Write for Free Book Send for hend-one free book, W.Ua That Reflect Good in iiement." I. -i valuable Ji ,,. riiauon on t, , . i ncandlnte-., ;r decoration. Cnn& Grpiunt md Altbiiline, UiiittJ VA.:'"OIJV8R. D.C. rumv.v v wl i in' h uti i vjiu- . ir iu lint WITH "EMPIRE" m K Ml mi For Sale By Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. For Pic-nics For Pic-nics Electric Bread keeps noft longest TUB HB8T THKKB IS, 'lite P.lectrie Itakery specialise in cutting brewd for sandwiches. I CURE DBI'IKTIVB VISION. DEFECTIVE 1IKAK-INCi. CATAltlUI ami other organic troubles by natural methods. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C. Wallace Illocfc. Thonc 131. Open Evening TRY CHIROPRACTIC (I-JT WEU. AND KEEP SMILING! Watch your balance iii the Hank of Health. Nature, the ' iM-rinita mo overdraft. A deosftor Bi8rivWHlrw.nljf ' """iint he has on deposit NO MOKE! To make deposits hi. re.ise your balance, get regular SPINAL ADJUSTMENTS W. C. ASPINALL, D.C. f nnd 7 Exchange Illock. ! It plione. Green 241. Kesidence. 1037 First Avenue. City Meat Market (seevk; mtos.) ,r! Avenue Phone 765 MEAT. FISH, VEGETAI1I.ES ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PltODt'CE" nt low prices, and Immediate delivery i. me! AH Articles are of superior quality and absolutely fresh. ill ( Ut M ) w'ulic nndir!L.AWlut a Winger THE NEW SAVAGE no nor vn( Faster Vniki h,.n,t,nr tn 1 1 lit 111 H miliuw" i" i ti.l.,1 Wanhed. Blued, Rinsed "10 Sold on easy terms. Kaien Hardware Co. riiwie 3 After a two o year year box aboaka which will be UMd a lately in nillng cannery oRVwa Veaaeia golnt on the Jidward Llpaett way waK haw Uaeluded the bailout beat impereuee. Cant. Ok Bsnan, for cleaning and painting, the , Balamc. Oapt. Mm Orvlk. for repair to a leak around tbe itevmott, and the M.AJ3 . which u now on. for cleaning and parting. usiiisn noon Or. H. L. AiaxaoOer. c. S Starr an4 C. C. MID compriaed a local angling gutf which BMently vial ted BUI'a Lake Laff Warkf Oanal tn the powerboat Mar- om. The trip proved aucoeasful. the flawirmin Mturalng with a nice atrlng f aosw twenty-five or thirty apeOJad baautlea. The troll ing boat Owl. puiehaaed at auction that weak by Don Crvmr. la now pored at the float of tbe Prtnee Rupert Taoht ii fvowtng Oo. It Is saal-be that tIM aew owwer aaay later eon- I vert the tiajit feato a plaaeurr eruiawr far which purpose aha la of Ideal 4m-tgn. Den got tbe boat for jltso which U aaM to be a real bargain. Many friend axe eoaamlaeraUng with Rupe Banaon. the chap who put tbe "photo" In photography. Ben get tbe worat of an argusaent with a flaaMlght flare thin weak and. a a result, haa his arm In a attng and It la ttioky it waa not hi head. He should know having practised long enough. be ftoinaettla can fire. Ben baa found to hla sorrow Tbe arrival thai week of balmy. wrn weather, far wnfcsh we had almost given up hope in a vary backward spring. lags the opening at an early date of tbe local yanhtlng season. If con ditions prevailing this week keep up every man and hi boat should surety be out and. a only the Scotchmen will be left in town, ehisren aeeeipu will go down with a bang. Prom that on beach frolic anoM be the order of the day. Including Sunday. Sbef Thomson reports the fleet ready to go The painting tiaif'ltj at completed and tbe moat of the angtnea shuold work without autek prnmslan. The seta of gaaetlne at dew aeon to go up. fgfiwffJla- for inetallatlon of a new wbeel. The old one had beep bant and otherwise abused. Mndag. July t. ta the date set (or the annual regatta of tbe Prtnee Rupert Rowing MTaebt Club. It baa been decided to dispense with tbe decptad boat parade which wa on of the feature of last year' event. There wlU, however, be bUiou pMgceea of boat races and water apart generally. Qneaptete plan for the affair are being whipped bUe afevN by tbe general ceMMranan, Ale. Maeponald ruj iiHivMt to srnviitT Prlnot Rupert Balvaga k Tewing Op 's power tug Salvage PrloeeM twinrnad to port egt Monday after having delivered to Stewart tbe plledrlver of (be Pacific Stevedoring Oo. which will be used In the fcvtfdlog Of f wharf at the mouth of tbe Maimot River for the Premier Ooid Mining Co. Returning to port. tbe Salvage Frtnree picked up an empty eow M Port Simpson. or Bt. Knot laa w atattn Donor on Mongjay i)r opeoibg tjic Itiiiid r PrThfe 1 the iun- mar tervtoe pf Oantdtau Nttloual Co' ateamahlpa. The veseet 'will rrlv- from toe aoutb at 10 40 Utet morning, aall at i pm. far Aaye. Btewart and M- ett Inlet petate. returning here at logo Tluvtrtef- Morning and aaiiui; aoutb at A g4n. that day. It will be a