THE DAILY . . i i Mmm i m Toil may not be able to get "SAL AD A" Orange Pekoe Blend In every store, but most good grocers Alderman Jos. Greer, Mayoralty sell It. A great many people do not realize that D Platform such a teals on the market "SALADA" Is much Candidate, Submits His the finest Orange Pekoe Blend you can buy. to the Electors of Prince Rupert 'ORANGE A i II " Jm JL BLEN 0 A 3U3 Jt The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone 99 Editor and Reporters Telephone ... 86 Member, of Audit Bureau of Circulations DAILY EDITION ' SATURDAY SEK.MOXETTE 398 Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery, by mail pr carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $6.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month 50 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, "haffcliiri advance for yearly period $3.00 Or four months for $1.00 By rnall to all other parts of Britinh Columbia, the British Empire and United States, paid in advance per year $6.00 By mall to all other countries, per year $7.50 Tranknt Pisplay Advertising, per inch, per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Readrs, per insertion, per line 25 Classified Advertising, per insertion, per word 2 'Legal' Notices, each insertion per agate line 15 Saturday, Jan. 7, 13f28 This Saturday and an appropriate day for a sermonette, so just listen. Possibly this column gets a little too preachy some timfi but sometimes we manage to hit the spot and someone tells US about it. It feels good to be told when things are a tittle bettt than usual. Much joy is missed in this life because people forget to pass out a little praise. They are pretty sure to pass out the knocks. That is firstly in the sermonette. For secondly, here is something clipped which is pretty much to the point : Learn to smil"' generou.-l in all of your bisiness transactions. Don't take yourself or others too criouly. Don't get mixed up with the crazy idea that the late of the universe rests upon your shoulders Many believe that if liarriman had taken time to indulge more often in laughter, he probably would be alive today, lie killed himse'! by overwork, unrelieved by frequent doses of relaxation and laughter. James J. Hill was much wiser and wittier and reached a ripe old age. J. Ogden Armour, once said- -"1 would give a million dc liars to have Charlie Schwab's smile." Theodore N. Vail took great pride in his company's slogan-"The voice with the smile wills." And any number of executives have been helped over some mighty rough places by that sensible little desk motto- "Smile, darn you, smile." John Wanamaker said in a speech a few years ago--"One can throw a stone or a word that may leave a thistle in a life, or he may give out a smile or a handshake that will be the beginning of a flower garden in the life it ioes to." Think it over. Beware of the business ruts'that beckon you on every hand and to. which you can gain admission unexpectedly without a pass or a ticket. Shun theso dangerous places as you would the ravages of a atlone, by being a persistent searcher for more knowledge, and a living Interrogation point. Work always with an open heart and an oerj m.Inil Chart your course so you will travel every day towards better and bigger things. Then you will be prepared to look wilh scqrn Upon anything that smacks of indecency, of lying, of injustice, of unfairness. So 1 make a plea for bigger and better things, I can safely tell you they will not be accomplished without bigger men "men with empires in their purposes and new ideas in their brains." We mutt quit thinking little thoughts and start , our minds working overtime o;i the things that are big and wholesome and constructive. We have got to recognize that education is the solvent of all of bur Ills and not only seek to expand its influence, but also make use of every opportunity to apply it to ourselves as individuals. LDAUNINti ENCI.ISH When living in a country it is best to speak the language of that country and to speak it as fluently as possible. The person who does not do so is immediately sot down as a foreigner. .ln Canada there ar two official languages, English and French, but th a,ll the provinces except Quebec, English is the official language and it must be learned if the citisen is to make the most of his ciyzejisbip- To t peak broken Unglish is a great handicap as is also disability to read English. In Prince Rupert there are people from many nations. We have a large Scandinavian population, some Greeks, Belgians, French, Dutch, Italians, Syrians, Armenian, Itusslanx, German, Japanese and Chinese, and this does not exhaust the list. All have to do business in English and not to be able to do it caukes hardship to the foreign resident and annoyance to