PAGE SIX We Eat No Meals; Ride No Cars , the family washing, you are not put to the expense or bother of feeding us. We eat nothing! Neither do we ask you to pay our carfare. Instead we call for and deliver your washing. We buy our own soap, starch and bluing. Heat our own softened water. Use our own electricity, too. There's no "picking-up" after us. We take all the messy work' out of your home, giving you an extra day to do the things you like to do! Yet you'll find our charges most reasonable considerably less than it-would cost you to do the same work at home. Try us, and see! The LAUNDRY Docs it best CANADIAN LAUNDRY anc Dry Cleaners Phone 8 "IT IS" What Is It? It is the affix that follows after a. name and signifies that there is inflammation in the regiQD mentioned. Therefore we have Pharyngitis, Laryngitis, Stomatitis, Neuritis, and other diseases with the same ending, including Appendicitis. It is op account of these inflamed areas in the regions mentioned that disease makes itself evident. When these conditions arise there are grave dangers of complications which may result in a serious condition which will be difficult to overcome. The Chiropractors' chief object is to remove the cause. This he does by allowing the correct amount of nerve impulses to supply the diseased organs affected, thereby relieving the congestion caused. When this congestion is relieved the inflammatory condition will subside 'and the organ concerned will return to normal, thus giving Relief to the ratient. W. C. Aspinall CHIROPKACTOK G Exchange Block (irecn 211 'Bern ers arc now showing Billie Burke Sport Dresses Phone 27 P.O. Box 327 Dr. Alexander Smith Dlock Phone 675 DENTIST TIMBER POLICY Rebuttal of Statements Made in Regard to Lack of Policy of His Department PLENTY OF TIMBER YET ppod Policy to, Cut Present Stands as lljey are . Mature and Second Growth Follows VICTORIA, Feb. 20. The forest wealth or BrltUh Columbia li safe under the conservation policy of the Liberal government, Hon. T. D. Pattullo, minis ter of lands, declared In the Legislature a he supported an Investigation of the attre timber situation by a house com mittee. After listening to the minister's rim ing defence of his forest administration ana im demand that the Conservative party come out in the open and ' an nounce Its timber policy, the House endorsed a resolution referring timber questions to a special committee for investigation. This motion was moved orlelnallv bv Ian MaeKenzie, Liberal of Vancouver. hlle Joshua Hlnchllffe. Cont-'vatlve of ictorla, moved in that Mr. Pattullo be required to submit a written statement on the timber situation to the assembly. By a vote of tiwenty- ve to twenty the House rejected the Hlnchllffe amendment and supported the MacKensle motion. D. A. Stoddart, Provincial, and R. H. Neelanda. Frank Browne and Thomas Uphill, Labor, supported the Mackensie motion with the government. Major R. J. Burst, Independent. P. p. Harrison. Liberal, srAl A. McC. Creery, Provincial, voted for the Hlnchllffe amendment with the opposi tion. In a masterly address on forestry Mr. Pattullo sought to show that the government has forest problems weU In hand, and that there Is no need for public alarm over the depletion of Brit- urn Columbia timber. IIKMKS IIKI'I.I:tION talk Mr. PattuUo denied at the outset the itatement of C. 8. Leary. Liberal of Kaslo-Slocan, that the BrltUh Colum bia stand of mature Douglas fir would be depleted In twelve years. There was enough mature fir in the Esquimau it Nanaimo Railway belt of Vancouver Is land alone to keep loggers busy for this period, he said. "In addition we have splendid stands of fir from ten to forty years of age." ne said. 