to be concerned Over the Pacifir Coast shhedlile. The Sox will train at Dallas, Texas, in stead of Shreveport, La. The Pirates may hot pfe able to get In their scries with th Los Angeles Club but wjll play1 jun rransiscp ana then move on to Phoeriix, Fan WCtth, Dallas, ban Antonio and Memphis; It Is understood thai Detroit will play both the Cubs nn.l Plr. ijfltes as they move cast and fol 10 low with games In -Texaa and u i other states of th ni.o 'mi.i -. v wiuv UUIIU South." guryimTccepts " challenge made BY ALF HARDING Jack Gurvich anncmtided this morning that Dido Qurvich Was willing to accept the challenge Is-sued last night by Alf Harding, providing a guarantee Of $200 is wade. DidO is willing to meet Harding at any time. K. of P. vs Seal Cove, postponed. Leif Ericksort 1, St. George's 8. JJew Empress 4, Grotto 5. League Tabic P Grotto 6 Newmpre! ....... 6 Moosa,$;V,.;. 6 K. of P 5 Seal Cove B .St. George's 6 LeIf"r.KKJfl v ..... W 5 4 4 2 2 2 1 Pt 5 41 4 2 2 ONLY ONE GAME IN -SECOND DIVISION ' BILLIARDS PLAYED that both during the past weeki,,day tr,ed to h found a! have won over the native team redy and w,,,lnK opponent, and) Only one gam.- was played last who at tint seeme-d pretty lnvin-iwn ln the infighting, where the , ht n the second division bi -cible, NatiT Sons of Canada and I Vancouver boxer had the slight- I wrd fixture. George Howe . ,rot-plimt' f!t.ih tf W.M a. -Mt of an edge. Davles wal'willlhg , to) winning 200 to 168 over ( ha- - , . , . i: nnti. , r'i.i a. rtiu.. to mix. ii was noi ine same "''' Davies of a few months, br even ' (fames -which will be played dur-a few weeks ago, who seldom inf the week-end are as follows: showed a willingness to mix, but Hlllman (Cold Storage) vs. . ..... t tf xr.l ..Lt ,r .u. in his place was a clever, snmy tweiiin miu, W. Bailey vs. W. E. Williscroft A. Macdonald vs. S. D. Mac donald. J. Campbell vs. Bert Morgan. MONTREAL WINS; REGAINS LEAD TITS, DAILY NWS Friday. Decern!,, News and Views In The World of Sport "TRV A NIP TONIGHT" GUMMAS I LIONS BLANKED ALBIE DAVIES GROTTO LEADS 3? EASY WINNER! THE BUCKAROOS IS EMERGING WHIST LEAGUE Chicago after their r TORONTO, Dec. 7: -Montreal had passed without ;t (after losing the lead in the Inter- The folkiwing wen Early .national section of the National N. Y. Rangers 0, Pi Coast , Hockev Leairue to Toronto r- Chlcatfo 0. Ottawa J gained it lat night by beating N. Y. Americans ). the . N. Y. American who had Maroons 4. Voteri In goal for the first . , , , L, time. Pittsburgh battled the sectional leaders, N. Y. Rangers to a score less tie. Ottawa went into third place' In the International section scoring two goal in overtime against -- f rRoup " 7 I It-... .. . M' 7 11 7IL71 ff A rsk I SpmodlCrorplifr: itlitTtilbrcnca; i .'it. J m I fw7 I V This advertisement Is k 4 fib-llshed or diiplayea ; i Liquor Control Board ; r 1; the Government of Ci 'i Columbia Vaporud Um J I M Jmr$ lit i If The Oldest Horse in the World! 1 EiubUheJ 174. Blended and bottled In Scotland. Real old Scotch with a rare distinctive flavour. 1TE Horse 1 1 scchWHISKY 1 WU1TI HUM! bUTILUM LTU., ULUWIW. LONDON This advcrtiscinont is not published or displayed by Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of UritUti Columbia -