lit BRNGING UP FATHER By George McManm R fr 1 H B BY CQL.LV- HERE COME.q THAT mmtf&B f nr w- i ( f "" tiTimk: i , I f C w.U--vxioP ) f ! I V4J ff JlS J? a. if I COY AClM . HE OE.EM o TO -JawaflBBaaWn WALKJMT " RAilN" CORMJ WHO ARE fOU SAME fTl - . y ' j aj,a ' "aT V i W -rliii"' ' ,cii'-, " "-- ' I And Time - ew i brimw - -- ' 1 UJJL DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day 1'hone: 201. i - - - - I ... ' ' 1 " "in i in i i i i Roofing and Specialities Mineral Surfaced KoofinR Mineral Surfaced Shingle IIolI Rooffnj; Building Papers and Fells Everjet Elastic Paint Plastic ElMKlffum Shingle Stains Creosote Oils , Marine Sean? I'llrh. Distributors Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones 11C and 117 MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing jarices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-list board daily. We can give instant service in buying and selling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat orders on Winnipeg Stock Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. S. D: Johnston CoXtd. Cn 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert. II.C. DRY : BIRCH JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load $S0 Double Load $6J0 Large Sack 80c COAL PRICKS DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.26 Alberta SootleHS Egg $12.00 Albprtn Lump $1.'.00 Also all other classes of coal HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. Phone 580 139 Second Ave. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk nnd Cream Dally. EARLY DJtLlVKKY ThrouKliout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY . Telephontt ,, 6.17 . a i - : LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Sorvitfl. Coal. Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Pumltuivj Maying. DODGERS LOSE TO CINCINNATI NATIOVU. LKAIilE I.F.APKH IV-CIIEAMO MAKUIN OF Nl PltEM U'Y TO THO (IAMB (ll lNTH HtUTBN IIV CAUDINALH BW YORK. June 0. After suffering two defeat at tbc bands of the Dod- gen, Cincinnati Beds came to life again )sterday and beat Brooklyn, thus In creasing their recently wavering bold m the National League leaden hip to two full games over St. Louis Cardinals who ae hack In second place instead of the New York (Hants when they beat yesterday. Chieago Cuba and Pltts-iurg Pirates fell back by losing to Philadelphia and Boston respectively ' The Philadelphia Athletics beat St. Louis Browns in the only game played yesterday in the American League, others bavins to he cancelled because of rain. Yesterday's scores: NATIONAL LEA fl UK . Louie 8. Maw York 3. Cincinnati 6. Brooklyn 3. FIMsburg S. Boston 0. Chicago . Philadelphia 6. AMKItlCAN LEAOIT. Philadelphia 10, St. Louis 0. Others rain. COAST LEAOIT. Saceeaaejlto 3. Missions 8. Lcs Angeies 3, Portland S. San Francisco . Seattle 0. I Oakland 1. Hollywood 4. LRU) UP, KTAMHMiH MalWiul League I W L- Pet. , Cincinnati 83S St. Louis 30 90 J89 aw York as is Ml i SB 33 440 1 Brooklyn as '33 532 Boston is 35. .433 Pittsburg 30 37 .438 Philadelphia 0 S4 JOB , American League l New York 16 g Philadelphia 98 17 .839 1 i Cleveland 34 34 SCO j St. Louts 94 3S 400 Detroit so as .417 ! Boston 18 94 .400 Washington 18 97 479 Chicago 17 so Around The World With Sport Fans (lly The Tramp) A lot of people Wednesday played Plamlngu for place and made soma good money. That Is once where the bookies lust hut they certainly made hp far u on Palrway. People whopay the ponies are divid ed Into twoishjp'sj. those who always bat the nvojttae and those who take km shots 'mmm erho sated In m for every one bet on the Derby feel that The next big sporting event It mom will be toe provincial election. Mast of the betting on it la done dur ing the last few days of the campaign. 