'I would ask those who are continu ally alarming the public, what is their remedy? would they not cut the timber? As a matter of fact, it should be cut, or you won't get a second growth. If you want to have forests near Vancouver and Victoria you must NOTICE. Re-Certlflcate of Title No. 2094 1 to Lott iiij (ai sua six (oi, uiock nineteen 1101 Hnntlnh At Re-Certlflcate of Title No 3901 1 to seventeen (17) and eighteen (18). Block twenty-six (26). Section six IA Re-Certlflcate of Title No. 8902 1 to Lot hiwkw (ivj. uiocjc ten (10), sec- t.lnn mmii 1 ? I Re-Oerttflcate of Title No. 3447 1 to Lot fprt.y-fve 4S). Blrck twentv-seven Prince Rupert, Msp 933. Certificates of Title Issued in the name of Ira E. Mahon. has been filed In this office, notice Is hereby Riven that I 'hall, at the expiration of one month u u aaie 01 vne iirsx puoucailon hereof, issue a provisional Certificate of ; Title In lieu of each of the said lost 'jrmimvra. unien in the meantime valid "b lection as to sny be made to me ill Willing. I DATED at the Land Registry Office I Prince Runert. BC thin am imnr. ' IA40 P.O. H P Jfn-I.Kin 83 Registrar of Titles Three :: Big We Bargains Have Just Received rivi Hundred Dozen H.C. FRESH FIRSTS EtiGS livery Egg iruaranteed We have discontinued handling the Pullet EajKs for a while and will give you the larger size at the same price or cheaper. We have been selling these for 50c per dogen. The price for thi8 week :i dozen for $1.2." CALIFORNIA PRUNES GOD pounds to sell, medium size, and the very best quality. Per lb ioc Or 23 lb. in the box for .SU.tiO TOMATOES Pack in the large tin. In for ur,? il.C. 'or .MdVIit'.-,n" U fWrP.Wr,,,,.. mm ry.t.kYPyPUihe best service in the city and our prices are more reasonable B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 13 and 571 Every Woman Needs "Fruit-a-tivcs" the sure ho; tu icguicu iicaius MRS. A. PARENT. Daily tasks rob many women of the priceless boon of good health, because constipation, biliousness, headaches, Indigestion, backaches and kindred ailments, undermine their constitutions. Read this sincere letter: Driscol Lake, Sask. MI have taken many kinds of mcdidne, but none proved a good as 'Fruit-a-tives' for me. It fa tbe only medicine I take I use it regularly and do not feel right if I do not" Mrs. A. Parent. "Fruit-a-tives" is universally successful because it is a natural medicine made from the intensified juices of fresh fruits, combined with tonics. It will help you, too. 25c and 50c at all druggists. Buy a box to-day. control cutting and shut down half the mills. And then all that wlU happen Is that logging will be moved to more inaccessible places. I am In a poatton of responsibility and I ask those who are not and are causing public alarm what they propose to do? Let them say whether they would atop this cutting or not!" Mt'ST L'O.MPETB High -lead logging, the minister went m. was extremely 'destructive, but was necessary here, as it was used In the United States, tbe great competitor or BrltUh Columbia. "We must keep the lumber industry going now as well as providing for tbe future," he wantMb "We know e-t the present waste; we know how this wasted lumber could be made into by-products, but our' problem Is that we cant get markets for such products. In tbe old world markets are available, but tbe dont exist here at present." M HOPE'S IJ'KIMKNCE Mr. Pattullo pointed out that the experience of European countries with forestry could not be used safely as a guide In BrltUh Columbia, where con ditions were utterly different. This province, he said, must evolve Its own method by experlenoe now unoer way He reminded the Hauae that artificial planting had been largely abandoned In