PApE TWO THE DAILT NET? 8 T7J t SFsWs If you doubt the merit of "SALADA" Tea Let us prove It -Write "SALADA", Toronto -get free 19-cup packet test for yourself. "SALADA" Is sold In four grades Black, Green or Mixed varieties 80c to $1.05 per pound. II ie at i " !. . ' that f r i . - ; und lu-;iiv v. hn da . nd w li' n if I & J lilpH HrsW HHtSSi' L9asMBsna! The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporter Telephone Member of Audit Bm ;iu r rirculations DAILY EDITION I'Al.AM.'M IN When VU- he;:l(i Briti-h i LI niiilua Mil remark liuti i!,imv i this ouintrx l;ul i bishnji iiia v. ' i in in ( un.irt., u ;h i r . I' inn.! I" nam li' - til l . H : l:ai :ia' ii v. -ii'd ,. HUiki ' 'in! ' 1 ; .1 " Ml I .Mi iiijriaiui I i j 1 I 1 t i l' r - I l l -1 ; i in ; p, lianiiy !! ;ti.' !tir I t ll !.M in ' w ll III il . . I MM I 111 M n J i I s in th I uk Mi art- Hi il ni-ct-isarih not llKlfi atlil tiir. liatf each ;h tiuiiity i J i and tnU t a n. . inr aniony a great many i d u n linii ii. 'll n -t win ity i :n yivalr called pagans :irr rti u . h nn'ic attitude Inward their VImu- M ol' tile man of Nazani ) In .iudrm.' tin hisi.i.p. v e for mNsiniia-v fund-, a ii': under sued i miilit ion- 1N.U RIN(, "I I I w i i a si ranker i . .n: people in t he limod in w he leave and vie up ;m p, n t Morgan i n eomersal ion v. . , i if admit ' itlie ! he peopl. i,i , , injr in In helped and u i.nld (.. sel'"- KviMltUi.'i.v . ;,.,., W ilV- expert elev ill ol .illi! ,i things v'oiiv .Mi. Mmvaii - people dm noi at ! in-!.-: local tl'iide ill 1'riiiee liuperl. hut hi HWmsil IOLIMIUA ninri- 'l'l .i.p. lell.i'A-. M;.n I- it:l,.-h : Ml' I- M,(i Hi ( 'l, K.i! l-ni' of the ; " (id ,-.:.) ) :h. I n i'ad penpli . intensely lie oppod', ; Ii; i iv in tin i-'iiiiii in 'ii- d that i'ii S.- i. I, ! . t)l HSKI.VKS )' 'o I'rii: . iii- den rl:' hi'Vi huh Nev . e, ( i i i I Hi 98 86 I" 271N.W. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. keeps III i li)..- bitch . In I 'niit-r Kupert we jret these periodic doldrums and we get unduly elated over things which do not often mean much. What seerJia desirable is fo have a more constant faith in the city and its future and to try to look forward a little and make our plans accordingly. The Daily News haK explicit faith in Prince Rupert. We believe we are going to build a great ancl beautiful city here and to raise it on solid foundations, und we think it is just such work as is being done by Mr. Morgan that will make it great. Because fish does not sell well und there is a quiet spell, is only one of the periodic recurrences which have come in the past and will come again. Possibly in a few wseks we shall be thinking quite ii SUBSCRIPTION HATES City Delivery, by rqail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $6.00 For leaser period, paid in advance, per month 50 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period $8.00 Or few rneoths for $1.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year ... $6.00 By mall to all other countries, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch . $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion, per line 26 Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word . . Le$al Notices, each insertion per agate line Contract Rate on Application .2 .15 May 12, 1928 I-.: ::. '-i i.i.-r,ii, M'i'uk- n' paganism in 'III 11' !l v:1-' aii anrn n'iurl and '.mnmii ir Kiiirland Ihan il. ': .- li'.al an Kt'IisIi ' .! ! i .mi nu.-sii'iiarit 'A mil a' tile ay il. 'Hi' !h;i! due.- nut ll -;ni-! lluiira'e-v :' ! retr. ei; iiy.a: In), 1 '.lie men aiv ; hose iiniil- in u ni er.,il ies st i.m lite I lie live in 'ar west ;,i the l 'hn-. I i he ( Hd ( 'nunt r . Tixiay ( ' ia nx de l ile esM'llre of Chris- v d. I? .it'pii toda.v world, hut niiiny so-i .ie. mil und veiiel'iil ' prol.v-sed fill ev )! !' niemher that he i iippealii!f erpole i sunii-tiniPs allowahle lupert and found thr diiv . I should at once v iev ." di. ial'ed .1. U. w .