Save Money The cheapen way to buy the Dally New U to ubocrlbe by the year The coat U 3.00 and your r !py 1 dellTered to your address ta h evening. Just figure out the smut) cost to you for thli dally service for twelve month I V.' XVIII.. No. 112. 'MM HI- IIIVKII Mltll HY Hlf. oi iu.o t ur. to nuMT ruu-ie IN NATIONAL YORK. Mar ,,uon Ail le pre nttati esafourdee the ea- iding aaeag within striking the Neiknaal tea dot ship, tig. sensation! fielding and resxinble The but half i nam behind . Red Lues won Hie aurtb .on suiita yrstrrdi) agalnt ..velnd mnirk out nine Loula, deles i in the Phillies. outpltched Dauy Vane giving thani the win over Hack Wilson hi: hia fourth k beat Cleveland In the n made the season's fourth 'i sixth with the UNITED STATES PEACE PLANS :v")i! M.IMi t'ONMIlKHMi liillTAIN AMI tNAIl AN- mi m kh L.troiMi: ,N trkal. May lfomfldence of S.i H HY May 13 -Oon.munlcatlon xi hanged between the Im-i Dominion govcrnmente with lie proposal or Uuiu-d States Krllogg on the outlawing of u Hon. Iriwst L point in 'eierdey. "te deolaaad that to we at snjr any move toward pro- r would be favorably eon-Canadian governinent. CONFIDENCEIN SIR A. CURRIE "H u nts TO m Miti:it or rm ii '"MiKl;!! mvi: ON((HATl l.-T'IV IIINM.H TU (ICM ItAI. uihm corns In Sir Arthur Cur. Kl MiTON tl SPEED WON JUBILEE HANDICAP PARK. Knalinri u. 10 'xwar's fiv, year oM Abbott 1 the Rempton Park Jubilee dsy. Autocrat came second Woody third. OX.', '4, "l J- M-O-T-Ii-EMt THSM la ooe mm -e ail tow wail. We learnt It ere we learnt tepU: a name that standi beyond For patience, love, The name of 'MOTagjgr who wUl aay Shes not our bast frMM aigbt and day? Her good advlos and Motber'e love Wm guide us on our way above. ft ta an ttett wsisH ite yet: a will be the en feme Mend. Wbos faithful fT ihs mS, Her greeting when at home we came Where all la peace, and real, and love: Her nobst acta, e'en great or small. Bring bapplrjeaa to oas aad all. The nofetoat name there is on earth: The one that always should come first And. though we may forget each other, Let us revere the name of "MOTH BE." (Dedicated to my Mother R V O L I .M.S. DURBAN DUE IN JULY i.iiiiir cm ii h or tin: riiivt sta tion HI 1.1. PAY IIVK lAY Vl!IT TCI POKT Local headquarleri of the Hoyal Can adian Naval Volunteer Bawerve are ad vised that HJria. Durban of the China station, in the course of a cruise on this roast, will arrive In Prince Rupert Harbor on July 13 and remain until July 18 The Durnan. wnase rim viaii It will be. Is a light cruiser of the nmr calas aa the Curlew and Colombo which have already visited this port. ARMY EXPEDITION TO FETCH BREMEN WAaHlNOTON May U With the sanction of the Canadian government, left here Prlday an army air expedition en route to Oreenly Island where It I hoped to remove the stranded transatlantic plane Bremen The eapadltlen waa ordered by Secretary for War Devi. FOUR TOE KILli LAUNDRY ACCIDENT KOKOMA Indiana. M ia-FU . killed and ix seriously in- ' MTeawa last nlgbt when over- JUrd while Wtaen others are '' 'vr, numhiHiw v.lnrfi.rt .Krwk and bruises as a result t dinner to express gratlfica. Qf an explosion in a Hat work manghr ' ue of the recent trial atm the Prldn Laundry here this ...ra Turner rsd ennsnaula 1 '" the Canadian Legion of the -'" Svivkce League represent "'"iii ltes in Can DESTROYER IS AT HALIFAX HAUPAX. M) 1 loaned v Dcntroyer Cham-Canadian govern -ntieinmlit. ar- m,nt n 1 the " nnu L Wouth. rived toaay , tram rorvsm- Advertlaeir"1'' NeM " HALIBUT SCHOONE Floods in Ontario and Quebec Cause Mill to Close and Injure Homes May 12. The big sawmill of J. R. Booth OTTAWA, ( umpany at Chaudierc Falls closed down today on account of the high water throwing about 750 out of work. Residents at Gatineau Point, Quebec, are living in M r upper portions of their homes, the rising waters a inu driven them upstairs. Provisions are delivered if m by boat A funeral yesterday at Vinton. Quebec had to nro- t part of the way by boat because the highways were CINCINNATI TO THE FORE IN BASEBALL WAK addtd m;..m):ii:s to If!.' ri.lliTl King ul expedition, said here today, when aeen whle en route to join the party at Pale Pan. Alaaka, via BeUIhgbam Washington. Mr. ttoll aald the Soviets had offi cially refused permission for the partv to touch the Russian domain. Russian Importers In Nets York were Interced ing in an effort to have the ruling re versed. If the Russians relent thi party m ill stop at Kamchatka tor several weeks during the summer. TRANSCANADA TOUR AUGUST MONTREAL. May 12 An Itinerary of aide interest arranged for the trana- tada tour of the Empire Parliamen tary Association, which will begin at Quebec In August is an invitation to the Canadian House. Representatives win be present from United Kingdom. South Africa. Malta. India. Newfound land, Australia. New Zealand, Irish Free State and Southern Rhodaaia. REGINA ALDERMAN MUST MAKE GOOD CHARGES HE MADE 1 i M. J, L'eMarll oKsMHiimnrd lu nliiiMtuvl lr(fe fllaiipiUw tuinlV4ri,t,! J t'liqwa , , . , KBQtMA. May 13 M. J. ColdweU, the alderman who made the chare that the member of parliament were trafficking In Immigration permits, has received an official summon to appear before the Parliamentary Immigration Committee at Ottawa He will appear on Tuesday. SXBa. '3GI Boston Grill PRINCE RUPERT I'Kkl'KTli.VTKI) Italy; King m! I.. PRINCE RUPEKT, D.C. SATURDAY, MAY 12, 1928 RJUNE ON R 4 I Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper OCKS NORTH OF AT TU.-SAl'D'S : New fivrurt-j in wax that hav. lon - I'roBi the left they are: Marshal Foch ; C,en. Botha; the Belgian:-; Cxar of Ku si.i; Karl Btatty. Threats Alleged to. Have Been Made Against Lives of Hikese Who Are Witnesses Police Case FACING GUNS OF SOVIET RUSSIA STOIA-MrTKArKIA PARTY TltYIMl Til Ui;T PlUMfooKIV TO UtM AT KAMCHATKA WINHcrSO. May 13. -Members of the Stoll-MoCracken expedition will face Rueslan gun boa ta it tl.ey attr:npt to land at Kamchatka or other Russian territory. Charles H. stall. New Yort awyor and pnrtsinan. leader of tlx ANC0UVE' Mav 12-George Chow and Joe, Chinamen pro-V mlnently mentioned as witnesses for next week in the police inquiry, have applied at the police station for bodyguards other protection. Joe told the officers he had been 'beaten Friday night in Chinatown and threat a Jum been made by other Chinese against his life. He identified his principal assailant as a member of the Shue Moy gambling faetfon. . Joe also claims that they had warned hhu against testifying regarding paynieots of money. George Chow declared he had been offered a considerable sum ' :o leave town. RIGHT MOTOR OF AIRSHIP IS INJURED Italia in Hangar Twlajf Follow ing UnucceHful Fought of ' YcMlerday KIMiS UAWSnltalwrtTcn. $100,000 FIRE AT EDMONTON ; M'lXTAf l I.AU lll.AZl; WIIKX (I All Vlii; . AMI UllOi rs XI.i; WAIIKIIOl K lllTI((IVIII EDMONTON May 13 The cltya third tire in three day lajee yesterday destroyed Trudeau's .service garage In which the upper storey was occupied by Brody's VRioleitai Clothe Lea. ajut the .May 12. The uJmlbleJItalla k ', ' amounted to in the hangar tJQay with a dairj4 The blaze waa one of the meat aged right motor cnund n IimIm11' m 11 111 th history of the city. (he airhhlp dragged nleng the : believed to have started by i ground whdt reluming tVom an hot truck engine with gasoline unsuccessful attempt to fexnlore the polar regions yesterday. The return was caused by the airship running into thick fog and a Minding sno water m after reaching Fran. Josef land. Advertise in the Dalle' New. Bud Barrle. formerly on the staff of tlie Grotto cigar store here, arrived In the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from Vancouver where h ha been identified with the same company for a year or ao since moving south. He may relocate here. Halibut Schooner June Ashore on North End of Dundas Island and Pachena Gone to Rescue Arrivals and A MKIUC AN hetibut schooner June. Captain G. S. Wahlund, when J0" on on Aaaerleaa Irene. 37.000 pounds. Booth iSi aod 6v IJOO Ind 7c MINKIKMl witempao. Pcley. K.C. 60 mlnent barrister and of the LcgMlature of died laat night. He i the city tor 30 year. BC Silver Hayvlew Big Missouri Oork Province Dunwell Oeorg Copper . . . Ooteonda '. Independence . . . . Indian Kootenay Florence . L. L LakevKw Lucky Jim Marmot Metals . . . National Silver . . . Fend Oreille Premier Porter Idaho Richmond Bufua Argenta . . . her her WaV way llMf. light frejn fn Prince r M RuperJ Rniurtla to trankllron Ketchikan, inini,4nr wenArrore .TTC" 'ScreaV i a reef atiLbe Hrth end of Dundas Wand at high' tlfttKstnd ettreracto . . '.f'. '.',' HfLfh dgh and drf. there. The and five in a'lCar- " .f iWWi VeJIff captain Mill OUU crew, blOT) 111 Ojllt 1 savenunith U .til! 'TM -9n nvea here tnis morning in a trolling boat and arranged for the ttanJook Pachena of the Prince Itupert Salvage & Towing Co. to go out and float the boat atthe next suitable tide. Terminu ... The boat is not badly damaged and it is thought that if tho W.'ww " wind keeps to the westward she will be all right. Should a south- J".'" easter blow, however, It may prove disastrous. ;oorgi River The June is fr foot boat and is well known at this port. Orandvlew She sold her catch hsrf ust previous to going ashore. Duthi Plaheriea. 3.6c and 6c. Thor. 33.000 pound. Canadian Fish ft c-ld Storage Co.. 88c and sc. Lttuya. 3fM0 pound. Royal PVsh Co. Booth nahertee. Wabash. 7jO0 pounds. Atlln Ptaberie. 10.7c and 7c. Cor. 3400 pounds. AUtn 104c and 7c. Jack. 6400 pounds. Atlin MAN, IM18. . of a Flaheris. Fisheries, 109c and 7c. Canadian & A., 4400 pounds, and W. T.. 4400 pounds, CanadUn Pish It Cold Storage Co.. S4c and Sc. Margaret I.. 11.000 pound, and Pair of Jacks. 1400 pounds. Canadian Plah Cold Storage Co., 8.4c and Sc. Brant, 9400 pounds. Pacific Pufeerlea, 3.6c and 8c. Margalic? 8400 pound, and DS.T.. 3.000 pound. Booth Plaheriea. 8.4c and c. Margallee. 3.000 pound, and DS.T , 8.- 000 pounds. Booth Fisheries. 8.4c and 0c Atlin. 5 500 pound. AUln Fitbertm, E c and 8c. Ag. B . 