THE DAILY, NEWS PAGE SIX Mother's f is 'Worth Father's Hour Father's hourly wage will pay for the washing of (he weekly family bundle. The weekly wash costs Mother a full day's time, to say nothing of the drudgery Involved. Surely mother's day Is worth Father's hour. THE LAUNDRY DOES IT BEST CANADIAN LAUNDRY anc Dry Cleaners Phone 8 The Most for Your Money Intelligent economy is simply a matter of securing the most for your money. In health matters this is as necessary as in the ordinary transactions of daily life. Wherefore it is necessary that you know what Chiropractic is, and what it will do for you. Chiropractic is the science of nerve transmission. Nerves transmit the motive power of the body. Pressure upon nerves prevents free trans mission. Chiropractors adjust the spine to remove pressure, and thereby achieve the effect of keeping: the body at its best. By my chiropractic health method I correct diseases of the eyes, ears, nose, throat, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels and lower organs. YOUR APPOINTMENT for health can be nude by telephoning; Green 241 Consult W.G.Aspinall.D.G. G and 7 Exchange Block Green 211 Residence: 1037 1ft Avenue Fo.- Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies, Bulk-ley Valley Hay and Grain, Seeds, Fertilizer and COAL, call up 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. BN&SAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 OsrtORe, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. SLIGHT LETUP ON SHIPMENTS TOTAL AMOl'XT EXI'OKTtill TIIHOt lill; VANCOrVEK IX WEEK JtST EXI- j Ell Wl,1.)8 UUS1ILLS I VANCOUVER.. May 13 There is a, slight letup in the grain shipments from this port, the week's clearings beta; 1 aa follows: La Marselllala for Havre. Antwerp gr Dunkirk. 9399 bushels; for Antwerp, 68,747 bushels. DaUemoore, for Cork, J75.876 bushels. Bainton, for Hamburg. 340,853 bushels. Sagotand, for Avonmouth, 325.435 bushels. King Maloolnt. for London, 334,088 bushels. Axel Johnson, for Swedish ports, 188,-400 bushels. Montreal Maru, for Tslngtao, 18,667 bushels. Columbia Maru, for Yokohama, 38,166 bushels; for Tsurlml. 196334 bushel. Hagt Maru, for Kobe, 36,000 bushels. MAGICBOOKS INNEWYORK jurcrs Allowed to Buy Modern Ones The art la not a new one. but despite lu antiquity and 1U universal nature It Is an exclusive one. Only The display la announced aa the only exhaustive one ever collected. It Is a combination of the library's own col lection and these of Dr. Saram R. Ellison and of John Mulhollaud. secretary of the Society of American Magicians. Books on magic appeared as early at SYNOPSIS OF LINO ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. unreserved. aurveyed Crown land may be pre-empted by ttriliah subjects over II years of age. and by nllena on declaring Intention to become British subjects, conditional upon residence, occupation, md Improvement for agricultural sur poses run information concerning; resra-.a lions reitardlng pre-emptions is given In Bulletin No. 1. Land Series. "How to lr-empt Land," copies of ihleh can be obtained free of charge I y addressing the Department of Landa. Victoria, B.C.. or to any Government Agent. Records will be granted covering only land auttable for agricultural purpoaea. and which la not timber-land. I.e.. carrying; over 6,606 board feet ter acre weat ot the Coast Rang and 6.000 feet per acre east of tbat Range. Applications