SaveMoney Boston Grill The cheapest way to buy the LARGE CAHAKET Dally Nwt ti to subscribe by th Special Dinner Thursdays and. year. Tbe cost Is 15.00 and your Saturdays copy Is delivered to your addrear Dancing every Saturday night each evening. Just figure out tb'Le.. from 9 to IS. small cost to you for this datf PRINCE RUPERT Dance Hall for Hire. cervlce for twelve months I Til Tbe latest and! best for tbe least . T9 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phone 43? uii.i. fi'at . XVIIL. flo. 135. PRINCE RUPERT. B.C., SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1928 re Onir Joseph Sankey Acquitted at Close of Second Trial for the Murder of Miss Loretta Chisholm, Essington Indian who was previously convicted of crime at Prince Rupert is now a free man WESTMINSTER, June 8.-After more than two years in NEW l umody Joseph Sankey walked out of tbe assize court late yesterday a free man when the jury acquitted him of the mur-(i. i of Loretta Chisholm at Port Essington, May 28, 1926. The jury retired at 3.60 p.m. and returned at 4.19 with tbe nliit "not guilty." Applause broke out after the .i ,1-1 iff Morrison ordered the court in. n were among the crowd that DELEGATES FOR CONVENTIONAT He TERRACE READY iii.lum. at Kt:t:xA centhe i'vcm tOTL Of COMIPHMK I.N UK. WHIM'll tbe rutKAGK, June Sv A meeting of thei - ..- ol the district was held on rtsy evening to appoint delegates' oil the nominating consntlon toj .-i in Terrace on Thursday after-The foUosrlng delegates were ap- tion i Kenney. W B Riley. W. A ..Mirk. L. R. Keuney. B. Halllwell, . and F. C Bishop, with A. was i and T J. Kirkpstiick as al New of roalidonee was ia too tuber, Br. Wrtnch. and In the were wall matured tor ft ejf l i,-tit it out of town public meeting will b evening at Which Dr Wrlnrh and other public men will speak to McGEER WALKS OUT OF COURT rnorisT". Au.tlNST 1IEI.AY IN TKV- i . riuJiHY cam: .uaiNKT CAHA t M OUVoJgt. Juno Openly In-FttUee MsKislratc Bhsw onferen M with airx Henderson. 'warding the remanding ol tnr case against Frank Caslaa and that Ma jm Taylor and Counsel " ' ii.oiieltiaaiBg the public, o O. Mc-' unsel for Oaaiaa walked out of ' "rt j gj when Maglstrste i- , n in dag the oase until June ie did not want to proceed with ":nal prosecution until the com-"m: rloaed. M ' -er alleged that the perjury pro- or Castas was aimed at tbe ln-t of other wttnessm . OFFICERS FOR of for THEELECTION of t H. MOKTIMKIt TO IUVE CIIAIHIK Or POIA IN l-KIME HITWIT ItltlINU victoria, June g. Returning offl- have bean apnmntafl ss follows: Havana -. J. MItyM. of sUnlthers, Atliu Jasnei WQaac of Anyos. fort Ovorao R. aV Fetera, Frmoe Utorye. otnineoa J. D. Oharleaon, of Vander- it ime Rupert- E H Mortimer. 10 CARRYlESSAGE ( 8 OF LIBERALISM '"KMIKK MACLliAN Ol'TI.IM III 0 KM: UAL 1'ltOOItAM 111.1'OltH HA1LIMI ON CATA1 Premier will nun -Ux ubrral ''"'"sage to every part of the pvovlnes. atinuunood here veaterda aa he ealled "" t.he Oatala for Prince Rupert. "I "111 HO to rln Unnt itlln a.nd oilier eentrea at ak f.r nnriii u re. ' inted. After that I must return to Victoria for a few days and then m go b" k tu lbs interior, M said. verdict was announced and Mr cleared. A large number of filled the room. In bis address to the Jury defease el Bird stressed the tact not hair of the girl's bead nor a shred of Iter clothing was found on the accused despite the obvious feet that a terrific struggle must bare taken ptaos. argued that the evidence against Saukey was purely circumstantial. Crown counsel Johnson spoke for an hour. In summing up Mr. Jus Use Morrison sifted tbe evidence both at tbe prosecution and dstsose and .made Utile ocss- mdi soee so potni out toe legal as pects of the case. Immediately after the coaolmton eg trial Bird moved for the release of and this was at once granted. Outside Banker was kdned ta a Sankey was convicted net In Novom-ber. 1M, and the dote lor his execu was set. An appeal was through