lhe Hot Springs National Nauru’ Island in the Pacific ‘ark in Arkansas has springs | administet t t S mducing water between 95 FE hhet WHAT IS MORE JOYOUS AND JOLLY THAN Bf yo are CHRISTMAS tig: Pi é L FLOWERS epee? PLANTS 'N HOLLY ae j FI pv] , Prince Rupert Florists J sais take this 77 Box 516 Phone 777 pointed BUYS*WHYS A WEEKLY INFORMATION SERVICE waist line waa gt cor 3 SPORTSMANS Code of Student Punishment | ee erecttesie! | DIGEST” ‘of—money-—one of those holirg BoM Chris — GROUSE TRICKS... } bette g Ww } M ( 1 i ¥ é For The ‘Big Shaver’ on your Christmas list... for a ¢ he'll really g the new REMINGTON 60 DI C > ne f I ave ! Talk 4 1s shaves “ 1 60 ly » ve . : BAL a i> 2 i. i} 4 y ot i § * @ y we a gies e@ J » y Yr spect x g . tL wr Chrigtmas morning—and eve ming ... when you I the new R ngton 60 De I te im its own i arrying cas N Wathing Dishes isn't nearly the It's What The Well-dressed Men SOME AREAS, ARE SO TRUSTIT re it used to = ¢ ~ neg AND TAME iN oy now that 7 3 n "5 so do TIONS THEY ARE REFERRED 7 deny those wonderful « Le rist- FOOL HENS”. POPs new mica % : t SHOT-AT) ADULT BIRDS =, ow oaps do t ob é ‘ \ a th 8 BE TAME AT SEAS > STA BST o ; 2 \YLON WISE-UP FAST AS IT PROGRESSES. z : aw § MAT R iC OF yee your (NEVER: Canadians Settle Down ron rommoun . GRIMSLEY ‘Canada Has Licked Inflation — Going to Kore, \. BROPHY rise in the coming year as the| through immigration and thet , VANCOUVER NEW YOR K . a of steel ve ‘lod continue to be a large from an Ontario Barkers Associa - , has opened \ i was told that new irge-seale develop — has left here on th a haberdashery in ommittee of the ettied down to : ee arnation ... not possibl: # vestion ot be a reee ? nent and compet day when I can't Sought by Ontario Teachers Grouse; CALLED PARTRID( grove mach of r SHI! He'll be Hunt THEIR FEEDING GROU q ving just BERRIES» WILD GRAPES oe Christmas! BORDERING T I k , g00d-look- GREENS. THEY MAY SIT SO TIGHT— LY THAT HUNTERS WITHOUT DOGS NEARLY STEP ON ONE BEFORE FLUSHES TOWARD THICK COVER, Hy, HIDES UNDER LOGS, BRUSH> ETC. AS WELL AS IN DEEP WOODS. r he Face-} t rg ‘ hh gz r i Face- Dd Elk : They mak only THREE- ST. JOHN'S sa : s week i in ino cee ( } J i ew au needs , ‘s. port hi Here's Wonderful When You Wake Up on cold ; Chiat. oe a me tions It’s ¢ st Atty ‘ Dr. J V3 nk 7 # ant aey H t. ng Hi ik. . d \ I w I . : {1 eli- —" : n i” { s i r I AM OF lhe r WI M-mr doctor B there are two kind f I good to i with brow: ‘ Ve HEINZ COOKED SPAGHETTI g Ay 8 good fo maaan nd two kir HEINZ COOK. — y Q c, a f men trained in ED {[ACARONI, 8 f \W I il Isola we f port ce pi Ww é I c i ha ol mere ¥ 1 ty ig “ry LR il, fa , g ( A hea thd [need e He } de marke of the fact f t week. Stock 1 Cy W ( i department ushed me v4 n Reg. ¢ I nd I 3ut daya. You'll be glad Of adventur Have You Heard The Good News? Your favourite BLUE BONNEP in the DE Li XE MARGA ARIN 1 now | each golden- ging yellow quar yund i dually upped a | - nurse aluminum il with inner 1 irchment lining Is, +4 venuity tm that sunny-sweet “De Luxe” fl r ay ia box o You'll ind De Luxe B may use conve , too J unw wi ferve, No sl ng i ean f i ue n with De J B I r r & Xs Bonnet Margarihe, ar et all these “De