A aa a 2 eR IE n= No Mobilization Shortages - : Canada Stockpiling Supplies In Event of War OTTAWA (P)-Defence Min- ister, Claxton says his depart-j ent is stockpiling enough sup-| ies for use if war breaks out, ization shortages of 1914 and} 1939 fie told the nons his coiling no more and no less than! duty in building mobilization | ckpile 5 Mr. Claxton denied there any dded: “Not a single article | been or will be wasted. | Everything wiil be used. Purchas nstant Enough © DeIng House of Com- review.” mobilization supplies sLOCK ped to iast the t three months of any gen- GO PME IPH. Setsain “ war. Nothing was being | tored that could be obtained 4% % Sif¢ , weet : i {+} 1 ' nit i 1 BEET SUGAR PLANT i in Canada, ts threatened with ‘closing its doors next year because of the from civilian sources in pend ! ‘ cheap native labor. Shown here are some 96,000 tons of sugar emergency | SBOE Mr. Claxton gave » fi ; Op of 33,000’ tons The plant operates each year from October to Christma _ On gave some figures | i could possibly indicate the et AY ba about 1,000,000 pounds of refined sugar each day forces plan to mobilize Prince Rupert Daily Thursday, December 11 News 1952 ntry of Chia ‘Some Into Canada ay Force Closure of Ontario Plant 0 avoid a repetition of the mo-| department has been) has Mca : excessive purchasing | | EEE IIRC EEE I CMM MIE, EEE si ing policies are under | 108,000 tarlo we and that it is an important fa Nirs. Mart Kenney “regular | Litt, Providing necessary in Puts on Blue Bonnet ee —— Sings Its Praises! i ‘ ted ¢ ¢ a8 Fe ‘ ; ane Re ep 12 00) od bee f INFERNO $y Havoc-Bon Ino bertea i Or winner of the 1905 KING’S PLATE Quebe h M LP Ottaw ‘tha Ridden by Phillips under the ton ae famous Seagram colors, TIME 2:12, Dist. 114 mi. wh ie eeting i a, i ‘ = ene Min po utite FRESSING PROBLEM C a ee 11 to Se CLIT Ry MT i mn ‘ ‘. f Sininta “Adel you'll really eave money ~ ( the Tr wher mu uke Devoxs Bite Bonxer S * i ; n 1934 Ein} Deroxe Bioe Boxxet? con- Day COQTAIN'S end be Sure { . 3 aS tine Ventence and quality. Get golden-yellow nt w ve, Soretaares ee Cee Devcxs Bice Bonet. emen : we salty feyuarded its domestic This advertisement is not published or displayed by Inereaset wat Try Daily News Want Ads: the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. uging fTre- has unloaded pounds of re te Canada in Woman Outbids ty Chri ven lll refny risti hs, in addition 2 : j ; iced quia of wniversity want to be sure that ‘ price much F N d Book all your cakes, pies i (anadian produc or ote s : P e their crop ni i Y Hi Calif amd cookies are the ' AP Mor very best. This is no and =p ‘ i wa time to risk jutiures, itu tl Gert r utrical producer Use NEW DOMESTIC and ef " proud of the restlis! ¢ Con : etitive bidding for th a nt book y Rein es ite i : ' * 000 000 ¢ I i~ i Mara no better ShOrlenting al any price a8 IMM Me I MM EE TT EN MEN EE EE |men in the first three months! lof a global war. He said it costs | $369 to clothe a regular force recruit and that clothing stocks | worth roughly $37,000,000 have} | been stored for a possible three-| ;month mobilization period The number of recruits ex-/ | pected following the outbreak of @ third world war would be “far igreater” than the 60,000 signed up in the first three months of) | the Second World War, said Mr | Claxton, } Canadian Troops to Get Time Off At Christmas But Can’t Come Home OTTAWA ®—Canadian troops in Germany will have Christmas leaves but won’t be given permission to come to Canada or: leave, a defence department spokesman said today. He was commenting on a report from Frankfurt, Germany, that nearly 2,000 American soldiers will fly home on commer- cial airlines for Christmas leave. ia round-trip tickets cost $494.16 each. FRASER & PAYN Gift Merchandise You Will Be Proud to Give ' es “Fairy Princess’ Sweater Sets Cardigan and Pullover. wool, assorted shades, Matching... see Senne.» compeenis. miecuncs Fine Botany newest styles. $6.95 SiR cei CARDIGANS PULLOVERS PURE WOOL TWIN SETS by MONARCH Assorted shades, smartly styled, matching $4.95 $3.50 CARDIGANS PULLOVERS TCM EE Scere cee eee ee ee CEE & | TOWEL SETS LADY GALT and CANNON Turkish Towel Sets Assorted colors, all good quality : | Sets $2.79 — $3.75 — $4.50 = — 7 : a : "Lady Betty” Sheets and Matching Pillow Cases ) : ____ Plain white with. colored borders and plain solid colors. : eee $9. 50ner s 99 35 GIFT NYLONS by ‘“‘Holeproof”’ 3 pair Nylons packed in plastic jewel case. All new shades: Toujours Amour, Enchanted Apple. 51 gauge, 15 denier 60 gauge, 15 denier 3 Pair for 3 Pair for $4.50 $5.25 JEWEL CASE FREE GENUINE MADEIRA PILLOWCASES $5.50 Chenille Spreads and Matching Rugs Spreads—Ailll plain shades with self-designs. Size 96° x 100” Rugs—Deep hooked, matching shades. Size 31” x 66” $14.95 $12.95 MEN'S and BOYS WEAR BOYS’ JEANS and MATCHING SHIRTS Jeans, doeskin lined to_match shirts. A smart outfit for the little fellow. ‘Frosty the Snow Man.’ PANTS and SHIRT $4.95 FORSYTH SHIRTS “NO ONE EVER REGRETTED BUYING QUALITY” $4.95 White Broadcloth, Clover Club, fused collars, Enoch 2..02.0-47 4, $5.95 Warrendale Men's Sport Shirts = Good quality washable Gabardine and fast . 4 95 color, assorted shades, Sizes S-M-L. Each | ALL NYLON SOCKS Men’s Spun Nylon Socks. shades, $§ Sines 10 o 11%, pair OO MDD DH HP a DWP HHS a HH RO SPREADS RUGS . aa oe ee i?) ae ce White Broadcloth, Country Club, fused collots, Gach 0... : We stock the famous ABBEY NECKTIES Nylons, Crepes, Satins, 9 at, _ _ *4.00