s,t, inlay, May 12, 1928 Running Sh oes f 'ildrwi, from . . . oof : Kny.t. iromr. . a. .51.0.-. ; Men, I.. Jj51.:W ; 4 4. I 'I are ,rel bfygain s. We hifas also a tfn'nt ailment of Men's Suits M N;ivy Blue Serge, made urn genuine Imported Eng lish material by the bet ; il- s, from ... Jji'JO.OO up i !. n ' and Boys' I'anta from ' !..- ' V4?GWlt' Slaters. ; !. Silk .and Wool u altera nt prieex ."J.'i per cent lew. Montreal Importers Third Avenue .. H. Miller. Proprietor Why Buy Cake? in Vancouver when you i v a better quality cake ' Ier cent cheaper in your own Hty and daily. 1 1-ni and Dark Fruit Cake, lb lop I'.crn and Citron Cake, l ."Of I1' unH l ake, with mixed fruit M .j..:.. inc i un. !i Cake at . . 2.1? ' "ake at,.- i; to make your own I'rosperons by encoar-'hi- workmen of your Uur u'oihIs are all made in cur Ilakcry and the 'u i lily is unsurpassed Electric Bakery " ' Ve. Telephone 6Ti7 H. s. WALLACE CO, LTD. "I T V,0 ALL OlIU resses OUIt WINDOWS' H.S.WallaceCo.Ltd. Phone 9 ': ' nuc and Fulton St, NavySuits find . 1 1 A . ",r Ensetnblie Suits Liieniers Waterfront Whiffs llalihut Landings Hold Lead Over 1927-Cnpe Spear Mishap Troves Not Very Serious Cannery Husines Slow This Year Halibut landingi! at Prince Ituierj are still substantially in excetfjjtof tha date. Un to yesterday a tntnRM 7 7&s rcret, more or 'Jggf- " T"T '' week started (airly well u far as the price situation wm coaoetiMU but, toward tbe end. slump wm recorded the bid going back to the level where toe difference between profit and low bsootnes a serious question. The high price of th week for American fUh waa He and 7. which the Lansing received for a catch of 18.000 pound wnne the highest Md for Canadian without sucosm thought It MHl t k... A.H r.nH. B u 1. WJTICI I hereby given that I aboil. un Monday, th ait day of May, l. a the hour or 10 o'clock in tne lore-noon, at the Court.house. Prinoe Rupert, hold a sitting of the Court of ttevislcn for tbe purpose of revising the Hat of voter for the Mid electoral alstrict. and of bearing and determining any and all objection to the retention of any name on the aald Hat. or to the regiatration M a voter of any applicant for regiatratiou; and tor Use other pose set forth la thr "Provincial Br ictlon. Act." Dated at Prince RKpart. , B.C.. thl (th day of April. ItM. RKQ18TRAR OF V'OTEKg, l l prlnoe'mipert gyeapMl fjatrlet. rxstrAcY' MiTH'K W INTENTION T) AITI-Y Ttl l.litMi MM In Prlnre Rupert Land Betiordlng t District and sltuafe on Moresby Wand ad-laoent to Alllford Bay -Skldegate Inlet-Queen Charlotte Island. TAKI NOTICB that Pacific Mill Limited of Vancouver. B.C., occupation iiulp nnd paper maiiuiacmiw-. to apply for a lease of the following land. ' - deacilbed .. ,h. 5eree7,nS0K mlnue. Wt ( Aom ti,nr-'. Nurth 33 degrees 30 minutes BMt , ( Astwiiomlc) ft : thence North SB a nomlcl 3000 ft., HfarcP3 Wet I Autre ffi North 60 de,rccs East Jtrono. min BftO ft more or leas, to an intersect on with The high water mark of the Mid i thence following ah ford Bay: water mark Southerly w. high ;"nmmencement. "" save and except e or eommeiicT-i.re... ..