mil n Boston Grill j Save Money The cheapest way to buy the LAKOt CAUAKET Dally News 1 to subscribe by th Special Dinners Thursdaya and year. The coat la 5.00 and your Saturdays copy la delivered to your ad drew Dancing every Saturday night each evening. Juat figure out the from 9 to II. mail coat to you for this dally PRINCE RUPERT Dance Mall for Hire. service for twelve months I The latest and bfst for the least. Phone 437 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper XVIII., 133. PK1NCE RUPERT. BjjU THURSDAY. JUNE 7, 1928 Price Five Genu Legislature Dissolved Today and General Elections to be on July 18 Outline of Policy of Government Includes Sale of P.G.E. iranslcr ol Kaihvay Lands and Reduction of Taxes VICTORIA, June 7. and nominations June 27. it June 7 The Legislature will be dissolved Viliujua, within the next few days and the.general elections it-ill talro nlona afr iLn .1 k T..1-. T Madman stated. Policies on which the uovornment will aDneal to the electors of British Columbia I 1 a.! - rial eiecuon were announcea Lean in a manifesto issued lans inciuae: Sale of the Pacific Great Eastern Railway or its completion to i h Vancouver ana Prinee Geotce. The nrcmior h&a nvrv ran. -I. Mic.' that the negotiations for (l; .-ii, National will be completed successfully, but meanwhile withold (i. oi umbo wians. stating only I the extension of the line into the Peace River country. An early agreement will be reached covering the transfer of railway belt and Peace River Block to tbe Province with provi-- t safeguard park lands and to protect the federal govern- EVIDENCED SANKEY TRIAL r -rr.i toh hriiXKK said ikklixo R UK. II IK If HIT KNMlMiTOK time Of Ml HDLK THREAT WAS MADE II I I - Ol BI4MID STAIN ON CLOTH- IM, AM NATIVE TELLS Ol' SANKEVS AfTtOXS vkw Knrrxwma jus 7. A s. i k.) trial yesterday .eld fMUs . against Sank at tbe ..-rest, ansae nne In the OTOWO s; that If they were sure Sao rtnmrtted the murder be er go out of Port Baalngtoo -peetor amid he had Hanbae'a under ckrthMS anS I morning at silently better prates than Brown, an Indian. tsaUflsd ' those pi l veiling yesterday. Two Aoter- n he asked Saukey to jota In ita vcsesls dlspoMd of 2089 pound ti lor Mis Chtaholm. aocwd at ll.c and Be and lilt and 8c while ' "Hi te .v. r. aUH aaMl be wasiiour Canadians received from a ftc sad lurch. W I UX'- UmC tcea i I mi ttw lef. 'r O i.). as ludiHii. mIA Ulat ..r.rd of the dlcvsrr ' '-n-f body he had etpreaasd weo- - " why She had gone to the ' - iitp the body was found. ' a Weat said the atelna on the niemhlrt and trouwra and eoatj " aankoy reartecl to hia teata mini hlond Other uin may or! 1 '' nave swan human blood 1 '! "h)ectlon by J E. Bird lor the ho said It had been obtained i' imidatkan, a statement dictated ' nkev written by Jn.ipe'-tcir Bplller : words atgned by the acruaed ifijr decided that the oBleera m' rt i trrumapeetly and that tbe wh admlaalblr BUCHAN CHOSEN AS MODERATOR HlI'MIt TKHI.VN UtiNlt U. AHCI'.MHI.T l,l.l, T IV ACfi.AMATIDN t'OII nitar timi: keoina. June 7 Dr John Bucban. '-lotiairy from India, nominated by Paria. Ontarlo presbytery, waa last elected moderator of the Presby-' "" Aaaembly. Hla waa the only "' put in noanloatlon and his un-imiixii. pholos as leader la said to be 1 him In the history of the PreSby- ('hurcli in Canada. MAN DROWNS IN ALASKAN RIVER Wiheman. Alaaka. June 7. -While 'up' inn t ford two horses across the K vukuk River here John Otefang, " M "Dutrh John." 60 yosrs f age, a prospector In the (Us-"" for twenty veara. waa draws 1 Urnrtuv rite body was not recovered as the nvrr wu in the flood xUtge Virtually , v,ry peradn In town witnessed the lrnwillir kttll mvm nnhl tn miA BMbecrlbe (or the Daily News, Elections will be held July 18 wan announced today. at the . forthcoming a . provin- in detail bv Premier Mac today. The government's disposal of the P.G.E. to the Cana- mat they involve land