'thing aerlous is happening to the national game of the United States, lad the magnet with foatuaee Med up In professional baseball ass lying awke nights doing some plain and fancy worrying." mys an editorial In the Hamilton Speetatcr. which opines that "the something that is nappeninn V baseball Is golf. ' The bet Is those million dollar stadiums continue to be enlarged, one club last winter paid 1198.000 for the contract on an ln- iieioer. aueooaoee figures this year are far In advance of last year, and all other years, and some players are a rawing salaries four times greater I hen that psM to members of the Oabmet of the United state Major eaffe franchise cannot be bought at ny price th ' are none far sale The "Spec." says goifW hurting bas aall. So it Is Just as it is having i4 effect on other amusement enterprise! out Bassos u, with it millions af doB lars of profit annually, will manage to muddle through Knowing how dinV uit it is to lure Somasy Uandsll from the safe position be has won, nobody seems to have seed anyUalng about another bout with hlai Just yet Possibly McLsrnln wfll I to try him again next summer. gin Mutnern Europe tin- member of n Kun Iiuk and klm. t lie member thai AskM s very successful play such gs Jin Jlaglican, HesiJentlal and Day School fa fith Fully graded up to Senior Matriculation. All studies under the direction of a fully qualified staff. Pupils prepared for departmental examinations. Music. Art, Gymnasium, Swimming, Games. Healthy situation, New up-to-date building. scoring a goal. Bush demons! rations must be a great detriment to the game, Think of having to hog and kiss some of the members cf the local teams. e e The Winnipeg M or In other words on Saturday next. Spcrt writers are speaking of Demp-ey as one of the memories of basting. In eo far as the Province of Ontario Its concerned, three of the "Tipster's 'Sheets" against which MSarhey-Oeneral WUUam H. Pries started to wage war at the last session of the LasiaUUure have been hit dangerously cieae to the Uolar plexus. Arthur Webster, Secretary cf the post oftlee aanar intent, Ottawa. has hut aarrteid QOeen's Park that the nnanclal Dahster," a Boston pubUoa- tion in Cswsda. has bee prohtMted from using the Oaoaalah malls forth, and that similar cyders have been issued aaainet the "Plnaaeml Criterion," another Boston aheet, and the -Original Developers' Peel." of Port Worth, Treat. This action on the part f the postal authorities has been taken zo the (Street com plaint Price. The offer of Hear York Natlnnala to play the Olasgow. Bangdri football for the world ettaasptoBsblp Is poken af as the "height of optimism." e e e Argenauu. Bngianert mow atnateur caeeer club, who see saslylsm for ad-mission to the PootbaU xaague. Third Btviaam Siiitssiau. are In jMsmttatton with the Wesnkey Bwjdtwm attthortties icr tne uas as use ground for regular fixtures. This .atde la hrwilghl about twing to the strong pi assure; wrought to bear on the future amaetur club by Queen's Park naogws, BMntfOfd and Chelsea, who lyiasMrr that the Bbep-herdi Bush stadium (the ground orl-flnally selected by the Argonaut i to too near "thee Jpr oomfan: It is orK (tentood that the nagooations with Wembley c facia la will be brought to s aucoestful osAbluaian. Though the favorites. Just s Fairway did Wedix-sdn? In the Derby, have S coliMiU-nth bad Unblt of l'mlnu. peeplr ilwav .'nvi nd probnhl) always For Prospectus ami Septemtier enrollment, apply to THE MOTHER SUPERIOR. 9W2?th Avenue West. SHAUGHNESSY HEIGHTS, VANCOUVER, B.C. LOW EXCURSION -FARES IMUf I.'IIKT f i ,T . t. . EDMONTON CALliARY JASPER Ticket- on le from May 22. Return limit October 31 l ull information from CITV TICKET OFFICE 58 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert Phone 2C0 Canadian national- will stake their all on them with the Inevitable result They say there was 15.000.000 bet in one way or another n this year's Derby. It would be perhaps more Interesting to know bow -uany people went broke in putting up :hat vast swm and how many lives were mined in the hazard Por horse rac-ng and batting ou the pome we still '-are to band It to old England which, sltnowt ho retracing, wouldn't be the sue old Bn gland Scenes were re-enacted at Bps on on Wednesday such 'vsve been seen a century or more And hey alnt got weary yet. An far a an be learned, no fortunes werr won n Prince Rupert tun. time on ttw Derby. With the looal courts etlll useless toe personnel of the Bume Lake tennis club