I Up NO matter what amount your budget nets aside for washday expense, you will find that 'we offer a laundry service comfortably within it. And, more important, a checkup over a period of time will convince you that laundry-washed clothes last longer, save money, guard health . . and are cleaner! Call us on the 'phone . . . we'll gladly help you arrange for this new-era method of handling the family wash. THE LAUNDRY DOES IT DUST CANADIAN LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners I'ltone 8 H. S. WALLACE CO, LTD. SWIMMING SUITS Diving Caps Ily JanUen, Penman's Universal $3.95 t0 S5.75 Small Flat to Rent, suitable for Offices H.S.WalIaceCo.Ltd. Phone 9 3rd Avenue and Fulton Patronise the Montreal Importers GREAT RARGAINS IN ROYS' FOUR PIECE SUITS, Jacket, vast, short and Ion? pants, regular $16 and f IK value, for $7.95 Lern than Hatun'a prices Come in and convince For Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies, Bulk-ley Valle Hay and Grain. Seeds, .Fertilizer and COAL, call up 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. MEAT DEPT. Fresh Killed Fowl, lb. :irf Leir Roast Pork, lb. .. UU Loin Roast Pork, lb. . . Shoulder Roast Vsal, lb. Urf Mussallem Grocery CO. LTD. Ment Department Phone 18 Phone 81 Yieronji, OF MINERALS ' COMPLETE KEPOKT OF MINISTKIl OF j MIXES 41 ST ISSl El INDICATES INCREASED EASED ACTIVITY. I June Increaasd ftotlv- ltf ad larger output of mineral were ' the .distinguishing feature of the mln- lug industry In British Columbia dur-. lag . 1037. While the gross value of the j production was law than that of thej previous year, the actual tonnage of' ore.jnlned showed a substantial Increase ! 1936. The gross value of the output of the mines of the Provinoe was W0.T2S.S68 M compared with WU88,84a lb 1998, decrease of 6.449.4a4. or D o ptr oent, a decrease aoouated for not by any ataekening in production but because of lowered metal price. In fact the actual quantity production was 5.416.031 tons Of ore mined or 940,94 tone In excess of the previous twelve months. These figures are set forth In the an- i nual report of the Minister of Mines. I Hon W. H. Sutherland, which has Just ; been issued are the final revised figures for 1937 as compiled by John D. Oai-, lawny, provincial mineralogist. They ( indicate that while the lowered metal s prices might be expected to reduce! prot its and dividends, yet the Increased SAILINGS TO EUROPE MAKE RESERVATION'S NO' 3 FROM MONTREAL To Liverpool June 22. July 30 Montclare June SB Meltu tJuly 6. i Aug. 3 Montcalm July 13, Aug. 10. .Duchese of Bedford tVla Glasgow To IVelfSAt-Olaigow July 13, Aug 0 Mtnnedoaa July 38 MellU To Antwerp vb Otaatow June 30 Metagama FROM QUEREC T. L1teHiearg-StltaiHtitfl June 30. July 11 Km press of France June 27, July 13 Empress of Scotland July 4. July 35. .Empress of Australia To CIerHaarg-Huttamp4on-Hamburg June 23. 'July 80 MontroyaT 'July 4. Aug, 4 Montnalra Does to Cobh Apply Agemj enrrwktye Of U.bisr "XI? Ac. v C.F.tt. statMn, Vsnteevcr. Tsltsasst Stymour UK "Demers" for new Summer Lingerie FRENCH COMBINATIONS SILK HLOOMERS R0RETTE RLOOMERS and Vents to match. "EOR sending money by mail Royal Bank Money Orders arc safe, convenient and Around the World Cruise PrancontH '. . Jan. 18. 1030 Calln at Plymouth. Baatbound Money orders, draft and Travellers r?heruim at lowest rates. Pull Inform tlon from local agent or Company's Of tinea 623 Hastings St. W.. vai B.C People of the Skeena THIS DISTRICT PRODUCED DURING 1927: Cedar Poles and Piling 2,446,000 lineal feot Valued at $400,000 In Payrolls and Profits you shared $280,000 In supplies and Equipment Merchants and Farmers shared 84,000 Provincial Revenue Received 80,000 EVERY FOREST FIRE BURNS YOUR DOLLARS PREVENT THEM AND LET YOUiySLOGAN B$: .0 "A Smokele'ss Summi Along the Skeena" British Columhia Forest Service -8r "as' ''-tr output meant a greater distribution of shown by all the larger producers, but money in wages, supplies .transport.