for pre-emptions re to be addressed to the Land Commissioner of the Land Rsedrdlng Division. In which the land applied for Is altusted. and are mad on printed forma, ronlsa of which can be obtained from the Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for five years and tmprovementa mads to value of 110 per acre, Including clearing and cultivating at least ftv acres, before a Crown Grant can be received. For more detailed information as th Bulletin "How to Pre-empt Land." PURCHASE Application are received tor purchase cf vacant and unreserved Crown landa. not being tlruberland. tor agricultural purposes: minimum prlo for first-class (arable) land 1 IS per acre, aad second-class (gras-tng) land (2.60 per acre. Further Information regarding purchase or lease cf Crown lands Is given In Bulletin No. 10, Land Series, "purchase and Lias of Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or Industrial sitae ob Umber land, not exceeding 40 acre, may be purchased or leased, the con alUons Including payment of turn page. HOMESITE LEASES Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding acres, may be leased as homsstte. conditional upon a dwelling being reoted in the first ysar, title being obtainable after resident and improvement conditions are fulfilled and land ha bean surveyed. LEASES ror graslng aad industrial purpose areas not xoedlag 644 acres may be leased by ens person or a company. QRAZIIIQ m, Under the Oraxlng Act the Proviso u divided into graslnar districts and U rang administered under a Oraslng Commissioner. .Annual graslng permits are issued based en, numbers ranged, priority being glvea is established owner. Stock-owners may form asclatloaa tor raasra management. Free, oc partly tree, permit are araUabl tor settlers, sa-nper and trareUore np U test LOW EXCURSION FARES Ranadian National- guessing about hu identity, for 20 years. Robert-Houdln, from whom Moudlnl took his name and whom he bona fide magicians are in the know ! "pcd": Prof. Louis Hoffman Hermann the Oreat, who avowed a about certain modem tricks. A tsatjw becomes the property of the general 'll with the devil, public only after It ban served many iiMful mn In fonllns- that same iMiblle. Chief in T Waterfront Whiffs (continued from page Ave) employed In packing salmon from Hip po Island to Butedale. The Halda Goes to Hamburg "llulld B.C." Let Pacific Make It Montnalrn x 1 Ooes to Antwerp anaCobh. n Apply te Art-its vtrr,aer or H J. J. TORSTER. JH Oft S.6. Ctnernl Pf. Agent, U C.P.R. Station. Vanseuvcr. Ek Telephone Seymour 2(30 ii J 1. 1 ti a laoat iTfB wetrvnii v A ladrf who makes excellent are PACIFIC MILK ) ut torlci at AblMitHforil aitil Ijulnrr, II.C. "Ilullil I1.C." EASTERN C ANADA UNITED STATES EDMONTON CALGARY JASPER Tickets on sale from May 22. Return Jimit October 31 Full information from CITY TICKET OFFICE 528 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. Phone 2C0 the fifteenth century In all countries for the Canadian Fishing Co. shortly alter the invention and general Hdy there are e:rrepondeuce school. Yacht & Rowing Tlub for hull work. societies of magicians and s.clal magic The craft wui remain there until May for the season had been recorded. Weather so far , tola season has been much better on the banks than that which prevailed In 1937. out Shed No. 1. Market Prices Prices current are a follows: EC.ds B.C. Presh pullet B.C. Presh Unu ...