the Canadian. Efforts an nnd? to teach English to some of these, but it is a matter for the new arrival to take up. Sometimes a man will be able to speak English but his wife speuks the home language. That means means tbat that the the husband husband never never really really learns learns . English well because he sneaks the6tHoK at HpirK jo learn a speak it a'ghfld deal of the time, preferably f 1 We, then, to newcomers who lang language it is necessary to all the time. do J not speak English or who speak It only indifferently, that they speak it in their homes and teach their children to do the same. A great many do this al ready but others do not. . SICKNESS AN I) MENTALITY fttlmonton newspanelv just to haiVfl Hay lhat whooping cougllnri OJher children's sicknesses fell away to almost nothing during the holidays. Of course they did. Children have not time (o Kg Jlck a,t Christmas. Adults have not time to be sick when they irtfveiy V$y If they like their work. Sickness may be a physical 3 saWULf ii It i in most cases caused by a mental condition. Cjiritnio f peaHs of health and in order to enjoy Christmas it is tiecesfafy to be well, hence children get well at that time. The body may ontrol the mind but the mind should control the body. 'iff- f.jjj i. . a ll Mill To -tfie"Ti!eeTbTfHf Prince Rupert: On my record aa aldermrni for the last two years and believing I can fill the position capably, I am offering myself as candidate for mayor at the forthcoming election. i Considering the present financial position of the city, economy in all departments the keynote) of all activities of the city council during the coming year. peeping thjs fact to the foreground at all times I stand for the following platform: lhe it iu. 'lion of our capital debt bylt 1 . :m 1 1 at leas;. 30,iK)o.OO per yar. u this policy j th. .Tak. touah and alow. la consistently pursA'.ed our tax rate can be gradually reduefd. TKl Xji EKll Tie immediate construction of the trunk sewer which w.vs passed by the ratepayers a year ago and lor which the bonds hare already been sold. On the completion of the trunk sewer the construction of laterals on the local Improvement plan commencing In the sec tlons where sewers are most badly needed. The extension of cement sidewalks where replacements are ne.-essary in the business district. Investigation of the power situation. By the agreement entered Into last year with the drydock we are protested for four more years. This will give the city council ample opportunity to thoroughly investigate the -best mean of power development and submit same to the ratepayers for approval. To give every encouragement and cooperation to new industries which we amy 'be able to Induce to come and .establish permanent payrolls In the city. 11IIEUMF.VS FLOAT A determined' effort to establish, with the assistance of the Provincial sort Federal government, breakwaters and floats for the protection and shelter ol our local fishing fleet. The construction of civic floats at the foot of McBrlde Street on waterfront property' which la about to be turned over o the - city by the Provincial Government. Pressing for the completion uT the Terrace road. This is not a preelection cry witb me. I introduced this matter in council over a year ago and have erved as chairman of the Prince Ru-rrt to Prince Oeorge road r wnu'w whs.-h was forrr.ful a i n:.v- i ' v. rk : : ; : i )' a v ::tl-.i .1 .. -. ' '.! l..r . .i.-c Uvx .i;v th: .!, t (i -. V ; Mupl j, I : ill! :. ! i ' .. v...,, ;m; r . ' : 1 ' - " A . I - ! I ' A i - ' ! i . . i I i. - .i .in antl I.IM'V- Vuuu 'I I ' ' :n- :n- .i:., !: lu.s- Ma. r! ;. nit .n iv. - COM Ml Mi l rin- VI l: a -i a .p.l'l: ,ltHl cc,-.:.p '.a . :. i-!?mmuult uvkrar.i.n' . -. c u; :i:-n ' "f -!h' 111(1" i. u AUJ. NI'IKIT id: pi 111W-! all S' ' luliv lit'Eil In The Letter Box ravcYott taken vour NcrveFood To-day? is i r TlIK NKW 1'ltOVIMK Kdltor. Dally News: As we are about to receive a visit and an address' from one of our Peace River neighbors on the subject of the proposed new province. I wish to briefly run over the ground and advance some of the features that appear to me to be strong points in favor of Canada's pre posed tenth province. First; is tt)e orcpotal sound or has such a tMatf (teen deaa baSorev- H so. for what reason? It is my understanding that the states of Dakota and Carolina were divided into north and south states. I would imagine from the same experience we are witnessing. A large area of land where one portion through advance set tlement gains control and uses the rest for the purpose of exploitation. Quite naturally self Interest appeala to most people the world over. British Columbia contains two hundred and eighty thousand square miles of territory extending from latitude- 49 