-, - i, . . AAMeaimn.gr in it" tit - mnf nr PACIPIC MILLS. UMinrBD. Iarkr lraer Samuel obiu. uonney. By April 18JW Int j one MINERAL ACT (Porm F.) cBKTirir.TiTrw'Bovr.MBNT menu, for Pr claim. tJrown Omni of that action. And further take n 1 Commenced under section 8S"1""lh certificate of before the lue of Improveniso"1 ,,ur u n ,nJH rl '1 ' r.th a ,v",J' pbP" "MM." is planning f It. fcwu - - .w- . a . especially when "Grandpa" la the only mate about the premlM. Doc hM triad It for two Week, and now. wearv and jlsookwd onto and they at least know j worn after fourteen night of walking I where It I. It l reported that the the plank and fourteen day where th young yachtsman nlmaell bad a narrow call of duty permit no rest scape rrom Being struck by the railing ' forward to a season of he look macninery u it dropped, it la hoped quietude. Doe's granddaughter wont to yet recover it irom tne water home thl morning after a two wee Its N I sojourn at the coast. The old Shockley woodworking shop1 ua auui rtsce nssr tjw oar aubrt n.. .u. u. m much resembles s young sblpbuUdlng . ) urin- .n.i. rw- n '" - - stuaaoy. tt win be inetamid to run buUdlng a new speedboat there for -o, the attitdsn at the nlont af the uoiwu ana uoamm mm i mm won- ( Rupert Marine rroducta Ltd. In eating a distance wurswr tor Doug iinut in addluon m which a number ol rowboata and ammll boau are being built by youngsters. - ft Is at least a etead Industry. not The Doctor It Is essential that my car should always operate properly and accordingly I use Champion Spark Plugs. Champion ii th better park plug became It hat an exclusive mahlte (mutator ipc daily trrattd to with ttan d the much higher temperature of the modern hich-compres- Ion engine. Alto anew patented solid copper gaiket'tealtbat remain absolutely gas-tight under high com pre. Ion. Special analyiit elect rodei which aiiure a fixed ipark'gap under 5 an anving condition. Champion SparJCPtugs Wlnis.r, Ontario A CANADIAN.MADE PRODUCT 1028 season to date 027 at a B milar',,r?h -r. nn i R,,rt I A,.. -.I- I U n American and JCOOOpoanA C.udiMMK'X "'J pared with th6 total at the aarne time last aeaaon'of 7,070,200 pounds made up of 5,290.000 pounds American and l,77u,G00Vunda Canadian. Trje pt week aaw a number of broken' caches landed on account of unfavorable weather outside but Ihe total-fares for the week were above average-at $29,000 pound 009500 pounds American and 1W.800 pound Canadian. The lor tf.ooo pounds. Low prices of tin week were 7c and 4c for American halibut and 7.3c and 5c for Canadian. The Oanadlan Viking I ssuasm aw sevsnin trip oi the e season having, to far. made more landing Utan any boat of either fleet thl year. 9Cka, Removal to the city of the oper tlcn. of the Big Bay LutBTbejr 00.' saw. mill hM brought a number of pleasure .. . . . . .. boat owned by mem bee. of the staff " PonM- eonciudwg eswnsiv. rwru,vr . laust boat to arrive is the nut little tne vei tne winter. hM during pMt of WH ttM mmwrtAt.i l-aiw. sksiast OKI. - sa !. Vxkt Pink I "v ,wh.cb to quipped with a Ford nrlol wii Known cruutr, vvrm rryv. "PHOVINCIAL ELECTIONS ACT" ritist i: in n:ir u.i:t riitL nimcicT Following the breaking of her crank abaft on (be last trip out. th loo. halibut boat Yule, capt. Tom Byrne, la ready thl week-end to proceed again to the "high spots." Tbe WaflMj welding wm done at tbe Star Weeding works and the motor wm at the atiae time given a thorough overhaul. The break occurred Inside tbe flywheel and It wm quite an engineering feat which permitted th vessel to coi In under her own power without as- alatance. c.m: sr'..K .k. After being towed all. the way from Queen Charlotte . Island the Oops Bpasr wm found to have little th matter with her. It wm In Hecate i at rait. iMt Saturday that the Cape Spear' trouble occurred and it turned out W nave been not nearly aa serious m at first might have been feared. A a matter of .tact, one of the engine cylinder head sprang