PAGE EIGHT Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. i estholme Theatre FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AT 7:00 P. M. SATURDAY MATINEE 2 :30 P. M. GRAND DOUBLE BILL At 7:10 P.M. od La Rocque -IN ie Fighting Eagle" At 9:00 P. M. Wallace Beery and Raymond Hatton in "Hie Big Killing" MICKEY COMEDY. "HODGE PODGE" TRAVELOGUE. PIANO SOLOS (a "Polonaise MHitairc" Chopin (b) "Forest Sounds" Dinncc SOLOIST CHARLES BALAGNO. Admission 50c and 15c. Matinee 35c and 10c. Child buyer of the lucky ticket at the Saturday Matinee w ill receive a free pass, available for all shows for one month. MOVIE PHOC.KAM FOB THIS WEEK Friday and Saturday Capitol: "The Code of the Scarlet." "J.izz Mad." Wcstholme: "The Big Kf. ling." "Fighting Eagle." CANADIAN NATIONAL HOLD STEAMER FOR. CHRISTMAS SAILING In order to accommodate those desiring to go south after schools' c!oar Friday, December 21, the Ca- j nadian National' Steamships an-' nounce that on that day the S. S. Prince Rupert will be held here until 0:00 p.m., arriving Vancouver at 9:00 a.m. Sunday, December 23. Make reservations early a' City Ticket Office. Third Ave. Phone 260. 298 PHONE 45. PHONE 371 This Week's Specials DETAILS ItV MAIL If You Are Not on Our Mailing List, Phone Us. THE HOME OF (IOOI) THINGS TO EAT BIG BARRAGE OF LAUGHTER Satire on Mountaineer Life in 'The Big Killing" at the West horn Ie Wallace Beery and Raymond Hatton have taken their second slip into the new motion picture realm of melodramatic comedies. This type of picture merited much auccessf v when introduced with "Partners in Crime." The new picture. "The Big Killing," is a clever satire, bristling with hum- ir, on another section of American life, the backwoodr Mountaineers. The new IVery-IIatton melodramatic comedy, "The Big Killing," which will show at the Westholme tonight and tomorrow goes a long way from the larger cities and even from the front pages of the newspapers. It deals with a family feud war among the moonshine-making mountaineers in the backwoods. This type of individual still exists in the United Statftf Irt laffce numbers but, bingSremgtfL arj4 his activit ies being largely confined to his own virgin territory, little is uartl or known 0 him. When the two moving picture comedy men enter this environment, there is a complete barrier of laughter thrown up around the serious aspects of this little known life but all the unusu:-customa and the peculiar activities of the characters are utilised, without distortion, to provide exquisite moments of fun. "The Big Killing" is another step in the serious business of malting good, intelligent comedy. TEA AWH QAI V WAQ X. Butchers & Grocers! successful, THOUGH phone 574 phone45 WEATHER INCLEMENT Dr. Alexander ritONE ATS nRNNCIl lll.OCK DENTIST In snite of inclement weatheK the tea and sale held yesturdaW afternoon by the Women's Auxk liary of St. Peter's Anglican Church, Seal Cove, was a very suc cessful event and the members are very appreciative, of the help given. Those In charge were: Home cooking Mrs. George KeUey and Mrs. W. O. Viger. Candy Mrs. A. Frebourg. Tea tables Mrs. C. Brewerton and Mrs. Sunberg. 1 Sewing Mrs. W. II. Goodsell .and Mrs. J. W. Dumin. 'real thrill IN PICTURE The Fighting Eagle" is Story of Napoleonic Days Shown in Double' Feature at Wcstholme In every respect a great picture, Rod La Hocque's latest De Milfe star vehicle, "The Fighting Eagle," a story of Napoleonic times in France, will be shown at the Westholrae tonight and tomorrow. Here is a story that will thrill the average picture fan. It has beauty, charm, drama and real thrill. The scene is laid in France during Napoleon's brief but glorious reign. Etienne Ger ard, a country boy from the Pyrenees becomes an officer in Napoleon's array and proves himself a hero. His daring gets him into serious trouble and he almost loses his life as a result of his love for Countess de La u nay. one of Napoleon's secret