\ \ Mee Prince Rupert Daily News As | See It | | an If@ependent daily newspaper de t Prince Rupery and Norther nd ¢ Wempber of Canadian Press ations Can 2 Dal N Published t The Prince d I t J. F. MAGOR, President re Subscription Rates By carrier—-Fer wee 2 $ I . wa By miall—Per morth Y r authorize as *econd clas On artacle describe proposed fMooaing DY . son etter the editer of lweedsmuir Part e of the } ire 9G OTHER SIDE OF PICTURE The article by E SM rtanysed af hy Lh virtually {raphe W Whi nap] at wee ‘heeled in their cé Se Take r ner OOK in @ Teecent edition f the Daily New Mineeanuch ‘recreati ai value’ iy ter. de ation Wonk y like ast your fly I lire-swep ou futile as at Stave Lake J t poss t h in erik wodnced igt.on doing Again pring either matire yut-Sbill clinging to life. Not approximates the « i és to your geography, M whfPRot merge with the southwe é { Francois Lake he Buele Plats lead to the new i irctimvented in the forme ise B about ning of Whict ceade dying ar We are ecagse tnis proves our point writer from the Stat ; viola not tolerat worst fears would be 4hnédam site could be an@*wildlife and a fis ge¥ Our gibe atl tne nfwst. The logge this havoe? Is his sort of th b members spe and on the lak vir r aeac I tree borne aown Db es has said that 1 Ame such cor ! A groundaie Vi rst Live ciean arit nermans } els@san the world. The $25 ni h logginhe or logging Sts. It is the timate t of ring’ the area? burning the debris, and ge ! shore line Now, we submit t e' $2 hi nésé monies spent woul é S. f the outay—revenue from loggers, trappé i tourists, et Tn any case, We are latel} t I overnme hat Alea@n is going to finance the ear { the be area THI is good news and will ¢ i A towal olving the immediate problen We he B.C. govern nrgbi intends to send qualifies ! € I Park to look the SiR er ar epo tna we have done A ¢ he WII Biwis Lake, B.C = : OA, | pet are SSF ST than CONF dry gif BURNETT'S = BURNETT'S 0 ¢ WHITE SATIN GIN LONDON DRY ‘ Feb. 3 should exciting In our there have bee tive governmer? Oliver Philpot Thanks MY GENIAL Oliver Philpot, wants namesake, experiment, N 1y KNOWS W nade. Since 1908, when part for the first time, we. hav ment and so all Cana@a watches us In our new | Victoria REPORT by J. K. Nesbitt VICTORIA.—Session‘of the Legislature opening be one e most interesting and history will be of Ce tainly, polities came to B.U., 3 history, n Liberal governments and Conserva- its and a Coxlition government. Now, ed for them and the hat's geing to Social Credit govern- Ray Reflects and R eminisce: British Canada’s The West eleventh province in Ottawa question of the Indiés becoming has been sug- It is is pending gested known a change of some sort A tropical climate in effect in at ast part of the dominion would ndeed be one during a theatre pro Why ram, Will people make their Way in with an armful of light re freshments? Why when the een hero and heroine violently ibrace will deep sighs and nothered exclamatior arise eve and anon And wi will the party iting beh you persist in bumping jy back a enougn to be ANYWAY, IT’S NEEDED It looks like the Evangeline fram Boston replacing the Prin ces Kathiven lost Alaska a few months ago Wol if Evangeline wil] remain, It spell in Old Canadiar romance Prince Kathieen doesn't Donald Gordon says to replace the ce Rupert will co bout four million and conatruction probably In Vancouver Vir toria, It must be difficuil find another excise for not men tioning Rupert. There have been ( n the last 34 years According to Charlie McCar ny If 1 had my life to live over I'd make the same mistakes niy I'd start sooner What terrible ruiers the Rus al would be if ever hey hould spread the might of thei ru ver ol country Phey would bring us & polar derpotian silent as darkness, rigid ag ice, ! snow insensible as bronze decked with | an outer amiability and glitter- ing with the cold brilliancy of & Slavery withoy: sation or relief He 2 Swiss Philosophe; J : nm Journal Inti; CANNMHED FOODS OCT ee ee ee ee eee ee eer es cr eres PARTY DRESSES We invite you to see our large selection of Party to ass aiong nis Of course doesn t rs pe vd pp , : not the to civil rvants. It anks to Canadians 10 yvernment can last out a ses »pli ef people. The the reception they gave n defeat on the nas Eve offiee party, like : : ‘ » } . t ktall party, has became him on his sudden brief 7 if the Sour, ee e of the trials of modern civ visit it . nor ee itior The new government ni "" Social Crediter (Tom vns on drinking in govern- Those who heard the lecture) rw Delta) Mr. Speaker 7 iffices—and it should the famous Vancouver-b the voting strength in the nj vernment is doing some r of “Stolen Journey” tel! H will be equally matched|:ning about it-—and the people was thrilling. But etween S( nd CCF—-18 each pprove. And the civil servants me queries t tt 30 easy to see how import e delighted because this