turdayrJunei 9, 1928 v. THE I)AIT,Y NEWS FACE THREB WITH CTW AUTOMOfflg ARE DUUT-mAUQiUKJWlirK'wni win tutu Local and Personal i Church Notices drafts. ft WW eVef witfi a. Sealed Chassis -fully guarded against dirt, dust and moisturcand offering protected perfoitnance IT is the fashion of the day to place first importance on motor car beauty; and for thii the alluring beauty of McLaughiin-Buick's smart, low-swung bodies by Fisher ii largely responsible. But keep in mind that you get many things besides beauty when you buy a McLaughlin-Buick. You get unequalled riding ease vibrationless performance and above all the unique reliability of the- world-famous MeLaughlin-Buick Sealed Chassis and Triple-Sealed Engine. Every vital Dart of the McLaughlin-Buick chassis is enclosed In dirt-proof, dust-proof, water-tight housings to assure reliability and long life. And McLaughlin-Buick's proved Valve-fn-Head Engine is fully guarded by crankcaae ventilator, air cleaner, oil filter and gasoline strainer. McLaughlin-Buick is the only car offering this twin feature as well as protected performance under all road and weather conditions. Admire McLaughlin-Buick beauty but insist upon McLaughHnBuick dependability. It's a wonderful thing . ... even in these days when all cars are assumed to be dependable. m-s-s-isc The GMA.C. Deferred Ptmtat Pita of? tit maaj advanutes to biytrt el UeLiugbJia-Boitk cut. KAIEN GAKAGB (Dave Mam) Third Ave. l'rincc Itupeti, llC MCLAUGHLIN j- 1. i T Or- OF-Nh'RAI MO'tV; 0y CANADA, LIMITED ASK FOR YOUR ASK FOR YOUR NEW MILLION DOLLAR Valet Auto RAZO Strop FREE with every purchase of 10 blades 30-day Introductory Offer. meslJA. T7fic Pioneer Druatf&is THIRD AVE. O SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8?,200 Boys Sweaters and Bloomers I't nman'n Hoya All Wool Pulliivcnt Assorted dens, V neck. Size, 28 lo3 t ft.l. Fraser Sl Payne IcanadianJ IMlMaVj' Universal Trading Company. B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert " ft I'lksn. WraugHl. Jtiimu, and Mtegti- " ' tmotnrr. Mr I or la and Seal tie May '!"., "'"' 1 !' ' ' I'llIM'K.SS ROYAL Mert IMf. Jr HutiHlal. I,at llrlln HMIu. r'MK s",",u11 , ' rcwsj&ssrt ,vl" yrm ,tnm I,,.., V. C. ORCIIAIlll. Orneral er1n,i. .. . Phone 11 "niir uf 4u, mrtti ajMj Menus. Prlnc Knt'rt- lu i Read The Louvre ad. 4 a Taxi Plivne 4. Itlg 4 Taxi. Read The Louvre ad. A N'NOUM'CSI I-NTS Canadian Legion Picnic June 10. 135 Dentist Dr. J. K. Ooese. Pbone.88 i tf Jtblor football tonlnht at. 8:48. HUrta . . - . School va. Booth. Cletall Merchants plenlJV ilrfbeWii' it Dig by bland, Thursday, July S. Box cutting for sale, large loads. For prices enquire at Hyde's Transfer Phoue 580. if This afternoon'! train, due from the East at 8:30, was reported this morn tng to be on time. C.P.B. steamer Princess Louise la due to arrive this afternoon at 3:46 and to all south at 8J0. Mra. Oeorge Graham, who has been spending a few days in town, after a visit to Orand Porks, left this morning for her home at Terrace. W. O. Fulton left this morning for hla summer camp at Lakelse. taking canoe with him to help in getting the big trout on Lakelse Lake. Mrs. O. C. Walker, who has been spending the past few weeks on a holi day ttrlp to California, returned to the clt on the Prince Rupert tads moni tor P. B. ChetUeburgn of Telkwa. who has been on a business trip south, re turned from Vancouver on the Prince Rupert this morning and proceeded to the Interior SJ train. Miss Edith Horning who has been visiting with her sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. KUia Morris, la sailing this'' afternoon on the Princess Louise for her home In Vancouver. George O. Shaw, who has been on- a business trip to Vancouver In connec tion with his now drug store in Stewart Is a passenger aboard toe Prince Rupert today returning north. 