rdv, May 12, 1928 I Gesiesal Motors' Lowest Priced 4 WHEEL BRAKES fil'W 1 ISHBR IUllli.S hi v 1 IKRING l AR M W Till K MOST AT it u I I I I PUMP Ml i.ASOI.INB til-' Miw.sioc i.iGirr LOVEJOT SHOCK ABSORBERS IN ALL llie great General Motors' family of automobiles there is no other six so low-priced as Pontiac. 'Yet no car more fully typifies the famous Gm.rai Motors' "Policy of Progress." For the New Series Pontiac Six is as advanced in quality as it k W in price. Look at this imposing array of fine car features : Rugged, powerful six-cylinder engine: New GMR higlt-compression cylinder-head: Crank case Ventilation: Oil Filter and Air Cleaner: Safe, sure Four-Wheel Brakes: Lovejoy Hydraulic Shock Absorbers: And . . . big, bodies by Fisher (famous for fine craftsmanship) All these ate yours . . . k GsBjol Motors' lovast pficod ok . M Mr eVelsr 4m ate QMjUC. aMtaasf JUH5N GARAGE . (Have Rosa) Third Ave prince Kopert, JLC IPit i'T OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED OST PEOPLE KNOW These 1 king Already our irwncriuon filled at O nrta is to knaw that ; urc esai ily those your doctor ordered, -that taey and fivjheat obtainable that the msuuttrements orrt'ct, that tht- dispensing is done at all tunas (I phurowM. ::l:,N(, VOUH I'KESCKIHION TO ORMES Ormes 7tc Pioneer Drttu(isls fICDAVE V SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8? 200 "CATERPILLAR" Tractors for the Vi;'l K, LOGGER, ROAD BUILDER, MINKR 'IiLi'iliTi.M AKirt MtTMiiP a I .ity Wheiruvcr llf cd power and performance are demanded. I.ili'iuture und Pi-ies,on Kequt'st SOLE DISTK1HUTORS fOK B.C.: pIfUiilS()N TRACTOR ft EQUIPMENT CO., pOLT Limited 1325 STANDARD HANK BUILDING VANCOUVER. B.C. K I BEST - - - - - ' i ' a,., (UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED B v.. Kiilllm-k Irmii I'rloif Klloerl. 1I 1 It i, .. .. ,..i.ll Alert UU . ' I' 'i I". ... I V" Vlt"lllllt U... l.,t 14,11 etc. tp... N:lnrtlii.v. ' " V ll VOX, HTKWA1I.. WAI.l.s LSI.AMI. POKI . n i iii SIMI'MON. "' a.d;gJ T THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Church Notices Local and Personal ST. ANDHKWH CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Rector, Archdeacon G A. Bis. Morning Prayer at 11 o'clock. Bvsn- mg Prayer at 7.30. Sacrament of the Lord Supper first Sunday of month at 11 a.m. third HimHa,, nr . ....... wl uivmu v . a.m. Baptism by arrangement. The Hev. C. O. Darby will Drench di. peter a, Seal Cove at 11 a.m. and St. Andrew at 7:30 p.m. tlllllHTI.VN MUrkcE WK1ETV 8erv.ee every Sunday morning In the Hays' Block. MS Second Avenue. Sub ject on Sunday: "MORTALS AMD IM MORTALS." TMtlmonribeetltw on Wed. letday evening at 8 aWagk. KT. I'Al L'H IXTIIBttlMl t ill lit II congregation is called tor Kay tl. AdvwrtlM in Ttte muv Uw A NNOUNCRMBNTS F Rev. John H. Hanson, pastor. Reel- denoe 4M Eighth Avenue, Weat. Telephone Black 170. Sunday school and confirmation class on Sunday at 13 neon. Bus will be at Immanuel and Sixth -at 11:80 and e.t Ridley Heme at 11.45. Children. Be on time. Evening service at 7:30 conducted by P. H Lmaey. A cordia: invitation to an. A special business meetlnc of the HA1THW wvwcu Minister. Bev. w. T. Prlcj. Sunday la Mothers' Djv Morning worahlp at 11 o'clock. Subject: 'MOTBKR O' MINE." Open aeaalon of he Sunday a.bool at 2.30. Special Mothers' Day program. Recitals and on by the MnoUri- Evening worahlp tat 1J0. Subject: "THE TWO SWEET - aar watum iter spoken.' Illus trated wMh readings from the poema )t Bdward Quest. Special singing by Ah choir. Solo by 8 A Macpherson OiaaalSt. W. Vaughan Davlee. nT VKlrCtt I'rHHt'H Bev. A. Wilson. B.A., pastor. Mlas I. Haddock, deaconess. Morning worehlB ut 11 o'clock. Mothers' Day Sermon, girls of the C.OJ.T. group taklaa pert. Chorus bv Junior Choir. Sunday School at 13.16. arte lag service at 7 SO. Subject: "THE LOVB THAT MSVBR FAILETH." De- jvotkiual meeting an Wednesday at 8 16 PSSMWYTEKI AN CHI. HTM