a leak" at the point where thIWnd Is taken out of It ill manufacture, A makeshift plug might have allowed the vessel to proceed on l way temporarily but those In charge evidently believed the trouble wm . more f rtoua m help wm called for. Tb bring tbe boat all that dla- For the ' of a minor regit Ir could be mode for a few dollars rather 'a Joke on the boat owfen She wm towed nff, by the Salvage Princess and, was off seam to the fishing grcund the morning after her Ivor V)tfc trolling boat Seminole-si undrgplng an engine overhaul at: thei hand of the Star welding Work. vessel wm enntted In fisheries business trip on i i.., uiu n.,,hi. k. na oi we bwbhi inimijarly again ram nira. i nis win rje tne iirt of a number of ambitious crufeea he 1 planning for tbe coming sunaner season. It 1 understood he will make another trip about July or August to AlMka, this time in the direction of Sitka and probably to Chicago II bland.) thU year. John Bergman bad a new air tank fitted for the dleeel engine In hi trolling -xt tincea by the Star Welding & Repair Works thl week. Waterfront hoelnnM concerns report iuirwM,, receive mu. c.A7ry - WW, M MM WlWmi WVUSJiy M , I thl tune, there la m much or more of TTie proposal of William Sim of 3pUbiM trade than can be handled. Never-IMet. M outlined In the Dally New. tntleilli thm u blulQew tbla week, for the establishment at ... . . . VMMrdu t. . i -"wren utoswesiiBi w ine opening ox Hie Jon CUrln" inaxulT1 "to -lon fM.tng seaswn and th. water- yMterday morning with the personnel. KlMni( i:fiii: in rnuK Aa Arthur Kerr wm having the ford marine engine, which had been out for overhaul, lowered into bis opn boat ",n n-'fro t U quite brisk these day. There not been generally recognlMd and ju campolgs of putting aelne-whtch could be caught a considerable ! i.. .. , ... I - - BM4UVVVnt MWfV.n, in . After bavin, .pent some two month. 5r!rp. d.rt,t'n-!Mny Indian, bar been in port dur- u.1,. .Jj, ... . I" vreiu cvasiasx-iue interest, jar. rLJaJ" "IWU-'"B B'", .tlon l,ht fc. the "1T;V 1"' ' "r . ett.bll.hlng here a permanent experiment. In- seems to warrant at lcat an Doc. Clapperton wm relieved today of the onerous duties attaching themselves to the care of a particularly ensr- at the end of the Union Oil Co. dock; get Ic and vociferous fifteen-month old I on Sunday, something happened to th ' grand daughter. Only thOM who have block and tackle and the machine wm experienced it can know th trial and precipitated Into the haroor. Various tribulation of the grandfatherlv (Utua i attempt were made during the week to grapple the engine out but, so far. tng recent weeks. H. K. YamaaaekUls engaged la iw- fen pdrlvg out,, mZ Z tJt Wh!Ch WOUJd po-,W' i Gliding a amall piure boat ud- P0 : I Into something on a large acala. Tbei the now Oow rw, Bay bridge heidiV Th. nnM. 1 being renewed. . . 7 Oi i.i. m:tti:k finished Y. guehlio. daw Bay Japanese boat builder. bM completed tbe building of thirty-foot gill neUer for Louis Jaoab-son. A now style k-7 Yale engine ha been installed. Bueblro expect to cIom a contract for the construction of another similar boot within a tow days Boat going on tbf Ward Way sino the first of the month tor hull paint ing and overhaul have Included tbe tsclllng boat Korea II., cruiser Laura P., halibut boat Marguerite, and trotter. NeUle. Fetor Ulghton of MeUakatla hM bean giving hi selncbost Dickie Boy a general overhaul ou tbe Want Way. A gurdy hM been installed for trolling in. which the veaaei will be engaged until the opening of the nlmon