i L&t .5 "ST -Wr it; ' PAGE TWO 1 jffl ds Checked By modern vaporizing ointment Just rub on V VapoRuu ICKS TuE DAILY Monday. Deceml,,. ''3 News and Views In The World of Sport Hockey Teamgdly Crippled as a Result 6F Saturday Night's Gam! with Montreal Maroons TORONTO, Dec. 3. Ching Johnson fractured an ankle and Taffy Abel received a cut in the foot in Saturday s game , with Montreal Maroons and as a result both will be out of the game for some time, leaving the Rangers without its regular defence and only Myles Lane, the Dartmouth recruit, and Bourgault to take their places. It is probable the team will seek other players. The Maroons are now in first place in the international 'MjL-uon with Toronto, the New IIAWn TIT 1 17PTI i 'or' Americans and the Montreal Hill KrY P! AYrK Canadien tied for second place SIGNS CONTRACT Roy Worters Will be Sold to High, est Bidder by Pittsburgh Pirates NW YORK, Dec. 3. Roy Wbr-ert,erack goalie of the Pittsburgh Pirates in the National Railway hockey leagHe, signed & contract after holding oat from the start of the season, Denny Leonard, former lightweight champion and now owner of the Pirates, announced. Leonard said Worters signed at the club's figure, which was considerably less than the $8,000 the goalie had demanded for a single season's salary. Leonard said, however, that Worters would not play for Pittsburgh but will be traded to the club offering the most cash and to player strength. "I have an offer from New York Americans," the retired champion said, "of Miller, the goalie we borrowed, ad $20,000 for Roy. I want players more than money, however, and since they won t ctve me jsorman i H.mes or Johnny Sheppard, the deal is off. Worters will go toi .. , . . . ,,,,, . . the highest bidder in cash and players. Boston has made me an interesting offer." VALUE TO UNIVERSITY OF FOOTBALL PLAYER Much Money Cleared as Result of Activities of Team Who Get Nothing I CHICAGO. Dec. 2.-The average football player in larger universi- ties brings $10,000 to his school through gate receipU and endow-,a behind Montreal. The N. Y. Rangers lead in the United States section with nine points and Detroit comes second with eight. Around The World With Sport Fans (Bj The Trimp) It is interesting to read the newspaper forecasts in view of what happened in the McLarnin-Miller fight at Detroit. McLar-nin expected to secure a knockout before the game was gone many rounds. Vancouver is bemoaning the fall of her hero. Mush March, Regina's amateur star hockey player has gone east play for Chicago Black Hawks against the Ottawa Senators on October 6. He will be a great loss to the amateur game in Re-gina. B. C. University will affiliate with the Intercollegiate Rugby TTnSnn nart o orxtn ft la 0t4n ThU follow8 the recent ger,es ... ... ,i , mm wie rtieurva university in ... ... awaa Ti via DEFERRED FIRST ' DIVISION MATCH IS NOW FINISHED A. Murray (Canadian Legion) defeated C. P. Balagno (Grand T618 2f f7 ,nla on !deferre? "rst , b "Hard .game a,ttthe, 4 e"d.0,IIa,t wee s resu,t otJ PJnK of this over the Terminals by an aggre- ate 8core of 1224 to 898- The score8 Were aa Allows: Co1- McMordie (Canadian Leg-j ,on- 22i' w- LonK (Grand Terminals), 250. A- Murray, 250; C. P. Balagno, 