8. P. Pltagetmld, well known Stewart mining man. who haa been on a business trip to Vancouver and other points la the south la a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert today returning north. B. J. MeUlah, manager of the local branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, left this morning for Prince Oeorge to attend a meeting of bank managers to be held there next week. T. Buchanan Campbell, in charge of totem pate preservation werk along the keens River for the Caia4h National Railways, arrived in the eity from Hazel too on yesterday afternoon 'a train Mrs. 1. W. MeAuley, who has' been on a brief trip to Vancouver, having been called there through the Illness of her mother, Mrs. Peter Stephen, who la now recovering, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning. OMJl. steamer Prince Rupert. Capt p. Donald, arrived In port at 11 o'clock this morning from Vancouver. Powell River and Ocean Palls and will sail to night at 10 for Stewart, returning here at 8 pjn. tomorrow and sailing south at 11 pjn. Iter. John ft. Hansen, pastor of the t. Paul's Lutheran Church here, haa accepted an invitation from the Luth eran Bible Association to attend Lutheran Bible Week In Cam rose Alberta. neat month and take the evening services at that gathering. Norman H. Kllpatrlck of Sml there. who attended the recent United Church Conference in Vancouver and spent a holiday In the south, arrived in the city on the Prince Rupert this morning and proceeded to the interior by train. Mrs. Kllpatrlck and family are remain ing in the south for a while longer. IS IOTJE. Rose Carnival. Moose Hall. June 15. Vaudeville. Moone Plrnlc. June 24 HEART WAS SO WEAK Had to Stay in Bed Mrs. r. Wilton, LethbrMge, Alta., writes i "My heart was very weak, and I had to stay In bed for five weeks with It. "ilj aunt advised me to tais as she had taken them with good results after a verv laid operation. "I took them and some time after a doctor came to examine me for life iniuranoe and he said there vas noth-btg wrong with my heart." Milhurn a Heart and Nerve Pilln ai-o SOa. a boa at all druggists, and di-alem, or will be mailed direct on reaelpt of price brThs T. Milburn Co., limited, Toronto, Oat. The Racer I use Champion Spark Plugs because I know I can depend on them no matter how tough the going. Champion iathebetter park plug because It hat an exclusive ailll-rrunlte insulator tpc dally treated to with stand the much higher temperatures of the modern high-comprei-sion engine. Alto a new patented solid copper gaiket-tealthatremains absolutely gat-tight under high compres sion. Special analyiit elect rodetwhichatiure a fixed spark-gap under Read The Louvre ad. Por a Taxi Phone 380. tand, Central Hotel. the afternoon train. s W9W all driving conditions. Champion SparJCPlugs Wlndor, Ontario A CANADIAN-MADE PRODUCT 135 Oscar Hanson. tl Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh left on this morning's train to resume residence at Kalum. lacrosse practice tomorrow morning at eleven o'clock. Acropolis Hill. - All Interested please turn out. O. A. Hunter and son. Billy, left on this morning s train to spend a couple of days in the Bmithera district. Miss Lucy Pills bury will sail tomor row night on the Prince Rupftrt for Vancouver and Victoria on a holiday trip. Mrs. D. R. Barclay and, child made a trtD to Inverness veatsMay. going out in the morning and returning on Canadian Lsglon Plena? Sunday June 10 to Dlgby Island. Boats leave Prince Rupert Boatbouee 9 to 12 JO Adults 50c children frea. 1S5 O. A. McMillan, dry dock superinten dent, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning following a brief trip to Vancouver on business. Passengers sailing for the south on he Cardena this morning Included Rev. W. 8. Cooper and Mra. Catherine ioreiisen for Vancouver and J. tinkler for Butedale. Norman Freeman, local representative of the International PUbeftte Oom-m las ton, sailed by the Priories Royal last night for Butedale on offletal duties. He will return to the city .he Catala tomorro wafterooon. Rev. Oswald T. Hodgson of Telegraph Creek and Rev. Roy Man w ring of At lln, who hove been in attendance at the synod of Caledonia dtooatt here tola week, wUl sail by the Prlaceae Alice Monday morning on their return tc their posts In the north.' Sergeant Alex McNeill and other of fleers and witnesses who attended the Sankey trial in New Westminster arc ecnected to return to the city from the south on the Prince Charles on Monday morning. Inspector William Bplller Is not expected back until later. J. B. Watson, president of the Mining Co.. and parly of directors woo nave oeen paying a vtat of inspection to the PortlaM Canal property thla week, will be passengers aboard the Prince Rupert tomorrow night returning south from Stewart to Vancouver. 