sinister. Rev J. R Prlaell. Bit.. LL3. Bttaidenoe, The Manee. Telephone 463. F Morning worahlp at 11 o'clock. Blethers' Day Service. Church Service aa4, Sunday School combine. Junior eholr In charge. Short address on tOTsnOr. ' Wear a flower for her! Evening worahlp t 7 JO. Subject - "POWER v POWER." Special music by choir. PRUDHOMME TO MAKE MOTION tviM. ti rtu mStrunos m TBI VK nehi:r avi paviw or HOS1HSS MTkUT MOMIAV KKIMT Aid. A. J. Prudhonune has posted following motion for consideration the nlty council at Its day night: "That the eounell can far tat completion of that portion of trunk sewer not slroadjr construe ted for paving of atorom atreet aitfl the city engineer be Instructed to in tenders tor both wars. WHtvAT Piura TotAr the tar Ukt aut VAtCOtrvBR, May 13 The price of wheat here today Is quoted as XMi- Word received by OavarnSMnt Teie- grapha this mnrning from the Tukon says the ice 1 atUl holding at O klr ma tamac urew. Women of Mooeehenrt Legion a0btld-en's Masquerade. May ,. "Are You a Maaonv" by Players' auk. May il iM n In Weal holme. Canadian Legion Picnic June 10. Moose PIcilc. June M. ELEVEN BOILS ON HER ARM AT ONE TIME Mrs. 8. Petuh, Fisher Home, Alt,, writps: "1 was troubled with bolls and had eleven of tlimn ou my arm at one time. "1 tried all kinds of medicine, but got lio relief. "I I'M.k two )KlttlH of and have never been troubled sinue." B.B.H. Danishes boils and all other U.o, (liwinlerB, ,., . MitVlured only t.v The X. Milbum Ui, i.nnUvU, Turouto, Oat. Tommys Taxi. Pjxme &tl. 113 Lad lei' Tail Service. Phone 239. tf Dentin. Dr. J. R. OMie Phone DM Skating daily. 3 to 4 sad 8 to 10. tf Oet the Big 4 habfti When thinking of a Taxi, phone 4." tf Children's fancy silk dresses at half price Saturday and Monday. Mra. Field. 209 Second Street. 113 Reserve your aeat at Ormes on Monday for. "Are You a Maeon?" at the Weetholine TBWrtre May 31 and 23. Mra. J. C. Mtfl nnan returned to the city on the Prinoe Rupert this morning from a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. See the special feature in dancing by four artistes. Everybody should see a Butterfly Danoe on point at the Boys' Band concert. Bert Morgan will sail this evening for Stewart on a eomMtttd business ind pleasure trip. He aspect to return -o the city on Tuesday. Gait freighter Salvor, Capt. Bush. arrived In port at 9 o'clock this morn ing from Vanoouver with a full cargo of lumber or Albert ac MoCaffcry. C PR steamer JfrllilSO Royal. Capt S. K. Gray, arrived 'In sort at SIS last evening from the south sailing at 10 p.m. on her rtUtrn to Vancouver and waypolnta. J George O. Show, woo arrived this week (rem Vanoouver. will aall tonight en the Prtnot Rupert for Stewart where he will look over -the field with i view to opening a drug business Pred Wesch. representative of the lecal Knighta of Pythias lodge, will all tonurrow night by the Prtnot Rupert for the south to attend a provincial Grand Lodge convention of the order. Mr. and Mrs. Dave MoOulloch will aall tumuiiuw night on the Prince Rupert for Vanoouver, Mr. MoCuUoeh being a delegate of the local Pythian Sitters to attend a Orand Lodge Rev. Oeorge Turpi n. United Church minister at Smltbers. will arrkve kn tba city on tomorrow aftarnoonw train 'rrm the Interior ana sail on the Pnaoe Rupert for Vancouver to attaad TMS TaVZUDft. 