The Daily News PJMNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - - Manainc: Edkor. City Delivery, by For lesser perioi SUUSCJtlPTION RATES By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly eriod Or four monthsf for By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year .... By mail to all other countries, per year f...... v . Transient Display AdrertlsUojt, per inch, per Jnttlf'.ij Transient Advertising on Front Page,per Jncrr? ..'.. Local Readers, per Insertion, per line Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word Legal Notices, each insertion per afftta fine Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone 99 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION Britten Columbia Mining Now Iking Appreciated in East Big Defll jbI Alice Ami John Iluahli Busy on Bed Beef $6.00 .50 $8.00 $1.00 $6,00 $7.50 $1.40 $2.80 Steadily Increasing demand for "SALADA" You have only to test "SALADA" to reallzo why -r-You should not miss the pleasuro "SALADA" Elves-Sold by all grocers 80c to $1.05 pcrlK Fourgrades. Ask for trial package TE A ' 384 K.W. .25 .4 Saturday June 9, 1928 News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT While the province of British Columbia has .been for many years regarded as one of the Dominion's most promising mineralised areas, full appreciation of the great hidden wealth of this section of the country is only now being shown on the plrt of the public in Eastern Canada, observes the Financial Counsel published in Montreal. This is chiefly because of the fact that more publicity is now being carried out on behalf of British Columbia, not primarily in the form of propaganda but as a result of actual study and research ot the part of leading authorities of the mining world as well as the outstanding sucoseeee that have been 10 jxr ton. W. J. McSee. president of made by such organlsaUons as Coiiao;.-thr Northern Light, and A I. Juke dated Mining Smelting Co., Premier luve been added to the directorate Gold Mines, etc. A large mining share jvhlch no includes J. B Watson. B. ad promotion Institution recently Knight. P Burke. W. A. Tuck iVlc-aegaplsted an extensive physical exam- ioria). Capt. Mutton (London) and A. watton of a number of sections of j Campbell and W. Jackson of Winnipeg. British Columbia and has prepared a, Mr. Watson, the president, and a num-ary attcaeUve and Informative circular f -r of these directors, have been pay-on the sub)ect. Among the points re-. ki a vUlt of Inspection to the mine laUve to the general mining extension ; ii j week. The treasury contains 111.-of the province the (act Is atreasad , oo m Doiulnlon government bonts. that British Columbia now boasts the j greatest lead-aUver-elnc mine In the The anuwline In the upper Bear River world- the Sullivan: the largest smelt- JV.Ufy bRck of Stewart has now re-Ing plant in the British Empire- the j . -4 wd up to the 2.000 foot elevation. Trail plant of the Consolidated: the I ..,,vk iiK pcsslMe J itart ol thejaea- "'"" lawewin n copper in ne taiTifor ppema on the lower level, ac plre the Britannia mine" the secowd Wording to offlcial weather report Re largest copper producer 4n the Kmplre ' warn) rains nave made for rapto toe An vox mine., and the moat sen- snow disappearance although the sea- eatkmal gUd-ellver dividend parer on!r.-:n has been late, the continent the Premier with dls- J " trl button of over 112.000 in dividend' within tlx years. good ore samples are reported to have been taken fro mthe Northern Light property, near the Woodbine and Premier, at Stewart. The Northern Light, financed In Vancouver lat wli:-tr, la going ahead with surface exploration and diamond drill program The tint hole Is d ruling and results, should be available in the near future The property is located In a high 41 mineralised section. A strike of some Importance, which It la suggested may prove a source c? customs ore for the Idle Duuwell mill has been made on the MayfU wer r.mrl of claims nearby. The report made by H. P. Oibao;i of the Mayflower Co.. Is to the effect that the crosscut tunnel 011 the Mayflower, driven 100 feet, has cut &IH&&fatk frt. TOT nWult have not vet been Powbly the Hlggeat mining deal ever Lput through In. the Alloc Arm district bss been consummated In the bonding by the Kltsauit-Eagle Silver Mines, Ltd of twenty claims situated on McOrath Mountain. The bonding