irranta. ment employee in these areas. In tbe Immediate future provincial taxation will be autwtutlaUy reduced through revenue to be received front railway lands through the genera! development of the provtnoe and through the prospective disposal of toe POI OSptte.1 wiu be protected and en-oearefd but "we will see to tt thai general public Interest are properly afcrly lavestlgetlo Into plana for tbe csUMIshment of a provHacM beeitb In-auraace scheme. Madias with a view to tinman el tenet to taay eyrie where sobool taxes ore With Pseaatar eoupled a detailed explanation of the govern nacnt'a general poucy tm tbe of all departmeote J nirii I i . i ii p FISH ARRIVALS Total f T9MHt KiroiMt uf MaHblrt 4 Tttftey at latprsurd ITre A total of Itjtao pounds of was sold at tbe Plan Bsnhinse that hi. to aud Sc fur 9S.0W) pouitrl- Arrivla ftud Sals: American Caijru Wt. UJ0 putuid. aaotb fisheries. 11.9c and Sc. Binus. I4J pounds AUln Flahertes. 11.6c and 8c. tiaHadian Signal. 11.000 pounda, Canadian Plah and Bold atorage Oo . SOe and 6c Terneii. sajWO ,ounea. Oaoadlan Pish aud Cold atarage Oo. Je and Sc. M. M. Ctolstopber. jmm pounds. At-llu fisheries, .8c and c. ea Maid. 16.000 pounds. Booth Pish-eriea, and 6c. STOCK QUOTATIONS wn liwMg I'rleex TixUy wi rr i;xelie (Courteay of a. D. Johnson Co . , Ltd I Bid Asked B.C Silver .. ... . IM 1.00 Bayvltw ... , m .08 Big Missouri M MVt ja Cork Province jo Dunwell 4.00 Otorge Coppsr .06 Olacler lade tone . N .11 Oolconda It Indian hk Kootenay M U 5 h MSk Lskevlew .OS lawdasatth Lucky JUn ... Batttaa .09 Marmot Metals Jl .1T National Silver Pend Oreille .. . . . . 15.60 aU 17 Premier .... Porter Idaho . .00 m .06 Klchmoud JS Rufua ArgenU .M4 Ruth Hope 4t .18 . Crest Silver .SO llrttrado .1' Bllveramliti ij.Uaf'.l-Wr ' am BunKKh -Terminus le IH Whitewater ttVi WooOblne .00 OofctOD Btflt .47 i Orsndvie j Dothle i Sloe an King M Topley Rlohfielp train, SIM from the Th afternoons a!B m raaWvaa Mais morning ami " .ww. - - ,i to be on tune. LEGISLATURE IS DISSOLVED Ministers All Plan to Take Part in Campaign Now Just Launched VICTORIA. June 7. With writs returnable before September 1 and with the legislature tentatively summoned to meet January 8, the eignth Legila-ture was tifwolved by Chief Justice Macdonald, administrator of the province, following a cabinet meeting this morning. Hon. A. Man son will speak here tonight while the Premier Ih making his first campaign speech in Abbotsford with Harrow. The Premier leaves for the north rriday. Sutherland will remain here as acting Premier while Donaghy and Mackenzie Bre handling the campaign in Vancouver and surrounding constituencies, Manson is to go to the southern interior Sunday and then to his own riding of Omineca. Pattullo will go to Prince Rupert Monday and will return here later before starting on his own campaign in earnest. Harrow will concentrate on the Fraser Valley seats. Tolmie reaches Vancouver Sunday and plans to speak in all the ridings of the province' ' EMPIRE TRADE IS DISCUSSED 1aat,EKicE or wmMT .tools . or HOKLO MOLMI ItlOII MITE AT MEETING BBKHMA. June T. .The Importance of Imperial oo-operatkra trade relatione was the high note aounded at the aes-atons of the waald pool conference here 'eateiday A strictly merchandising flseusMon in many Instance took nuaond plsoe while old country dele-gstaa and three western provincial pre- olera Injected a purely empire tinge Into the picture L-a utgt.t Vie tj;ir.u;ue du Quveru- Mtui wea li- U tue delegates nut It r- then that tn- Imperial cv-veratlvv spirit kxiaeis.t kiicl it rdciunjcfcl' Tbs Oovernmaut repreaauUtlve u a member of the Brrtlth Empire Market log Board adding: "The United King- go is Canada's beat customer, if ruf think It worth while, buy your imports from us." Thure was marked applause. All through the various angles of disci awlrm in tbe sessions this Intimate phase blended with the problems under daaeuaaion. to IMMIGRATION REPORT TABLED VAiuoiN (iiamii:m itiiroMMtiMt:ii IOU.OHIM1 THK I A HI.I A M KNTA It V IM IUV OTTAWA. June 7 In tbe parliamentary taamlgraUon inquiry report tabled In the Hcsjae of Commons yeaterday the teonmbisnrtstlona Include: An annual return to parliament 30 days after the opening of each session showing all immigration permits granted. Improvement in overseas medics) In- of prospective British Imml- slants by providing medical examination by British local doctors paid by and under supervision and oontrol of Canadian of medloal authorities. 