uri?. June 7, 1928 Try "Canada Dry" today as a dessert This summer weather hat a way of getting hold of you just about lunch time and taking away your appetite. You don't want much. But you want something. "More to be eating," you say, "than because I'm hungry." Now here is a suggestion. Order a light lunch with a green salad. Just plain lettuce with dressing or something with fruit in it. And then, as a dessert, drink a bottle of "Canada Dry." How it does "perk" you up I Youll be surprised how it refreshes you. Its subtle Savor instantly appeals to you. Its dryness quenches your thirst. Its mellowness simply sets you right with the weather and the world in general. Because "Canada Dry" contains the finest quality of Jamaica ginger and other absolutely pure ingredients it is really good for you in hot weather. Note how well it mixes with other beverages. Try it with luncheon today 1 DRY" ' JL i MaJt r..Jm 1. J. J. Ud.ttuihlin limited, TtnM mi 5 r CmltJui Sfiri?! Cor?ruti timiltJ, Utrt0t J In V. S. A.. CmuUa Dry Cinter Alt. lmnrtrtd. Htm Tmt hjcc Distributor. F. G. Dawson Co. Ltd, Princ Rupert, ID Boys Sweaters and Bloomers I'tnman's Boys All Wool Pullover As.r,e4 designs. V neck. Si.cs 28 t: Hoys' Tweed and Whipcord Bloomers Size, 24 to 34 !.., ---5' -",W M v o r a SB x IK j& p . n W. K ' . at M 4S. Universal Tftdjn,f Company UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED '"WWOTOtt, VlffM Turt.?.X: e. Alert Hay. He. " y.trVlCTOBIA. Hatea-e. Alert Bai-H.'.. 1 '"I I'OllT HlMl.uiiv ...A Vila IJIV.U NfllSTH. KriOiV ' AUti ABM ANVOX. STBWABT; WAli ' - sidny, a p.m, 1 Aven,',;- R. M. SMITH. Ajei.1. , Wjw ! 1 rn Throi.-h Seattle, and ,, tl.kft. Mild to Victoria and L""fh to destlnatler . ! i Declares War "Fruit-a-tives" the Enemy of Dyspepsia ST. URSULE, QUE. "For ten year I could not digest food. Now I eat like a new man. FruIt-a-tlves relieved me completely." Jos. Martin. Our way of living laya most of us open to recurrent attacks of dyspepsia and kindred ailments. To remedy this, the regular use of Frult-a-tives Is highly recommended. The gentle, natural stimulation of the bowels and digestive system by the fruit Juice extracts and tonics in Frult-a-tlves soon healsbothersomeand painful digestion. Try It. Sold by all druggists 25c and 50c per box. In The Letter Box I.ODJC. June IS. IIUATlt A LIBEilAU Bdltor, Dally News. Ocean Balls, BO. Would you please correct announce ment In your paper (the Prince Bupert Dally News) regarding W. J. Heath Mr. Heath was unanimously nominated at a convention held at Powell River Held May IS. 1938 ss Liberal memt-er for the Mackenzie riding. Tours very sincerely. BUT. T. PHILUP8, Bec.-Treaa. Ocean Falls Liberal Aseocn. Mrs. William Beverldge sails tonight on the Prince George for Hlllsboro, Ore gon, where she will spend' the summer. She will be accompanied by her son, Norman Short, who will spend a two weeks' holiday In the, south. Thomas Walsh, Government Tele graph agent at Terrace, and sons ars leaving the interior town on today's train for a holiday visit In Bangor, Stahse. ANNOUNCEMENTS & Canadian Legion Picnic June to. Rose Carnival, Vaudeville. Picnic. June 34 Tomatoes Ball. Tomatoes, 2s choice quality, 6 for ..... 4 flliO Tomatoes, 2's choice quality, 6 for . . HC Apples, Yellow Newton, fancy pei box ; 82.85 Lesion Cap. C. and B. per bot. 7."c Strawberry Jam. any brand, 4 lb tfttS "He Karavon Pitted Date. 2 pkgs. for I.V Toilet Paper, per doz JK Your choke, China Oats. Ogilvies Parity, Quaker, Robin Hood, per pkg I2f Loganberries, K.B. 2's, 4 for lTr BVBKYKODY IN TOWN IS TALKINfJ ABOUT IT. TmlUns; About What? That they can get the bent assortment of Fresh Fruit and Green Vegetable Also Highlas Fresh Killed Milk Fed Chickens Boiling Birds, per lb . . 