price has not yet been made public but a substan- .al stira U :nvoived and the owner -f the various clslms are receiving cash I nyrm uta. the remaining payments bt- .;g spread over a apace of three years. The claims involved are among the : chest on McOrath Mountain and the vnera Include Al Clary. Mrs W. M rummlngs and M. ft. Berniacke of Allot Arm as well as the estate of the late C, W Morley It Is the Intention of ii KltMtilt-Bsgle Co. to survey the lilm as toon as possible and later In he aumtntr plana will be made for rvelopntent work. The ore aone containing the claims has been highly praised by Dr H. T James, resident mining engineer, and It Is expected .lint the McOrath Mountain section obtained but the ore appears to be of Unl soon bee me a big producer of the gooa grade, showing fairly heavy Mice Arm t.unp The prooertlea are mineralisation with galana and Iron pyrites A drift is being run along the hanging wail side ot the. net and u-galnlng depth in the mountain A entailer vein about 1000 feet above ti present workings has hih-grade on the surface The intention of the company It is stated. Is to mine from this vein which is about two feet wide, and ahlr the ere. It Is heped tbst the lowe-wcrkliigt will show a sufflrlently lartte body of ore of milling grade to warrsn 'tutted about three miles from tide -ter and condition are ftmisMs for fbeajf.., mining sjvd .jbuiuw of .the. ores Mcb carry zinc. lead, silver and gold He acquisition of these claims now ,Ur the Kiuault-Bagle Co. a total of '5 claims In the district For the past two years the company has been devel- -l ing the Sliver Cord property with ex ceiknt retituu This mine adjoins the acquired rUlror and to date a !"l of 186 leet has been obtal. negotiation being onened with the I .m the ore bodv cmaacuitine at m. a view to putting the ore thrc-ijh the mill on that property. P. J. Croasland. consulting engliiec for the Woodbine Gold Mlnlnif Co h!w recommended to the directors that a SOO-ton rn'M he constructed on the property The average value of BOO.Oor tons of ore which had been blocker" wit. nr -n-o was nrj-Mit san bw j. j oalculntlnx a total ere value i !' m OdO he 'mi! rni"rvat 've lv cut shows the ore to be at least forty wide and the hanging wall to the iuh' of the tunnel h not yet been :, ;ed. Spectacular specimens of ore ' lt n from s high grade shoot about I'f fwot wide are massive and carry values ot sine. lead, silver and gold The lire body which shows one hundred fet wide on the surfmr hjs been de vil' t il nil !m lj.v1. a,,H I MulklH j , ..... . k II W.J I 'ii ' . gest luin jvn o e rxay lu the Allot rri -i'trlrt It v. hs tor successful mit xiim-fa vi: 1 toulfl auirl Keep her Job a ler BLUE ran the "Adviee GELIA to the Lovelorn" column in a Metropolitan Newspaper. She earned a bigger salary than the man she loved. Jack was always hunting for a job. He called his instability "temperament" in reality it was lack of proper adjustment to his environment. And it was for this.reason that Celia insisted that she continue working for the newspaper after their marriage and that they go 50-50 on all their expenses. Being a product of the new "environment," Jack lived up to the agreement. But, womanlike, Celia resented his cheerful acquiescence to her own plan. True, she preached the "new freedom" for women in her daily column, but to practice what one preaches is well "not being done"! The monotony of this arrangement, however, eventually awakened Jack's paternal instinct; he longed for the quickening touch of chubby fingers, for the pitter-patter of . . . But Celia flouted the idea and went merrily on her way, dispensing homilies to the lovelorn! The natural desire to protect the "weaker" sex was starved within Jack's manly bosom so he sought solace elsewhere. Jeannie Mathews was a clinging vine, a frail, timid little soul who needed protection in a wicked city. Jack protected her. And Jeannie thrived under his Platonic protection. To Jack, it was purely a paternal affair, so much so that he told Celia all about little Jeannie! Read Also in This Issue THE MAN I MARRIED AND THE MAN I LOVED IS THERE HONOUR AMONG THIEVES? dflopcnem of to SIImt Cord Ut lnailrwl W. O. MoMorrts. prctlotnt of to Kitult-Kl SUvr Mlnaa. Ltd. to acquire oontfol of Um MMacent pro-partMa. A. MoOulrt. who ha charge f the work, waa alio luatniOMntal In 1m dnl a wall a M. E. BmilachlM