-iei il;i . Ill says il ' 1 1 he idea i ' , 'X jn-r1 -! ;ind help t hem-I'.nv U'e cannol al-puiii.r w orks to keep utal (i.ndaion of the - not look for much UtiiiKb it does the town harm and POWEK FKO.M K1T8ELAS CANYON The water power at KiUelas Canyon is being investigated with a view to interesting capitalists in the matter of develoraent. It is well known that in the country above the canyon there is plenty of timber to keep a pulp or paper mill going indefinitely. The timber couM lie driven down the river for many miles while at Usk and in all the other valleys of the neighborhood there is a plenteous supply of logs. It in possible thut a big power plant at Kit solas would solve Prince Rupert's power problem. The fall there is probably sufficient Und the body of water is much larger than at any other point in this neighborhood. It has often been said that promoters of power distributing plants prefer a big concern to several small ones. That is why Kitselas would appeal to I hem if it is possible to get sufficient fall. SIMON Cross-cut, Crescent Ground, will saw 10, more timber, time and labor being equal, than any other made. .This guarantee has never been challenged. 6IMON0S CANADA SAW CO., LIMITED, ST. XIMI BTRIIT AND SCORN SVCNUt. MOMTHISI. Que. VANCOUVER . B C TORONTO ON T S 1 JOHN . N.B . SM- Swam TEACHERS HEAR REPORTS FROM THE DELEGATES j. k. miss u:isci:k ami ' r.KORfiK STOCKS TfclJ. Ol t- 43 viy. WlIRIPI'OirYKVTION TVih.- rVfRF'iMg the Prince Rupert If uliSir Aisaiiatton In the Buoth Memorial Behoof J 8. Wllabn, the president, reported on the business meet'.np of th annual convention Which, as a mrmber of the eseeutlve anil geographical representative of northern B.C.. lie had attended. Registrations ;otalled HM6 which resulted In one of the ma-; suci-.-asful conventions In the history of the fedora tton. Resolutions pu&sed at the meeting were discussed. The success of toe superannuation scheme was assured, Same changes in the curriculum were recommended. Mr. Wilson hud also attended sectional meetings on -oclal scienic course and English in the Junior High School. Mr St ck dlsmi'M-d some of the ieadiug le ii lures of the High School aec-:aiv.. Changes ia. the curriculum were aUo :idvo aWKl sjd some ugi?sU:nB towards the use o3ess expensive books in some cases. Kiss Mercer reported on the chief speaker of the convention. Dr Bufus B von Klein Smut. Dr. Klein Smld emphasized the amount of knowledge that was available and stated that It would take thre generations to assimilate all the new knowledge that was already accumulated, mostly within the last fifty yearn The trouble today was to evaluate the knowledge. Science of education was the main solution With so many new ideas It was neesssary not to discard the old tut -the new were found better. Quoting the British Ambassador :o the Onltad States. Dr. Klein Smld said that the world was on the threshold ol the greatest epoch it had ever known. The faith of the people In education waa a challenge to all educationists and must not be disappointed Mot only was there more intensive education but it was being sought ator by people of an ages and conditions. The character : teachers, what they taught sad now ' ttgbt were vital. re-alutton 1 !.:. itemed needed. People rushed world but did they Mall) v.'::. . living? In another talk I): Klein 8lii:;' if M .1"!. .ivltles. P. the used for .il knowledge of thr oward world peace, relations and cditi-failed to bring ie desired Inter u-uil contact between tlon was necessary well and there will sported on some of ir . - ings she ihad attended ; in of the special de i now for the. school ;.. ncal training course - i, ad already tried out j . li e and very much :;:... Other meetings fa the public schools. -poke of some of the ;., elopment in the arte ii. the use of clay which " Instead of or as well A display of this work ii ii . utitlonal iniasect. A ne hi ut luaohtng rssSlig As also of .iud already .la nractloe had t'Mi ut vahisbte. in. irtnents are under way for th; meeting to take the form of as a wind up to the year's ac SKIPPER OF METRA MARRIED THURSDAY I'rrtty Wedding Tske llares al IImiih of .nr. and