agents whom he protects against Talleyrand, the famous Napoleonic minister, whose intrigues were the talk of Europe for a decade. Gerard Is a boaster, but he backs up his Ik by deeds and La Itoeque adds one of his best and most virile impersonations to his list THE . DAILY NEWS of screen portrayals. The picture is delightful in every respect and well worth seeing. HERSHOLTSTAR OF f JAZZ MAD' Jean Hersholt. famous Univer sal star, will be seen in the greatest character portrayal of his long career when "Jasz Mad," .Universal , highly dramatic story of a music com noser, onens at jthe Capitol Theatre tonight. ' Mr. Hersholt has been credited iwith numerous characterizations ! that have elicited the praise of I critics. His role of Frans Haus-niann, in "Jazz Mad," however, exceeds anything he has done before, either in this country or Denmark, where he first achieved fame on the screen. Svend Gade, also from Denmark, wrote the original screen story. Its dramatic intensity is unmarked by blood-curdling situations of visions of degradations and ugliness. When Carl Laemmle, president I of Universal Pictures, Inc.. first! saw "Jaw Mftd" in the projection rooms pf the studio he said,: "Never, during my long years of "onnection With motion pictures, have I witnessed -a picture that has the fineness, the dignity, and the dramatic pitch of "Jazz Mad." If the public receives it with ap proval I will know that a newj era of picture making is at hand," Box-office records in many places throughout the country in- dicatc that the jpubljc has accepted "Jau Mad with the strongest enthusiasm'.' Large audiences are witnessing It at every theatre where it has been booked. Marion Nixon and George Lewis -rovide the love element of "Jazz Mad." j Officials of the famous Holly-j vood Bowl, after learning the thc'me of "Jaiz Mad," permitted j the use of the famous .amphi theater and the orchestra in mak-j ing the picture. Scenes in the Hollywood Bowl play an impor-i tant part in the film. 'ACE' OF ACTION STARS IN ROMANCE OF ROYAL MOUNTED A thrilling melodrama of the' Canadian Northwoods, with more action, speed,, dare-devil riding and thrills than ever before, is "Code of the Scarlet," Ken May- nard's latest western feature, playing tonight and Saturday at' the Capitol Theatre. Ken has been called the "ace of action stars," and "Code of An opportunity to invest in a high-class local security $55,000 Prince Rupert Amusement Co. Limited 1 7 PER CENT FIRST MORTGAGE RONDS ! Dated September 1st, 1928 ' ' Duc:Septcmbcr 1st, 191!) V ; PRICE: 98.90 and INTEREST Yielding 7.12 Per Cent ' " Trustee: Montreal Trust Company 5 ; f . A, ' Denominations $500 and $1,000 Principal and interest arc payable at any branch of the Royal Hank in Iiritish Columbia. Uonds arc callable at 105 on any interest date on sixty days' prior notice. A Sinking Fund of $3,000 per year will be paid to the Trustee who may invest same in these bonds if procurable at 105 or less, but if not, then it shall be invested in Trustee Securities. The Prince Rupert Amusement Company was organized for the purpose of operating a moving picture theatre in the City of Prince Rupert. Up to the present the Company has operated in a rented building but has now completed construction of a very fine building on the main street of the City at a cost of approximately (including value of land) $109,000. This building has been leased to B. C. Paramount Theatres Limited for 15 years on the following terms: Rental $8,000 per year, together with one-half the net profits remaining after payment of such rental and other operating expenses. The Lessor also gives to the Lcsec an optbn for three years to purchase the said property for $150,-000. If this option is not exercised then the Lcsec will, during the balance of the term pay $12,000 per year rental in lieu of $8,000 and one-half the net profits. According to official records, five-sixths of the issued capital of It. C. Paramount