decided to have a ' get-tOfUier" and do a little work on them There was an enthusiastic turnout on Tuesday evening when much was sccorn-allsbed. On Wednesday evening only three or four continued the good work, by rolling the grounds and setting out the tapes for one court. Dick and Fieyd Stanyer got busy later putung up the wire fencing so now the ffrat gsme of the season ha been played in the interior town. Ten Years Ago j in Prince Kupnrt D JI NK S. ISIS, lore than SkyOOO boys between the ages of IS and 10 have bam rm oiled assist with seeding opi-ralions on prairie Isrms. The Orand Trunk Paclfh Railway la urging that employees sll sion lu lines start war aaiwone u.i ootuDauv lands wherever poasible. A csrldad s P6flB la expected In ltw city about fune 10. It will ix tlie first carload Shipment ot car rver made here. Oeneral Pooh. r-ln-chief of Piench Amy. has aupisshl con-of -fidetice in the ability the Allied )ic ' win the war. Tlx. i. will be a total eclipse of the un tuday and many local people have W'lr Miioked glasses in resdlness to W anted For Sale DAILY For Rent 2c per word in .Merve the name. The astronomical phenomenon will be more noticeable in the south than here The Dominion government ha taken 'ver the Canadian Northern Railway and will, it m expected, acquire the arand Trunk and Orand Trunk Pacl-:ic System VIOLATIONOF REGULATIONS i wo oil nmr.vNv or canaiu AIMIirW tfO.NTKAVl'NINO IIHII'L.- tion'n ttr i'uinci: icuriKT IIAIIItOII MANTi:i( rne Editor. Mllv Prince Rupert. BC. Bar The esMloaed laCVn- now been sub mitted to ma for puMicaUan by the Union OU Ooanpaay of Qsnada. Lad., with retereoee to violation of seguhv-uona in having supplied gsenline to the bast "TN." while vessel had fu buruing in cook stove which resulted in t easei catching tire and causing injury I to one member of crew. The Department of Marine, Ottawa, al authorised me to wlthotraw the .harge subject to publication of enclosed ettar. It being uaderatssd that that withdrawal la not to be token aa precedent, and further, that any Atkww contravention of rerulaUons will be aol- lonwd by the prosecution of all parties . un.-erned. I am. Sir. your obedient servant, (slgued i j. b. aUBST. Harbor Master. Captain J. R Elfert. Harbor Master ! Prlnoe Rupert. B.C. Dear Sir. In rejerenoe to the cherae now pending against the Union .Oil Company for oootra vent ion of the Regulations promulgated by yourself pursuant to Section 43a of the Harbor Hegu- i Utloiu passed pursuant to the Canada Shipping Act. 1008. I bag to any that tlie Union OU Company hereby admits ttw iolation of the said Regulations as set cut in the information laid against it an the 23nd ult.. it being understood that no formal conviction snail be recorded against it: the Company undertaking to severely reprimand the official responsible for the said contravention, end to give explicit Instructions that in future, all and every regulation promul- deretocd that this letter a la M nub- nsneu in ine asny pram in tola elty Yours truly. (Signed) T. XAYB. Bsr the Union Oil Oompany W of I Prinoe Rupert. BC ANNUAL PICNIC OF UNITED CHURCH &S. BEING HELD TODAY Throngs of happy children and many grown-ups are enjoying the annual picnic of First United Church Bundav School at Dtghy Island today. At 1840, 1 1 SO and a o'clock boats left (be floats of the Princo Rupert Salvage and Tow-ing Co. with the atemfkrm a .. program of races, sportn. etc., has been i-ranged with an abundance of Mfeesh. menu to tickle the youthful pa Is tea Burl Berrle la general convener of the picnir with T. C Wilding in charge of , the refreshment booth , Bruee Btevens the sport, ami races, and Mrs join, Manaon. the serving of tes and coffee T?A AND.SALE TO AID 'BflfeBgD IS BEING HELD THIS AFTERNOON To aid the fund for the tour wiu.-n It le planned the band shall uke tins summer, mothers of the member of th. Prince Rupert Boys Banu sr noki-Im- a tv and mle thi afternoon In the fc.ihviioii Army Citadel Mr J D Thurber i wntr,, ve'.ei ..nd Ml. H T Ci.,,. 