to W, and Its vested voting strength Is mostly all south of latitude 58. Little wonder that north of that line finds I Thr question now arises, will Province No. 10 Keed up settlement and develop, ment of our latent resources, thus bringing to a realisation the dreamt of 1807 to 1?3? In my humble judgment I would aty Province No. 10 would have the same effect In promoting develop-nent of Its domain as the prairie farmers have shown in expsnston and de velopment alnce they took control of the business end of the nwketing of their produce. That alone will show that robbery is a poor thing for the robbed to condone and that people ar not as apt to steal from themselves a others are from them. Then again let us consider merit or demerit in the administration of affairs In B.C. ou Ito present baatv When tb Q.T. P. was under construction and the then thought great terminal of Prince Rupert was the household word of all In the gait as well as the West, the politicians and railway protuotsrs got busy. The Canadian Northertwmust be extended .to Vancouver. The P.O.E. mutt be built from Vancouver eastward, the province iz endorse the bonds. Afaa there any new territory to apeak Of qnsuett by the Canadian Northern? The C.P.R. runs dawn one bank of the Thompson River, the C.N.H. the other. The politicians got In tbelr work, so did, the MUrosd promoters and the people pay the bills, while the. poor old original OTP. from Jasper to Prince 5ttjert aud the many people who have settled throughout the country aloe the lute starve out or die of old age while wartbg. because so much money has Beta squandered for the selfish purpose e4i enabling one portion of the nn :,c Xa exploit the other Instead of . : li alt portion a chance to live and ' d v iop oft- merit. : it ( mad can be induced to eatab-j 1 -h au t'n-: province extending from j vrmlf -' r 54 ntrthward I am sure I : -. i. would have an active sea a.M'.m iat area. And tt does . ;: : ' t Prince Rupert would i v ui " an equal chance to ' ! 1 1 ' a - sea port. With the I v.lipilK- ! pn or..:: Hit- jKirt W iihiiu' r huh ! ii! II Vl :'. iinl" la m 120 e have on hand, expert-u- i.iat in the matter of ii ' -tate or province wUl ue point. 6eattle Is i ncy and exchange for P tland. 'Frisco for Call-a.- Vancouver Is for B.C.. ii long as B.C. contains irom latitude 44 to 00 and ,i lilrm the North baa nothing :." b-..' everrthing to gain through v liirm of a new province. The ri i . ttra and women are nungry i ii ho::ie and chance to live. The ii" a ran aupply that requirement If !- anph ourselves to the tssk. Thanking you. Mr. Xdltor. O. B. CASCY. Man in the Moon If the editor would nnlv 1st nv writ what I think, wouldn't there be hella- poppln'T If bsaiaeas la good it tysy be because you dtt not advertise, ftjf ik arm receipts do not meaa anylMa. Are the bun paMf . Scotch tor five sometimes mean bier for one. There was a holdup following a re-rent party hare. In fact there were several holdups and one or two had to be carried home. Why do people come to town To spend tbelr ready cash. When if they handed it to me I'd tr.rely make a splash? Don't rinn up Paul Aivaaoff and order seau for the opening night. Possibly he may hand yo'i a t knew a home, a wudel one. Where rather was the head: It was really eery quiet there Because all else were (Mad. It's Leap Year, girls, but why jold back ou that account? No one will think you took the initiative this year more than .on any other. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert JAVU'IIY 7. ll Te'.cr N'ls m. president of the Christian Burnt i.' workers. Is touring the d'.strirt rolU'i-ting money for the school a thr rr.vrvi. at Kttaumkalum. The Grand Forks property hps become Iris important a an operating factor for the Ctranby Co., which, it la expected, ' will soon concentrate Its attention at Saturday. . This is an opportunity for the housewife to fill in her neods in i...-i hold merchandise. We were fortunate in securing a big stock of , goods before the big advance came, and we are now in a position t. prices in this sale that cannot De Deaten anywnere in uuauu. Our Prices in thjs Sale are from 25 per cent to 33 1-3 per cent legs th; n to day's prices 1000 Yards Sheeting, 72" wide, absolutely pure, bleached white, per yard tRf 80" wide, per yard S5f 500 Yards Bleached Sheeting. 72" wide, linen finished, free from dressing, per yd. H)f 80" wide, per yard 511 v 200 Yar is 40'' Circular i'illov. Cotton, strong make, absolutely pure QtZf Per yard 100 Yards 12 ' Linen Finished Hound Thread Pillow Cotton, finest qua lily made Per yard . . 250 Pair Hleached Sheets, ready for use, nice fine finish, medium C) Qff weight, 72" x 90", per pair .. 