fiim. J. W. I'oliler A very pretty wedding took plaoe o Thursday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs J W. Collhrr, Waterfront. Re J R. Prtaell officiating, the contractln: parties being John Thomas Mulhern bklpper of the Metre, and Mrs. OlaUyj Jones or Seattle. OB.A. Mrs. Colllei attended the bride and Mr. Oollier acted as groomsman. The bride looked charming in a whit' satin dress with a coronet of orangi blossoms. She carried a bouquet o Ophelia roes and carnations Mr. Collier waa gowned In pal green crepe satin The groom's gift ti the groomsman was a pair Of gold cut' links and to the bridesmaid a golf aecklace. Mr. and Mrs. Mulhern were the re clpienu of many beautiful presents They will make their home on th waterfront. RIDLEY HOME BAZAAR The management of She Ridley Hone desires to thank all the friends most heartily for having auule the basaai such a success. This ia extended not only to those who 'superintended anr worked for .the stalls, but also those wh: so kindly gave girts of every description In spite of the inclement weather th total amount collected in to 6nu amounts to MM.gft M follows: KHliry work rtal ,.,, SUo.0t Country Store, Stall. 73 2 Cti l id ren's Clothing stall 71.11 I riuln SSWtl i F'iMi Pond stall HetreHhments stall W.ftl Home Cdoblng stall Si'i-ondhsjut stall . . 89 .981 ' Plants stall W.70 Candy atali 17.76 i'lilini.stry 4M Proceeds from coin if BT.5C "! ao.oo li'lal iUMi.ei CONCERT BY REGIMENTAL ORCHESTRA An orchestral cumert will be given tomaroVp nighSMV tn. tbs Weet.-hclrA Theatre by in- Reglnaenul Oan-ctit Orchestra, comiuctar. H. Aubrey rryi. .tPlsgjus.- Mrs J S. Black. . Prsgxam (is as foUows 1 March... . . "Juniors" . i . . . ( Aacher) OvsmBf: ."!!'- Cavalry". . (Suppe) 8 Vooal . s "May Morning" . . I Denaa l Ha. L N. Brock lasby 4- -Violin Soto "Sth Air Varic" Danclal ' Miss Nellie Lawrence 5 Characteristic Dance of the keieuns" (Allen) -Kntr-Acte "In a Monastry Osrden" WltS vocal effect ..(Ketaleby 7 March. ."On Jersey Bhare". . (Pryor) 8 -Male Quartet "Crossing the Bar" 9 ia) "BaresrahV' irom Tales, of Hoffmim ( Offenbach l b "Intermevo" Oavalleria .Buaticana (Msscagnl) 10 Saaoyhone 4)uartt "Our Directors" (Blgelow) 11 Oriental "Persian Market" i Ketaleby I i March, "land of the Maple" (Laurendoan) Ood Save The King GYROKOEDOWN FINE SUCCESS MH'U JirXDUKI) I'Kori.K ATTtnwHK-l KVWt LAST MdllT IN till OF rUrdlioi'M) H Ml The OfTO Club's hoedown -dance las', ulght in the Msoac Hall was a complete success, sstne four hundred persons being press 111 and a substantial sum being realised for the completion alj the AoropoUs UU1 playground, the fourth undertsklng of this nature by the Of raa tn the city. The hall was deeonOed with rustic adornments for the occasion and wheel- harrows, boss and otbsr garden equip- j ment were raffled Members of She ciub 1 were dressed in patriot suits, which ; added u the gsueral novelty of the at- j jibdpitere. I Excellent music was played by A! ; Email's orchestra and dancing was in .irogress !ram 9 p m. to iJSO a.m. The . vent proved as enjoyable to the .large -lowd aa il was generally . successful. Ccmmittees were as folbowa: Oeneral committee Mi Us. Wsugh. Jmtekabaok. ( , Advertialns-Mlohola. Blott. Bayllas r Tlcketsi Pringa. CMhiwitHQiPkahSLnk sod Nichols. Tlokat . , oUact)9Ps--VVlUts. Mogwan. JcMUlen , i Master of eeremosues -Holt by Qecoratlons MoMawghton. Burbank, robey, , McLachlan . j Raffles -Leplne. Klrkendall. Oonsales. start. Stork. , Hot degs Maiyj, Tltc. Watu, Parqu- inr, Zsug. Nelson. Balsgno. Hunter. Cldar gytash and Perlmutter, assist nl by Kergln end Qreer. toe cream Dougherty. Dlbb. Oejsss. Coffee Bsbertsoiv $nlth. tlteman, ort Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert t apaghnum -ssri MAY 1, 19 IS. I athkh will be ship- Iter ied to smglasd for use In UM -hospitals or the treatment pt war wounds. Nonstable V J. WaSklnson and Mr. Sean are superintending the work. The Canadian lued Maatructions flowrd sandy Colds Best Treated Externally That's why modern mothers prefer Vicks it cannot