-. new laid .T2k' Fowl. N. 1, lb Roasting chicken, lb. . Ham, siloed, first grade Ham, whole, first grade . Ham, picnic, Ib Cottage rolls, lb econ. back, sliced Bacon, i. aide side Pork. . .46c .46c dry salt . bacon. IB. Ayrshire ilre Veal, shoulder Veal, loin mayonnaise - and ... whose ... salads Jf'- Pnrlr ' inn Pork, leg ::::::.vr: popular with her friends Pork, S"" loin writes that she uses Pacific Milk in all salad dressings, and pot Ast V '..Tii . . . KUfMBQUEnouKh to attribute , Beef, bffigflfe. . i . .A. . . hiimSwkS of the mayon-iBeef. MpW:... naise to this good milk. SheiBeef. roast. pnmeTBfT. . v Pnr-ifle Milk is used in all Umb. chops ......... her cooki ng. - ,a" . . 160 13c to , to sasuswit ... T' Iamb. W t... Mutton, fhops . 1 , Mutton shoulder v ; ihVtcr E.C.D.. Ib 50 Cspltol. 2nd grade, lb " Praser Valley, lb Me New Zealand, In bulk' 8c prints ... i Wo Alberta CreamerjL 4So CHEESE Camembert ebeese, 8 oz. pkg 65c Kraft Llmberger, ft' 350 Ontario solids New Zealand solids 30c Stilton, lb Kraft 8c Norwegian Goat tie i N.apoleon Llmbrrtirr .n.- 70c 'Swifts1 Bropkf)d4,lb,'..,;..4ntt.vr' 45c j Oorgonitols.: lb. 76c McLaren's Cream. Jar . . . 8c and 86e iBrookrtcld Swiss cheese. Vi lb. pkg. 30c llirookfleld Canadian cheese. H lb- Pkt use of printing. Paul Johnson has his pleasure boat potatoes. 8 lbs." ... Me win j i.ilciim'u .unj;ii-iiiis hiiu v-uu-. rram men ii. u iiuuiurau uukii ou iiic uia gria oi tne rnnce Mupert ..u ! back publishing homes. 32 when the high tides of the month '" .Ti. 7a. California head lettuce Ur FOOLING THE PUBLIC Only licenscl magicians and conjurers wiu float It off. '.. Qarllc. Imported, per Ib 360 People About Tricks Only After They Are Worn Out NEW YORK, May 13. With a twist ar allnuMwt ir. tn h., huv th k. hnnvi hnnlca on n tw the arc Allowed to Knowlmukct tod.v. or -uoscribe to any of, the several magazines published in the exhibit at the New York nubile Ubranr oae of the fraternity 25c joruyere 45e ' Golden Loaf. Ib 46c Jack, lb ; 6tK , Romano Sardo. lb 75c Qauuneloet. y4 lb 30c 36c Fipil Smoked klppera. lb 16o Kippered aalmon. lb. 26o) Smoked black cod. lb 20o Finnan baddies. th,. ........ 36c Stic and 40c ..1 45 Mc ,. 36s 600 smtrt White, per 10 WjOO Yellow, per 100 T. FLOCK, ' Flour. 49s No. 1 hard wheat .... 6308 Pastry, flour. 10 s 76c Pastry Hour. '....,6J0O Aprtaota. Ik. VEdETAULE Beet. 6 lbs. for 6c BeaU. sack till Carrot. 8 lbs. .for Ho CorroU. sack .'..IMS Parsley, bunch 06c Yl( IIT8.MEX I.I KV J"" 4, ""J" f " ' " ! California celery, head 3Ve and ess Thursday afternoon saw the floats -. . . - Intmit "I thu nrirmlon ... .. . . . aputmsa, anew ru". - ,.,H,anH TtM NSW CSbbSg. Ib 11 i ciud allva with local vachtaman . . v of the r,.t Hermann the Oreat .tuck ' DT luKwln " busy with the fttlntbrusnes. saws. hsm. L'!l7 ' '"LTL.Vw X " ":ub,lc do" not know mS ' a knife through his head, picked a rab-, men and other lmpiemenu of warfare t,,,,,,.,,. rtauhtL M bit from the ..r ,n front of him and, 12J iot S turning casually upon his heel, banished , tn,r ' no lonr:r ror ln,Uve summer season which, judging from k - tiSjQ his assistant Into complete nothlrwnea nwglctan. Every practicing man of wwltber oondltloti the past few days. uJZ. snrouts.' oer "lb 36c wlthsn -penal gesture. , mJStt.M " " SSLSLT L V .Z A record of thesi and stUl 'mere won- n cn ttl1 " oiuie " long now the qoIm com- mi' IT derful feau