three . . week service with tn' eUniea Prince Pupert and Prince ' J-yJ In aervioe. The Prince fionp eUI fce Jpet for tba moat of the fvWf; la pp(fy lAylxd aeued- (alee keel. Other boat going up there Maagtly have Included the PR.T and Big Bay Lumber Oo. a toggmg boat Start Uag for reoauiking sfod minor bull work. The Cape Bponeer was pulled up on Thursday afternoon for cleaning and painting. Mac haa alas Just ensspletad tbe building of a SO toot open bent for Hotf Walker which arm be"' equipped with a 5 h p two-cycle engine and will ba used on Bhawatlana lege. Two ather auuilai boat are under orilei for harbor boatmen. These is much talk of halibut boat building these days and Mac expects, ic close very shortly on something more ambitious than baa been the common run of late Canadian PUb Cold Storage Co. aunon packer PsadeMe U ae the dry doek for a new keel and garboard tmke. the work being neoaaaltatjal .through the vessel having gone aehor last Friday on Seyaa Wand while on the Dundaa Wand aalanon run. The vessel was taken up on the pontoon en Wednesday and la expected to be eg again- and ready to reaiima service j uest TUeaday. Meantime, the tow boat I Tewena haa bean chartaead by tbe company to take her place since aounon mutt come no matter what tbe boats gtay do. Stels are reported to be pending involving tbe tranatvr of at least one well known keekl plaajuer boot. Negotiations peat under way this week and will be Qpouneed as soon ae they age closed TO TJKE LOKO TltlP l PAGE rws Waterfront Whiffs Xev SawaiilJ at Seal Cove in Full Operation Fredeiia Has Stranding Picnic Seasum Opening UMm: the industrial, rvthm of theHunvni onejp.aiKiijj perva3 tje mgTOeal Cove gMjTBCaast end of tl city of PrjjJ& Itiiimt.Qm sTaLlfethe sawHl WMfl the box factory of the Uijr'Bay Lumber Co.'s nffvlant are fsfytTO full operation there on the site of the old Prine&Kupert Spruj JUUs. This one side is turning out some 40,000 feet of lumber daily and, with the other scheduled to be in operation in about ten days' time, the management expects to make readily a production of 0,000 feet per day. The plant makes welcome music to local ears. Between milling and eon-ttructlon operation, about ninety men a re employed thete at the present time. The permanent mill ateff wUl number about aiaty. Lumber drying pile am tu frd in tbe eommodlous yard round tbe plant apd, in tbe month A operation to date, tout twelve oai loda of ctear pruoe have been ehlppd Eaat in addition to meeting Um requirement of an active box market well aa the local retaU dcinanda. Tbe itaaw la not yet In operation. For clear apruoe. the company haa .rders covering production of tbe nest month. Common apruoe lumber .1U be used to a considerable extent In the manufacture of borne for which Ibe dlatrlct canneries provide a eub-ilanUal market The full new la now lp Prince Rupert with Oeorge MoAIe. a part owner of the UMU with H. R. MeMUUn of Vancouver, a manager. JJartln Miller Is the millwright or foreman: oitbcrt Camp' bell, chief engineer, and Weidon H. McAfee, office Manager. A the old mill at Georgetown there (a atyl snout 700100 feet 9' lumber piled up, including a lafge quantity of ule between ban and Vancouver and tbe couth Queen Charlotte Ialands. Quick aepalra wave mode to tbe galley cn tbe boathouae of the Prince Rupert Halvage Si Toavlng Co. which waa gutted by a midnight fu last peek. The old Interior has already aoan torn out and renewed. The Salvage Princes bait been on dry dock this week compietlng a hull heathliig and painting, job winch waa interrupted during the winter on account of calls on the vaaael s time. The big scow Kirk II. baa also been out for painting. L. R. Parry, commissary aent for the Canadian National Ballvmy.i. who haa been quartered In caramon th. track alnoe hi emporium In Sbed No 1 was destroyed by fire last fall, opened for Dullness on Thursday of this weak in the ney building on the east nd of the wharves. Mr. Parry, translcrred to Winnipeg after many years of efficient and popular service here, will leave for the gait next Wednesday. His successor bare is Billy aall. formerly well known i a train ag;nt running out of here, who arrlyed this afternoon from Winnipeg to take over hi new duties. MCLEAN V.UtK lit KY Tbe Mefeae yard at SJaal Cove koaps buay on ganaxal repair work snd small it building Rupert fgartne Praducta twanoat Ouauhewa came elf the ways tnli weak after tirndtng a week un dergoing extensive ranovetlon iucludlng the eatenaien of ber pilot house. The halibut beat Kalan. Caps. Tom Uanaen. was also taken out tbare uu& week! for painUng and InataUavtloo