130 Pair Hleached Sheets, ready for use, fine linen finish, free from dressing, size 72" x 90" jjjj gQ Per pair White Flannelette, good quality, nice soft finish, 27" wide 04 AA JJlaVU C yards for White Flannelette, a better grade, absolutely pure, fine soft finish. 28" . Q- AA wide, 5 yards for Striped Flannelette, a good wearing cloth, suitable for children's wear, pyjamas, etc.. 38" wide gl.QO .j yards for 150 Yard' of Double Warp English Pyjam Cloth, assorted atripes. 36" wide, wprth 50c yard for $Qf per y;ird 100 Dozen Colored English Turkish Towels. These are mill oddments, ail fast colors, and the price i below today's cost They are splendid va'tie at each Jlfif , 30?, I Dp MEN'S DEPARTMENT Fine Imported Scotch .Make, Silk and Wool and Camel Hair Sweaters in pullover and cardigan styles. To clear at less than cost price. Sizes 36 to 42. Regular $9.60 values for ...... $0.U5 Regular $10.76 value i for" Special Penman's Mercury Marino Wool Underwear Shirts and Drawers, per garment $1.00 Combinations, per garment $1.03 Odd Lines and Sizea in Heavy Pure Wool Underwear to clear at cost price and less. 20 only. Hand Tailored Men's Suits, made from the highest grade Imported Scotch Tweed and English Worsteds In modern double and single breasted models. In order to make room for our new spring stock we are going to clear the lot at less than cost price. 10 Only, English Gabardine, Coats,1 pure wool. These are all sample coats and the sites are 88, 40, 42, 4 Q1 Q CA . IbttM. t- CM An 50 Pair Men's and Illack. Special Sale Price, per pair FRASE Anyox. The production of th company Itsi year was 38.000.000 pounds of copper as compared with 44,700,000 pound the year previous, A daughter was born today at the Prince tlUpert deneral Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ketchum MOl I. OF IUSCKKTION Sambo Did E rudder Brown gib d bride awny? Rnstuc No, sah; tie swine let de groom fin' her out for MA'wlf.- Hardware Age. V-S-aslV Wffrl Nilfk- l'ants rteoried Twesds, light and dark colors, all sizes to clear at per pair $2.95 HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR The Arcadian Hose, a pure thread silk stocking, reinforced toe, heel and sole, with Rayon. We guarantee every pair perfect. Fine close knit finish, will not loose its shape In washing. In shades of Peach, Oak, Buff, Champagne, Woodland Rose, Dlush, Silver, Pearl, jrain 75 c R & 20 Pieces Kay on Morocan Dress sorted designs, la.-t colors, ma.ii land, M' wide, values 1.5d yard Special to i leur ai per yard . French Terry BorJerea Voiles in in four designs, 48" witle; 2 y;, make a full size dn- .s; regui. $2.60 per yard Special to clea, per yard Kloached Pillow Case, full sin. weight, ready for use Per pair IJIenchtd Pillow Ca-es, hennti: szc, linen tinish and free fnm dreading. )er pair Iriaheen Damask Clotlw. hemmed v Use, assorted design. 5fi" x 56" C--6 lt& ri ' Each lo0 Yards Piece l)an:awk, made ir an extellent wearing cloth, gou l 70" wide, very s)eti:il at Q4 " per yard White Crochet Kedspreads, bi rd quality, will stand washing iw- any other grade made. These -. derful value. Siie 72" x 84" at each v" White Crochet Bedspread, a b i . than above, guaranteed to giv Size 76" x R8" O?" J Each SO Vtu Rrev Felt Blankets, full Mired stHoe borders, good hea and wonderful wearing qualitv special, worth double CO Q" vfu v ; Per pair EXTRA SPECIAL 36 LADIES' SWEATERS Samples in Pullover and Cardigan styles, assorted colors, not i alike. Values up to $7.56. All one price to clear 2 95 UNDERWEAR SPECIAL Turnbuirs Silk Wool mi (Ytton Mi .e I m W nations. We have lo lot n ; h varments. All one siz'. Ioi.t.' -and tailored top styles, knee Cl 7 1 J J ' 1 length, per pair Women's Vests, Turnbiill'M Mnke. wo-cotton mixture, short sleeve". to 42. CQo Speclal.seach Women's Illeonerit, silk, wool ami mixture, nil white, in sizes :Ui' HQp to 42". Special each v BLANKETS 1 HLANKETS! 130 Pairs of Blankets mantifa i from the finest Scotch yarn. Kei : guaranteed pyre virgin wool. . A big M1 tunlty to save on your Blanket requires Pure Wool 8cotch Cheviot, size U" x - per pair SK.""' Pur Wool Scotch Cheviot, site 68" x - per pair Sit : Wu&t Quality Pure Wool Cheviot fi 64" x 84". per pair tfl Super Quality Pure Wool Cheviot t'i i 68" x 86". per pair $11 Extra Super Quality, moth proof, pure . large size. 72" x 90", per pair . . Kl- 1 3V2 and 4 Point Blankets. Red, Green, T and White. These are the very hext jri of Point Blankets manufactured, m . from long staple yarns, both warp weft. 3Vif Point $l;M. 4 Point SI7."' UNIVERSAL TRADING PAYNE i V MOFFAT ELECTRIC RANGES Give long service and are good bakers. They comhin-he best material with high-class workmanship and beautv 'Jestgn and can l e had with or without Kitchen Heater attnc'ln 'I Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 2r.5 Third Avanue. irjn,.c 1u,)crt