that will dataln the Mcru of the book or " eyes, msnos. ona. Vmi Mm 40s to tlOO aoetn. to .. .. tjranits. vajwncta. h k.. l. it f.n inbi IK., K.mta .f stan.e ne mina sua uns ii. are on - ' Lemons. SunklsV doscn 36c io 4e After spending a weak her following tmperial Valley Orspefrult ... .8 for 36c in its special display of Vks and print "" her hectic trip across Hecate Straits -fVui. 2 for dealing with the gentle art of eonjur- ".; American 'durtna wWeh WM tot . Z . ... lnf in and and magic muric i William K. Robinson, who kept Europe, days and was finally rescued . in ,iv the la a new boat, having been built J. Ruptrt tbout thc mtddl4 c, Aprll. Currants. 3 lb. Vancouver only a year ago. Lart lee of. HhDOrUnc. hare been Prunes. MM0. v 36c 34 Extracted honey, lb 25c vicinity of Ketchikan, the Anglican Data, hulk, 2 lbs. for 26 mission boat Western Hop, with Rev. Rt1flr. 0 sc C. O. Derby in charge. wlU sail Monday g,. Potatoes. 2 lbs. for 36c on her return to Massttt. The Western oallfornia Dainty Dates, aaekage .. 26 nop received repair, to damage oauaoo. T.llow wton. C" gradt MJ0 some time ago when a fir occurred on wmey WM board bar and for which purpose ahe fane 4.00 onginauy set out lor rrince tsupsrt. Wlneaaps, "C graft M60 . I Fancy W TO The American halibut ooat Mildred jfrtra Fancy 64 00 H.. newa of whose burning Id the jgvei oranges ............ 40c to 61 Ao K waters edge in northern waters, was DUIED FKl'ITS received this week, is to first total llffnoti and orange peel SOe loss sustained so lar tius season Dy ine oRren peet 60c Fslflc coast halibut fishing fleet. The Btoet poolUlig figs. 2 lb 2 muoito ii. lauoeo, a cawo mi mm AVhit TIm 1 lh Me , 36e Apple . 36c year she was operated on the Queen compr,Uw,y among the hsilbut rEtiL. 'il -SSe Charlotte Islands and at Wale. Island ; fleet nrhu this -n Laat r be this' T tTm " !T TO EUROPE MAKE kESERVATIONS NOW row 1L FROM MONTREAL To Lhrrpuol May 36. June 32 Montclare June S, tjuly 6 Montcalm June 16. Jufy ly K 11.. Duchess ot Atholl tvia Olasgow To llelfaot-OUsgow Jun 1. July 36 MellU June 14. July 13 Minnedoaa Calling at Liverpool FROM QUEBEC To Cherbourg-Southampton May 36. June 16 . Empress of Australia May 60. June 30. .Empress of France June 6. Jun 37. . Empress of Sootland T Clirrburg-!outhuiiiitoii May 36 Mootrojral i aune date, no tea than three total tames tsc telbs. 36c ! 36 lb. b V , 1146 Prunes. 60-70 lb. S lbs. for 36c 30-40 S lbs. for 36c 40-60 Ib 16c 9S lt ttat SIM Following tne amalgamation m use -e-mBormtrf Dears, haleea. lb. Interests of the Oops Packing Co.. Ltd. gg ls and the B.C. Packers Ltd.. it Is loomed' mits at Prince Rupert that Richard does AittooaM vajeaeta 66c win become general manager oi tne concern with Thomas Oosse assistant SI.W (' IHM.tHY 111 II.HIMI Braalls tianchurlan si nuts 66JO 3o Walnuts, btnken sbeHed 6Sr manager and Robert Oosss. production WtAuuU Mre. manager. Arowmit Peanuts 36c 36c 3r The northeast cornsr of th Cans-, California walnuts 40c dlan National wharf near th vohicuiar. t mixed nuts ' approach U now being put in shape for Nw niberta' the erection of a njw train andj ltl See 36c steamer commissary ouuoing. loo lbs structur will be an torey in halght. whwt g wfl0 measuring 30 by 40 feet. The ora j commissary bsdcsvtrs were destroy-ed last year in the fire which wiped ghortsj V 346 61.40 MloUllngs 61.70 Bartey ,., M.38 Poultry mash, 6640 Bpect4 