'Extension by the Canadian government of assistance to Canadian youth j trained in sawlcadtufe venial to that gives by the British government to emlsrant bo vs. Calling of a conference between the fieraJ and nritlah tmmmuli simI th Atlsntlo steamship companies with a view to reduction of ooean rates to , British Immigrants to approximately tea pounds ' BxtonslOU Of the age limit tor boy lnunlgrssits team I to IB years loolav- slve. Steps to Increase employment Satsasloa of assisted passage privileges to famlUaa of ImmlgranU from Great Britain now reasonably established In Canada. , nisf shiIMM) ana oontrol of tbe ae- loot ton of iountgrants to be plaoed on the Dominion government. ProvlnoieJ co-operation with the fed- oral government in regard to usslstanoe In the placement, settlement and super- vlalon of immigrants Charge of Fixing Cases Made at Police ftrobe at Vancouver Which Involves Prosecutor and Inspector June 7. Sam Plastino at the police inquiry yesterday VANCOUVER, said he had overheard a conversation at Joe Celona's place on Main Street between Celona and Chief of Police Leng in which the chief said: "Celona, you went to Mayor Taylor and -old him I waa the man who had your place raided. Now, you know the business you're in. You are lower than a snake and should be in the penitentiary. I don't want to fall out with an old man, however, so I will see everything is all right when the time comes." Plastino said he had concealed himself in a closet at the ch'lei entry because ol war.ilng by . replied Plaatlno. 'lie police to Oekma thai l'lat,no waa i "Me did not my to whom be paid 1 not to be seen. t " asked the commissioner. City prosecutor W. si. McKay and 1 Yes. Tuley and McKay." said Plaa-Inspertor Tuney of Che dry a.-uad, were ttno. I Involved In alleged "fixing" of liquor "" he had?" queried the com-! charges In evidence given by the aamt missioner. witness st yesterday afternoon 'a session of tbe Inquiry. Plettloo swore he had worked aa agent in getting legal case far a solicitor naaaeO Brougham, whom be described as s "prewery Lawyer.' Witness said be haw. paid cornmlsalot) ! for all hj work. Oasis which Phuttlno aald he had turned oVer to Brougtuuu were difficult or c'iBaddeied hopeless b; other lawyers, be aaL Brougham had txren able to nettle aatlfactorlly in return for fees varying Brom 650 to 6909 The lawyer told bur. said Plaitln-'hat be had to " f U " the city iroerutor McKay and Inspector Tuley. Plsstlno's charge against McKay and , ' ruler were made walk be was being -xamlned by the latSgV in oounecUon lth ore rf tl alienee1 cnae. "Did the lawyer tell you." used 3ommiaaloner lenole. "that he had ?ald money to any of thee ornreraf "It coot him that much n fix tbser Air Passenger Service to be Started in Few Days Which Will Eventually Include Prince Rupert and Alaska June 1. An nir passenger service between Seattle SEATTLE, Victoria and Vancouver which will later be extended north' ward alwtc IheJLC coast to Alaska cities wljl Jbe J nauguraiedL,. June IS, J. A. Praxes representative of the Vetcrn CSnarfa Airways announced yesterday- The northern service will be to Prince Rupert, Ketchikan, Seward and other points including Portland Canal towns. New Bishop Elect Delivers Charge to Synod at Opening Session This Morning and Asks Co-operation r N an eiuijueut and earnest address waicb wag punctuated with round after round of applause, Bishop-Elect G. A. Rix, at synod of Caledonia dioceft this morning, delivered his charge, review- m! th work of the oast year in tbe or th fllt(,ra prKra8 ' 0f the church. He told of the ambitions and J""".. . . . .. w. u.A mttaiB WBICIl WUUIU W III iu aaenauHl vhv vftA,v,v mwi votii vv,.