Europe and the best authorities now agreed that natural regeneration was tar better than artificial methods. Natural re-growth was re-stocklng the , forest lands of British Columbia, he said. In s highly satlstsctory way. In some places re-growth covered ss much as 80 per cent of logged-off areas. This, with artificial assistance In some places, would meet iltuatlon here, be asserted. The minister told the House In detail of experiments conducted by the forestry service to show how natural regeneration was going on. WEATHER lilU'OUT. Prince Rupert Overcast, calm; temperature. 84. Advertise in The rllv News This Week's Specials Swift's Premium Bacon, whole or half, per lb It!f Swift's Empire Bacon, whole or hair, per lb :KIf Picnic Hams, Circle "S," per lb. r Premium Cooked Ham, lb. . . 50 U.C. Fresh Eggs, Extras, largest tizc, 8 dozen Frascr Valley llutter, in cartons, 2 lbs 5 CANNED GOODS Columbia Pears- 2Vaa, 2 tins 55 p Columbia Peaches, 2's, 2 tins -15? Nabob Apricots, 2's, 2 tins . . 55 Nabob Pineapples, sliced, 2's, Pr tin i :t5 Crushed Pineapples, 2,i!,s, per tin U5 Nabob Pumpkin, 2,s, per tin 15 Nabob Spinach, 2'Vs, per tin HZ? Wuaker Peas, No. 5, 7 tins for $1.00 Nabob Orange Marmalade, 4 lb. tins ,-,5 llfinz Pork and Deans, small, 9 tins for , $1.00 Medium size, 7 tins for . . $1.00 Nabob Catsup,' 2 bottles for 15 Welch's Grape Juice- pints, per bottle :t5 Yacht Club's French l&nelMs Sardines in Olive Oil, p?f tin 50 Alberta Market P. GAMl'LA, Proprietor Hflh Street. phone 208 THE DAILX NEWS Moud.v. .J.,; ADDRESS GIVEN BY RABBI STERN Prejudice Against Jew Must go! Declares Speaker at iviwanis i Luncheon MONTREAL. Feb. 20 Prejudice atalnst the .Jew muni be disoarcWd and 'a' closer link of fellow.hip bt., welded among1 an religions :f ;i better understanding among the peoples of the world Is to be brought about. Rabbi Harry Stern of Emmanu-Bl TemDle. Said in llMlWuln. fnUrtU' nwmhDn nt THIRD CABIN A trip to Europe this summer Iiy Cabin me Montreal Klwsnis Club at the Hill lie 11 rcvciUIHlll to you. weekly luncheon meeting in the Wind- Wecklv sailincs from IMonlronl r Hotel. miilOiiphw tul'l Thank Ood todav." &ald Rabbi 1a... n.l i... .... ToJ?.rLZ"T ? Aurunia.Alaunia.Ascanla, and AU" a ' ' Uvrrpool, teaunt dernnan. It ha. been nr.- judloe in the past which ha. held the ?n !.V,a?8.w ",e. AtllCIlia, Jew aowa We every angle. We were were persecuted persecuted from from Lctltiu, """ Andania, huuiiiu, and uuu Antonia. Aiunnia. have also been called "ounil trip fares for $181.50 up. the Christ killers. I w)sh to speak to ycu of my people as the Christ be-gettors. Why blame the Jew If Chrlat i had to die in order to save the world?: it was the wish of God. If the Naa- arene forgave them liow much more the ionowers of Nantrenr should forgive." Rabbi 8tem said that the Jewish side of prejudice trari Christianity : w. uuuuunro up in inc quotation: Labm and Third Out mrmmmodation it of rvrrfjjutunngty nion tianaara on oil aUanvrt. Styourltxaltltamthipatenlori m CANADIAN CANADIAN f ! SHWICC. and VHti Ihr rut ilt; THE CI N.lllli .STEAM Mill' CO., LIMITrll Father, forgive them for they know ,,s ,u"nI" trrrt. M VAMOUVtlt. not what the do." : - The present psychical revolution which the world Is passing through Is doing much toward welding all In one common bond of fellowship snd ser vice, he said. War Is about to be out lawed by civilisation through education and through sentiment created bv sucn service organisations Kiwanls. A ,DloMe tlmi( a mnt uuring the war Jew snd OenUle .v. w . .. . ' united without snd should ""L "V UOV krr, on in time.- of peace ,f a better T ' ZSZZ. ,." 