Li,,' PAfJR TWO The Daily News PRINCE RUPEItT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - - - Maoajrinfc Editor. il Advertising and Circulation Telephone - 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - S6 Member of Audit Hureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION ( ARRVINt. OlT SMIKIHIE i;up LETTERS A :i e litor nt a lieu -pa per : Which cannot lie puhli.shed. They one of the nm.-it fiviiucnt hemg ih penn a imm de plimie u-j' 'nr.i their own name m the -de the Waste Ita-ket. flnce 01 rat tier ; ui-nine iraise . it woiild not he rr jfnnd a point ami pulilisi, -..i,, . hi nrm : h i 1 1 v w i , WE HEt EIYE '' e- i:nin pnssilil lead lis in I'.nsiy!. !,, :.i -an YMtcrtii- c rcici-.ed an h;-i Hey ! w 'n I !i ii.e ;ii;;c y l! h. Thursday, March 8, 1928 PLAYING TOO ETHER There was once a man who said a friend was one who liked you even though he knew ali about you. That is simply one side of the question. On the other we find that people dislike each other because they do not "know each other's good points. And the way to get to know the Rood points is for'them to engage in some form of recreational play together. Think of two men who have learned to play together at football. They learn to co-operate. They pass the ball back and forth as they work their way past their opponents. They learn to depend on each other, to realise the good points about their fellows and then when they go out into life they are bound to respect each other and be friendly. In games and sports neonle are on an enualtrv nt (n.f.r i. nearly tv. year.- ; l'. tr..t tin- i):,ilv u ,L li: ii i i ... me uij: uay i.umix r l m ; i n ation liy March. I'.i2r. Sin . int mi warn ami ;:,e null u although perhajis i will tu 1 hi.- is ,,ii,i unu-'ial have carried i! nut mi .- hi theii- ilan- caret nil-. I: i-, -riht liecau-e t hi.-r n! win. in the bargain. We atv all hm.ii:.' :.ii Cnmiiaii.v We are imping I W lUnmt Uiiuece -ar In r;i, , city. The s.iwttir .it ' ;i;i...-r this part nt tin- cuiiitrx. but lieeti tran-lerre'l :n unuUI hast- ! tfn'ii ivi;ir,,; 'I j I'r i . I i 1 In-u ' i' wci-k I ! ui.i'i'. 'In- 1 Heir mil inn h;t ". u nil ;i T t - in at announced thai l'-adv lot- nper-lieeli siowiy '.e er this moiith, Uili npera'K'll. pccijile hack n! ked t it r ahead the new-;. ape i- ( a rried nut : i; trnin the V nil i! : a steady not heen ! letn'A 11. l' the not are held hack ilia! ttie arc not ' la I' ell, ln-il) a liv I!ay pmiei t I made e aleiU' pait n' t.uni lie r Meadi'.i rnil in tii.' eilrn.l 1 aci llj.' J , . which iy -: lilde exception 1(1 lejei.-.. many nt or aricus reasons, s "i'tied. People a -c;t rd nr signing I nc rr-Mi;: - ; nut I(ie letters nn tu i U then We iret a cheery letter full I.e- and ntir eifuris and we c-niisider ;" Milili-h ! i)c- . At i ime- we strain iir iietler l u (lirrm i , 1 tnivrh' idace as ! he iiii-ij.'ncd let ters. 'iu I .etter i otntdainiiiL' of Ihe unsanitary, unsiirhtly and ireneiali, oliitttiuuiiLU; i:LUidiLiiiii fit' rtn. THft DAIT.7 tfjroa Negotiations Between Pope and Mussolini Government Regard to Temporal Power Under Negotiation Fascist i Anxious to G'et Matter Settled Rut Vatican in no Hurry:,. Outline of Canrueny Which .May. End at Any lime j : ROME. February 8. (A.P.) The Hit 1928 perhaps may be-, come as noteworthy in the religious history of the world for the solution of the "Roman Question" as ia the year 1870 for the fall f tke Vatican's temporal power. It is possible that the figure of King victor Emmanuel II. of that day, who transformed the apoatolicpalacc of the Quirinal into the royal residence of tin , new king of UmHd, Italy, may be remembered throughout the centuries as contrasted tb that of Premier Mussolini as one who brought about conciliation between church and t.iW' Above them will tower twea ' ' popes: Plu. IX.. who by his. NMbnM M M.l(,.icWal. hi Uro-ucu poMum ,we .re not able) tender- , .tw., vUia ta od Impossible fur nearly sixty year, not .... .. . .,. r.nllh,y i:al city. rl'lie" non pcumiu' it kc reiusa! by which Pope :us IX- declined ta accept the law of .uarantees adopted by the Italian Senate in 1871 concerning the prerogative of 'he Holy See and the relation between . i . . - --i . ' -' . . . ,ui m the inv dark quk and nno la is almost auuuai unkonwn. uiiAunwii. N 1 H T I'OSUIONW MTATIIi .government for roe negotiations between church and red uPn city as a result or so many doRs runninR the streets, annoying their ,uu- cm 041 through the distm- neignoors ana noiiutinir the whole Dlace. It went tn th WI.i i"" '" reacn1 a stage .