- ferred upon him. He could never hope to obtain the place that had been won by the late Archbishop Du Vtrnet nor could he hope to be as painstaking and efficient as he. He would, however, endeavor win tbe confidence of tbe peopl and be asked them for their earnest luu prayers, hearty eo-oporouon and con- HtV W. P, Ituahbrook and R B. Bar-1 derate patience. There wks but one mtn UUTM(1 members of the ore- hope and aspiration that guided them deni, committee lor the synod Rev. all aod he hwped that they would be j B oikaon was clerical eerutloesr for nil of one heart and one soul, united In the tlon of DUhop with C V Bvltt one oonamon bond. lay acrutlneer Rev. T D. Proctor wss In tbe oourac of hla report, the Bis- elected clerical secretsry and 8 H. Hos-hop-Elect referred to changes that had kins, lay secretsry come about the In the clergy since the Vlaitora invited to the platiorm of last aynod had met. BSosllent clergy- of the synod were Rev F W Caasllls-men such aa Rev. A. W. Ashley of Kennedy, Vancouver, superintendent of Stewart; Rev. Oeorge J. Otray of Chllco sad Rev J. K. Ban of tbe Oriental Mission were among those that had left the diocese Tribute was paid to the work in connection with the Oriental Mission here of Miss B: O. Lenox as well as to Rev. T. J. Marsh of Terraoe who. wosn out by tbe service of the 'hurch. hsd been compelled to reun quien acuve auij Rev. James OUIett Maaaett waa another who had leii the clergy but was still within the diocese, giving assistance at all times. New clergymen, carrying on In splendid manner, included Rev. A. W Robinson. Terrace; Hev. Roy Matrwaiimg, Atlln: Rev. Walter Allen, Stewart; Hev. O. T. Hodgson. Telegraph Ores: Rev. C. O. Darby. Msaeett: Rev. IV. J Hales, Van- oerhoof; Rev. Mores. Aryanan and vav. Jnnlngs who wss to take charge of the mtealon boat Northern Cross. Tbe Blah op-Bl set also referred to tbe financial iarTalM of IheudaacewV.ieeeV Mdiloal barbers are all members and tbe vtelt of the mote amportant 'develasNweats which had oeeurred. -Crurttrg : ithe yead ,and were pending Yesterday, C. V. Bvltt, secretary-ties- urer of tbe diocese, presented the ft- nanclal report which included the standing or the Diocese Endowment run. Archbishop Dermcler referred to the great work that bad been done by Archdeacon Rix In that connection. a vote Of thanks to the Archblahop himself was passed by the synod for hla success and help In raising m money t. ,, fund hi a recent trip to En,'- la, he hsd to fix Tuley and Me "y." said tbe witness. Inspector Tuley asked Plastino to "hlch MaKay he was refeiTln; and rr;lled that be meant the ;lty prosecutor. On tbe request of Inspector Tuley. Brougham will be called aa a witness ' y A. H. McKelll. counsel for tbe oom l'Mner. One of' the aees to which :tlno referred wss. be aald. that of'0. wh- had b?en ooovloted : liquor art Infraction and. be alleged, "nter red to sis months Imprisonment. Tin,, man. he said bad often gone to Jail H. 8. Craelman. CMS- station agent at TJsk. and Mrs. Creelman arrived In be city from the Interior on this afternoon's train and will aall by the Prince Oeorge tonight on a trip to Vancouver. diocese and iSUEKested his Diana Oriental Missions: Miss R. M. Oavies. of the Ridley Home: Mrs O. A. Rix. pre sident of the diocesan Women's Auxlll- iry; Mrs Thomas Andrew, Bt. An drew's W.A. president, and W. E. Plaher. diocesan chancellor. The election of diocesan officers took place st thia morning's iiasslon and luncheon was again served to the dele gates by tbe Women's Auxiliary. VISITED