8CXTH ST. Come in and see our new stock of :ng1iah and Scotch woollen. Special line of fine tweeds and wafwWda for ladies' suits, atop and see our -window display of men's suits for SSAJM) 113 At a meeting on Monday. Adotr Cam Chapter. Imperial Order. Daughter! of the Bmpire. will set a new date for the annual Ypras Day tagging which has been postponed on several oc thar. an account of unfavorable CJtJl. steamer Prince Btwert. Capt BV Taiiislil arrived at 19 aVWwk mmi today from Vanoouver. Fwu River ana oosan pays ana win. aaii at in attack taaight far atswVt. returning here tomorrow evening te ail south at 11 pja. On bar return south following voyage to Queen Charlotte lalanda with ar.csry supplies, freighter Pamous Capt B. B. Bsnnett. was at the dry 9k yastaiday loading niHimwimd lot 'rem Terraoe far delivery Si the Lam Inated Matartats mill a New Wvet- Farewolkd bp many of ass Msstds. A. Akarberg. alanter msrhlntst of I elty. aallad this mornliui on the Car dans for BaatUs In which, city or elas- hrbtre on the Pacific Coast he intends to tooats. Mrs. Aterberg and famUy ill go south at tat do af the pre sent school term. Mia Joy c. Pcrd. R N . graduate of the Maaelton Neapltal traUung sot for nurses, will arrive tlx-fa on Jane 1 from Vernon, where iw !as been nun Ing tor the past two y- n. to become night supervisor in tlx- local inatlty tlon. succeeding Miss Nell was U if l ig to Kin the Port Sltsaaac tal Stat. .; f Inspector Forbes CniicatsaMtRT chief of the orimlna) iuvet igs'ttasi depart ment of the proviuriai polios, who ha been bar in connection with, the la veatlgation Into the murder af the lata Mr. Esther Killes. sailed by the Oar dsna this morning on lila Mtuia te Vanoouver. As far as could be learn from the potior thu morning; there were no new developments la OUCUH ticn with the care althouaa nunara .uiitlnue to be hetrd ' C.PR steamer Prlm-eas Allot, Capt. Thomus Cliff, arrived in port at 10 JO ibis morning from Vnncouvgr and aall- ,erl nt noon for Alaska, taking.- among I liea paiwengera from here, tajke , JoJlOT-, Hi - L Puatuya, V Pustuya, M Vuck- lovich and M. Jurovlch. for Oarcros. K Bhmk. for RetiiitkHii. and A. K B'lKhl. for WlilU'horse Tlie vessel had 01 pn.wnge'!, hK north front Van couver und 3 fill toot, or irtajht. Two l.isengeis dlM'iiibaikt-d UeS: p. H PiteiiH'ii mul Mr CiiveujUMMd. The AH i' due to mil .-""Wnand nex; g0methin trip south, returned to the city from Vanoouver on the Prince Rupert this morning. Dwvld Thomson returned to the city on the Prince Rupert today from a trip to Vanoouver and other points In (fee south. I C. A. Banks, general manager of the B.C. silver, la a pesaengsr aboard the Prince Rupert today bound lrom Vancouver to Stewart. Denys Jackson of the Lynch Bros. diamond drilling concern la a paaawa-fr aboard the Prtnoa Rupert today hound from Vanoouver to Stewart. The eases of two boys In Juvenile Court, charged with theft from Mua- aaUam's grocery, were further adjourned by Magistrate McClymont this Joe Batchford returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a combined business and pleasure , trip to Vancouver and other points In the south. Mra. K. I. Blrnie of Stnlthtrs, was a tram boat to train today re turning to the interior after having paid a visit with her daughter. Mrs. O. W. McKay, in Aahoroft. Mra. (Or.) r h Carson and family e paaaeugm aboard the Prince Ru pert today returning to Premier attar a visit In Vancouver. Dr. Carson wont north at the first of the week. R. B. Lundvall, general manager of, the Marlund Mining Co. which la active i at Stewart, is a pa linger aboard the Prince Rupert today bound from Vancouver to the Portland Canal camp. Oeorge Bell, for driving to the com men danger, waa fined lio. with the) option of seven days' isaprlsonmont. In j elty poltoe court this morning and his white driver's license was suspended. Hod ley Rous tree, for his third offence j on a4cnarge a eaimrennesi. was sentenced to twenty days' Imprisonment, without option of flue, ay Magistrate McOlymont in city ponce court this morning. After having spent two weeks ashore In Vanoouver. Jack Crawford Is back n duty ajaln as puree I' aboard the 'N.R. steamer Prtnot Rupert this trip. Fred Coram, who relieved during his absence, is remaining aboard the vcaael for a while. Miss Jean Bailey returned to the elty on the Prince Bupert this morning after having spent the past few weeks St Victoria vlaltlug with her parents. Mr. nd Mra. A. H. Bailey While In the south. Miss Bui Icy had a serloue j -HEW BLUE RIBBON BEER Clean and Pure Beer I THE latest achievement of our brewmaster. It's a wise brew master who eliminates competition in the brewing business by manufacturing a superior beer of unassailable merit Physicians say there is nothing better than Blue Ribbon beer as a vitalizing tonic Something New! Just try h it is the beer you'll like) Why? It is always pure, extra pale, delicious and wholesome. 