Theatres Limited is issued in the name of Famous Players Canadian Company Ltd. Interest and Sinking Fund on these bonds will amount to $G,850 per year. This amount is fully taken care of by the rental to be received from the Lessee without taking into consideration any revenue to be derived from profits. In addition to the above, the Prince, Rupert Amusement Company will have a rental of about $2,500 per year from t hrec stores in the new building. This will be more than ample to take care of all real estate taxes and incidental expenses. THESE BONDS IN DENOMINATIONS OF ,800,00. AND f 1,000.00. BONDS MAY BE PUB-CHASED AT THE OlTiqiJ OF FjjlFOLLOWIT. DEALER ROYAL FINANCIAL CORPORATION LTD. 810 Hastings St., VV Vancouver B. C. TIIOS. McCLYMONT Prince Hupcrt, B. C. S. I). JOHNSTON CO., LTD. Prince1 Hupert, B. C. M. M. STEPHENS Prince Hupert, B. C. A. A. EASSON Capitol Theatre, Prince Hupert, B. C Friday, DecrmhiT 7 1n mi TONIGHT AND SATURDAY BIG DOUBLE BILL KEN MAYNARD IN Code of The Scarlet A Ureal Picture of the Canadian Northwest. JEAN HERSHOLT IN JAZZ MAD Youth Pep Life j.0Vt: The story of a your that survived the i pace of the moder n v. VAUDEVILLE r ; Itrucc STEVENS AND IRVINE Hob In ''DAItK NONSENSE." JACK 1)15 JAUSSEItANI) AND HIS KUPEKT CAPITOL1ANS First Show 7 p.m., 50c ani 15c Sat. Matinee 2:'10. ,m ihe Scarlet." story of the Boyal . .'ort h west Mounted Police, Ix'ais ut tin's appellation, for he has never performed more stunts, or ;ppuared to, better advantage in r.ituttions provided by the story, than in this picture. It will not nly satisfy his present followers, but train him an increased number f fans. . V hile "Code of the Scarlet" is i typical northwest mountlc story, wit!) all the thrills and dramatic situations, the plot is said to have a new and novel treatment It provides Ken with plenty of opportunity to display his daring honeback riding, and for Tartan, the wonder horse, to show some new tricks which Ken has taught him. All in all, "Code of the Scarlet," has almost everything in the way of screen entertainment. A most beautiful back-around is provided by the gorgeous scenic effects. Maynard fans will be delighted with Ken' latest Those who have yet to discover him have a pleasant surprise awaiting them. M. Y. Aivazoff is expected to .rrive in the city next Wednesday I'rom Vancouver on a brief busi- ipkk visit. Week-end Specials Malkin I font , Coffee Mb. tin ",0c Yellow Sugar 4 lbs. for .... 24c Nabob Strawberry Jam 4-lb. tin 78c Quaker Tomatoes SVgS. Tin lie Nabob Pumpkin 2V. Tin . Itc Clark's Catchup 2 bottles Aylmer Crushed Pineapl 2' 2s. Tin Fancy ret leaned Currants Mb. package 20c eYllow Sugar 4 lbs. for . . 25c hredded Wheat Biscuits 2 pkgs 23c New Zealand Btiltet 3-1 b. brick $1.30 Evaporated Peaches Choice quality. 2 lbs asco Potato Floup Pkg. . '(in Sugar 8-lb. pkg. . . . Yellow 8ugar 4 lbs 25c Chateau Cream Cheese r;iujCc EdWyFS box w OranK lr8 iW. & . . . Vt '-. . . ilent. Match' ' I Be 23c 35c 15c 20c 4)3c 400s. Pkg 35c Classic Cleanser 3 tins 25c Oatmeal Toilet Soap C cakes 20c Fels Naptha Soap pkg 75c Alberta Market P. GAMI'LA. Pinprletor Fifth Street. Phone 20S Mussallem,s Meat Market CHRISTMAS IS COMIM,' And we are glint t good upi'l ' DUCKS, TURKEYS, GEESE AM) CHICKENS Also a good supply oi VeaL Muttoa, Lamt. a h i i Orders are beint? t iK. hire's, so order early un l rash. 617-423 5th Ave. E. Ph H.S.WallaceCo.Ltd. Genuine Madeira CLOTHS NAPKINS OVAI.S TRAYS CBNTKES DOILIES Make acceptable v At Vancouver pri ' We'have a nice a.- i Phone 9 3rd Ave & Fulton St. MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon ing prices on Vancou" Stock Exchange on ca; stock-list board daily t Wo' oan give instant r via In .buying nd K Mfnlnff'Steoka on Stock Exchange. We also have facilities Vt accepting Wheat order " Winnlpeg'Stock Exchange Beprepentlng Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S.D.Johnslon Colli 617 2nd Avenue Prince Hupert, ftC.