27 Light and heavy fowl, per lb. mt Extra Choice Broilers, per lb -Iff Balk Tea of Quality, per lb. (Kit Corn, solid pack. 6 tins for $1.00 Rinso, S Bkgt, for Wit Gold Dust, per pkg lp Ready Cut Macaroni, 2 lbs. for '2T,f Ginger Snaps, per lb 1 ! Heini Bulk Pickles, sweet, mixed. and sweet mustard, per lb. Mlf Dill Pickles, per doz 10? Just a Jiffy. Gyfee Hand Cleaner, 2 tins for ar.c Assorted Toilet Soap, 4 tins for sir Arriving for week end, St raw be r riea, Bing Cherries, Bananas, Can taloupe, Cucumbers, Bermuda Onions, local Peas, Lettuce, Cel ery. Green Cabbage, Bunch Turnips, Carrots and Beets, Green Leek, Mint, Parsley, Watercress. Onions, Itadlshes, Tomatoes, asparagus, grapes, pineapples. cdjeoanuts. m "the Home of Good Things (i) Fuit." Watch Our Windows It Pays BC. Butchers & Grocer? lamitrd I'honeM 45 and ."1 THE DAILY NEWS PACK THREE Local and Persocal Bead The Louvre aS. 135 4 a Tatl l'Jione 4. Ulg 4 Taxi. tt Dentist. Dr. J. K. 'fj6a PboaeMo St. -Andrew4kA-J5UBUl. Friday, June 6, at 8 p.m. Boa cuttings for sale, large loads. For prices enquire at Hyde's Transfer. Phone MO. tf Klterlff H. A. Xlefcerson announces that the "Spring .twtz are i.t-ponrd fruiu June IS until June IS. K. J. Smith of O. W. Nlckerson Co.. Ltd. is making the round trip to Anyox on the Prince George today on busl- WUllam VanderUp of Terrace reached the city from the Interior on this afternoon's train and will sail on the Prince Oeorge tonight for Vancouver. C. W. Smith of Edmonton, travelling agent for the Canadian National Express Co.. left yesterday afternoon on 'he Prince Oeorge for Anyox on official duties. A M. Ruddy, Burns Lake hotel man, arrived In the city from the Ulterior on this afternoon's train and will sail by the Prince Oeorge tonight on a business trip to Vancouver. Mrs. A. Kern ball of Calgary. National srganleer of the OathaUe Women's League arrived from the south yesterday and delivered an instructive addwoa to the local members In the Catholic Hall last evening. Mrs. Kan ball left for the eaat on this morning's train. S. C. Thomson had a very narrow escape from what might have been very serious trouble about S o'clock li night when be drove bis oar into the railing at the head of the ramp leading to the Canadian National wharf. The railing gave way and the 'ear was front wheals over the railway track before It came to a stop. Mr. snd Mrs. John Mclvor, who were married in the city Tuesday evening. sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince Oeorge for Vancouver whew they will make their home. The bride was formerly Miss Christine UcLeoa of Vancouver and the wedding was performed by Bev. J. R. Prlaell. The attendants were John Oraham and Mtae Jean P. J. Crowe left the elty yesterday 'cr The Pas. Manitoba, whence he will proceed to Port Churchill, the tee-minus of the Hudson JSay Rail.?. where lie hopes to gT In on the ground floor of an anticipated real ff-'at boom. Prom The Pas be will proceed some 3M milf to the present Hid of steel, making the remslnlog 100 miles or so to the Hudson Bay coast ss Port Churchill ss bent ss he can. Read The Lnuvre ad Milk! Ml 133 This Week Only, All Brands 9 tins for SI. 00 Chocolate Eclairs, fresh stock, per lb. CWr Special This Week Hejnz Pork and Beans, small size 5 tins o."C Also, this week, Old Dutch Cleanser, 6 tins .V? We have just received a shipment of Candies of splendid quality in good assortment, including Butternuts, Satins, Jap Squares, Gum Drops, etc. At popular prices. Fly-time will soon be here. We have a number of Fly-Swatters to sell at of Bulk Fig Bars, one box left. Price to clear this shipment, per lb. i 17? Quaker Peas, size S's. Special this week, 3 tins . .y 100 Our Fresh Ground Coffee Is prov ing very, popular. Try a pound at . rO0 Eggs, Pullet, extras, S doz. 05? Eggs, Firsts, per dos :t."c Now is the time to preserve your Eggs' with Pendray's Water Glass, at per tin 3 tins , 70C Seedless Raisins in bulk, S lbs. Taylor's Toilet Soap. We have a job lot to clear at per bar ? j Fresh Fruits, if in shipping con-M dition, received every boat, with a full line of greenstuff. Green Peas and Local New Potatoes to arrive Wednesday. Watts' Grocery The Store of Plenty, "hone S3. Phone 56 aJssxsjssssiwSssByaX SUPERIORITY ver 135 Oscar Hanson. U Beservs Friday June 22 for Suciul to be held In the Catholic Hail. Boy lenceater returned to the city en yesterday afternoon's train from a trip the interior. 