7 . -" given in honor of Miss Helen McRae accomplished, he concluded. - .. vhom mtrrtmma to WHEN YOU ARE WRONG ior sticaing to sne trutn. HORNED OWLS SOUTH IN PLAGUE NUMBERS 10 lb. Turnips 10 lb. Potatoes (Ashcroft) 4 lb. Onions 34 lbs. for u:j Tomatoes, larfce tips', 0 for , . 050 Pineapple, Singappr. 7,Xor i)."0 Canned FruiU, assorted, 8 for 80 Soap, Fels Naptha, per bar . . H0 Royal Crown Soap, per earton 250 Fresh line Green Vjtetnbles every Don t nt attractive prices FRESH MILK AND CREAM IN FRIGIDAIRE CUP AND SAUCER SHOWER FOR BRIDE ELECT SATURDAY tskss place tots week. During the evening a book was BLAME THE REPORTER ol,her me blt' """we I or a favorite recipe which was after- (Montreal star) wards read. This was a mirth pro-Newspapermen are so tender of rising vor hopes, not wishing to nip them in the1 hTe (uests were. Miss Helen Mellae. bud. that they often make them talk , RN Mr Duncan McRae, Mrs, John better English than they wot and reu'UcRc- Mr- Ales. MaRse, Mlas Oeoral-rttrlbuu bright thoughu to tnem which ' " Hunter. R.N.. Mies Anne Caateil. tbe statesmen do not attempt to deny. ' RJJ B. M assay, Mrs. J. W. K41-V. is only when their speeobes are res- Patrick- ilm Mary McRae. Miss lain dered verbatim, with all the warts on HcRae and Mrs. O. H. Monro, their grsmmar or their ideas, that they yeu tor accuracy and blame it on the reporter. The public are sTowins tired of this eusineaa oi blaming it, on the reDorter Market Prices 0rter U l gM fMUi l!1! current . a. folio..: and get them right. He craves no libel L.HU sutu and he waste to 6eep hU Job. He pure 2J cannot claim privilege' of parliament fori aompoiind aoe loose utterance and has all tbe more!' tons B.C. Freeh pullets ... 4 Or B.C. fresh firsts age B.C. Presh. extras S0c Local new laid See Smoked kippers, lb lSo '- ' VICTORIA Mv Qft-TK. f hornet owU that .fleeted vicW. 1U environ, a few year. u in evl.iFm,,w, hrtl' - dence. It u reported by local sports-' . lh men. who have offered a .null bounty I !"0 ' l' "V," ' ,h ,b for the destruction of the birds. ff"n.' " 4r Over 300 lKmed owU have ten l"M' whoU- , "f brought in for the bounty since Icem- ber. from all points on the Island be- j m, P601- ,b W tween Rooky Point and Oordon Head j0""" Ja, lb. Xy, The owU sre destructive killers, and mao,- umi 60e hsve depleted game and eong bird broods i f000' w , K in years past, it Is anued. Chinese ! Wrk MJ "ll c buy the dead owls to e-rlnd into rvw. : ATrblrs baoon. to. 3J der. holding that specific a most powerful disinfectant aTIMBSMLjaaSBBtlai' Cash and Carry Groc ery Corner Fulton and Sixth Ave. . e - -. SAVE THE COPPERS Sugar, Granulated, 10 lbs. . . Tit Milk, any brand, nor tin l'r Tea Malkin's Best, Ulue Ribbon, or Nabob, lb 70 Hulk Tea Excellent quality, per lb 5f)f) Coffee Ureal Wet, Malkin's Best, Nabob, lb 050 Coffee Fresh Ground, per lb. ID Creamery llutter, prr lb. l!i-IO a lbs. in one block SI.U5 Salt Pork, tier lb Bacon, Swift's Premium, back, special per b I1IW Picnic Hams, iier lb Hlie.21 Kjfifs, strictly fresh, 3 doz. $1.IH VEGETABLE SPECIAL 10 lb. Carrots Veal, atiautdef c Veal, tola Vtal. n Pork, abouMer aee Pork, loin sgg. P0. H 5e Beef, pot roast ISc to Mc Beef, boiling u, lte Wo to 45c Beef, roast, prune rib lie Lamb, shops 50c Lamb, shoulder 4o Mutton, leg 40c lemb. leg ago Mutton, chops Mutton shoulder loa ISt'TlfR Drookfleld. Bbamroek and Woodland, ' 50c CD., lb soo Capitol, and grade, lb age Fraser Valley, lb ggc New Eealand, in bulk fsc P"HU soe Alberta Creamery vur.tnn Camembert cheese, 8 os. pkg Kraft Llmberger, Vt'a Ontario solids New Zealand solids tllton, lb Krsft Norwegian Goal Napoleon Llmberger Roquefort Bwlfte' Brookfleld. Ib Oorgonaola. lb lUlArra's Oream. lari 46c etc Se 35c 30c 403 41c eso 70c 75c 45C 75c 45q and 85c Brookfleld Swiss cheese. lb. pkg. SOc Drookfleld Canadian cheese. Vi lb. pkg. J5c Oruytrs Golden Loaf. Ib Jack, 1h.j... ,., Homane ttsrdo. lb. ..... Osmmefut. t;fb. ...... Sl'llAK 45c 45c 60o 75c 300 White, per 100 Ti3j Yellow, per 100 4975 Hour, 49'. No. 1 hard wheat kitn. Pastry flour. 