'I.'ionud WiMmhi are pomiag with the wllowu ladies assisting in the M NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. advance. No Adveiluement taken for less than 50c WANTED WAJrTBD -A aVaBVAJPT BOB OWWwsiAI. IB BOOM HOUST ,xjk hem m liousework. Ooad wages for the party. Apply Box 110 Dally Office WANTBD. 8MALI. PDsUOSaBD BTJITfl for summer season. Phone Blue SW. POR SAU LttTB 98 ASTD 30. BBOTIOW 8. S13A. Phone Black 308. tS7 FOR oAl.i: POR 8ALC 180 AOBaVs. la cleared and fenced, house, chicken house. One spring water 8700. Apply J. fj. Perkins. Crossing, B.C. klLD IfBSPAPSBW MAY BC tBMKD W stead ol building paper or to lay be neath carpets on the floor Oet special price on large quantities Daily News POSt BALK. PLEASURE LAUNCH YSftA May. 33 feet long, new S h p DM Brie engine All ready to go. Phone Blue 318 or 884 13S POR BALK - TEN AOBX IMPROVED farm at Terrace; price reasonable. Terms or cash. Apply 788 fifth Ave. W. "OR SALE 94 FOOT PLKABURB host. Plret clam condition. Bsjulp- ped with 18 h p. xeotor Phone SSO (POR SALS. LOTS SS AND 90. BLOCK i 91. Section 8. 0185 for the pair Phone Bleak 908. LOST STHAYBD. - YOUNG POL80R DOG about four months old strayed early Tuesday. Answer to "Nanette." No collar Any person noticing her please notify 788 Eighth Avenue or phc 748 Reward 197 Use SAWS DECVUSF. guaranteed cut 10' L more tkrvW in same time, wHhloaa Utwr than any other saw. eiMoMae csmaoa sow eo. ltd. room? Mrs beorgw Johnston. 4Mb. 'Pi n. uumuu. mrs. K nsaen osm r A. Johnson, atrs. j. oenoobell. Mrs. J. O VMrKk, Mrs. A T Bartlett Mrs J. LW MsKlnloy. 'Mrs. A Mclntnh. UX. " ' ' s" vw- ssvuptr vvmllikf isgnaag are Mrs. L M Puller and Mrs Charles Larkin with Miss Beulah McKlnley and Miss Catherine Muaaollem in rtiaree of the candy sale. Mrs. W. H. Tobey !s cashier In sddiuon to selections by the band, the afternoon's program will include piano solos by Mia Aleita McKluiev and vocal solos by Mrs WlllUm MllUr Mr J. K McLeod and 8 A McPner- eon with Mrs J B Black as cashier ELEVEN BOILS ON HER ARM AT ONE TIME Mr. 8. retoh, Wisher Ilome, Alts., Writes:" I was trouble,! will, 111. sad had eleven of tkeni on mj arm at vmv vnur. "I tn.-.l sll kisdi of medicine, bat get no relief. "I tniik ttvn Imtlli! of .8 j III Villi I si niawsiisB i sad hsve never been troubled siaee." H.D.I1. banish bolls and all other blood disorders; manufactured uslr by Tka T. Unburn u., Uuated, Toresto, Oai, Artidei Loit.nd round, &c J ..FOR RUNT right JSBVaVBBlaaw H1111..1.1 WUilaU rir . I , 'WW I gf m-mw... 1 Oft BMHt. - CLAPPI iun mow I oVtSs.!. A... as. . I """" e Kent lih I OB BBteT -PfANOM PI AYKH PUjkh rnonasjiapnt and iUttm Walker's Manic Store J PtAT MMt RBftT BIX kujk m wnSB. an SHth Am. i y, f,m - - ... .... w w aeaea a f POSt BJBMT. - POtiH HixiU .. meat, hot water ixnte.: - Malieu Ud POR RaUfT PDHN1SHEI) 1B. aetta.--Apply Muauiim (,r.rT HODM POR RBrtT Phone Red 8M it I JDMMJiR RKsoirrs LAKKIaSB UOTriPRINOSLODa uf LA It (I KMT IKITnHHIM.s IV rtstk) (LI thin TV . er Trout Hsliinr; on LskrW Ltu ' A now open tf (toon .Mf-omioiMTiox rotnsni) P.IIITIM I, BHUIT. JOIUBTOrt, Kiiari UUsstse Lake. Terrace. B.C ALHflONBKHS. rillNCi: UUPRRt AITTIOM Milt l ed era I Merit PurnltuM of all kind- 'f at axchsiitfr.i and p f ' ' " ... iM on (.mi.. I. (S. J. DAWES. laef leoeef. ftlarl FURNITUIU: AND ItAXURj, i OarPLKTE LfNB Ol sw In stock, beds. ()! .--Dining room suites carpet sii and linoleum ru-aahlneta. Uraassr -1. 1 (,. . ! .a curtain rods, biaim'-i. ... sr weokcr and cane i (tJ S .sfnemle. 'You are un our store. A. MeKFNZIK 77 SALVAHE AND TOWlMu Prliuv Rupert Salvage 4 Ti" II AH IIAIKl.U.VN IN (. Small Safe hd Tyr" - far OUatliMiu K . I'' Propeller, and i iU " . .. r . nurt" Itoats af Sll ilem-np""" ' a. Mall Uke I'my. JjillToPRAfTir nit. it. b. rvow" Clilroprai K sa -VklM A. i t'elephotM for appoint in .1 ii0 84 rtsaldenee pi , I,... i1"'1" Aeute and Chroni i fuUy tXta'M Bulabllsheii SCllffiF L1TKIIATKRE Ball Your iiULK"' ea.a tllflTt. S .SfOHIl' 1 If II It ' iter it t ree Information. iUt!i1f 77 NtniMliiril H-'t" Vanwuver llf RESTAUR ANT8 (kkhi i;.iTi l Alt n. ...rlf rtre- Mrs. unaer r. , , Third Aieniie. Oood Heme Cooked naked 9f" 'rt ...ef erta Chicken Dlanrt l'' Etrnlni ft""1 ''