-(litest the republican troops of Pra.:o the fanner fighting to keep the Pope r. :l Rmc !.e having lied on the proclamation of the Roman republic and the latter to bftng him back and i para, gardens, various otu.aiiigs ai d remarkable works of are. is Included In the ei!.:ory to be teded to the Pope. 1 Italy further grants to the Pone state and church in Italy. I J, "'"" ih threun lbt tM oS th At the bertnnlng ot 1B87 Premier ,tmPorml P- to "ton to the "R;irfan Mtiaullal. speaking on the " payment of the allowance esubllshed Question amid' It must be concluded and settled'? th taw 01 arantea-pa by the Italian Government on May la. 1871 by next Eaater." t'NmiiektsiK iigi.avm 'or tB upkeep of the government of Unforeseen clr .-iimitsnr. &. mw.'0 ehUrcD Hitherto the Pontiff has rtfu'! 'anceo f S 4.000 gold vented this, ntwithstawltug wWmgne "rfc 'cirlv' anA the tot! on both sides and the effort and abll- amount now " heJd M dl' wouW- at !h Prnt of the Ity chlei negotiator, who remain- " tum,n:t wltn BoraPcuna lnM!r' as meir natural or acquired ability gives them the ascendency. Dress the Reverend Tacchi-venturt. He u a m for "bout flIt ,1h? '"" " counts UOthing and neither does social position. The onlv thino ! Jesuit, a acholar In history and lltera- :wo oUlion old approximately .k.: l i a ( t . . . . . - i pwpic mma aouut is now tnev (;;- Tlr- jrrinr. only an understanding but even a modus vlvendl between Quirinal and v'a:..;it.. and the pr.-"sm pontiff, who. after alt years of negotiations, study and .deep rellectlon has decided to give rellgut, l)..ic; to Italy, the seat of the papacy, and assuage the anxiety of ths Aomau Catholic wjrld concerning the status of the head of the church In the eter- reinstate bim as absolute ruler. Part of the estate was sold by the late Prince Dorla :: the Russian Prlnoej Ahameleck. who: widow still owns It.! Dloom comprising an exten- was the form ; for many years secretary of the ' "'"fl mis tne sum. of Jesus, and ha dedicated v"can claims ror confiscation and cPatlon of church property.' of hU actltity to a a s a -(ch will contain Iu,v . bt reaches no many bllllona! , that tt la impossible to contemplaU the: .:, ?i i, xnew Pyent In a lumpsum. A means will j nav? to be found to bring it within ! iage of polbUlty. such as spread-' basket because it was not siKned and even if it had been siitned "utumn 11 WM tbou,ht ZHl T would hardly have found a &aee. Very often 21 Tlo'Z "Z which wHl enjoy the rlMt of eatraterri-i tonality a It has been enjoyed by the! apostolic palaces and th Vatican Oar-1 (lens since 1H70 The new terrltoiy to be added Is cm the snutlienst of the Vatican dttrdniji and Includes the beautiful Villa Do, 1,-I'amphlll. one of 'lie Inrgent near Rome, mil rounded by a eifircni park more than four miles n do 'in In 1J50 Innocent X present - fer a long period Instead of ' i down.-" l . v Jution of a concordat be-I I . t the Holy See. antlclpat- I a. . . i humanly possible, alt ! ' ' -gencles In order to final t them, or at leest to a they arle. would be .' countries which have' ns with the Vatican! dan Qovernraent. Kl that, once tae Ro- solved and a cenclll-between church and i and connregatlons. as partmenU of the Holy . diplomatic body ac-aVtlcan. will be gradu-1 .d to the new territory be Pope by the IUIlan r. ' i. :.t. This would render vacant m;. : the mast important palaces in , " which now belong to the Papacy. ..