t the Indian Department after a new trial was gi anted a made for a change of venae to Westminster .this awing granted. as boon In Jail ter two yean southing like tSSBCO has been lay the amenta teat of British ' .mm I'KIUE DIVIDEMl j iOW"N TWO rt)H CT HIT MILL Cjt 1TC IIIOII TArKJfA) t . June 9. Aa-made by the Frostier Oaad Mining Company in New York that a quarterly dividend of sis cents a ahare will he paid to absrehoM-ers en reoord June 14. The FresBler has pail eight otnt s ahare per quart. for several yearn. The new dividend rate if continued gives at per cent per anrum. CANADIANS GOT HIGHASU.S. I-KICK PAIH AT IIMI lACIItMlE HIIIX LOW Till MOKMMi WIIKN IB.StHI OlMH 40l.t While the price of halibut on ex change this morning continued low tlx Canadian beau got a little the better the deal as they wore paid five cents chickens Tbe total selling was U740D Ma. of American and MM lbs. Oaaadlaa. the smm mou oeing isw.- lbs teles wore. AM MUCIN Radio n.000 to Royal Fish Co. . and 4. Paragon MM to Ool daUorag at sae and 4. geyniour ta Atlia nsnsoes ai BdO and 4 Yukon BMW nsnerios at gJO and 4. Wtic 14.000 ta naaeriea a 10J0 and . CANtlilAV Itm rtabim at Rose tpit. and 6c. Cape Spear Tdtd) B Oold sRorage at 00 and t. Binglesder t.MW ta Booth Flaherlos at 80 and f Marguerite OoW Morage at and A. No men S.500 to RffH nw Co. at VJ0 and A. AKi: HtCCWllL Both Will and Kerglo, neve year In their ra been successful amlnationx in the teaWty Ol mraioiur for their fourth year at tne of Toronto IVOM si:k sot Camhatk W. J oowser vnrTOKlA JUB ad not be s can- wd :ie stated dMete and w""1 tah no part In the couilug ciutn. PLANT EGGS IN RAINBOW LAKE I'AHTV TO MAKE INsI'M TION TODAY mil Ron ami m:x via ii-liw- ATLASS AMI fXOVAII NOT NOT I AVOUCH A meeting of the moot Runert Hod and Outi dub was held last night in the City Ball lor tbe purpose of discussing the planting of the Kamloops trout eggs which arrived this morning from the south. It was decided that Mayor C. Beam, superintendent of the Lakelse Hatchery. W. O. Fulton, and two men should go out to Rainbow Lake up Mile SI Creek today to make an Inspection with a view to plsclng tbe eggs there.; Tbe club does not favor planting lu Snawstlsns Lake and Cloyah Lake does: ' not meet with much more favir. It is believed that the planting could be done more effectively elsewhere Ales McRee. president of tbe Bod and Oun Club, occupied the chair at tbe I meeting S.O.S. CALL FROMALASKA Native Village Ilurning and Relief Uual on Way With Succor SEATTLE. June 9- A frantic S.O-S. telling of the threatened deatruction by fire of an.Ala- k ritlage irtfayptcked tut of-tKc air Iat night by the naval radio Matron at Cordova' The message rend: "S.O-S. The whole village on the island of KilhV lioo i afire.' KillhKieo ht an inland opposite I'earl Strait in Chatham hound and part of the Alexander Arch ipelago. The population of the village is native for the most part. After the firct mttMage there wa. alienee for a time. Then It came again: The fire is getting too hot now. Got to go. Am suffering. Good bye and hurry." The UJv lighthouse tender is ((earning to the village at full speed. AImi the survey boat Rxplww at ea to the wet is going to the village. SEATTLE. June 9. The entire village of Killknoo. 70 mile weot of Sitka, is a mass of smoking ruins advices received here stale. Approximately 250 natives are left homelem by the fire which destroyed the school house, l'resbyterian Church, but do lives were lost Twenty-five houses were burned and the nut he are said to be camping on the beach today. MOVING TO GET RATES LOWERED THROUGH CANAL VICTORIA. June 9 - A move to get lower rates through the Panama Canal for Canadian shipping from Pacific Coast porta to United States and Canadian Atlantic porta has been Inaugurated nose and has been taken up with Ottawa by Premier MaeLean. The government la seeklsuj modification of the Hay-Pauucefote treaty governing the Panama Canal