1.000 pound. Atlln Fthr kj. 8.3c and Sc. STOCK QUOTATIONS K'awH tlwriwf lrkTK TixUfc mi Yaneea. rrr KarlMnge (Oeurteay 8. U Johaslaai Oo., Ltd r Btd 1.40 340 46 1! .08 .11 .03 44 .11 .18', 18.60 3J9 .38 47 031. .00 40 40 340 .13 IU 48 .41 ' 144 p. pro- north Winnipeg, a resident of Asked l.TO .08 .00 46 43 4.00 48 .13 08 V, SO 11H .06 46 US "'4 184S 343 .87 .14 49 48 .10. .96 .31 .14 .18 48 40 .43 .60 14S Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least Phone 457 S3408.000 last year. Price Five Cents DUNDAS Brewers and Distillers Paying Up Government Claims for Sales ! Tax Amounting to Five Millions o TTAWA, May 12. The minister of national revenue stated iliat (.ooderham and Worts, distillers, are making a settlement in full of the department of national revenue" claim far jurreurs of .sales tax. The amount involved is $675,000. i A considerable number of -brewers have already made settle-I menta and a nsmber of others are pending. The total amount of the j department's claims against the brewers and distillers for which I writs were issued amounted to nearly five million dollars. H'LIBUT ARRIVALS RFfRFAF FM TOTAL 159,000 LBS. ji HlglieM I'rlite at lArliange Tmlay U IUJM- anil ; and Umrtl, k4r and lit j A t.tal of 159.000 p:.und of halibut, ' as sold at the Fish Exchange tbial xmim 15 NOW OFFICIAL morning, price still being low. Bight i American veaaela disposed of 1 SI 400 VICTORIA, May 13. The value and pounds at from 8 6c and te to 104c and production of the tlabetlea of Bntlah 7n while nine Canadians said 38.000 weluiubla In 1937 waa S334374O0, a de-pounds fur frcm 8.3c and Cc to 84c c' lrom the preceding year at M.-ar.d ec. 1SS XXX) or IS per cent. according to a preliminary report or toe buaeau of atatistlca. The ldks la accounted for chiefly by the decrease in the aelmoa pack. The halibut catch showed a decrease while the market value of the hall out decreased from HJ4S.OO0 In Its to BOMB-EXPLODED SEATTLE ALLEY ALMOIT f'AIMI PAMI IN TWO TIIKATKEN IN IKIWNTOMN StC-TION OP CITV SEATTLE. May 1J. Down tewa Seat-'le was rocked when bomb, talis ved to have been placed m the aDSf between the Colonial and Capital theatre and et for eight o'clock last night. exploded, shattering nearby window and ruling the Colonial with saboke. The polio believe it was a time bomb. Although panic were nearly cetued in the audience of both theatre, no one waa Injured and there a ao dls- order Or.e weman fainted. Trila is the fifth bombing in the city this year. BELANGER IS GIVEN A WIN lM'lM OIUICTIIl TO HY ClttMVU wiiii iioMNu lksmiv tiaimku niCl ssio TORONTO. Miy 13 French BHau- ger. former National Amoetatkm fly- ssaight champion, won a hairtias de- ckdon over Prieco Qrande, Fillptna of New York. A crowd of 7.000 gave the deckuoA a mixed reception tjtttt whan seSee. Leu Marsh, left ta ring he was the centre of an animated crowd. The trouble ended, however, when Ma rah gave one of the dtsaotatHat a boxing lesson and emerge'3 from the shuffle with a dislocated thumb. REPLY MADE TO GUILDFORD I'AMiN TIKES IttfK AT IIIMIOP IN HM.. Vlll T IIKITIMI ( OLIMIIIA LONDON, .May ISi - "Wad aes reed reproach bdtl to the Chuvc Eng land in the Old Country and the Oh arch of England in Cdada.MY3J'aeM Perkina' charaotoncation of Stahop Ouildford' ttement that British people in Biitath Columbia are llakee to grow up pagans The canon aald! "It I a groaa alight on Brltuli Columbia. The Church has made tremendous effort In British Columbia and la full of rl tallty." Advertise In the Dally New. It pays I