upset delicate stomachs. Rubbed on throat and chest, it acts two ways at once: (1) Its healing vapors, released by the body heat, arc inhaled direct to the air passages;- (2) It "draws out" the 6oreness like an old-fash-' loned poultice. VVAPORUB Okr tF Million Jars Used YCMir la- no, t The Time, the Place , and , . . . yOU FIND VOU HAVE TO UBT TOeAfXHAWrv. OO AT A Q POINT LOSS -AND THEN YOU TAKE A LOOK AT THE EVENING PA PER, AND FIND THAT VOOR ROaUOS HAS JUMPED 15 POINTS Yf ' '' ' 1 y (! vi i wn-4q-i vji Man in the Moon to but It must nsve bets a 1iik. Ion? time ago in the golden sge. Be never lost 2 collar button His temper too he kept; Me wsa a. very virtuous man. Moat slwsys when he slept. If all were paid just all thoy If sll were astlsfied, We'd know millenlal days had some Or else we'd know they lied. Fish grow rapidly, especially trout longer fee made In the home for private after they are taken by so angler onsumptkm. The order Is part of the i campaign (or the aosssrvaUon of sugsr. I This Is cleanup, palntup week, so the girls are buying more soap and rouge D. D. Munro, esprssentative of the then ever. -and Settlement Board, la making s i our of the Bulkley Valley with a .view I remember years and years ago a .0 selecting site for a community w an who got so interested In most of hat it ie proposed to establish. Budm rtbe (or the Dally News. Hi jldrens mm the worthy causes that he contribute to any of them. Miss Doris Nlrlmls R n rived st th.- first i u1( Atlln Wbtrr she 1ms Ik.,.,, , wno spent s row (iu forgot to TERRIBLE ECZEMA GOES QUICKLY 1 r , strong, rmverful Yet "isfe. Snrgeon'i. j IfeMYliitlnii Called .M " Kmersld I (ill lis AMniiiHlieil I'livuh-lsiiK I Here U a surgeon's wuik rful pie-scription now dtopeir.U by pharninewt 1 at trifling oost. that will do mure u-warda helping you get rid of unsixhiiy (spots and skin diseases than anything ; you've ever used. j In akin diseases its action 1, my, ilesa then magical. The itrhing of j wanua launstanuy stopped; tin i-rup-tiona drylnp and scale oft m very I few dsys. The same u true r iirbcr's ltCh' 5B3g!jln "rt rl"'r '"'lt,tlnK Yt"' &Wm& iNsinsV dhneralat oil th"flMPMMIs nsggeSg drug stgpsv TJR Is safe tu UW nd gj. ure n sny of the ailment noted above Ii neat to impossible ivnxguu can supply you at any time who ar-w'" from 11,11 ;ug and vialting with "' " "irnpson. snlled In.t evenlnf! by the Prlnwsi. Rnyul , Van- 1 1 A man ia tight when his mouth and his morals are loose. Old you ever hear of the man who UsWS s collar button and never Stained aayUPdyT ?ou ssy have done Indian and white school ohlldren of The man who la paid all he thinks Sun peon ats gathering s oar load he earn will not live long Hew :sn -AND Or4 THE WAY HOME VOU think vou'Re: so ut& vou'u BETTER OE.T OUT OF BUSINESS ALTOOBTHER TMSN FOR FRIENP PJPE-ITJ THE TIME,THtPUACt.ANlOOleNS -AND ALLS RIGHT ATH THE WORLD SO FAR AS YOU'RE Mi Soothing k yet a man's smoke wm COOL AND FRAGRANT CUT PLUG DEMAND SAVE THE POKER HANDS" "Rupert Brand Kippers "TIIK DAINTIEST HKEAKFAST POOH. ' Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., W I'rJnce Kupert. ILC Canadian National CThc Largeft Kailway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from rillM'E mrPKRT for YAKf'Orvi'lt, VICTORIA. and intermediate points, each Till IISDAV and KIMY For Kf.Tf'HIKtN and ANYOX. each UKIIrlNAY. 4 p.m. ror HTKWAUT each SATI III) V at 10 p in For NOUTII and SOI Til (Jl KKN ( IIAIU.OTTE M.ANIIH. h r rAWHWIEH TKAINN LKAVE I'KIM I) H I'EKT Bach JIONIiAV. WKIlKKHIiAY and HAiniOAY at 11.S0 am ' OKOIIOH, KIlMONTON. WINNII'Mi, all points Eastern Can - - it w acn ilium Air... I'K nit ki rr,Hi. - SjgSSSSB GURE TTtt. I'"1 KIN" UiiiU states AOCNCV AI4. OCEAN STEAMttlllP LINES. Dm Canadian National Enprsss for Money Uidert. foiels 'M' etc, also for yuur net' alilpment. M 1'ITV TIPL'liT lltlll' -......... ... rllllDi DUFKCTIVE VISION, JiEFIiCTlVE IIKaR' lN(i. CATAHIUI 4 anil other organic troubles 1 1,1 methods. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C Phone 131. U'ullmi- HlocL Open .;veninr