jf.,nd:iy. December 3. l!i2h Man in the Moon ilhristmas coming liusiness humming; Merchant pleased, Sules increased; That's the tune Vty'U play pretty noon; All preparing For gift sharing. What do you say You'll give away ri On ChrlBtmaa Dayl What is the need of a diction-in the home. Both husband i, mi wife know without looking 0 up. ' ijjgfc i . Many peSm into'$Ancial dJ'ti. ulties tecaiifte they don't want the s4orekw to think them mean. -lake wondera if life Is really ,Hh living for a man. He says (;,.t when you are a youngster w ur mother spank yon; in your tens ana auer me gins make a : l of you; when married the is ; if hossos you, and when the ' rnilv begin to grew up they, .' rk you. As a reward for all tin- the Devil welcomes you. ! j , Ten Years Ago in Prince Ruprt I Deeemlx-r 3, 1918 The influenaa epidemic !...d a serious effect on halibut: ;.. dinKw here. During the month , i November the catch was only ,:fi.ow. pounds, bringing the total i 1 ' i thi year Up to 14.394 .000 i"iimlft. ' I n. v J. B. McCuIlagh of the N ,,!s River, In Daily article in ho Daily News today,, explains h- ( urious old Indian cms torn of latching. Hortf' VliSaltal! 'PattuHo declares fli.it the land tews of British lymtiia are ahead of those for J..- Dominion and all the other K" inces. I TIMIIER SALE X1UM.17 j S nil! tendern will rri.cd Sj th Si . ! t r :ICI. Prim Ku(X-il. IIOl UU uon on th SSUi dy . n-jjm.r. '.i. -it th purchaM of L.i!itv XI0U7. ' JM1". Wot Caut Mar by Itluvl. VI i 1 ' cut 1BO0 U lect btwrd meisurt : and Hwnlnrlr nl r ! ,i'ii jw mill b i;uwd for r-:i. aijoi timber. ifttrr prucuian oi v. Ch For-: - i,Vtct:rt. the IlSMrir! rorsitsr. . . Buprrt. B.C TIMBER SALE X10SSB F- iiii'il 'meter will b re.-;v. d iv he f' : 'i Porc;r. PrUtre RjpTt. n-1 r n: n uii the JSlh dny oi Dr-.m r l-'W or the purcbsar of Ucvn -r XlOha ;. H 1 niand. tneklp Cha:.ael W t M 1Kb; laUnd. QCl. to rut 3 0 M 1 ft boutl meiur or Spnioe una ii si.: kX Mwlcta '' 3i yean will be ullowed for re-.1 : ,f timber. 9r partlcuUrt at the Clijet Tv-' Virt rt. the OttrJct Fbrmter. i. ' Rupert. B.C. tlMRER SAIJ: Xl0835 mcn wn4ert will be rwlvrd by the, F.roeter. Prtnoe Rupert, not ltrr i. i n un the aeth dy a: Derm I I''.' ' i the ptirrhaw of Uoence X10SHS. I M o Channel. Weet Caait Hornby I'- ; Q.ci. to cut 1300 M feet bo ri i i .re ill Bprure and Hemlork j '! yearn will be allowed for rr- ' it timber j l -inr particular of the Chief for ' ' Vn t-ria, the Dlatrlct Fsreler I' ! Rup-rt. Rup-rt. B.C. B.C. TIMBER SALE mt 'l tl tender will be revived by the ' i Foreater. Prince Bupert not later " i'n on the JSth day of Deoembar. ; ' lr the purohaae at Uoenoe X10SM. ' u Haobour. Wsst Qoast Hornby ! " QC' i; to -xni T eft M. feet board in., ure .f Spruce and Hemlock aawlor ' t a i year will be Sllowad fcr rr-ai. nf timber. f,"!ir particular of the Chief For ' ,'!'' Vnt rla the Dlatrlct Foraate :e Rupert. B.C. TRAPPERS Get every cent your Jj FURS are worth. Ship them bring them to BOYD YOUNG Port Simjwon', 15. C. CLASSIFIED THIS IS THE REAL ESTATE PO SALE 160 acres with dwel- j Ujw, baffffe st aW. etc. at Hous- j m, About 90 acres in timothy. Cash or terms. Reas onable price. Apply IJox 102 Daily News Office. 284! WANTED Residential Jot .. in. on MVrer. ' rer' TSH,' FOR SALE I FOR SALE Mahogany Player I Piano, rolls and benh, ?409.! Phone 146. 