-h as the Cancellerla. built from .ie-,Bramantes dealgns, the Daterla. on the .ver, of the Quirinal Hill. etc. These would be turned over to the Italian a sum to be mutually one of the most dlflcult matters to!3r be arranged ta what would happen to ...... or .eBiK.i motives to people which are not warranted by the .nicie. on the aubit w. owho. Aureiia Road. n vnitmdtiiiiMa - Kothlng so much pleae an editor as to iret an interestinir lottor fhl, nan I... ....1.1C.1 1 1 i, .. vmhi. tan w iuuiiniieu ieeuie none realize as well an news- nnai everybody is asking now Is: When will th understanding be an- 1 iMONDS SAWS BECAUSE guaranteed to cut tO' J more timber In ainc time, with lees labor than any other saw, SIMONOS CANADA SAW CO, LTO. MOMTMA1. VANcouvee. sr. mm, hi, TOftONTU 1 9heift that keeps on giving xmnoed and the solution of the Question" become, la dlatomaUc language. -fait seeompU"? One of the isheat secfalsstlos la iiomo, feeing aifeod his opinion as to the termination of the conflict within the nsnt fa anewered: lt mat fee neat bmim aaUovtng Chrsttaaaa or yean No one can tett Hwsmfcer cross what would I wnosie oatawi la hi a hurry territory and can- waitoa aaout thM bunstred years. lib. such as the ,mtu " MTl' Ooostanttas. far the the Reman way leading I c-Uo, PMan prosecution: so she therefore. In the Osservstore Romano. to clvlt vecchla. Pisa and the north !cn oenturtes hr ofllctal organ of the Vatican, on Oc- ot ,ulT Another difficulty is represent-1 1 -m"' ue to her now i.-.ber 14 and 15. and they were answered tbr railway from Rome At the papermen themselves that thev must often become dull and iinin.l !n ,h 20,0 01 moath in the viterbo. which would also cross part of Ith" te resting- in their presentation of the various questions that arise in the community or in the country-. Letters are invited but they must be sinned. A nom de nlume may be used in nuhliahinu it hut if th U.-U.. j. .:n, . . .. ,-, , ' that msi what wnsi the tne Vatican Vatican as asks as is u that mat " diplomatic u'H'unac body oouy, accredited accreaiteo to to ii tne writer is willinw to subscribe his own signature the letter is the position of the Pope in Rome should Holy See. the railway smtion of et ....u m-irc niveij 10 una a piace in ine correspondence column. PAUK LEGISLATION Hon. T. I). Pattullo is being attacked because of his parks legislation. Some people think too much power is .beinir placed in the hands ot the government in this regard. Suppose acroas the hurbor a valuable mine should be discovered on Salt Ukes Park. In order to work it. special permission would have .to lie received from the government. The people of Prince Rupert could get another park, but in this stage of development a big mine would mean nn immense lot to them. They would probably like to have it go ahead. Until now the government has had no right to deal with park artas. They have set them aside, but the moment they have done thi. they have no power to recall them. It is to cover just such case-, as this that the recent legislation has been before the Legislature. I -Any grocer can supply tjou mm From these publications It appear 11 reserving to the Pope, his court ina the be one of "liberty aad independence. , Petrr i ot only real and perltct. but also men!- I understood that the Pop, be feat to the f4thful jt the whole world.- j9" fog rather In the (Uacoasloa lumumvai. on ine otrcr i - m miwo w tot noman hand, stated that "the question of the'11'0"." drslree to examine person- real political and Jurldlctal Independence "' th preriae Impression which the of the Holy See is not necessarily de- Pourparlers between church and state pendent on conditions of a territorial,"1 ''y have produced In the various haracter." adding that It H out of the ccun trie Above all. he was anslous question to make "any restoration, even 10 nr what the clergy and faithful of m the smallest proportion, of the tem-ith United States think, since that pora! power which ceased In 1870 with 'country Is th. third Csthollc power In great advantage to the moral prestige of the church of Rome." The Vatican made no reply This has been Interpreted to mean that an ac- the world according to population oom lng Immediately fur Italy and France, but It Is lim with regard to funds she sappiies to the Holy Be. Indeed cord hns been reached on the fundsmen- jeordlng to hat ha leaked out regard-tal condition in the sense that "the Ui the Vatican finance, her coutrlbu-l'berty and Independence, real and per-j Hon rawed those of the whole of fect. .and manifest to the faithful of u rope. The Pontiff was therefore very the whole world." claimed by the Holyjglad to hem on the subject from Uon-bee, can be obtained without the restor- j slgnor Pumasonl-Btondl, apostolic detention of the temporal power as Is stated i gate at Washington, and same of the in the article