dues. HAMTTING WONBASEBALL nrw york. hosier by Watker enable- 'OteeUUfifU'V boat Brooklyn and strengthen the hold oa ftatt place after on eleven inning battle. Pittsburg pitchers were pounded for seventeen hits including homers by Bernhart and Hornsby. permitting tbe Braves to win out Boott, the Pittsburg utUity man. scored two homers Rev. Roy Manwarlng will conduct service In Bt Petera Church, Seal Cove, unday mornlug at 11 o'clock. I PEACE RIVER IS DISCUSSED IT 1(1 HUH NlllVtV OK PASSES I'UO-MISi:i) I1Y MIMSTtlt OF RAILWAY) OTTAWA. June 6. -A survev ol the Pesoe and Monkman mute, with a view to getting the beat possible way for an outlet from the Fee River to the Pacific Coast wee ward by D. F. Ken - nedy. CPA., for Feae River "during -unaiderstlon of the railway estimates In the House of Coauntiiis last night. Hon. C. A. Dustting. minister cf railways, said be would ask the C.I.B. to .!: lurther lnvestlgatiro before coming to s decision as to tbe best rjute He could not promise that the work would be dc-ne this yer on tbe height ti land between Albert and B.C J C -Brady. Conservative member for 3keen. said that If trie arguments to favor of the Hudson Bay railway were sufficient, the arguments In favor of the Peace River .railway were ten times as strong. Moeh imeney had been spent and it would be a waste of money not to progeed with the eompkulon of tbe line. It wee the Suty of tbe government to make a surrey and decide Mice and for all what tbe outlet of the railway would be. Subscribe for tbe Dsllv New Airship Italia Was Located hy Radio Two Hundred Miles North King's Bay and Talked Twenty Minutes Last Night J une 9 The Stefani News Agency announced last ROME. Night tMfit tie Cltta tie Milano, bate ship for the General Nohlle expetation, maintained radio communication yesterday for 20 minute with the dirigible Italia, lost in the polar wastes since May 3S. The Italia gave hearings which correspond with a place SO mileei north of Cape Leigh, the southeasterly extremity of Northeast Land. The message were exchanged at seven o'clock last night, Greenwich time. The Citta. de MJIana has given word to the sealer Hubby and asked that vesaeJ fo try lo work its way to the position'giren by the Italia, with sledge dogs and guides- The position of the Italia is given as approximately 260 miles from King's Hay Haven, which the dirigible was trying to reach on their return flight from the North Pole. KING'S HAY. June 9. It is reported here that all aboard the Italia are alive. The message from the Citla de Milano indicates that the aindiip is off Cape Leigh Smith, 20 miles from the coast of Northeast Land. Nationalist Army of China Now in Control of Pekin and Party Rules Most That Vast Country China, June 9. Tbe City of Pekin waa taken over by the PEKIN, Nationalist army at ten o'clock yesterday morning. Complete order prevails. The way waa left open for the occupation of Pekin by the victories of the southern army and the evacuation of the capital June 3 by Chang Tso Lfn who for two years past had been dictator of northern China, retiring to Mukden and being bombed on the train while going to that city. This control of the Chinese capital is the consummation of the hopes of the Nationalist party formed years ago by Bun Yat Sen when China first be- came a republic It waa in 1013 when the Manchu Emperor of China was depoiod and Dr. Bun Yat Ben became provisional president. The election which followed resulted in the defeat of Bun Yst Ben and the election of Tan Bhal Kai as president, and he soon aaavimed despotic power and thrust frees offtoe moat of the extereme reform party which then formed themselves Into s Nat ton -slut group with Bun Yat Ben at their head and with Canton aa their headquarters. An Independent military government was set up In the south and tbe scope of this control has been gradually extended until today after many vicissitudes It includes praetlc-j ally tbe whole of China. LAWYER