107 JSAdliCl DilLL LfcAUUfc nients, but gets nothing in return'??5- Canadian Legion won the hut rrarkoH wh flnH m.an innV. "xture for the week before last from stern nrofesMr far failing in their studies, James Weber Linn, professor of EngHsh at the' University of Chicago, sa'd, speak- ir.sr before a iwap of football en- 'hualasts. Professor Linn said: "Many of (be big universities' clear $200,000 a year in IWelr foot-, ball season. That's $600,000 for J- mirews, asu; w. J. .Nelson, the players three1 years of eligi- 242. bility. Divide that by a squad of M. Andrews, 250; W. II. Jar-30 men and it means each player I man, 131. has paid $10,006 each in the gate! G. P- Tinker, 250; C. L. Young-receipts alone. What does he get j man, 103. in return? Online opportunity to sweat blood and crack ribs on , ... . . the field and try to keep up with ; his studies. Why, he ought to have the best special attention obtainable. GROTTO LEADING BY HANDY MARGIN IN billiard fixture I W. E. Williscroft CGrotto) Me-jl feated W. II. Jarman Grand fer-r minnls) by a score of 200 to 113 j . f n 4 Via t ntt r4 Y cvo-ma rxt I a at WffoL'l seeond division billiard fixture. The score for the tournament so far stands at 700 to 588 In favor I of the Grotto. Joe Reealcy will riluy for the Grotto in theXitth and final game, game, his his Graud Graud TeVjl Terminal oppone named. High School 4 4 er.t having iiotJp-et WR, C N. V. R 4 4 woe JI ! r 1 n CTAWniMP TAnAV e 8"'8' JacK "empsey JlAIIUllIu 1UUAI .was a popular champion, and it Senior League P W L Pt I Port Simpson 5 4 1 8 go. 1,'U.lltU Ann) Id Natrve ns :::::::: 5 1 1 As Players' Club 4 1 3 2 to ' " . , . ljxiies Iaeu lInn,eLeaf8 f J 5 5 10lto UrUI Team 5 0 Intermediate P W L Pt 4 0 8 2 2 4 4 2 2 4 5 4 18 4 13 2 5 0 5 0 C. N. R. Junior League . P W L Pt High School ...... 5 4 1 8 Colts 5 1 4 2 THE FASTEST HUMAN BEING Plight Lieut. D'Any ..iviv. R.F. C, tabove flash."! over a measured distance at Calshot. England, at a speed of 320 miW ner hour, bettering the former world's record of Major de Bernard! of Italy, by almost two miles per hour. Although this is the hi?h-est speed a mtn has ever flown, under official observation, it was not enough to give Lieutenant Greig the five-mile margin necessary to establish a new world's record. Greig's record was made in a British-built plane. SPORT CHAT Events scheduled for the week are as follows: Monday (tonight) Elks' Whist and Bridge. Cribhage League: C.N. Mesh anlcs vis L.O.L.; New Empress vs' Moose; CN. Operators vs Eagle's; P.R. Hotel vs Cold Storage; Native Sons vs Grotlo; Canadian ' Legion vs Knights of Columbus. R. C. N. V. R. Rifle Range. Badminton League: P.R. vs I ;0. D. E.J Cathedral vs Regiment Tuesday Ladles' Whist Moose Ladies vs St. George's; C N. Ladies vs L. O. B. A. Basketball: Senior, Players Club vs Kincolith; Intermediate Eagles vs Naval Reserve, HlgJ (School vs Toe II. Moose Knock-out Whist. Wednesday First Divislor Billiards: Canadian Legion v: Grotto. Thursday Second Divislor BHHards: Cold Storage vs Grotto Men's Whist: Knights of Py thias vs Seal Cove; Leif Erick i80n v St- Gorge's; New Empress vs Grotto; Moose bye. Boxing: Dido Gurvich vs Eddie McGooty. Friday Basketball : Senior. jNativc