who brought to omrt of the clalai Luocthtr and eiodd Um dtal on tbeli twhalf. rThonv" RatMrtaaav pin nMnaoar of art MM wfc ' laklnf -.MtbMtt-'MM' najwatry qutoavot tf ttM inaMII tlon of a lisht tramway to facllitata the driving of a ntw tunoal on the Lucky Boy extension property In the Hah Oraek aectlon. about four ntllei from Hyder. The tunnel waa aUrted lait fall nnrt it la the Intention to drive it ISO (et into the mountain In order to trlk a high-grade ore shoot. It la the intention of the oompany to' work double ahlfu In order to thoroughly eS plure thla parUeulsr piece of ground early thla year. Considerable work waa CANADIAN JJYlaririagjC 0 "I wxinted to o 50-50 Jack; but J alto wanted to ar&ue with me about it, THE SIN THAT FOUND HIM OUT THINGS NO WOMAN CAN STAND I PLAYED WITH A BOVS LOVE CAN YOU ESCAPE HEREDITY? THE MARRIAGE BARGAIN MY TRIP BACK HOME OUT OP THE SLUMS MOTHER'S MIRACLE HEARTS OP STPNE RESTLESS WINGS THRBE LOVES CIRCUS LOVE AND SEVERAL SPECIAL FEATURES done on the Lucky Boy Extension fou or five years ago whan a tunnel 16 . feet in length was driven and ore wa -nccuntered which, on Maay. gave ver; favorable returns. During last year. nporaUOBs a ion ot atm was (hlppe; io Trail', values being ahpvp to abou AS per ton. Other edwpl have re turned something over 1103 per ton The Mouutaia View ojilm, hch immediately adjoins UM LuctqBOy, was ;St ohn Mashti has had diamond drills working on the Red Deaf property at Stews rt for i be past few weeks. The site selected la within 800 feet of the famous Silverado stite last fall. A pew jurface sUike la described by Mr. Haabt) as carrying agaeptlonaUy good Bid assays over a vein (set in Xtdth. Jisshti. pieturraque flaunt of JIM Pprtalnd Canal casap. la conflaint Uft the Red Beef carrMs Um same mlnerallmtlon as he originally discovered kn the Silverado. Should she marry a man ivhosc income vOi X JULY EDITION -it 1 wmm a Just how did Celia react to this unexpected turn of events? She could have given up her lucrative position and struggled to live on her husband's in The Greatest Newsstand Sale in the World BOAT WHICH WAS '10 HAYE LOADED GRAIN HERE AT VANCOUVER According to word received Ih the ity the British steamer Ueds City, hleh waa to have come here this seok-and to least grain for the United ttagdom or OmjHsist ntB f Ivert-ed to ysncouveHLbjHl local flfflnlUly thu moraSgyUie final Mat for thu season hare Blight be awj;mju.y in ottmva. BBQ4KA. fvxm 9. The Presbyterian QejMra Assynbij decided to mast next year In Ottawa. ) RMTlHIl.ty'ft. TANCOVTSB. MM .The price of wbaht yesUrday was M, Mmaa7 secure and slender income; she could have sued for divorce; she could have left Jack "flat", for she was Independent of him; she could have worked herself into a freney of jealou rage. But Celia was far too clever to do any of thee tilings .... instead .... But if you really want to know how Celia solved her own lovelorn problem, read "MEN ARE LIKE THAT" in True Story Magazine for July . . . now on the newsstands. It's originality will surprise and amuse and thrill you! $24,000 in Prizes or Trwe Stories Bach year True Story Magazine pays many thousand of dollars to its readers for stories taken from their lives. In your life, probtWy, there is a story for which we are willing to py handsomely. This is the time to cash in upon it. for right now True Story is offering $24,000 in prues. ranging from $200 each up to $1,000 each for true stories of the sort you have to tell You wUl find the full particulars w the July issue. ON THE AIR Every Friday Nigjr 9 to 10 Eastern StandarilTime WOR WNAC WGHP WEAN VMAC WMAQ ' TRUE JTDRY MAOAZINB. aaa NraaiwM. Nw York City, U.J.A. i, in Mess nter my mum on your mailing ' racdvt (4) (swim of TRUE ATOPY MAC A ZINK, baftanjng npnkcf (If yon arum to txamiaa tha jMfaHac ii Mimlv null wf u in us w 10 jjrws crnla olid aw nl Of Mir e iif Tulv luc iaiuc trill lend von i u I once). J NAME... TRBBT. CITY PROV. What Has Happened WII,L IIAl'l'EN AfJAIN We recommended Portal" Idaho at 5 cents a share; Silm;"'" at K eenW. Wbt are thay worUi now! NOW WIS HKCOMMKNI) Silverbell Mining fd., Ltd. A .A a t a a a at y ' AT MAKKCT1 4 Latest Vancouver quotntions, JCc hid, ii ruAfd Situated on the New Premier Hiirnnd bounded tw0 fcjea by Premier holding. H. W. M. R0LST0N & CO. U& Slcwnrt, II.C. Direct wire Vancouver Stock IJxcbanx STOCKS HONNS-IIIiAL KSTATG