PACE EIGHT Support the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. esiholme Theatre Iinday and Tuesday at 7 p.m. SPLENDID DOUI5LE HILL '. i ' AT 7:30 TOM MIX in THE LAST TRAIL With Carmelila Geraghty and I!i; Cast in Smashing Western by Zane (!rey at 8.45 p.m. "TH RED MARK" A Dig Powerful Melodrama With an Unusual Story. Gaston Glass, Gustav Von Seyffertitz, Ncna Quartarto and Many Others. "HU'ING HLOOD" NO. 5. "KUTH IS STKANCEIt THAN FICTION," Al Cooke, Alberta Vaughn and Others. COMEDY "THE KISS DOCTOK." OHCHESTKAL NUMlJEIt, "NOLA" (Felix Arnot). FOX NEWS 33c AND 10c. SMAR T F, ROCKS For All Occasions CHIC IKESSES made from wonderful Celanese Silks. Lovely shadec of L:ue, Wine, Fawn, lirowti, (jreiii) ec, atiC, PUINTED SILK VELVETS, decidedly differeht in style, in Greys, i:iuu:-, Browns, etc. Sure to please the well dressed woman $.0.00 K KN'ING DRESSES, exquisitely designed, lovely soft shades of M. i:-e, Mauve, I Hue, Green, etc These dresses have the necessary si i and therlffht price $17.30 to $27.00 MAKE THIS YOUK GIFT SHOP FOK XMAS. mmm'H i i ,iitt iu Canadian National Steamships Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating d.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists. Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pslteri makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is'equipped to handle all kinds ol MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kipp ers THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." . Smoked Dally by,. v y Canadian Fish & CoM Storage Co., Ltd Prince Rupert. B.C. Advertise in "The Daily News" Telephone the office if your paper docs not arrive THE RED MARK At WESTHOLME Dramatic Love Romance With Plenty of Thrills in This Feature Picture New in locale, dramatic, impressive, with a tensely appealing love romance, "The Red Mark,' featuring a quartet of brilliant "men players, at the Westholme toninght. and tomorrow, is one o4 .in.- n.ost remarkable offerings to ; 'licture showmen of the current picture season. The title At my:i teriouB and attractive find the ac- ion is not only thrilling, but it is at times spine-tingling. It's a picture that should win and hold public attention as much -if not .i.( !' than any other picture pro duced within a decade. The story is tremendous and it ,n.s oeen developed with rare ill and power by James Cruze, ie of the screen's master producers. A young convict, with a oiithmark on his shoulder .is bout to be freed He loves the voce of a life term prisoner and he is unaware that the girl also is coveted by the sinister execut ioner of the settlement The latter is searching for his long-loot son, whom he can only identify y a birthmark ori his shouldei. be hero and the executioner, 'a in love, are son and father. Here is the germ idea of as nunatic a theme as has ever been visualized on the :he young lover's identity jennwn in Tn .Hint nr run him trouble. The hero quarrels Ton Mix, playing the role of Tom Dane, in his latest FYx Films drama, a version of Zane Grey's famous western novel, "The Last , Trail," In the big doable-feature program at the Westholme tonight I and tomorrow, rescues a white girl I from the camp of the Sioux Indians, on the warpath in their last ' efforts to drive the white men from the buffalo hunting grounds of the Dakotaa. Mounted on Tony, his sure-foot-I ed horse. Mix, followed by Lee and races away. The race and the ; fight continues to the gates of the i stockade, where soldiers see the dash of the gallant horsemen, ooen the gates and turn their rifle the