Luxe” advantag and Ihe Bonnet “De Luxe” quality, too i Can't Get Along Wiis Hi when Vi enterts nh INSTANT Finance Minister ning fF? CHASE & SANBORN COFFEE is so economical— y > so quick to make (it’s as easy to make ten cups aa 2} one) above its so good. You sée, Instant ter Douglas ‘d YW Chase Sanborn is the d ous result of almost 100 said years of coffee experience. Yes. 4 gree... the monwe ams ID, flavours there—and the body nd the real lift. So ence — when friends drop in ‘ you're planning your “9 ‘ Christmas patty .. . o serve Instant Chase & of all Sanborn Coffee. You'll save wp to 40¢ ound compared with ground attended ‘ he regular sige jar of Instant Chase & Sanborn gives you fhe tals “nic number of cups as a pound of ground coffee, but there's a big The difierenee in pfice. Phe saint ed questions Particularly Now, during busy y Christ mas shopping season, our bean conference suppers are a real treat (for both me, the cook—and t the family). Because, though baked beans for supper Pp i date back to grandma's day—Heinz have made beans (oe © much easier to prepare! Just empty a can or two Wen of HEINZ OVEN-BAKED BEANS in a. casserole, wae area flip a switch, and before you know it, a bean treat Pp on a for the family! Delicious? Even grandma sings the —>» / | tion es of Heinz Oven-Baked Beans. Yes, most any ~~ /\%, | night is Heine night in our house. You see, there are now five kinds of Heinz Oven-Baked Beans . .. the latest-Baked Beans Miles Cove rdale € with Sliced Wieners, delicious variety for lots of quick meals! | first Samrat tas sees: Newfoundland ae The ele not als 4 cae 4 a gine, for Cant Find deters a /Enough. Nurses ond ts, » pes Land 4, ttled Y the lana han Go OO tmsite Meeting Pleases LONDON (€P)—Finance Minis- Tuesday the present Com- post-war parleys soe its superb quality | ultimately to increased sterling | makes it the best buy on the market. it was satisfaction with fairly confident ROCK MOUNT LONDON DRY GIN ALBERTA DISTILLERS This advertisement is not published or di Control Board or by CALGARY, CANADA 8 played by the Liquor | 3ritich Columbia. | | _usenERSRESRNeesatememsesnnesheensesSaaSASAnS | the Government of | Bible 1 in England in 1535, Powdered Milk resuit of a greater availability) capital investments for a tong 10,000 pounds of po Pointing out that are many! proportion ef the country’s na- for South Korea tlonel Income.” achs of 25.000 sta ‘ ni ¥ ¢ Another budget « . i ¥ inflation, at end way and contemplated, : urplus ta in its 7,800-mii, ae being, and id “there is little doubt: prospect this year, the vepert) The mis ear of &@ re- but that Canada’s economic de id, and indications are there Canadian Pacit g months velopment will continue | " mb » COX Feduetion of “s Mapledeli. bo ‘ i ther in expanding poley nable anowrnit a.report of end from verage pros EC aca Ltd., Mont * EVAPORATED :* od ve SOR ASS MILK, tO ncatasio HOMO i , le « . . yy *d 4 ae” th lungs are | ae quis 7 DAY TEST ed ate att \ \ \ \ Crime plinary mex courage toward weak os ford to be rm directed teachers and am a P HEAVY WAXED PAPER | Pop «@ new refill roll into | your empty Hend-e-wrep carton. You save the cost of @ new container every time!