Sons of Canada vs Players' c,ub: Intermediate. C. N. R. vs Naval Reserve; Ladies', Drill Team vs Maple Leafs; .Junior, High School vs Colts. Benny, Leonard, one of the few ring champions who retired un- defeated, thinks Jack Dempeey is going to make a colossal mistake if he re-enters the squared . I ..1 ir. tt r . a may be that he has consented to alow his name to be used In an effort to bolster public interest. hope that's as far as he will He is a friend of mine, and hate to see him fight again. surely as he does, he is going be hurt. He is not a match now for the heavyweights of the moment, poor as they may be. Paolind could whip him so could Jack Shark'ev. Jack didn't ham learn defense, and I don't never backed up. He didn't know how to back-pedal and protect himself. That part of his fistic education was npiylpcfpd. WVH Jif he goes In there again, he wotild le(up agalnstja younger more agile 'opponent; jnd he might be cut to ribbons." RETAIL MERCHANTS TORONTO, Dec. 3. G. VS. Hougham has been appointed Dominion Secretary of ihe Retail Merchants' Association of Canada. WILL REVIVE .... THE DOG DERBY THE PAS, Man., Dec. 3. Revival of the 200 mile endurance dojr derby which brought fame to The Pas in othr years, was decided ui:on .it a meeting of til winter Miir.:i.il executive held here Wednesday niprht. The carnival will be held from March 4 to 7 and the dog race will be ran from The Pb to Flin-Flon and return. Prim will to-t:il 2,000. Among the chief entrants will be the well known musher Emil St. Goddard, present world's champion, Seppalk, famous Alaskan driver, will also enter, it is I ected. NATIONAL LEAGUE HOCKEY Sunday Detroit 2, New York Americans Saturday Utmgns 0, Montreal' 3. Americans 0, Toronto 3. Chicago 3, Pittsburgh, 2. Canadians 2, Ottawa 6. STOCK QUOTATIONS iCeortwBf of S D. 4ninaon Co.. Ltc. The fo'' owing quotations wer I'd an'i atJted. Bajrview, 3, 81.. B. C. Silver, 1:86, 1.40. Big Missouri, 69 4, 79. Chteagoff, Ntt, 6i. Cork Province, 26, NIL Cotloe Belt, 50, M. Dunwell. 12, IB. Duthie, Nil, 86. George Copper, 4M, 5.00 Golconda, 77, 78. urandview, ooVt, BVan- i( 10; Indepedence, 9, Wt. ' W Indian, 4, 5. - ' Intr A Coke. 4ft Wt. Kootermy Florence. 20, Kootenay King. 26, 26',. -. . L. & L., 6, 64. . ; Lakeview, 1V4, 1. Lacky Jim, 25, Nil. Marmot Metals, A, 8Mf Marmot Riv. Gold, 73.-' Mohawk, 6, 6Vj. ' Morten Woolsey, Bj, 5. National Silver, 164, )7. Noble Five, 60, 81. ' Petid Oreille, 11.15, 11 JO. Porter Idaho, 00, 62. Premier, 2.23, 2.24. Rufus Argenta, 22, 23. Silver Cup, MVj, 88. Silver Crest, ' . Sunlock, 2.20, 2.20. Terminus, S, Nil. Topley Richfield, 48, '.. Toric, 2.60, 2.70, Wellington, 174. IS White Water. 122, 1.26. Woodbine, 4. 6. Eastern Stock Noranda, 01.76, NH. : Oils .'M. Fabyon, 4. 7. 4 QUAKE STRUCK' CHILIAN TOWN SANTIAGO, Chile, Dec. a. An earthquake Saturday which de- vastated a large area one hundred and fiftv miles south of Santiago took a toll of 280 deaths and 400 injured with reports yet incom- plete. Taka, a city of 35,000 per- nn n. 44i hardest hit with 180 dead and 800 Injured with only ten per cent of the buildings nablt- w. , -i A FIVE-WHEELBI) CAR me louring car ajoweu uown to pass a primitive wagon, driven by an ancient farmhand. "Look at IUd Van Winkle!" one of the occupants of the car ex - vi.nnen. imj, 0K1 raw, ww you cr ve a nw in cr.