84 WANTED WANTRn cim f, i i work. Phone Blue 691. WANTED Experienced sales- woman for Deeeaaber Apply , Box 1AK .flail. K rwfu. 2& w ANTED Camp cook (wnan) wants position. Clean and cap- STENOGRAPHERS, Grade 2, lt-- m n i a. mw vjwr;, wr uwunnn oi Mar- iu he and Fisheries, $1080 por annum. For particulars of examination apply to T. H. Ped-aie, Principal of School, Prince Rupert. B.C., not later than Thursday. December 6th, 1828. 284, RED'S Tran sfer Fifteen years' experience In FURNITURE AND PIANO MOVING We xell 8 kinds of Coal 1 Any kind of Wood " - in atnyaqnaittity CEMENT iAND -GRAVEL Our price, weights and moasureii are right. So it otir Service Phone us and Save Money and Time UAV & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night I'hone: Red 317. Coal! Nanatmo-Wellington Screened Lump. Nanaimo-Wellington Screened Nut Nanaitno-WftHtoffton Mine-Run. Beacon Hard Bootless Lump. Beacon HaroVSootless Hgg. Telkwa Lumf. , m .' Of the above there is ONE that is particularly suited to your heating equipment. We shall be glad to advise you. Albert & McCaffery Limited Phone 116 and 117 BRINGING UP Us ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, FOR PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT FOR RENT FOIl KENT Furnished .house- keeping rooms by the day, week, or month. I'hone lied 007. tf FOR RENT Furnished house-! keeping rooms. Mussallnm Grocery. tf. I)RIVUUSELI.TAXI For Hire to Reliable Drivers I'hone Hlue 389 WALKER MOTOR CO. LTD. SALVAGE AND TOWING i"lf it's on ,r under the walcr we do It," PIHNCR RUPERT SALVAGE & TOWING COM PANT UNITED "J HPPi ior; urns an enora Salvage W( Boiii .A"11 Seowa J.'on(for Charter. l andas fat bin BnttlMaV AGENTS BfcPPL i.v-fh cie, ITleks . .ulUntyne Engines.' Northern B. C. Distributors Coolidgc PropoUora Phone, Day or Nlpht, RGI P. O. I!ox 15G1 ROWE'S SHEET METAL WORKS Chimney tops, oave troughs, conductor pipe, roof flashing, warm air furnaces, pipe or pip-less, stove pipes and elbows. Ou'tjpf town orders promptly attended to. X Phom? 310. , Box 4C7. 227 Second Ave. 'TUITION; Candidates prepares foraH University and Professional entrance examinations, in English, Mathe-mstw, Latin. Greok. History. Geography, Individual tuition. ular attention fo those lear- nintf English, lerms on fnter- 1 McKenna. B. A- T. C D. e of Box IRS, Daily News Office SHOE REPAIRING LOUIS SCIIIRIG i announces the opening of the old Gunsmith shop on Second Avenue and is now busy MAKING AND REPAIRING SHOES he best leather, the finest work-anship and over 30 years experience awaits your orders. LOUIS scmniG 888 Second Avenue . W j LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone G8 Cartage, Warehousing, ano Distributing. Team or Motor Service Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano ana Furniture Moving. FATHER V 5 ( r I 1 I NVEKITED . - r I WlbH t COOLDTMIMK UP NEW WAX TO AiK MAGGIE IF 1 KIM CO OOT-I THINK I'VE 0EO KVfiFVY CHt-iaTHAT WOX EVER HEBaWW! TUE DAILY NE773 PAGE SEVEK CHIROPRACTIC THY CHIROPRACTIC Fpr Headaches, Backache, Scia- HUH W JVi wuuia.II IIUUUIC Yon will be surprised how they disappear Consult V- C ASI'INALL t and 7 JlJif hange lluilding; Corner Third and Sixth StreetsJ Open Evenings Phones: Green 211, Black 283 DR. It. E. EYOLFSON Aided by his new ARALYTE unfailingly picks the correct nerve centre to Im adjusted, and the right adjustment at the right time briaga utck-r and better, results. Inqafftfen solicited. Consultation Free pjionea Of fire, IUue if Res, Red 589 OGOD EATS CAFE if.ider management of Mrs. AI Peterson A good jdare to eat AlHAtiS 50c Home Cookiog, Dome Made Dread, Pastry and Cakes II A I It D R E S Sf N G New Method PERMANENT WAVE Given by Mrs. Allen of MI LADY REALTY SHOITE Price $10.00. Also Finger Waving, etc. Phone 665 MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milt and Cream. Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. WHAT IS IT that keeps you always looking weH and smartly dresj-edT OUR SERVICE PHONE 649 to have your clothes pressed. We call for and deliver to all parts of the city. For that Suit We have fine Fall and Winter Suitings and Overcoatings on hand. Come in today and let us take your measure. Gutting, workmanship, style, all guaranteed. Kest materials and reason-able prices. Ling, the Tailor Phone 619 Safe for Ghldrens Coughs WELL- IX.U TART A.UU 1 I LffrffT OVER AGIM- omcop I Mi mi et-t michtwo' . j mill RENT, LOST IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO BATHS FINNISH SWEAT BATHS May now be had at the "Rupert Baths," First Ave. and McBride St. Private sweat roam, shower bath and dressing room for Ladies. Rest remedy for rheumatism. Fine for preservation of health. A quick, safe and pleasant way to reduce surplus weight. Cure a cold in one treatment. Rub-down and massage if desired. Open day and night. A trial will convince you of the benefits to be derived from Finnish Sweat Baths. SAM WICKWIRE, Attendant CHIMNEY SWEEP IL J. 7-umkthr General Handy Man. fSirnare and Stoves Cleaned and Repaired Phone 3 Prince Rupert. B. C. GOAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDY - WELLINGTON TELKWA Also Bulkley Hny and Grain. Agent fcr Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. MINING STOCKS REAL ESTATE - -We INSURANCE are prepared to take orders on the Vancouver St6ek Exchange' Our ten yeaxa experience on the floor of the Brussels Stock Exchange is at your service. Prompt dealing with any orders large or small. Representing Nanson Roth- well & Co. Ltd., Vancouver' f B. C. Morning and afternoon .closing prices daifoy Theo CoIIart Ltd. Capitol Theatre Dullding Phone Blue 428 P.O. box C6 Trappers & Buyers Gentlemen: For twenty years you have been getting good treatment from Goldblobra, And Gold-bloom 'jaln e'mhct orv every kind of fur. ' " For a square teal bring your FURS to Goldbloom The did reliable house THEY KNOW The champion teams '.f thu Buys' ami Girls' Swine Cl-Jis uf British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan an.l Manitoba, pliutugriiulu-J at Winnipeg on their way to the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, as the guest of the Canadian National Railways. Back row, left to right: J. D. Guild, Canadian National Railways' agricultural department, Winnipeg, who accompanied the party eait; Norman Williams, Vermilion, Alta.; Kathryn Coyer, Prince Albert, Saisk.; J. S. McGowan, western manager, the system's department of colonisation and agriculture; Alice Fear, Prince Albert; Albert Richardson, MtConnell, Man.; E. E. Brocklebank, supervisor of Swine Clubs fo- Saskatchewan. Front row: Jack Thornton, Armstrong, B.diRoy Williams, Vermilion, Alta.; Sidney Nash, Armstrong, B.C.; Wesley Pollock. McConnell, Man. British Columbia is represented this year for the first time. Kathryn Coyer and Alice Fear, Prince Albert, won the Dominion championship at Toronto, and with it the trophy awarded by W. I). Robb, vice-president of the National System. WVC CBnTAlSlUV- MV OavAH.. BUT OOTRY TO CtVT HOMS EAKL.T-IffOU OOMTl'LU MOT WAIT UP- DSAR EMBARRASSING MOMENTS "What's a monologue. Father?" "A monologue Is a conversation By I WOMOEHIFI'M l ir i sr- 1 .1 DOCTOH & FOUND YOUNG AND OLD. THEIR LIVESTOCK between your mother and me." Caramha. Rants True George McManus AULMQHT7 MUbT ClTTHS fOR-MAGGlK- Y jilt. . 7 ' I