season , Dr. W. T. Krk& will have the erulsw PttH. UsWaiett out on Ward Ways at tbe first of next for tbe installation of a new wheel. Thia. it la hoped, will aid the now en- iatnf. fyvlteWVeal,.to.tAigi up th idt l -ealtd t. . pW BUI Sheftm bM the Kelpie out on the old McLean ,w4ft m Cow Bay lor much needed fob sj bet torn painting. Report, upon which Bui maintain. (uggMtive alienee. Indicate thet be may travel extemtveto In th near tuture. The Kelwle -etiowid be good for sort tunc be would try. even though It should be to tbe Oaos Island treasure bunt. Having In tow tbe 780,000 fret of aga which the Pacific Mill purchased at eherUf' sole here, this week, power Salvage Princes and M.T.3 lelt on Wednesday moaning lor uoeac fall. Saturn to port Is espacted late UMt week and th boats, coming north, will pick up a tow of lag (row Louis Looker' camp at Lswkt taland tor delivery to the Big Bay Lumber Oo.'i laoal Mwmlll. ru:.MNn iinrruis R.U.P,; power tug F. it Pblnpan. Capt, v Jlertdaotae Jim MofJIaon, baa .pent Ue( week on the, Bkfcna IMver nsMiiInc asftal bonpen at the varMaktlnunart aa M M. P. power tux P.R.T.. Captain Harris Kerr, left Thursday morning with .uppllea for the company' dog run camp at Jap inlet, returning y- ttrday. Dog flailing I oonunulng teedjly though with no aftsotoctdgr NMilta m yet. lo trace hM been WnKhef William Dann. Morse Cove flshermafj, bo hM now ncen missing tor ,ariT vua weesui. The police have taken m trolling boat. Owl, in charge and the vessel 4 tied tip at tf floats of the , Prince- Rupert Towing & Salvage Co.vll la feared that Dann kt hi life by drowning In the harbor though there la no definite evidence to this effect. An extensive overhaul is bin elveb the eagine of tbe Prlhoe Rupert 3sH Mge & Towing co.v eruiitet "aa." The' vessel hM also been iUHd from stffti to Stern and look, trim and slick again A facility which hM been mlaaed since It was taken dawn several months ago, the staircase front the upper end veiled during tw Mi hj eodflbfu overhead, also giving a tne otnndian ig re- etybU of th hort rut . to eatabllshments on the west end of wharves. the Ths crulsjfr Sunoyor, atncbetl to the Prince" nupen Ptsherles Sxperl. mtnttl .tatlon. Ik being redecked with a much needed coat otmt. f. Tlw r"""' cruiser Mao and Msc. carrying k paity "I Vancouver crn- n fram various of your copy of Ihe I) an an outfitting outfitting point point and aily News every night by Ijavinff it delivered to your address by carrier $5 00 paid in advance will bring it to you every night for a year Keep Yourself Well Posted about world news, district news, all the doings of Prince Hupert, your own town, and by no means the least, get the NEWS OF THE STORES their prices and their bargains by reading regularly THE DAILY NEWS IT WILL PAY YdU! merclal men. was In port from Satur- a visit day to' Monday and proceeded from duties. here to Anyox. Stewart and other northern points. The vessel will call southbound about the middle of next week. SOMETIIIMi IM Sl MI, Bhef Thompson, genial caretaker of the Prince Rupert Rowing St Yacht Club, having a moment of leisure In dulged in a crlbbage game with a rtend Thursday afternoon. Judging from InqulriM that are be ing received by tbe Prince Rupert Salvage Ac Towing Co., the tamo of Prinoe to the property on official Powerboat "38." of the Prince Rupert Salvage & Towing Co.' fleet, I recelv Ing a general overhaul and it 1 planned. If present weather conditions keep up. to have her resume the ferry w vice to the Salt Lake next week. I. C. Powell