- a number Of ailver-lead-alnc propertl.. tlon. services, etc.. and In that regard uecreasM output partly owing to lower-tbe mining operation, in 1037 were of : ed prices and partly because of sus-g reefer benefit to the Province than ! pension of mining In order to permit those of 1B30. As a matter of fact, 1 Installation of' concentrator, and other however, dividends were greater than In equipment. ( 1936. amounting to 110.800 JOS as , against 30 747.370 in 1330. a remit due to improved method, of treating ore. and cortsequem lowering of coat, of production. Had the 1928 price level of the metal been maintained last year the value of the mineral output of 1927 would have been approximately one million dollars greater than In the former period. Increased tonnage of ore. treated was TENDERS WANTED Tenders are requested tar the construction of a OymnMlum In the town of Anyoz. B.C Alternative tenders are desired, one for the building com pie tod, the other for labor alone The lowest c any tender not necessarily accepted nana ana spscincsuons can oe naa on arroucaucn to in. ' Secretary. Anyox Com knyox. B.C. 137 CANADIAN SERVICE From Montreal To llelfaxt. I.leriwl and (llano A then la June 16. July 13. Aug. 10 Antonta June 23. July 30. Aug. 17 Uetltta June 39. July 33. Aug. 34 Andanla July 6. Aug 3. Aug. 10 To l1nHHtlh-imre-IiM)dii Alaunla June 16. July 13. Aug. 10 Ausonia June 23. July 30, Aug 17 Aurarua June 23. July 37, Aug. 34 Arcania July 7. Aug F'rom New York To Uueenstown and Mverimol Bunaiia . June 16 ScytAla . . June 33 Tn Cherboors and Rent ham peon MaureUnia . June 13. 30. July 36. Aug. 12 AqulUnla . . June 30. July 9. Aug. 1. Brrengaria .June 27, July 16. Aug. 3. To Lundemlem and ftlaacow Caledonia. June 16 Transylvania, June 23 le rivsnewinMsavre-iiwnwm TuscanU. .June 16 Oarmonia. . June 33 I From Heat on To LeiHlewderry and Ulaagww Caledanla June 177 Ji July 18 To tjiieenatown ami i,itrrMmi Scytbla . . June 34 Lacoula . . July 8 LITTLE GIRL STRUCK BY CAR LAST NIGHT Irene t'orkrud. Aged 1'wir. In llttspttal but Injuries are not lleUevrd to be Irene RMrkrud. four-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs Lou la Porkrud. about 3.40 Uast evening waa struck on Keventh Avenue Baet by a Ford sedan driven by W. Howarth. While the ear did not paw over the child, she received a shaking up which made it adviaaUe to take her to the Prlnoe Rupert Oeneral Hospital. It was reported at the hospital tbta morn ing that die waa believed to have not been seriously usjuiwd. Tke little girl is reported to have run out on the street in front of the car which was travelling at a moderate rate of apead MTriUCKEKK Oranny, can you crack nuts with your teeth?" "No. my dear." she aanwered. "I lost my teeth, long ago." 'All right, then." Mid the boy "Will you hold these nut. tor me while I go for some more?" LAND ACT NOTICE Of INTENTION TO Al'I'LY TO LtiAeb UM In Prince Rupert Land Record lna Dl- irlct and situate on Moresby Ulaud ad jacent to AJltlord Bay fikldegate lnlat-Daean Charlotte Island. TAKE HOTICI that Pacific Mills Limited oi Vancouver. B.C.. occupation pulp and paper manufacturers. Intends (a appiy tor desarlbed of the following Comma acini at s oost planted at the 8.W. comer of B.T1. 8S4fP; thence 73 Jegreaa 30 mlnues West ( Astronomic ) 1800 ft.: thence north S3 degrees 30 minutes West (Astronomic) 1800 ft.; thenot North 33 deaiees so minutes East i Astronomic l 800 it., thence North 38 degrees West (Astronomic) 3800 ft., ihenee North 00 degree last (Astrono mic) 6M ft. more or lea, to an Intersection with the high water mark of Alllford Bay: thence following the said high water mark Southerly to the point of commencement, aave and except one laktnd containing one acre more ot less snd another Island containing 0.36 acres, more or less -the whole containing 113 teres, more or lea. pacific mills, uurnro. Applicant. Bv Parker Samuel Bonner. Dated April 16. 