sgamisa 146 Oyster Shell MAO Scratch food 6640 ) Best scrap HOO Oround oU cake 1446 Baby chick feed 64 46 jo. ; Pine oat chops 6.1.00 IuTl sv-h Mri. 46c nea osw w i 671 nJUfeU , , 7. -i? arw. Pine barley chop 63 30 CANADIAN SERVICE From Montreul Th ILrlfntit. l.llriMMil mil lll,.H...u 224o , Athents May 18. June 16. Julv 13 Anton la May 36. June 33, July 30 tctltla i. m, jui 31 Andanis June 8. Julv a to 66c To I'ljiiuiutli-Clirrliniirg-Uiiiiiwii arVi i Ausonia Msy is. June 31. Jul. on Auranla .... June 1. Jun 28. July 37 a9C Aacania June 8. July 7. Aug 3 ! HI. U,,HI. ft. .It T. .laa 1. . to Blwagaia..june 6. 37. July 16. Aug 8 L NMTn.UMWliiiMlerrv anil dlmiw' . TrauyWnl. May 36 Callfomli. Jural 3 To rhmiiiilli.)Uire.iiUon T . 30o to to 45c 45q W ntHUM .... hv, yuij is, AUg. 10 oo From New York SAr To liupeimtimn nnit LlirriMmt 28c Samaria . May 19 Scythla . May 36 To Clirrlmurc and Moiilliaiiii,i,m 400 Msuiwtaala. . Mav 28. June 13, 80. July 36 5c Aultania.ay SuJunc so July , Aug. 1 .. 33c tuscsriWi-j May 18 Carmanla.. Utf 36 jOa "iii Diisnin ' To ureiitown anil Llvrriiiml 8e Scythla .. May 37 Laconla June io 48o ! Around the World Cruise too , rrn90"1" Jan. 18, 1930 0c i c,Ui "rwwth. Eastbouad ! .fon!y .07,1.!L-ilnl" " Travellers' , ; ' nnssi. run informs tkMt from from local local agent aaents ar or r..... Company. Brookfleld. Bbamrock and Woodland. Of lb ; 60c coo B nn' Oi "" oi. w Vsncouver. ii is ass ii 1 1 y sw irrrr Saturday, M,," WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 in A profoundly drumatir photo-play wi'h Lillian i ! i,. hi iK"t f Hit art. I.ARS HANSON. HENRY B. WALTIIAI.U KAMI. DANK. WILLIAM II. TOOK EH, MARC'KLLE ('ORI)AY. JOYCE COAI). MARY 1IAWES, and many others MKTRO-nODWVN 'OI)I)ITIES,,--MTIIB CALL Oi 1IIK Cl't'KOO." M ETRO-(J 0 LI)V Y N N KWS Admission 30c and 25c City Meat Market (SKLYIG BROS.) 3rd Atcnue i' X MEAT- FISH. VIXJBTAHLES aad ALL KINDS OF "NORWKdAN I'RODKf , at low prices, and Immediate deliver Oboerte! All artieles are of superior quality and ,r fresh. LOOK at YOUR CLOTHES EVERYONE KISK DOES Our spring- stock of High Grade Men's Wear N ' Hsiidresis of Briton's finest woollens from which - "that sprint: suit" tailored to your rneasure by Canu'i. most Clothes builders "Society Brand." Obey That Impure Do It Today THOR JOHNSON 10 Ladies High-Class Spring Coats TO CLEAR AT Special Reductions t only, Trlcotine Coatmole collar, crepe de ehim COO 50 lining. Sire 40. 3t.60, for ?0U" 1 only, Navy Poiret Twill Coat, silk morocain in ;n trim, fur cuffs. Site 18. Regular 3J.5u, 3Q,50 1 only, Trlcotine Coat, mole collar, blaek satin nn crepe de chine lining. Site 3. Regular CQK.OU 1420, for tJrUtf.v 1 only, Navy Trlcotine, mole collar, crepe de thir. ' black aaUn trim. Site 36. Regular $45.&o. 7pv 1 only, Navy Trlcotine, Silk Morocain lined, blark 'J. squirrel collar. Site 42. Regular $20.50, $22.5" 1 only, Navy Trlcotine, crepe de chine lining, miuin "' black satin trim. Size 42. Regular 139.50. g34s5" 1 bnly. Navy Poiret Twill Coat, mole collar, 1 1 i" -a lllrlnjf. Sixe 40. Regular $39.60, $34i" for ; v 1 only. Natural Kasha Coat, silk morocain lining rt-trast trim. Site 18. Regular 129.60, 22 for y v 1 only, Natural Kasha Trimmed fcavy4ljjt ' -n fringe crepe de chine lined. Size. :'8. Ref - 19,0U rt ular $26.00, for Vst.... M V 1 only, Harris Tweed Coat, silk Moracaln limns' -a Regular $29.60, v S223" for Fraser & Payne