arrived In the city on Thursday afternoons train from the University of SMkatchewan and will Join the uff of tbe Prince Rupert Ptaberie Experiment! IsUtton for the summer months a labpiwIOQ; toob-. nlclan. , .V iorRnerlea la anticipation of. the ooitflLati. tor hla earn hunttnc must be To attend the annual meeting of tbe of the ramp leading 'to National , whmrvea Is placed, pills . vtti rf I for pfdlttrlan ' i IJ 111 nolnta nolnta In In the the United "avn. meinoer oi ue Doarq represeni- State M far removed as Virginia tate. rscuic una inning inousxry No doubt, arrangements will soon be n D B- . director oi tne rrtnoe mode for the bringing of some parties Rupert Plsnerte Bsperlmental SUUon. here. Orloly bear and mountain goat1"" " aeem to be the most popular big game!'""" ")""' ' s iram wiuie r. I-...., Inquired about. win iravei via Vancouver, anving on Powerboat Zenardl made a trip yes-'the Cstala next Tuesday evening. The terday to the Patterson mine 0n swu-wj Porcher Island, having on board T. J. opening at Ottawa on this oceMlon Shenton, Inspector of mines, who paid no will adjourn to Winnipeg where i. . , tne sessions wui continue in conjunc HEART WAS SO WEAK Had to Stay in Bed Mr. F. Wilson, Lethbriage, Alt., Write t "My heart wa very weak, and I had to (tay in bed fur five week with it. "M aunt advised me to take M she had token them with good result after a very UJ operation, "I took them and rouie time after a doctor come to examine me tot life tatUTsnee and ho wtd thero wm nothing- ' ' wrong wtik my heart Milburn' Heart and Nme TUla are 50. a box at all druggUtt and dealers, or will be mailed direct on reclpt f price byThe T. Milburn Co., Limited, Teronto, Oat. tion with the convention of the Royal Society of Canada, to which scientific organisation several members of tbe board and departmental ofaclala IIIM.Y IVtrON m'KT Billy Baopn. son of th bead of the Bacon Fisheries and well known along the "front." sustained paltitul hurt and a badly Injured eye when he wm accidentally kicked while playing for Booth School in a Junior League football game Wednesday evening. He hM been confined to the hospital alncethe accident and hie many friends hope that there will be no serious or iMt-Itig ecta. Passenger (rout Langara lighthouse on the lighthouse tender Mewlngtonare reported, to have stated that they would prefer to have cake and light wines served on the ocooalon of their future visit to Prinoe Rupert. anlt freighter Salvor Is due from Vancouver thl. week-end with a full cargo of lumber for Albert & McCaf-frry. some to be used In the construction ot the new theatri here and some FAGS FTVU Insurance Real Estate Bonds We specialise in B.C. Mining stocks and accept buying and selling orders on Vancouver Exchange at Vancouver rates. S.D. Johnston Co.Ltd. 017 2nd Avenue Agents for Miller, Court & Co. Ltd. Radio Radio Tbe Rodlola 17 will give you tbe beat reception. Price complete ft.11.50 Cannot be sold for leas Special SIX I'Olttll.UT POSTAL or yourself for SI. (Ml Winnipeg and Vancouver Price. F. W. L HANDLER Photographer Sltth Street. I'hone Rn 92 for company ai L thrgd wag 11 port Dr. R O. from Tuesday to Wednesday afternoon from Port Simpson aboard hi power cruiser, Sunbeam II. Ml wife and member' of the Port Simpson hoapltal nursing staff accompanied him to town. Don Yelf arrived from Vancouver, where he spent tbe winter, on Wednes day with the aelneboat llaldn unlet which has been chartered for the um-mer by Bradbury At Yelf and will be (continued on page six)