1013 161 "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT' NOTirt: or Ai'i'ur.tTioN roK rox- MJXT TO TIlANHPKIt OI IHttK i.ichm i; NOTICE IS. HKRCBY OIVKN that, on the llth day of July next, the under- itigned intend to apply to the Liquor Control Board for consent to transfer it Beer License Number 810. snd issued In respect of premiss being part of a building known as the Toururt Hotul. situate st Terrace. B.C. upon the lands de scribed a LoU 1 snd 3. tn Block 11. Map m. rrinoe itupen unna negisirauon District, In the Provinoe of British Col umbia, from Oeorge Tossver to Angelo Bustacchlo and Urbane Colbachlnl. of Terrace. Brltlah Columbia, the transfer- a. DATED st Terrace. B.C.. this 6th dav OT ruue. A D 133. AN OSLO KU8TACCHIO. URBANO OOLBACHIN1 Applicants and Trarmterees FOR SALE SCALED TXITDtatS, envelope endorsed iwauarr iot ixag-naui, wui oe received a toe undersigned up to noon of June th. 1338. for the purchase of log-haul at J. Schaeffer'. mill. Lot 3333, Beaver Passage Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. June 0. 1033, R. B ALLEN. District Po raster. Prince Rupert, B.C 13S Dr.AlSnder Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST In compllanoe with a request reeetrtly made by the Prince Rupert Rod and Gun Club the f liberie. departineat landed this morning from the taaner Prince Rupert a large shipment of BUmloop. trout eggs which win be placed in Shswatlan. and Ctoyah Lkea near here for inatarting purpoMa. The ahtpment include, enough eggs to place in two localities and the planting will be in charge of Major Hearn. superintendent of the Lakelav Hatchery, who arrived In the city from the interior on yesterday afternoon, train. The Ilod as Gun Club will give aa.lst.nrw with the distribution in connection with which 1U wishes will be considered. As the egga will continue In sueh state thla season, neat year becoming small fry. it will be at least two years before angling could affect the result of the planting, possibly, by that tttae boom steps may be taken with a view to protecting the new fiah. Though there has bean .emu a fast of a falling off during the past weak or so total halibut landings at the port ol Prince Rupert for the season up to ytaterday at 10.44S.4O0 pound, ware well ahead of the 1037 neaspn at a corresponding date when the total stood at 3,871 ,900 pound. As a nsattsr of fact the T038 landing, are approaching the record season of 1038 which at thlt time stood at 10418.700 pounds. Of thla year' total. 7.418.400 pound had been from American vassal, and 2.-86.000 pounds from Canadian. Last year?, figures at a similar date were 7.163400 and 2.731400 pounds respectively. With some of the Canadian halibut boat now aaout to enter other pursuits such as salmon parking and fishery patrol, there may be a alight dropping off during the coaolng lum- mer month, although that does not necessarily have to follow. Landings for the week June 3-8 respectively were a little under a v rag-to tailing 630400 pounds Of which 438 -000 pounds was American and 302400 Canadian. Prices during this weak were st s fair though not spectacular level. The highest bid of the week was 13.7c and 7c paid the American vessels, Tbelma M . Tahoma and Venus far catenas of 8400. 