BARBERS OF CITY BEHALF OF THE BARBERS' ASSOCIATION Among the visitors to the city this week has been H. B. OUbert. secretary of the Barbers' Association, who is tour-lag the north on a visit of Inspection oo behalf of tbe association The lo- haa to do particularly with encourage-ment to comply with the law In using the very latest sanitary methods and enforcing cleanliness. The public are also asked to co-ope rate by demanding j clean towel mid perfect cleanliness in , the shops. ; Mr. Ollbert left on the iraiu tor the east thia morning. i Peggy Blott. little daughter of Mr. Hud Mrs. Morris Blott underwent an operation for upuendleiu ut the hoa- i pitr 1 Tuentlay Riid is doing veil. Archdeacon Rix Chosen Bishop of the Diocese of Caledonia Yesterday Only One Other Name Mentioned but Election Made Unanimous After Second Ballot of Clergy and Laiety George Alexander Rix, rector of St. Andrew's ARCHDEACON Anglican Church here for the past fifteen years and administrator of Caledonia diocese since the death of the late Archbishop F. H. DuVernet in October, 1924, was unanimously elected as the next bishop of Caledonia diocese at the synod held in the Cathedral yesterday afternoon. The election was by ballot after open dominations had been received. The only other candidate mentioned was Rev. R.' J. Renison, D.D., of Christ Church, Vancouver After the second ballot had been taken, Archdeacon Rix's election was made unanimous. The election was by tbe laity and clergy separately, a majority cf both being re quired. All clergy In the diocese were r'.ci;t as well aa many lay delegates. Only one pariah waa not represented by :ts own delegate--that being tbe far distant mission of Pouce Coupe In the rar River country which has no real-"ert minister at the present time. rvirgate came from aa far south as reiui Falls, aa far north as Atlln and Telegraph Creek, aa far east as Vaxi- 'erhcof and as far west as the Queen Charlotte Islands. The synod was opened with mornlne piayer and celebration ol tbe Holy aommunlon in Bt. An drew 'a cathedral. The oelebrant was His Oraoe Archbie- iiop A. V. OoPencler aseiaud by Archdeacon Bis and Canon W. P. Rush- brook, tbe Archblahop preached, taking hla text Xaodua XIV. part of the thirteenth and fifteenth verses "And aid Pear Te Not: Stand Still and Ye Will Bee What Ood Will Do Por Thee. Speak unto the Chtldven of' Iaiee!, that they go Forward," The1 Archblahop tha- espuiaod the last denta frcm which tola bast was tOaeo. bow tbe Angel of Deattb pwwed over aba of the eblMMn Of Israel where to the DaVtttc OomaHUid apoto of tbs ooW(ra;i SMsa ynod had been called, tt was a vary solemn occasion, the third upon which he had been called to address such a syrod before tbe election of a bishop Tbe first wss at Nelson, the second for the diocese of Cariboo in uhu-b. owing to the war, the electing. n(i t stand over The third ' K.m.- loops- - the election of tin- prc-cnt 'n- hop of the dlooeer o: Ca-.b: Tli" Archbishop ursed r-i.cU wr : do 'hut blrti n- iel ,i. : tie b-m. HfLli -.KIM I !.!. Mr i run iuk. ' ii. r i ' . tibssUis ol the . AiT-iio i.: bis pewer. reverence faith love and I lear ol Ood. All needed t n.iiik Ood. ; he said, for the ateatoiv -i ucn a one as '.lie late Archblahop DuVernet. llo' motto was "All for -Jeau.- iio lived a life of i:elf sacrifice, uudeterrec tt i ubstacic i ever striving onwards and upwards toward Ood Tbe Archbishop ujQV i.jir of -lie progress that had been made in the country at large and he need ol -ucn aluillar progress being tintlnued amona the followers of the church Mention was alao made of how the synod's action would primarily afTect the diocese as well as the whole rliurch of Canada Therefore, all neeo- d to go forward along Ood given lines md take things of the past for a stim ulus Tlir Archbishop gave s briel I lis ior f the ctiurch in Brltiah Columbia, how Bishop Hills sailed from Southhampton