8. N. Christian, accountant at Port Edward cannery, arrived In town on yesterday afternoon's train. Mrs. M. A. Dupuls of Haysport Is a visitor in the city, having arrived from the Skeena River on yesterday after noon's train. Canadian Legion Picnic Bunday, June 10 to Otgby bland. Boat lsave Prince Bupert Boathcuse 9 to 11.30 Adults SOc children free. 1S6 Henry Edenahaw of Massett returned to town on yesterday afternoon's train following a brief vlalt In Terrace with his daughter, Ura. Fred Nash. The mothers of the Boys' Band will hold a tea and sale of hoatecooktng and randy at the Salvation Army Citadel on Saturday. June S, from 3 to S. The lend In attendance. 1M WUlhun McNelsh. sudltor for the Workmen's Compensation Board with headquarters In Vancouver, la a visitor la the city on official duties, baring arrived yesterday afternoon folowtng V tour of the central interior. He Is -f Uttered at the Hotel Central. P. X. Blachford. examiner for the Toronto Conservatory of Music, arrived in the city on yesterday after-nqen's train from the Beat and is conducting testa of the pupils of St Joseph's Academy and of Miss M. A Way before proceeding tonight on the Prince Oeorge to Vancouver. Robert r. Campbell, general vlce-peraldent of the Sheet Metal Workers' International Association, and C. C le north wea tern organiser for the "'"it. both of Seattle, are paying a brief visit to the trade here. They arrived on yesterday afternoon's train from Chicago, where they have been attending a convenUon. and wUI go south an the Prince Oeorge tonight. The final In the girl's tennis championship tournament will be palyed this afternoon between Miss Bosemsry Wlnalow and Miss Margaret OUchrtst. The winner of this will meet the winner of the boys' championship. Harold MsedOBsM, tomorrow afternoon, for the junior city chsnVblonshlp Three cups for fndiftestion evwi.'- On big graceful cars of greyhound type or on sturdy small designsSierWynsiari y always tfisUriivg. M$mm0 coming, always give pnaex)f ownership along with the utmost in value. Silvtrtawn Tires art mad by Iht Canadian Goodrich Company at Kitchentr Ontario. BR owe mXN rd Tires mm yBJrwSrW'TggjrdglQBsaCsSasSst 'St.n&gsVsS' SsMeOfeffsVsAJOsSlAaOAagAsWsSJpaftitfjA esVogffstfBgttatfXSsBSMBsgfjgggMBfgskMgffjH Read Tile Louvre ad For a Taxi Phone 290 tend, Oeutrsi Hotel. KIDNtY DISEASES kmtwrKrMBBuEl The kidneys are the filters for the whole system, eliminating from the blood stream all excessive fluids and waste that cannot be disposed of through any other channels. As long as the system is in reasonable condition, and nerve pathways leading to them are unobstructed, these organs remain in a healthy condition, but if forced to eliminate large amounts of filthy, morbid matter, uric acid, sugar, etc., the delicate membrane becomes inflamed and .so modified that it is incapable of performing its function. There are two general conditions resulting from overworked kidneys: Nephritis, or Bright' disease, in which the urine is surpressed, thus leaving the waste and poisons in the blood; and Diabetes in which the organs become overactive and too much urine is voided. In either case, pressure on nerve trunks will result, making it certain that there is trouble ahead. Don't let your kidney trouble become chronic. Consultations Free Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C. Phone 131. Wallace Block. Open Evenings. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "THE DAINTIEST BIIBAKKAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage C-, Ijd, Prince Bupert. B.C. presented by Douglas PrlaeeU are the prises. TELFORD IS CHOSEN BAPTIST PRESIDENT VANOOUVBR, Jugj$gflrV,''bedW Telford of Vancouver Wts elected president of the Baptist Churches of British Oolumbis st the conclusion of their convenUon yesterday. I'lZI.KK. Uncle Hello. Bobby. You look very thoughtful this morning. What are you thinking about? Bobby-1 waa Just wondering If a wasp got on a nettle, would the wasp ting the nestle or would the nettle e'.mg ths wasp? Demers for new Summer Lingerie FKKNCIl COMBINATIONS SILK BLOOMERS BOBBTTE BLOOMBltS and Yeats to match. I