3400 and 6400 pounds respectively The best Canadian prise was Bsc and 8c paid the M4I. Christo pher for 3.000 pounds. The lowest but of the week was 8c and 4o. Waterfront habitant may rack their heads this weak to reeoUect (heir ever wing or hearing of a larger rod spring salmon than was lsnSri yesterday at Inverness Cannery from the Queen Charlotte Islands. The fine big flab which was the cynosure of all eye. and the subject of much Interested eaasal-nation, tipped the scales at seventy- five pound. Now you tell . larger real spring salmon story. HARMN SMITH WILL CONTINUE DIGGING AND TAKE PICTURES OTTAWA. June 3 . I. Smith, who hss been Investigating the ancient village altea. shell heap and rock carving, of the Indian, on the coast of British Columbia, will continue thla work around Prlnee Rupert during the summer. During part of the season be will take motion pictures Illustrating the menners and customs of some In-dlsn tribes not represented in the four reels which he ha already prepared for the National Museum, and which have proved so popular both In Canada and Europe. LAl) ACT MITirt: OF INTENTION TO AITLY TO LFASi; LAM) In Prince Rupert Land Recording District and situate adjacent to AUlford Bay. Moresby bland. Bkldegate Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands TAKE NOTICE that Pacific -Mills Limited, of Vancouver, B.C., occupation Pulp and Paper Manufacturers, Intend, to apply for a lease of tbe following described land: Comma nclns at a neat DlaMan an tK high water mark of an Island: tbeuoe foil owing the high water mark around the Uland to point of commencement and containing one acre, more or lass PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED. Applicant Donald Wilbur HoSdon. Agent for Pacific Mills, Limited. Doted May g. loan. , LAND ACT,, NOTirjB OF' 1NTKNTI0N TO AI'I'LYITO In 'MjvU'UtMl recortfftrf District and .mine adjacent to Anitora Bay. Moresby Island Sktdegate inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands. i.iSE? Pacific M11U V Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Pulp and Paper Manufaetuiers. intend Hi" "r nan or we ronowlng land: Commencing at a poet planted on the following the huh water mrk .m.r. In tJol ot "ntmenoement and contalnlnn 0.26 acre more or less PACIPIC MILLS. UMITED Donald Wilbur Hctt"" Saturday june THR DAILY NEWS PAGE SES 192J Worth CJieckin re LARGER OUTPUT 2 JU E 1 Jahrrvifc. Quebec nneRWjt. OearSir Vourjtrufc v The Royal Bank - of Canada Prince Rupert Branch - EE. Robertson, Manage it Waterfront Whiffs (osntlnued from page five) superintendent of the Western Canada Airway. Ltd.. will be in active charge of the aerial detachment and 1U 1 ' Some of the stall to be used this ycai will be of Usi newer Vedette typeH iwhjbh are much morexspoed tana oap-I able M 'rtkfng 'V-'ai'gWte etfYftUon than the old H30L's Which have bean d bate in previous .anon. fr the fishery patrol. Toe can attain a ceil ing of as high as 1800 ft and are. generally more efficient. The' pUae. wUl be moved around from Das to base as requirement, de mand. WESTHOLME THEATRj TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 The Great British War Picture A masterpiece of urn-en ui hicvene :it .shir.vi:ii , ;i, aceneH by stfrmi.Hioii of ihe lni"i uil Army Jlui in, i. i , . with the ;o-operation of the Army Council. Amongst the many stirring episodes may ! ! lant Canadians at Courcelctle. Kelnu Trench and nil : ? ,i . Huge caate of soldiers Many views shown from tm ( i , Government archives at Ottawa. COMEDY "IJOVB TM, PH8I) EM." METHO-CJOLHUTN N KWS Admission - - 50c and 25c is the LAST DAY of (he . PBCIAL CLEARANCE T Ladies of at teses Richmond's :: Louvre Canadian National Steamships Co. L ffljteii Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OpenitinK (i.T.P. 20,00(J( Ton Floating Dry !'' En-sJncera, MachiniatH. HoilermakerH, Hlacksmltl. I'"""" maktTH, Fnundcra, Woodworkera, Ktc. KI.ECTKIC AND ACBTYLBNB WEM)IM Our plant is o(Uipped to"Tiandlerall kindti of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED HaIIIiim from I'rlniT l(iirrt. fir-For VANCOUVF.lt, VICTOIIIA, Hwanaon liny. Ilulrdalc Al"1 Tunxlay, S p.m. , , - . For VANCOI'VKU. VICTOIIIA, llutednlr. Alsrt lay. l'.. N."!""1" For I'OKT HIMI'SON mid NAAH KIVKU I'OINTB, Friday. mr0N For AI.ICB AKM. ANYOX. HTKWAKT, WALKS IHLANK, roll I Nundny. 8 p.m. ,.,t p( Its 2nd Avtnur. , It. M. SMITH, Aisnl. I,f""' 1,1 '..nwk4 Through tlrkrl sold lo Vlcturla snd Ersttlr, and lWe' . throuili to iiratlnatlor , 1