7 Wi nude from choicest B.C. and imported Bohemian hops, milt from the best barley grown in D. Cm and very elected INDIA RICE, and mulr rlnht. It's fullv aded. That's why everybody I flees it best. It costs more to make. but not to Jbj ! as att '.-J This advertisement a oat published rr dispbyeJ bv the Liquor Control Board, or by the Government of Britnh Columbia Special today, fresh cut tulips Si .00 a doswn. Glenn lei j For a Taxi Phone 390. Oscar Hanson. Stand. Oratsal Hotel. Li . Reserve May 19 for Catholic Women's League Social In Catholic Hall. I Tommy Praaer, who has been on a Canadian National Sleaffishins Co I mited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK canadian pacific IIW4V 4 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Krtrhlkan, IVrangell. Juneau, and Mkagway May I, II, .IS. To Vancwutrr. Victoria and Seattle May 6. 1H, tl. 1'I!Inti:ms uoyal IVr llutedale. Eavt Itella UelU. Ocean Palls. Nana. Alert I ley. Campbell Itltrr and Vancvuter every Friday. 10 p.m. Agency for all Meanulilii Lines. rail lotermatlen from IV. C. OKCIIARIi. Urneral Agent. Center of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. ItC. Phone II Tennis! shipped from Japan about three thousand were still alive when they reached Victoria the other day aboard the President Pierce. They have gone south with a view to introducing this Japanese variety Into United Slates rivers. DANN NOT TO CHIEF POLICE IN VANCOUVER illness from which she Is now recover- VAetfXMTVXR Msv ia The reoueat fcf' of the Vancouver Police Commission I that Inspector T. Oann. R.C MP be B. M. Morgan of Vanoouver. general , k,, w ne clty l0 d th po110e manaasr of the Taltapln Mining Co.. durlnf laqutry. has bean refused arrived in the city on the Prince Ru- : bJ Ottawa. pert this morning from the south and . proceeded by train to Burns Lake to pay a visit of inspection to the company's property In the Bablne district. He is accompanied on the trip north by Mrs Morgan. Annoying- Bladder Weakness of Old Ane mMy Krtlrtrd liv SANTA I. MIDV Sold b) AU Druggists JIOTKL AKUIVALS hef. , VielufJIjt ViStoJIiK fV O. O. , R. H. Johnston. Inverness; A. M. Turner, Toronto; T. :0. Garrett. Vancouver; W. P. Bluut, I Balmoral. 1 Central , T. B. Blakey. Vancouver. W. R. Hud-.aon. C.N.R.: R. Nelson, North Pacific. Mvy H Kemp. Vancouver. Advertise is Un Dally Newt. AND SHIPYARD OperutlnK li.T.I'. 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dinrk - Hnincertt, Machinists. Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. BLECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant ia equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 i enms: SEE OUR NEW RACKETS $7..0 to 10.00 11)38 Balis arc in Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 YOUNG TROUT SHIPPED FROM JAPAN TO U VICTORIA. May 13 Of 10.000 trout DOLLAR DAY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Heinz Pork and Bea'nt. large, leg. 30c, 4 for $1.00 Heine Pork and Beans, medium, reg. 20c, 6 for $1.00 Heine Pork and Beans, small, reg. 15c, 8 for . . $1.00 Heinz Ketchup, large, 8 for $1.00 Heinz Sulud Cream, 3 for $1.00 Heinz Tomato Soup, large, reg. 20c, 6 for .. $1.00 Heinz Tomato Soup, small, reg. 15c, 9 for $1.00 Heinz Peunut Butter, reg. 40c, 3 for $1.00 Heinz Chili Sauce, reg. 40c, : for $1.00 Heinz India MajisfafercL? 3 for ...... m mmt. m Heinz PrsaaJRVrKtaA reK. Z&c, 5 lor $1.00 ALL HEINZ GOODS AT SPECIAL PRICES Mussallem Grocery CO. LTD. Phones IB and 84 P.O. Box, 575