December 11, 1952 pronation Committee CBC Wins Praise of P-TA At Conrad Street School . HOME CHRISTMAS DECORATION CONTEST Sponsored by the Prince Rupert Junior Chamber of*Commerce and Art Murray’s Menswear. The Canadian Broadcasting | pora ndi ys the Corporation got a boost locally saaiioctie mn when members of the Conrad T. G. Batemar Street School Parent-Teacher Conrad Street School. was dele- Association at the monthly meet- gated as safety representative to ing commended the CBC for “the | expedite order of luminous tape way in which it has realized and for use as reflectors for bikes of carried out its social and cultural | sehoo! children ymisibilities to the peo ple of A Canada, particularly the young | sjoate NAME principal at ADDRESS hange Mind About TV n committe Contestants in the home decorating contest are asked to fill in this form es and submit to the Daily News office not later than Dec gate establishing a scholarship [Me, house number, and street address clearly. This contest cloges midnight, " LIGHT-UP CAMPAIGN 17... Be sure to print The Christmas Light-Up Campaign is sponsored jointly by the Junior Chamber of Commerce and Art Murray’s Menswear @ A Turkey for the best decorated home. @ A Certificiate from Art Murray's Menswear for the best store window display. Homeowners fill in the a | ee ee peop to aid one student in teacher ; Dec 17 Decision of judges is final. waa te nside The action Was taken “in view | training was appointed, consist- ¢ Abt formal of the many recent attacks on | ing of W. D. Griffiths, Mr. Bate " ion de le. New the CBC man, Mr. Robertson, Mrs. Harold pe ne pe ian The mmendation asks for Thomas and Mrs, John Denning in ite une ndorsement by rt y P-TAs Mrs. E. W. Becker, ‘ retiring n up tt The P T Council will & asked trustee of the school board, spoke o press for repair or removal of | briefly supporting the school by- SEADI ; MASK e wooden pe br ide e oO im law and Re cepeesecn ret the group p R a o — : i Mi ng | Schooi Pennant and prize money for peop was speechie Money Members said that although | MoOSt parents attending meetin - \ ew home a sign on the bridge reads, “use gt were won re the grade 4-5 clas Get in the spirit of the light-up campaign. Sprinkle |Your own risk,” children seldom | for the second time above form as soon as possible. iP blot Buckingham Pala , . sok sania ij ; “we 4 are ana Many . 1 t ¢ ' . wile . ro he bridge dally fa ——- oman & Vancouver Sun's “Knot This is a definite risk to their IT PAYS Y BA ontest afety, since the bridge is in de- To ADVERTISE eae a Fale HOLIDAY ENTERTAINING, 4% CHILI SAUCE osc | Lynn Valley Peaches tin 17c r* AK itz ny cgi? Plum ne 149 Sott Drinks «=: serie. ¢ in pacha asm 36¢ Mincemeat Se m Mixed Nuts-~ < 2 ths 95¢|Pitted Dates 2 Ib box 37c oPping Corn il Pickles 40c Dot Chocolate A5c 39c AND SAUCES, ETC., IN TOWN Lowney's, American Beauty Assortment. BOX 79% 26c Chocolates Cr anberry Sauce emake Marshmallows Lowney’s Angelus, 16-oz. cello Pineapple Rings Rea! Fresh—2 for ° Queen Olives Ry -King We carty by far the largest selection of h Oo olate Chips 30c st * Cake Flour, Pkt. 49 Nabob, 6-oz. 24c Zac : E : YOUR OWN BRE AD-ITS EASY WITH WILD ROSE BREAD MIX. 45: DEAL | fim ue 2 sin BBC ‘ aR i Pkt. Bran Flakes, PORK & saci : les Giant Choice, 15-02, Tin 10¢ awd - Mee = nani is 07¢ | Grapefruit |= ™ onton Gems Sock $4.39 3G6¢ Crab Meat 63c eee —— otte, ',-lb. PROUTS DELUXE TEA BAGS $4 25 PUNCHES Bunches 9 SUICE sus 20-oz. c 2 Puncher 27C 39 Purex CANADA DRY Cuart (Pius Deposit) 25¢ . aie BUTTER He Ito; k EGGS ‘irst Grade—Lh, 67¢ —— MOA | tn Sei Peete: Fels Naptha | 10 me Grade “A” Large CATSUP 25¢ C _ Foney Macs Box $4.95 Cartoned, Dozen Hunt's, Large Bottle Soap—Bar y Macs Junior Box $9.25 5 sc ; Fancy Delicious Box $4,99 od oe eg 98 arene oe eae Marg Ros i, JAP ORANGES Burns Delmar, Lb. ba 3 [ee STORES ~ $ T $ ‘49 7. 2.35 32c SPECIALS GOOD UNTIL WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17th Toilet Scan 19¢ Diced Correney Oc Aayimer, Choice (while they last) Tin Strawberries ? 5 c 10¢c 59c Tomato Juiced 7 C Libby’s, 15-oz.—2 Tins Down. 3¢ 15¢ LARD Maple Leaf, Pure, Lb. FLOUR Wild Rose, Pastry 7 Ib. Sack Swans Green Beans Lunchour, 15-oz. tin Cherries Choice, Black, 15-oz. tin —_ Brentwood, 20-oz. tin Javex Bleach 9 o ¢ Gallon Juq REGULAR HAMS— No. 1 Whole or Half Lb. 59e Lb. 45e bb. 59¢ -Lb. 65e No, 1 BOILING FOWL No. 1 ROASTING CHICKEN No. 1 PORK CHOPS No. 1 STANDING RIB ROAST BEEF—Waste Free Lb. 72¢ SLICED BACON— Jubilee \-lb, cello 25¢ ' 18s war WATCH FOR OUR QUALITY AND PRICE ON XMAS TURKEYS | i Ba RE: HB wii PS Phere ~ oa ea *. > & I al ee aman ago as alll sg game wag ger aga ge eS SE ON RC AC Re ge tet eo Se ee eee ee ee ee ie ee