DENIES FIXING CASES llllOKilllM Vr VANTOlVllt I1 1 :LAIttS COLLI ION WITH ISSPliC iitiri TOIt AliSl ltli ! ANCOUVEK June 8. Emphatic nlal that be had paM M00 to " officials" in the Canadian Beotttah Reporters Ltd. case was given at the morning session of tbe police Inquiry by W. F. Brougham, barrister, mentioned In previous testimony M "fixing" police court charges. Witness declares he had not "flaed" any case In the police court, He also swore that tbe suggestion of collusion between himself and Inspector Charles Tuley va absurd - Subscribe for the Bally Mews. L PLAYING WITH EXPLOSIVES TUO (IIIL1IKEX KILLED AM) TWO OT1IEKH INJLHKP WHEN UETON-, ATOKH WENT OIT j EDMOJfTON, June 8-Katle Zooke. ten ; William, eight, child- ! M WUllam Zook. a former residing ' "" uenwe. were xjuea wnen a box of detonators with which tbey were .laying, exploded Mary Zook, eleven years old. had her right hand blown off while the t-n msnths old baby she was - .trying cu also seriously hurt. OLIVER FUND . AT UNIVERSITY rHlKMH OK LATE PKKMIEK TO EN I 1HMV HCIIOLAI1HIIII f OK AUI11-t't'LTI I KAL KIE.ltCII ' VANOOCVBR. June .- A scholarship fund -A aiSOO annually bearing the name i the late Preaiier Oliver has been ertabl'khed at tbe University of B.C. to ! endow agricultural research by a cony : mlttes of Victoria friends. REWARDS FOR THE AVIATORS CANBERRA. Australia. June 9. The federal government of Australia has decided to award Captain Kingsford-Smith, pilot of the Southern Cross transpacific plane the sum of five thousand pounds in recognition of his success. LOS ANGELES, June 9. As a token of friendship and tribute to their successful flight across the Pacific Captain Kingsford-Smith and Charles) Ulm were made a gift of the airplane Southern Cross in which they made the flight and also the discharge of all their indebtedness by their financial broker, G- Allen" Hancock of Los Angeles. , CROPPEOSPECT IS EXCELLENT WCHNIPBO. June . The Free Press crop report this morning states that the prospects In all three provinces are es- oeptlonslly cheerful, practically all sec- tlons having plenty uf moisture Tbe wheat averages from three to six Inches j above the ground with sturdy growth Advertise In th Dally Nswa It pays' After Heroic Battle With Elements Plane Southern Cross Safe Arrives at Drbbane After Flight of 1762 Miles From Suva and Will Continue to Sydney Soon as Heady T) RISBANE, June 9, After a t) often threatened destruction, the monoplane Southern Cross piloted by Captain Charles Kingnfurd-Smith, Australian ace. and Lieut. Ulm, also of Australia, landed here this morning at 10.10 from Fiji Islands, completing the 7,800 mile flight from Oakland, California. I In the last leg of the journey, the plane covered 1,762 miles ; from Suva. ! The airmen were given a noisy welcome by thousands of Am-1 1: aliens who fathered at tbe flying- j field awaiting tbe arrival of tbe big ; plane. Sydney five hundred miles south beckons the Southern Croat onward M complete tbe triumphant flight. In coming here the plane passed over Moteton Bay, receiving a siren salute from the steamships In Brisbane River ;:d alighted after ssjjlng over the city. Tbe storm of Prldey night blew the : p.siie out of Its course and It was lgr-ted at Baillna. about 150 miles south of Brisbane and delayed Its arrival an hour later -than the flyers radioes tnd tested that they would arrive. They will remain here long enough to rest and overhaul their plane before tbey proceed to Sydney. M MKR Ol I-tO I'LL . WILL Mttrr PKiitllEK OX AKHIVAL IILKE 4 It la probable that a number V of local people will be out to neet Premier Msotisan wbsn he 4 arrive tomorrow afternoon on the steamer Oatala This Is his 4 f nwt vteH to rrtaae ntsyfat since he -was tihosea for tbe high of- fe.Jkm roust w feosptkm ex weaud be quite In order. MRS. WICK DIES IN HOSPITAL mill Or tVKLL KNOWN I'lsllEUMAN PASSEK AWAV AFTER LO.VU ILL-LS After an Illness of four yean, having