England, in November sixty years ago be the first bishop of the province. He gsve incidents of the urduous trip before he arrived at Esquimau un the est of Epiphany In I860 There were only six clergy in B.C. at that n. when he became thr first bishop. The Admiralty rendered ureal sssls- .urr In converting the natives of tbe Pacific Coast Admiral Prevost backed Bishop Hills in his request for more men end In 1878 the North wss set apart with Its first bishop. Bishop Ridley, over the new diocese of Caledonia. The south was given the new diocese of New Westminster with Bishlp Stllltoe as Its first bishop. He then comparea the progress of the present day with that of the past. Today there were five dlooeaea in the province with 110 clergy. However, it was necessary to continue to go forward by Ood a guid ance. seeking to do the will of the Master and putting aside sil self-con sideration. The AroMMahcp atated the ' requisites aa found In the Collect for the seventh Sunday after Trinity These requisites were power and efficiency The church's purpose was to graft Into the hearts of men love of Ood a Holy Name and to IncreHse In all men true religion, nourished with all goodness. lea. The service being over the ladles of 8t Andrew's Cathedral served s luncheon In the basement of the church A vote of thanks to the ladles wiu. moved (continued oo page four' ravrvwy nAmm mm ruuM IN A CABIN MENT TO BLEEP OX MOl'XTAIN AT JAHI'F.K AMI OVERCOME HY COUt Jseper. June 7 The body of an unidentified man waa found In a langers cabin on the atopes of Signal Moimtarn ' .his afternoon. T. A, Clroasv ill. guide st Jasper Park Lodge, who marls tbs discovery sad riposesd it to tsve Bosal Canadian Mounted Polio. saM that the man Bad spparentty died at eep m;. lit eould not say bow long be bs4 ees Crosewell arwnrnpantad iUaa I. bell of Sydney. Australia, sad C. O.Jf. ftsnnie of Assam s tbe Lodge, who with (list assent of Bbm aaaaoa. Tbsy nam taso a i oa the way up and tt was eomskt smeMet tm tm tbs ssMa 9m beety wss IsaodL - hb sbeea aasl kun down tp sVop wlaea be wee ovevoome by the cold. Aa far u Cross well could tell this maty have happened several months ago. the b.Klv '. being brought down by the police. ELECTION AIR AT VICTORIA 'DVMITTEl' VtlTTLt' SIMMS SIMMfS OrBKIll OrBKIll BV iioni ereui i i-amiu. wsr hi ii.itis'iv - ViC'iOiuA. June -Aooul u ex- ru;:ve buildings yesterday there wss u aa aouvely iiiclxative ol the sp .ronch o( a jienerui Plfrtion Committee rexmu, of ttie Liberal and Conservative (muim iit-it durin;; uu- nwnom ot the House aa rallying places of log aides are unlocked again aa a staff of men la busy transferrins Mrni- ure and typewriters to these quarters. At the same tune a staff of typists stood by. exceptantly awaiting the Installation of equipment and supplies which presumably have reforenoe to the mailing of various stationary ami printing in connection with the election Premier MacLean announced that hat plans for the immediate future would i-e carried out without Interruption aa originally planned. He leaves today for the Abbotsford meeting and will then go north. KILLED WOMAN NOW MUST HANG riXI'lllT ADMITS (H ILT AJili Jt'BV THEN IIW'OMMEM) HIM TO MKItCV EDMONTON. June 7 -Oeorge Jackson, former resident of Vancouver, was found guilty of the murder of Mrs. Well Pendleton of Weskattneau on May 14 laat and was sentenced to hang on August 38 Accused told the story of how he killed Mrs, Pendleton with an ae fche he reuses tmjiroper-pTnnSaais Trie 'evidence of medical experts was that, accused was not ineeue but was defective In moral appreciation. Tbe Jury lu convicting the man recommended h m to merry li.YKIIK IlKI.AVKIi SUVA. June 7. Owing to delay In j filling fuel tanki the plane Southern 'cross was made aafe for the night on Naselal Beach and the flyers they anticipated taking off for Australia about 6 p ni Pacific Coast time this a'-tniing.