of a new i Backward Season Ojji store was crowded yesterday the first day of our Backward Season Sale with many of our friends and customers, and our staff were exerted to the utmost in supplying their needs. Our sale periods are not very frequent, but our customers know that our sales are real ones jand our prices real sale prices for quality goods. Our sale prices are so attractive that we ought to be as busy right along, so come early while stocks are still full. We have something in store for mothers with boys to clothe. We invite them to look for our advertisement in Monday's issue. We outfit boys completely and our Backward Season Sale Prices ought to appeal to mothers of the little fella's who weartheir clothes so hardly ! HOSE FOR MEN Man's Cashmere Wool Hose in Black only. The famous St. Margaret's roake. Iteg-uiar prise 76c. Backward ttoaaon Sale Price, Q ?p 2 pairs for anotner i our ewii apowe water- wiant h.t front fetenda la about to tbe aign not- &tnl tmmg ttM loc4l vewi. tlwtJ ieo line tor a uarwr on ua sea oi.h.v. w fin nuni h. Ha. u4 h. - - ' ' """"'' i ae nas spin ne w,mr,.iot thU season The Seminole haa not want any presents unlet they coat , utot m .urU work 10 per or more ratal!. It tekee e- pIlc.nU noUUta durlng lne parlance to teach the boya apd another almfiMOot otbprwlae ba decided to extend hla learning. Congratulations and a writ-up In our Ed j.,, opuUr wharfinger for tctal column at tin an inch wUl be baoame ttM N,tKw.i here, due in about month', a tlmg. . ags ,r eo the richer on Wednesday wlien hla horse. Palatead. roenped boaoe Rumor baa It that at least two new wlth the rH,y honeta at Spsom pawns, canneries will be built and In opera-(Kd WBB oBwln( Ucktt on tbe rank turn en tbe Skaena River by ttgst aea-for 0Vlr blu or ,ny ton Old Country capital, already In ... h,fo lh, bu, .,,. M, ""Wea10n of a (Ite. will bull'l one on taken xour OicrveFood lu-tiuyr ; altera Ha wa glad wbep tbe lack i started rolling In the next day from a ! waterfront pool. Marry Poote bed) the ticket on Palrway, the favorite. While lucky Jack Lindsay loat (or one In hi life by holding the aecond horse Pluinlngo. lUJUOI. L'UaRTKIlffl) ' Some twenty privately-owned power- beat haw been chartered In District No 2 4 hla eaeaon to augment the patrol veeUAr ltHei tlhene departnient. . iThaar laaaiaavllKnea out kebirfn now 4 lAwftro UllifdVUMl ui IlitWnuUee in vnraotit part or the dlatrtct. In addition to ttie many gatbeabi. the department will this aeaaon use three aeaplanea of the Western Canada Airways Ltd In the patrol aeevlce. These, machine will come north from Vancouver between June 20 gnd July 1 and will be occupied well on to the tint of September with baaea at Bella Bella. Bella Coola. Swanaon Bey. Queen Charlotte City and Prince Rupert. Major D R. MacLaren. O.B.O.. waa tern COATS FOR -MEN Men's Gabardine Coats, made in EnaSand of pure wool materials. A light coat for the summer showers, smart and dressy. Regular up to 40. Backward Season Sale Price vArteOyJ SUITS FOR MEN We have forty Men's Navy Blue Serge Suits on our rneks which we want to elar. A blue suit is always smart at any time of the year. And these we positively guarantee against fading for one year. They come in single and double breasted styles and were regularly priced tit $42.00. Backward Season Sale Price 29 85 BATHING SUITS The famous Jantsen Swimming Suits. The . whole of our stock to be cleared oat at Backward Benson Sale QJ SHOES FOR BOYS Here is one lot of Tennis Shoes for Boys Regular $&&0 value. QCn Backward Season Sale Price .... Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. Mail Orders Promptly Supplied at these Prices. Terms; Strictly Cash. No C.O.D. No Charge Accounts. the Skeena slough while . well known I coat company is reported in be cun-; templaluig tile putting in of the other it or uear Port Edward Capt. Bob Thompson, until recently skipper of the Prince Rupert halibut boat N. at B. haa aigned on with the crew of the Rupert Marine Product pear tug PJt.T Oapt William Bag-abaw la now In command of the N. St la "CATERPILLAR" Tractors for the FARMER, LOCJRER, ROAD BUILDER, MINKR ?IiJiIfiiXBRANP MUNICIPALITY Whurovor rugged power and pcrforraance are demanded. .... Utarature and Prices en fiaqwaat SOI.R 'DIBTKIIIDTOIIS FOIt H.C.1 MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT C0 Limited 1325 STANI)AI(l) JUNK BUILDING VANCOUVKH. D.C. HOLT Roval ! e 'lll'l 'UM ,, . SECUIUTY FIRST BEST nsorance Co.,. Limited ,",M - Liverpool Kngrffh3,? itnblMied 1815 Total 1'undslj! 1 7:1,1) ,!)(W2. S. D. Johnston Company, Ltd. Agents P1UNCE HtiPUUT.