spent the past there weeks as a patient, in the Prlnoo Rupert Oeaoral Hospital, the death occurred In that Institution st 10 o'clock this morning of Mrs John Wick. Beach Place, wife of Oapt John Wick. weU known local halibut fisherman and cwner of the hoot Johanna Tbe late Mrs. Wlok was T years of age and a native of Norway. She is survived ly two young daughters TllUo and Agnes and one son Ingvsld The widower Is kt present on the fishing gt.uuds but has been seat for. The iste Mrs. Wick had lived in Prince Rupert tor several years, coming here from the prairies. Funeral arrangements aw m the h of the B. Ondertshors. STOCK QUOTATIONS Neva lleeSHg Irtoee Tmhty on VeiMMMi-ter Uaehowge (Courtesy of B. D. Co.. Ltd.) BC Stiver Bayvtew Big Missouri Ccrk Province . . . Dunwell Oeorae Copper Cllecier Olsdstone Olssiar Ooloonda independence Roots nay Florence la. at L Usedemlth Lucky Jim ttannot Meuu .. National silver . . . Vend' Oreille ei"Miicr . . Porter Idaho Rschcnond Itwfua Argents .... Ruth Rope ...... fljlvtr, Croat BUverado Silversmith Bunloch Terminus ITorlc Whitewater Woodbine Cotton Bek Georgia River . . . Oraudvlew Duthle Marmot Oold ... BUicaii Kins . . 'Tupley Rlcbiisld BM Aehed MO 14 jo? -ST m m Jl B1H ITS SB At .031, ja J .74 7B .its JS', M .10', .10 M .10 M os m .is j 1&.S0 MB IJS MO .ass m M XI M M .11 .114 7j as .17 18 1.26 9 00 .18 3 00 175 1.60 Sdt J4V M .7 SS JS ttv, 47 lit 123 10 10', .08 'a .01 411 Vs heroic battle with fierce galea which SNAG STRUCK ' OTTAWA HOUSE WITH I'KOKOOATION IN SK1IIT AT 6 TOMfiHT I1EXMJTT SI'KINUS siKruisc OTTAWA. June B After a brief but boh what atormy debate all tbe oatl-asstea for the department of lmmigra-ttoa and colonisation were approved last night by the House of Commons Early that morning Premier King on-nounosd that it was hoped to prorogate bp out tonight. OTTAWA, June 9. With the pros pects of prorogation at six tonight Caa- aervatires sprang s surprise in the House of Commons this morning by lntre- dnetng an amendment to supply moved hy Ron. R. 8. Bennett and asaondad fey Rsgh Outhrte which read: This ooss la of opinion that the mpum tores for the peer tiding Ueseh ai coat est lapMiive. extravagant and the oauatry hoe not received to reeeive The- amendment Is motion of non-confidence. OTTAWA. June a i later I . The Hoaue today defeated by TO to 8g ths vstlve amendment to supply. PREMIER DUE HERE SUNDAY HON. lilt. J. It. MrLEAV WILL AKKIVE lltOM SOCTII TOMOKKOW TO VlHlT HID1.NOS) IS NOHTll Hon. Or. J. O. Mrlean. premier hitlsb Oorumbta, u expected to in the city on the Oatala afternoon from Vancouver. He will through to Anyaa. Alice Aim Stewart, returning to the city aboard the powerboat "Awake" with U. X. Kergln. M.L-A. tor Atlln. in tiate tor tbe noen Ins ting convention which will be bold here next Wednesday after-neon at which, as well as the public meeting In the evening, he wtll Ron. T. D Jattulk. minister uf and msmtisr of ths legislature for Prince Rupert, will arrive lh ths ettr neat Wednesday morning on the mater Prince Oeorge. From here Or. McLean will pimosU to tbe Interior to make a tour of the more Important points In Sksens and Omiueoa ridings. He wiu be met ta tbe interior by Hon. A. M. Hanson, at torney PICTURE BRIDE SYSTEM ENDS JtlMKBKK IMMIOKATION ALMOST WHOLLY EMM WITH NtW M11ASI HkS UtilMl INTO timet: OTTAWA, June The practice of sending for Japanese picture brides a at an end. Premier liackenaie King an-wounoed In the Hcuse of Oosamons last night. The Premier announced farther that following a coolers Doe the Japanese minister of foiaafn affairs had Informed tbe Canadian government that tbe gove"ttSwahtBJS plahv that M ssoi aatSjatltM t sdmlnlstratlve measures to go Into effect September 1 would exceed lew annually. KILLED WHEN ROCK CRASHEDJNTO CAMP mVBRMKRX June 0 Mrs. Bundle, wile of Clayton Ruitdl of Bdmoaton, waa killed while s)e-)lng In her tent hrre b wi winch crashed down the miuniaiit Hide on to the tudsy.