- , Aye. 31 nee. repeeu w& man. 'A fine car It wli, Ue a five wheeled ane." "What?" Mid the driver of the car. "Five wheels I What was the fifth fert" "Tao w xA' at ooiirael" aatd the ancient he wlifppeil up his horse. Edinburgh DUpatth. WILL REPRESENT CANADA IN INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION .1 ''SI aJ . ' r i Major Timmis, D.S.O.. of the one of the crack riders who will repre. m i unaii.i ,i. the jumping ; competition against invaders from the liuiud Suies tor the Interna-Itional Challenge Cup, at the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto. The well known horseman is here seen on his with his spare horse. Uplands. SCORERS IN BASKETBALL .1: '(Senior Uague).... -Ji'iJfAMpn Kincolith 55 m sanaer. Port Simnson . . . 41 P. AJexce, Port Simpson ; : . 41 IV. Howard, Players' Club ... 37 Dido Gurvich, Native Sons . . R. Mathers, Port &tmesen j.i c: Robertson, Klncolth 2& Tom Kelsey, Players' Club ... 28! Wi Mitchell. Piajrers Club ... 26 T. Stewart, Kfeolith 26 S. Oarrich, Nfitfve Sons 21 J. McNulty, Native Sons .... 10 ! II. Mensies, Native Sons 13 George White, Port Simpson .. IS G. Mitchell, IMayers'CIub .... 10 M. Trimble. Kincolith 9 i Eddie Smith, Players' Club ... 8 S. Ratchford, Native Sons .. G ! B. McDonald. Native Sons ... 5 H. McCallum, Native Sons ...-5 V. Menties, Native1 Sons 6 M. Budinich, Native Sons 4 W. Lambie, Players' Club .... 4 D. Musgrave, Port Simpson . . 8 P. Allen, Kincolith 2 I A. Cross, Player's Club l Q. flteVNHIt WneoMth 1 (Intprmfflllfn T.onTinl rilkdoimt Tf!:s"! i 58 E. Ratchford, Big Four 88 W. Wrathall, Bi Four 80 A. Cross, II. S i 88 FI. McCallum. Eaalaa 519 J. Underwood, Toe II 81 G Howe, R. C. N. V. R 28 F. Dingwell, Eagles 35 B. McDonald, Eagles 2-1 Fred McDonald, R.C.N.V.R. . . 19 K Dingwell, Envies 19 u. Morrison, II. S. 21 Eddie Smith, Big Four 19 J. Pierce. R. C, V. V If in A. Styles. C. N. R ic JSddle Smith, Toe II 15 mmm P. N. R. . . 15 ' J." Harrli, H65 II 19 ID. SUIlter, C. N. R. 12 B. Stalker, H. S 12 i'fed Cameron, C N. R. . . . 9 W. Bagshaw, R.CJs'.VJt 8 o. Dyer, R. C. N. V. R. . . . . . . . . c F. MnrHann t. 11 jw. Collinson, Toe H k jr. Huruett, Toe H. .1. v-tn a. McKay., C. N 11.1. TV W. Murray. Eagles es .1 .U.. J 4 George Hills, Big Four 4 Lousl Astori. C. N. R o C Manning, Regies 2 reimer smith, Eagles 2 M. Comadina, C N. R 2 D. Scott. H. S 9 li. Robertson, lllir loiir . " J. Scott, H. S 2 Canadian Dragoons, who will be famous charger, Bucephalus, and D. McKensie. R.C.N.V.R. ..... 2 J. Currie, Big Four 2 T. Fraser, C. N. R 2 F. BeuUer, R. C. . V. R 1 R. Irvine, H. S 1 J McNulty. Big Four 1 ....Junior, league) . . , W. JobjDsojL H. S. SO J. Comadina, H. S 27 J. Bryanjt, S. 22 J. McNulty. Colts 16 .TTar:::::::::::. s T. tfbssahfci;a!oits 6i A. Wnrs. Colts 4 T. 3ten, ColU Kafauyana, Colts 2 Be, II. S. . ; 2 Gurvich, Colts 2 Smith. H. S l Smithwaite, II. S. 1 (Iidiett League L. Iow, Maple Ieeis .... 