year RAE ne 5S ety nt are th x Liberals, three! :hey'll ox ff at on on Christ ft 45 war, Chic Mr, Uphill New Year's Eve A S NT? i Chooses As n W I tec hey a the govern-| A REAL PERSON : = Have ist finished reading 1 Socjets 1 Pre er Bennett seems deter- |p, Hutehison's “The Incred en mined to } i general elec- e Canadian.” It's exeellent, or fr sor nD 1 next ye f he can get east I found it so. It's beau h i % with it. He tried it this ; ifuliy done. the Hutchison words and unned ar, Dut tidn't work. He says! 1, it: Mackenzie King be there an election in 1953 es a real person to US, a he Socict f and i there'll be 48 cle of tradictions ike ; ially i Social Cred MLAs. When he t of us, only perhaps a littl ido I want ‘ § that ne ooks as if he more so, Hutchison has treated t a society simp ans it, too. Well, he has been) King with sympathy and under- urposes. It ha pretty ‘ i mself in the wing, } has lifted the veil 1s al ich is to keep in| P@St. ana i be admitted | from this quiet, strong man, whe wit} elpers’—thos he has co us On lop How newher along life's path neople in the occu ever—as to +8 Social Credit ite a blow of grief. He ied countries of Europe who MLAs--the public wi have a lot { tinued a awe 6 risked everything to hide the|*® %Y veut THAT ,ilied airmen ‘on the way out PARTIES BANNED The Perfect Gift... Dresses in new styles CLS TS C CCE SCS CEE CEE CESSES. *—tha escaping from or evad iia Meat! han teen and fobrics ne She German Christmas part n government hos il 1 Half The most vivid diary I have’ orrices Believe it or not, all the } i “ae es ar alt sizes ead was that of Madame’ ¢iyi] servants I've talked to are as BP. : o f I e sick and : kept lat hat Fre ‘ f co Eve office Priced from ; quent ver ¢ ad of four art whic} f int them r years, she would be rung UP: on the ros ‘ ich Christ ee e We have two puppies, one with | y elebrating that Christmas ~ we 3 : 95 19 95 wounded paw—could you lo “an os YW, ; eh ¥ 8. to . ifte them?’ Two allied airmen renee Jt . a vould be smuggled inte her flat a ff y i ¥ jand hidden. All the while he is a af w was bringing up her two chi WARNING - z NIGHTGOWNS iren, too. Every now and then at w oy i. ee itside the | Christmas trees must The GE Steam Iron : g—it onl be 1 Only 24 95 | » German ise of curfew ; w Fhe diary pausce Mirae ae ee as ® Lactic rayon tricot nightgowns lously, it goes on PROPERTY in the city. * iy eb RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC | si» sorey ce tom. Cost shot, Oliver tells us Siac i ' Aire res a . : ¥ H adquarters of the RAF k rast Cun itaditintie YOUR A ORIZED “GE DEALER * from Pink, Blue, Maize xing Society is 83, Portland Phone 644 Box 1279 ¥ Place, London W I, England a » veal dicta -* ' OLIVER writes with the same 2 See these for Valuc! . ease as he talks S As the train pulled out int ¥ Sizes S-M-l | 9¢ night gathering strength . . i laught on the Rockies 7 . I looked over at the North Shor ¥ where I used to live. I thought ¥ ~ f tl hanges I had seen in ” if the city compared with when I Z Be Lior Gate bridge was the mere % Ly dream of visionaries then. Now ¥ , ci. ‘ what a God-like view you get ¥ See our large selection of sheet Ay from it, with the Narrows, usu- ¥ 7." } : : aie . * nylon hosiery in Plain Heels : y a sinister body of water 2 aexn ape of ng placid channel { ¥ Block Panel and all-Black Heels 4, elow ¥ in smart gift boxes I thought of the public meet 4 ing in Vancouver which I had » js attended to hear what a panel z The Ideal Xmas Gift f three authors and one pub- ¥ Sizes R14to 1) « \ llisher had to say, There had z i been a good matured sort of iy From, poir 3 , | pul her-chase.” But thes re lg ifreshiffg TAME Was ‘thé “trench- ¥ int and extremely independent * expressions of opinion 2 Later Oliver wrote us from TWIN SETS i tai Manitoba I am still liv > ee though a little prairie tired See, O for a mountain. I woke up re today to a (very sound) readin: Smartly covered cases with from the Gospel of St. John 4 fol- to the radio—immediately by a jaunty tune of Alouetie Al-Ka-Seltzer-speedy Al Ka Seltzer, Al Ka Seltzer smootn on the lowed song your pain away (What are you kicking abeul Oliver? Haven’t you heard tiat cleanliness is next to Godli ness?) + ¢ OLIVER wanted his answer to dians who have one way or another, about Brit- ain’s future. Far from being finished, “England,” he says, “i | nearing her new Elizabethan era |—in the best and most vigorous | sense.” | + me to pass on many Cana asked him, in If you are not sure which size to select then play safe and give him a Gift Certificate. FASHION FOOTWEA plastic binding, Well made, fim i CXC CES TREE sae< eae € 2G COE TE ® We're Clearing Out: Breakfast Sets Dinner Sets Tea Sets Cups and Saucers Odd pieces and figurines, MEE EME NE EE EE EME EMERG ME ENE EN UE GiN This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia, Avenue West HOC SESS SSS SE tT