10's - Pastry flour, 4U'a ijq Vr.OUJAIII.i: BeeU, 6 lb. for jSc BertK. ck $3 75 C'Hilole. 1ICW, a Iba lor jSt WESTHOLME mum MONDAY ONLY, 7 and 9 p.m Constance Talmadge In "Breakfast at Sunrise" DON ALVARADE. liKYANT WASHHUIJN. Ilt'lvU M r ,y, ., AL1JEKT Gil AN, ALICE WHITE, MA1HE llki:., -.; (.u and others. COMEDY "TIIEHE IT IS. PARAMOUNT NEWS Admission 35c and Hii Canadian National Steamships Co. IwvH Prince Rupert DRYDOCK (CANADIAN PACIFIC AND SHIPYARD y OperatinK ti.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floatlnx Dry Do.l Enulneers, MachinistH, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, f'ulterr. nakers, Funder8,Voodvorktr!t, Ki ELECTRIC AND aCKTYI.ENB WEI.DIM, Our plant is equipped to handle all kind of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 383 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Service Sailings from Prince Rupert, T11 Krtrlilksn. lira n tell. Juneau and Mkagfta; Unusri .' I In To aiHutrr, VIHorta and Sesllle HrMrj 1, la, and ."-HHINt'KMH Ikfc.tlKHL. Tnr lliilrdalt Cat Ilella Itetla. O eat, .. Samu Alrrl IUJ (anilrll lllr. and linmawr e t Hrilii. 11 a.m. Ajeney for all Steamhlu Line. itill lolirauUi ;) t(a- C. UHtiltKli. '.rHersi iri rorner of elh Street and 3rd Atenue. rrlnee Kupert, lit. n n ' UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMIT EDI1 ., .... . ssllmt (riMii -iiM-e Hweert. l"' 0.l'E,t ICtKl.t, Hutrdale. AleM llaj. etr.. Tue-.l., V1CTOUIA, swaiuon lUy. Aim ru. ri. -.1 - i" am rw Jifi?.T. JMrON' N i-)iMf. ti.n r ahi. 1 v ... 5TtMAnT ,V,,MI lnd. Snda. S p.m. IK Ind tienue U M. SMIIII Prl. . Ilin.rll RI ... Threngli lb-kef Mid to Vleteila and hnWt. and bt.t 'Hp mrmifii 10 aettlnstlon. ' Carrots, sack mm rNitatoes. 8 lbs gge taja r'Srtlejr, bunch 10e CaullHower. ac. bead 4o California head lettuce itr Oarttc, Imported, per lb 40c Spanish onkma, per Ib ioc Lceka. bunch JOc CaUfomla celery, head l0o , igc Spinach, local, ib goc BC. Cabbage, lb ge Cooking onions. 5 lb for age! Turnips, g lbs for gjc P' 83.00 Brussels Sprouu. par Ib ggc j noinouse Bnuuerb, Ib Mc U1L1T Oranges. Valencia, doesn . . 40e to tl.OO lemons. Sunkist. doaen .. SOc and SOc imperial Valley Orapefrult. . . g for ; Horida grapefruit, each 15c Bananas, 3 Ib ' gac kstracted honey, lb . ag3 Red grapes, lb. , gge Dates, bulk. 3 lbs. for ggc '-""" ouia, per lb jsa i roiatoea, a lbs. for Csiifornls layer figs, per brick. iiuriiiB uaintjr Dates, package Bpltaeiiberga. "C" grade Fancy Extra fancy Rome Beauties, fancy .......... s'ra fancy Yellow Newton "C" grade ' Fancy Ktra fancy Wlnesaps, "C" grade Fancy Extra Fancy Navel oranges IMtlKII I'ltfJ .. 36c ,. aoc .. 38c 83 JO 83.76 14.00 83 M 83M 88M 83.76 . 4,00 83.60 88.75 lmon and orange peel 30c Oltron peel 50, Black cooking figs, 3 ja, j, Vhite figs, 3 lb age Ourrsnts, 3 lbs 30 PP" aao Pearlies, peeled 3gg Apricots, lb ggc Prunes. 90-100, 4-lbs !!!!!!!!!!!!!. 3oc 36 Ib. boa Prunes. 00-70. lb ioc '' '" 15c THE II. S. Wlf.t.w i 0 ' LTD. Rain Coats of quality. .M.i" dleberir in Man j.. land. In Silr. and In pleainK $11 50 and $12.50 H.S.WallaceCo.M Phone 9 Third Avenue und Folio" Better Than Mining Stocks Shrewd invest,.! Properties In Pnnr. 1; fweTcCfJEnh-' ntot ai. niolk 5. s n Lot 31. Block IS. 8.', Lot 13. Block 37. S. ; , Lot 4S, Block 1. 1 s,i, Lot 17. Block 2. B'' " ' xl, Lot B. HlOCk 30. ' IaiI 17A18, Olock 1H. " ' TKIt.MX IF DlXKI" ' Further par WALKER'S Music Store