1R C. Irvine, Drill Team 17 May Ness, Maple Leafs . . , ir, Sue Beddie. Maple Leafs . , II L. FriueU. Drill Team .. Helen Sim. Drill Team 9, Vera Smith. Maole Leafs .. g E. March, Drill Team 8 Sue Boddie, Maple Leafs K. Gurvich, Drill Team . Julia Wallers. Maple Leafs M. Thorfipson, .Maple Leafs JI. GVeKrist Mettle Leafs . WHY HE WAS THERE jit was a dark sight during theather of the childrm r manoeuvres and the sound of an taken their mother ' approaching horse struck the re cruit's ears.. "Haiti Who goes there?" he barked. "Commanding officer." came the reply. "Dismount, sir, and advance to be recognised." The officer not down from his horse and came over to the man, who then saluted smartly. Proceed, sir," he said aav st (ivu I rv4 sssa nwi ms hshiii"- the CO. aked "Who posted you were making a bravo Here?" ' lexlstence when disas" "No one sir," the recruit infor-'the house. The fatht r: med him. "I'm jUBt practising." ,out of work for some time Edinburgh DUlth. PROSPERITY HYMN . English paper The service commenrciri with the sfntrlnsr . of; t - W I Annoying Bladder Weakness of Old Age Safely ItHlfvrd !; SANTAIi MIDY Haiti liy Ml hnitnlnti WATER SYSTEM W 1 fcKRACE Public Meeting Agrees to PUr chase of George Little's pu.? and Its Kxienslon TERRACE, Dec 3. J K c on nrosided over the meeting held on Friday eV- '"n lower G.W.V A. H H t orui.dni- what acUon shc"u fikth te provide a mora ad" t ur1y of water for the roperty owners in the ir- polity. The present water :, inttalled by Geo. Little to. supply water for hi.-, .' v.. t permisiiion has I.-. My given to butunc. irivate jH-operty ownn he line for dome.sti , until there are abi-u' ' conctent users on ihe Jteault that the overtaxed during the i Mr. Gordon explaj, ran the commissinnt: -lay before the rati'p i. -r -buy Outright the rrt c Mne, dam, reservoir J here of ground at the reservoir, together with ty Wghts nov held by Mr who had agreed to sr') A well could then bo c. place near the ball puu v. plentiful supply of wUr be assured, a pump n t . water forced into a rc--r a high part of the U'lc uxlliary system to be c-c Ing the dry season whcT v 'kiy at the dam was lew As finances permit ! proposed to enlarge land thus the increa5 r2 could be taken care of After considerable j as to. system of fma ;. VLfr, charges Mr Lj ' , was acpejited and the c " left with the comm,;; r. handle. Tivn rmincPN 'v f Ann i iiTfii Victims of Fire Were Stru-:'!! For Subsistence at Edmonton EDMONTON, Dr lives of two little th jof 13 and a boy of & jOjrJiiced to isdmonton when flames consum home of Martin Kt l0Gth Avenue. The 'Maggie" and "Sonn . Three other chilrr- eight, Joe, four and 0 ' s qye ther',llve8 to the t:-Paul Koviak a afrr.:;: rushed - Into the hru-e them 'and disappear: -s returned in find tht r. flames. He learned r.; were still traned ar.o only to be caught (n ' " himself at the foot 0: ': stairway where he was firemen. He was triKo Royal Alexandra 11 he Is suffering from : '? and shock. It is thou;.h r.t- recover. Particular poignant In'iredv i tho faet that fcs f-r mother, ,n daughter Man y ' jnnd a son were worMRK l' . port the rest. It was M between spbs, told in? ,. vn,v it cl nA iAr fnr UUU UUU III of and rqshed back to df.i flame had done their won: found her little brother sr.a ter dead, her father n ";;- pnnlllnn and her h" - , mother being comforted b: k- nefghborsi' Ben.llur, Capitol, tonight