1 Business at the regular monthly meeting of the St. Andrew's Society last night was largely of a routine nature. The annual picnic committee repotted that It had been deaMed to hold the event at Oraaay Bay out the date haa not bet been selected. President J. S. In' hie occupied the chair and there was a large attendance of members at the meeting. RAILWAY CONDUCTOR LIBERAL CANDIDATE CHOSEN AT NELSON NBIPON. B June . Dsn D. Mo- Lean, c.P.R. conductor of Nelson, waa nominated as Liberal candidate. J. A. Macdonald. the former member. Mas' nominated by the convention but I declined to stand for hualneaa reasons. NOTICE I, Walter Olaen of Anyox. B.C will ii t lie rrtponjiMr for any debts liu ur- vd by any person whosoever, unlev mi r.iy written authority, on and after .'line 11. 1028 (Bigiitd) Walter 01en. BT. ANWRBVTH CATHEDRAL (Church of England) Rector: Archdeacon Rlx. fiundav School at 10 ajn Morning etaverat 111 O'clock. Preach?1 Rev. JJ S. Brayfleld of Anyox. Evening prayed at 13C. Preacher, Bev. n. Manwarings oi 'Atlin, B.C. Rev. oommanaer u.i i-Hodgson? will conduct both services CIIKISTIAN hClEXCE SOCIETY. Service every Sunday morning in the Hay'a Block. 248 Second Avenue. Bub- ,tct on Sunday: "OOD, THE PRESER VER OP MAN." Teatlmony meeting on Wednesday at 8 o'clock. FIRST UNITED CHIKCII Rev. A. T. Wilson, B.A.. pastor. Mlse I. Haddock, deaconess.' Morning worship at 11 o'clock. Sub :cct: "OPEN WINDOWS." Sunday School at 12.16. Evening worship at .30. Subject "THE RIGHT DIREC-nON." Devotional meeting on Wed nesday at 8 pjn. I'KENIIYTERIAN CHIKCII Minister. Rev. J. R. Frlaell, B.A.. LL.B. Residence, The Manse. Telephone 483 Morning worship at 11 o'clock, sub- ect: "LEANIHO ON JESUBB BOeXW. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed. "COME. POR ALL THINOS ARE NOW READY." Sunday School at 13.16. Evening service at ISO. Subject: "THE GLORY OP A YOUNO MAN. IS HIS STRBttOTH." Male voice quartette, "The Beautiful Land." HT. PAIL'S Ll'THEKAX Clll'ltC'll Rev. John H. Hanson, pastor. Residence 48 Eighth Avenue. Vf. Phone Black 170. Morning worship at 11 o'clock (Eng lish). 13 noon Sunday School, con firmation class. The bus will be at Sixth and Emanuel Street at 1130 and Ridley Home at 11:44. Children please be on time. Evening service at 7:S0 (Scandinavian). You will be welcome to all our services. SUMMER SCHEDULE OF . C.N. COAST STEAMERS The last sailing from Prince Rupert jn the Spring Scnedule is Sunday. June 10. During the week following, the Prince Charles" arrives from the south Monday. June 11th. sails for Anyox, Stewart and Uaaaett Inlet porta Be day: returning sails for Vancou vtr 4.00 pjn. Thursday, Juno 14tn. IT-e "Prince Oeorge" arrives from the south and sails tor Skagway, Wednes day. June IStb. The "Prince Rupert' arrives from the south Prlday. Jane 15th and making Special Balling (re turns to Vancouver 4O0 pjn. fame day. Sellings for Anyox and Stewart. June 15th and Vancouver If th cancelled. After this boots will arrive from south each Monday. Wednesday and Friday, 1030 am. Ball for south each Mooday and Thursday 4.00 pjn. and each Sat urday 6.00 pjn Por full particulars thla and other services call City Ticket Office. Phone 300. 1M NOTICE. tnWAKH ItONOIIOE. I)rreerd NOTICE IB HBBJBBY OIVEN that all tana havlna claims scainat the estate of Bdward Donohoe. late of Naas Hsr- boj in the Province cC Brit ten Columbia. who died on the 3rd jay of March. 