Indians have been subdued 1 1 land peace restored to the Dakota I hills. The remainder of the sto-v , is even more exciting, with a lot 'of the action centering about i Tommy, the 4-year-old son of the Pascals, who is left an orphan when his sheriff father is killed, H.S.WallaceCo.Ltd. Genuine Maderia CLOTHS NAPKINS OVALS Tit AYS CHNTKBS DOIMBS Make acceptable gifts. At Vancouver prices. We have a nice assortment. Phone 9 3rd Ave. & Fulton St. I THE DAILY NEWS Monday. Deeenibi 1r 4 ' :;r"TBENHUR'is MOVIE PROGRAM FOR THIS WEEK . , .Monday and Tuesday Capitol: "JJen-IIur." Westholme: "The Last Trail," "The Red Mark." Wedncuday Capitol: "Rcn-Hur; WcstholmoS "Silk ings." - 1 Thursday Capitol: "The Idea." f Westholme: "Silk ings." Friday Capitol: Stock Wright Slock- Scarlet." : "Ja Mad.' Westholmo: fTho Rig Kil ling." "Fighting Eagle." FAREWELL TO GEORGE AYLETT Popular Capitol Circuit Stai Held Over One More Night After a triumphant week's engagement at the Caplto', Mr. George Aylett, "The Hawaiian iwppi reet- - i . tracljon w,th tbe fjaturo P,c" cart and she warns him to sec-itu" .v th. Mc.itionr .., ' Mr. Aylett, whose offerings on Coast to tha shiti's side at Mon -iiuiid ac Make With Pacific Milk Free! Given with: I FkJDnaaTr Shumway, playing an army scout, iSUBMImb salad - l tin sliced H.h. Into f hp rats the rirl !'. 1 t- -3 cup ..... - - r ' m e. D.l,l Ul'b -- - ..WtMnAnna choppfd wslnuu. nndlsd cbcrrle Plset one slle of pUxapply on s crlp lettuot IwJ. Pill tht bo with cImcw. to whlc chopped uttU Im Men added. Sever etaeae with whipped waein, ellfbt- loose, ine gin oecomes we wneilr awacicncd. Place candled cherry oo of Joe Pascal, the scout, who jtop. serrt moves to an Aritona mining camp i and becomes a sheriff as soon astll p A rUC Mil C tutturln at Abbotsloril ami ltdncr. ILC. nulla nx." Free! 1 llrrad Knife lC.nOpe,iM y 1 MIinKap , . :. ' Given with: ' 1 lb. Lanka Ten 1 lb. Ilraid's Colfse tr $i," 1 Tea Pot (M) ' 1 lb. Ilraid's Tea (Illuu Ilel 1 lb. Ilraid's Coffee for. '"" First shipment of Jap Orange just arrived, per bojc . . . .$1.10 Mussallem's .17-12:t 5th A e. E. Phones 18&84 UNEQUALLED IN PHOTO HISTORY Has Cast of 15Q,P00 PeojJe. lot Race Staged on Huge Scale. Fleet of 100 Ancient' Vessels in Rig Sea Fight Hetween Romans and Pirates. II ISTORIC ACHIEVEM ENT General Lew Wallace's "Ren-Hur: A Tale of the Christ," that was a stage spectacle twenty-two and Saturday 'years, and hb a book enjoyed a 'The Code of the circulation as large as the Rlble, 'Will be seen Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at the Cnpilol. It omes here after long runs and crowded houses in the larger Hies throughout the continent. Fred Niblo directed the pro-f'uct'on whicJi begins with the Wise Men and the Star of lleth-lebem, pictures Jerusalem undr the Iiomnn tyrnnny and the condemnation of the Prince of Hur to the galleys. The battle twixt i l he Roman fleet and the Greek pirates was filmed with a Treat Hen-IIur navy of antique modeled craft off tho coW of Italy. Thrills and Romance The celebrated Antioch chariot race, in which Iksn-Hur and Mes-ssla contest for the iwim, occupied three months in the making. Wiiard of the Strings," has been (Twelve quadrigns are driven sev- kotil nuir nnil urill milte hla final rn laiui nvr a rnuru farina u " - " " screen. 