published In Fogllo IT- 'leading United Btatea prelates, although Ordlnl and attributed to Premier Musso- it is underst od that no foreign Interim himself The oialin to "liberty and terence must enter Into the solution of independence." as set forth In Oesor-, the "Roman Question" which Is reserved Riore rwmano. even ir not actually writ- entirely for tin . Judgment of the Poc ten by the Pope or Cardinal Oasparrl, 111 secretary of atate. was at lean dictated and approved by one of them. According to reliable reports, the following are practically the main points agreed upon tor the solution of the "Roman Question": MUX l'OINTS 1 Th IUIlan state grants to the Holy See an eatenslon of its terrltoiy voice golden, - JT ure in iiwt einiwwcBaBj iwi tpc we ei m pan Victor tnii ytm ar lover aad romance, camedy and Traatwy. Your wkM cense iuu neat is al tuned to OK imawc a4 its laaase Yoa DKnsne aisorbrd as the sheer phaeurt ul it. You are at the ofsm tn year mm html aad yon are rtssriet tVe prafTasal So tne is the music of dw Ortaopbaak Vlrtrote ywi live it' The artitt will sine or play it a thousand tisaso II i wish for you aad your ftieadal Aad aol ealy a tor the the PogUo DtMlal has atated 'sclta rswerna regime regime has nas come to Pogllo D'Ordlnl. the official organ of the th' Vatican territory. A suggestion ,u least a hundred years. Fascists Party. n" been made that tt shall be left as I "oro is tneretore plenty of Uaw " DKPART.MBNT OP PUBLIC WOftKS m:ix rooia i.ock-i i clvt? bI be Minister of Public Worl!; VLJ0 l9lXk 00011 of Monday, the .co1n o'fTstl: V!SJ??fui,tt?OB- eoract. and forms may be TeeoSTndUteV xZ t4th day of February. ISM. and rurthi " "IT erririmBini BUlWini r wi vne uovernment Aaente. Vaneouver and "USff. ' PuWle Work caSobljJr Wilch. wl" Mn5 oS fj! turn of the plans, etc. in rxd eondl- The krweat nr im on. . arlly accepted ' f PHILIP. Dsputy Minister and Puhll vvb. - ".rwHtiHi aaaaui VTeterta. B.C. Idlnga, IN I'M) BATE in tiik mK cninr or ii.itis,, frs -."J' ' tt "AiaAtion In the Matter of the Betote ol AUdnAt. Cameron rwZl f-SH"" TAKE NOTtfcl TK?' h. "STJ?- . .... Honor. JW.' V w. appointed ta. , sa Itf eUsTe are neriy vrrird to me on pr before ih. NORMAN A WATT Official AdmlnlstraUir Dated ,ha lh -..'"."S.P.V.P" ? 1928. ' "-nruary, AD n Ladies! s: Credema Model $385 or with eli-. trie drive $425 voice bat rveryihiaf ywa ssaV a BMnac, yuur wiin inn As the melody pours forth beautiful and clear you are oblivious of people and things- such is the charm of the new Orths)fdionicaxi e owe t "Matrhnt !r acdaace or "Smooth Flow nt plied rightly to the new OrthuphotiK Vi. , fatly by Victar adeniists. TIst ee toe, i lrrtf. ralinrt . I ., lemirty lovely dr-jgn-. fine ..! r eVive. K yao wish, at sliehi .eldio.,t. .' AH terasnesM are stll e.inng I-from J1400 to as low as St 1 5 -on paymeau fsaaa aay I Is Master's Uaehn, llear i urmopn OttlC Mark Krg'd Victrola Mctor Talking Machine Company of Canada, Limited, Umuj Orthophonies it bear- I n .'i i Ladies! PRING COATS JUST AHIHVEW TWBKDS. ( HAH.MKKNS. POIUKT. TWH'S latent Desigrrs Nicely THilond Heasonably Priced H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. 3rd Avenue nnil l'ullnn Klrpot. holW Ranadian National - - - awawawawaawswavawaasWsWswjBsjassssssssjB av w ' Largcfl Railway Syflcm in Atna STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SKRM E Ballings from MllMT. Ht I'tllT tor V.WCOt VEIt. VirT:'H- and intermediate points, each I II III AV, BOO a m Per ftTEWART and ANYOX, ah UI.IISESKA V. 10 w i ; rot SOUTH ami KOITII tJlTKN fllAIIMITTE 11. AM) t rM PASt3Nnt;ll THAINS I.EAiK PIIIX'K HI'IHr Bach JKIMIAV, IVF.llXKeJllAY and A1 1 KIIAY at 11 30 ncoimn. Btatea. COMONTOV, UIXMI'MI, aU pOlnU stealer cans Tt1 ghill CKI' , urn"1 I'm ranatfliD Nallonal Etprtu rr .Money (mr. rnrriS tt also for eur nett sblpoieni. hrt r UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Hallhif from I'tlsre Huperl. mi. lor VANTOtiVEU. VICTURIA, llutrdalf, Alert fUy. etc.. Tnesila? , lor VAxrotiVKII, VICTORIA. Hwansou liny. Alert !:) . a.m. .., ivti' for I'OKT 8I.MPS0N. NAAS KIYEH TOINTS. ALICE BU . STEIVAIIT, IVsle Island. Sunday. S . amiert s'l IM ?ml Avenue. K. M. SatlTlf. Afenl flii "'"".nertrl thkels old to Vlrtmla aud Nenltle. anil usee tliraugh to deMlnatloa.