138, are required oa or before the 15th day of Jul. 1MB. to deliver or send bv ore- Bald letter post full particulars of their claims duly vended to The Royal Trust Company, Baeeutcr of the estate of the aid Edward Donohoe. deceased, at It offices. OBI Pender Btree: West. Van oouver. B.C. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the last mentioned date the sxecu tor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons en titled thereto having regard only to the claims oi wnicn it snan men nave nan notice DATBD at Vancouver, B.C this attn day of May. A.D. 183S. teuewKTBun uuvulas es dxusbv Solicitors for The Royal 144 Trust Company. Form No. II, Section SO) LAND ACT. NOTICE OK TO INTENTION TO I'l HCIIAJ.E LAMI AI'I'LV In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dta trict and situate about 5 mtlea from the mouth of Khutae River. TAKE NOTICE that the Detroit Western Mining Company of Vancouver, u.u.. occupation mnina toinpsny. in tends to anolv tor permission to pur chase the following described lands:- commencing si posi pmmea one foot distant from the Witness post on the West side of Lot 179: t hence wester ly 80 chslns: thence southerly 90 chains: 'nance eaaterlv 60 chains: thenoo nor therly 10 chains, and containing 100 seres, more or leaa. F. PARDOE WILSON. Agent for Detroit Western Mining Oo Dated 18th April. 1099 Form No. IS. Section 99) LAND jCT. NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO I'l'KCHAE LAM In Prince Rupert Land Recording District and situate about 4 miles from the mouth of Khutae River. TAKE NOTICE that the Detroit Western Mining Company of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Mining Company, Intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted one (oot eoutb of 8 W corner. Lot 904 thence southwesterly 100 chains; thence easterly 'to clialrU. more or less: thence northeaatecly 100 chains: thence westerly 90 chains, and containing 130 acres, more r ' P. PARDOE WILSON, Agent for Detroit Western Mining Oo. Dated 19th April 1038 Annoying Bladder Weakness of Old Ajre Kurrlv Itellrtrd by SANTAL MIDY fold by All DrufiUts in. Walti Waltz Was It A Dream? Waring's Pennsylvanlans sEiHHilSI Vocal "Jsleepy Hall" and 216516 XMoSwMa Ills Melody Roy ''fM) Fox Trot Warina's 21333 Wr&tMM'J.. Fot Trot Vocal Pennt) Iranians My Ohio Home Jean Goldkette and His Orchestra Harrington and Dersch with "Sleepy" Hall's Banjo 21297 The "theme song" of the Moving Picture Mm "Ramona" Waltz Paul Whiteman and 21214 Ills Orchestra Vocal Gene Austin 21334 Laugh ! Clown, Laugh ! U'arinft's TennaylvanUna 2130S When You're With Somebody Else Foi Trot Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra Instrumental Shllkrct'a Khth-Mclodlsts Hello Montreal! Goodbye Uroaduay t) 2I36S 21293 21166 216515 Alto the latest Red Seal records by famous Victor Artists Victor Talklnl Machine Co. DEMAND of Canada, Limited "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST 1IIIEAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., L. Prince HuperU UC. F, an ad ian National QTjc Largeft Kailway Syfttm in America STEAMSHIP AND TKAIN SERVICE Sailings from I'ltlNCF, Ufl'tltT for VANOlt'VKK. VICTOitlA, 8 BATTLE. and Intermediate point, each Tilt ltliY and .SUNDAY at 11 pjn. Por KKTt'lllK AN and AN VOX, each HINr.!l)AV. 4 p.m. Por HTGM'AKT eacb SATt ltDW at 10 pm. Por NOKTII and ttnt'TII (il'CKN UIIAIll OTTB 1HLANIW, Portnlghtlj. PASSCNOCK THAINS I.HAVK rillfK lll l'F.UT DAILY r:CITT NI'MtAY at 11:10 a.m. for PIIIM'E I1KOHIIK, KIOIONTON. MlNNU'til. all points Kalei Canada, t'nlted siU. AOENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Use Canadian National Express for Money Older. rorelD Cbeqoes, etc also for tsur neit shipment. CITY TICKET OmCE. SZS TI1IHD AVE- PKINt RVfEKT. rhunf.m j LOOK at YOUR CLOTHES EVERYONE EIE DOES Our aprlnif stock of High Grade Men's Wear is new hero. Hundreds of Briton's finest woollens from which to choose "that spring suit" tailored to your measure by Canada's foremost Clothes builders "Society Rrand." Obey That Impulse Do it Today THOR JOHNSON