7 .7. i I appearance tomgni as a sutr w-iiircus waximus mat ttows nearly .. ..... .. . ... . a nunnrou tnouaanu spectators. The exquisite lovo story of Bcn-Hur and Esther is intertwined guitar, ukelele and. with the thrilling action. banjo "njO hav ' been uma so greatly J "IT" appre- The final scenes deal with Ben with nH kill, a nnnvM h.. 1 will render tonight a assembling of Mom in ;jHur'. c)t!d' urH,n the executioner, who know. , number on.Hawa Ian- the to establish tht th irl th n.mtf -nn-'cial request plan a kingdom ... " ' ..I4. " A lV. o n' iVnravuoil In f t...l- ,U .11- ... -f V.J- ict, resolves to put him out of he way. This leads to an ex optionally thrilling climax. TOMIXRUNS TRUETOFORM: Plays Role of Tom Dane in "The Last Trail" and Rescues Girl From Indian.-) Thee). THROUGH SLpipKS TO THE SHIP'S SIDE The Canadian" National Rail ways have made arrangements to per ate special trains and through bleeping cars from the Pacini" long lost mother and sister in the Vale of Hinnom, the procession of Palm Sunday, and the healing of the sick ones by the Saviour, whereby lien-Hur and his beloved Esther and kinsfolk are reunited. A World Epic In a grandoise epic that has taken three years for its completion and included as many rnl-lif Hflvonlurinmi itA hi- treal and Halifax in connection juv r i,yii.i .a vw with sailings for the Old Coun- j World-. Ramon Norarro (in the rv during NovemlM-r and Decern-;tit,e ro,e)i Hronon May bcr. Full intormation from City:-IcAvov Francil x Bushman Ticket Office, 5!M Third Avenue and Carme, Mycrs haVB proln,ntnt t'rince Rupert. Pnone 200. 22 j j.urt. The music for the pro-. uction was written bj David Mendoza and William Axt, the (omposers of "The Big Parade." Special arrangements have been made whereby Prince Rupert leople are able to se this biggest attraction of all time at greatly reduced prices of SOc and 15c. KAIEN QUARTETTE AT CAPITOL The Kaien male quartette, messrs. Davey. Teng', Blott and fIaprton, has been secured and will perform at the Capitol Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, in conjunction with the big feature, picture 'Bn-Hur." This' popular quartette will be heard In a repoetoire of appro priatc vocal numbers and their In itial appearance at the Capitol promises an enthusiastic Some 50 cars of grain arrived ... . a t At ;vcr me weea-enu irom me prairies for the Alberta Wheat Tool's : i Prince Rupert elevator and 414 I mrs were reirted this morning to be on the dHnion west of J as-; per Park bound here. No further ffrain I mats for loading here i are yet reported. I TONIGHT, TUESDAY AM) WEDNESDAY I Nothing like it Before Perhaps Never Again THE WORLD'S (JUEATEST SHOW You Will (Jasp at the GUEAT CIKCIS! You Will Marvel al the CHARIOT RACE! You Will Cheer the SEA FIGHT! You Will Tingle at the LOVE ROMANCE! You Will Thrill at the GALLEY SCENES! Three Years in the Making at a Cost of JM.OOO.Oin. New York Paid $2, Toronto $1.50, Vancouver SUA). Prince Rupert sees it at the greatly reduced price of SPECIAL DE LUXE MUSICAL SCORE HY RUPERT CAPITOLIANS. AND ON THE STAGE (a) "KAIEN MALE QUARTET," Messrs. Dav, , . Teng, Blott and Clapperton. (b) Held over for one niht only GLOII'.I AYLETT, "The Hawaiian Wizard. A Show Your Memory Will Cherish Forever! "CATERPILLAR" Tractors BIGGER THAN THE WHATHER! i(A Size for Kvcry Ue A Hundred Uet-. for 'fa vr$ Size 2 TON, TWENTY, TIIIICTY, SIXTY HIJTTHI! (IUICKKU CHKAI'tlt . ' -Literature aad lric on Iteit Sole Distributors for II. tt iMORRISON TRACTOR EQUIPMENT CO., LIMITED Nriurii I'wirir Irrlclit HullJInj Ul(t Nlallon Nlrrrt VANtOl VEU, II. C. HOLT Itrniu-li iMflirn NHmmi Krlooi'H Minium I.". rnlrfchMli. ITInif ' IMkl. AUnagrr Try MOTOMINO nt onco Plain or Milk, you'll like it. I J EST ROWNTREES iky CHOCOLAT 1 1:1111 or iviiiic iioeoialc Willi Aimoncis aim iwusm"