PAOR TWO Best flavour-preserving package known Airtight aluminum Fine quality leaf Skilful blending No dust- No broken leaf Over 200 million-pounds sold Put up in four-grades Black, Green or Mixed varieties Test this tea. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. - II. F. PULLKN - - -. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance $5.00 For lesser period, paid in advance, per month 50 By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance for yearly period $3.00 Or four months for $1.00 By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the British . Empire and United States, paid in advance per year .... $6.00 By mail to all other countries, per year $7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of , Circulations DAILY EDITION Monday, Jan. 23, 1928 TAKING OURSELVES SERIOUSLY The Daily News has often mentioned that it is unwise to take ourselves too seriously. Just now we suggest that the farmers of Alberta are taking themselves very seriously. After a lively debate they decided that Canada should not only reopen trade relation with Russia but should also make advances with a view to opening diplomatic relations, which means the full recognition of the country. So far neither Great Britain or the United States have granted that recognition. If Canada grants it she will have to do business through other channels than that of the Secretary of State for the Dominion, which would be the channel with any other country. An ambassador to Russia would bp the only alternative. The farmers also railed upon the Dominion to take over the encumberance. They also take exi t piinn to the immijfratinn policy of the government. I'nssilih i; is too British. It might be wise to siijfife-i to ihe farmers of Alberta that they are taking themselves more seriously than they urc regarded bv the rest of the country. POWERS OF lOUC E Granted that the pulin must be jriven some powers not enjoyed by other people, it did seem like iroinr ioo lar when a policeman sh a man because he put uis hnml in his po.ket instead of raising it at the imperious demand of the Miner, it is more than prooahle that th.e Montreal member of the ione" will lose his .job and per haps be punished for killing his man. particularly us it happened to be the wrong man. NOT MANY CARS YET The proportion of motor cars to the population in Prince Rupert is not yet very la nr.? but it is inr reusing. Just now it is slightly more than one for every twenty. l'o.-.sibl;. within u year or two it Will be One for every ten. The present demand ar cars is steadily increasing and with the extension ot the highway up the Skeena River the demand will increase. A POLITICAL THt'CE (Toronto Gloliei The Slontreal Star has risen lo jfi'eat heights of editorial eloquence in eallinK for a truce to party politic s. It devotes a column and a half to vijrorous indiinai ion oer the idea that the two great parties should spend their time fiddling while the country . No-and thf is what lends distinction to The Star's utterance it does not say the country is liurniiiir: there is little stiixjfestion of "l,e whUper of death" of two years airo. There is a call for united effort in constructive work. It is tcratifyinif to welcome The Star to the exer extendinK ranks of newspaper which believe political parties have something more important to do than fiihtiti one another, .iockevitijr for a stiainflt hold ,ori.iaib olhsr. pkylng for position for the sake of self-ajorrand-Izement Pdlltes hac leVftR since bet?n dlscredHed as a frophv-huntingr jrame. The runnip. of the affairs of th eountny is a businesi. carrying Willi It grave responsibility. The party entrusted with the task has been granted it or should be because of the appealing character of the program presented to the electors, and not becauoe of bribes through promises of public expenditures and office appointments. Voters as well as newspapers are learning more and more to take this view of public service. Mr. Bennett, the new Conservative leader, is asked to give heed. "Under the new leadership of the Conservative party," says The Star, "one more chance for co-operative effort has come which mn oe mouiaeci inio actuality by the calling of a party truce." It is not probable that Mr. Bennett is prepared to endorse everything the government promotes, and it would be unwise to carry the truce sati THE DAILY NEWS Monday, -1 - ii i n manrrra I ll l fTsMflnigMn nr nil if r jbu. v BAN PLACED ON WIEi. AT Til BAT UK. CANADIAN MAGS. , .Monday 'Weate toy Murphy." Cameo Comedy "Who's Boss." flagrant Intimidations Charged Paramount News. Against American News Tuesday DISTRICT READERS Agencies to Control Ken Maynard in "dun Gospel." Market Christie 'Comeiv: "Cash and Flagrant Intimidation of Canadian booksellers and news dealers who push fce sale Canadian literature U being carried on by certain American magazine publish and new distributing organisations says the Financial Pout c! Toronto. Instances have come to light of Sertoli obstructions being placed In the way of Canadian newsdealers who hava run window displays of Canadian magazines or in any other way encouraged nattr or British literature. Direct agents of American publishers as well as new agencies distributing American papers have been, guilty of trade practices that are not In keeping with modern day business ethics and that reveal an attempt by American business men to throttle the development of a Canadian Industry. One Toronto newsdealer who filled hi windows . with Canadian publica tion was told by an American control led wholesale news distributor that If be continued to boost the sale of Can adian magazines his credit privileges would be withdrawn. In numerous other cases that nave come to light Canadian news agents were told that they should Canadian msgastnea because the Can sdian magaalne publishers were respon type -of sensational American magaalni In the same class as dime novels, the news dealers sre being asked to knife Canadian literature and boost magas-Ines that present the American viewpoint to the Canadian public. This of course Is merely an excuse provincial railways. That is an easy way to slouyh off a provincial 1 ,lu: '' Pr:ie r Hii Ever; prjmi;ie i the facts are llll .IVS .it in,:! Hi i Mj. Enter ' :( ( usf oni'. the tax h..i! I Uut il on Itr t:op. and on i:. : item- A!mi the G;) ne ion m iep,m-. t : .1:1 lll.i:. d tl. ,. ktiuelo n nine: I., it;. -' iier P W H i he i mil fletlo 1. l iv all P.J c!;--.! .i rv r -,jcxt.;es'ii Htiitions all ovei (.':. u FINAL CLOSING FOR illilrum e- ' h.t' x.i; .'li-e ':i!.i', 'In' .iduin.' il'.eMii in Pe i!)iii: Prim .he West the nd JiKlKins; ttlll Take Place Tomorrow V. lUrt Announeeii in i .iik i ;'la e ;n ' lew ni ': Mak Pi ti r slogan 'tutorrow .:. take i'.w;n) are RlX'i't (' '.- H.ijje V: .r. e RtijMTt .strile t l:o tr Pr'nre Riiert Oonunerctal capital of fdrttMtn B.C. tine Rupeni the Hub of tbe North . Tomorrow Is Ours 1 Beat the Birds to Print Rupert. The Northwest's Beat. Whet have you done for Prtnoe SEARCHING FOR TIN IN ONTARIO MINES mat iar, out ne Das already expressed himself as more desirous of I TORONTO, Jan. as. rive English serving the country than of gaining power. This is it statesmanlike iMlmn Companies and two United view, and one which opens the wav for him to assist, rather than,8UU!" group ,re reported 10 h attempt to hloc-k. the advancement of constructive legislation TheiqU"tl7 cqulred aurtn rKt f new leader will be watched, and he will be judged by Sill ot ILThTt L?uir"ltS vis.-.,,. No one .knows this better than he. Whether or not there I., north of 8,..uJ !. uThX a formal truce, the country confidently expects Mr. Dennett to set the expectation that along five miles a high parliamentary standard in helping the progress of national i' pegmatite dyke they wui rind affairs. commercial deposits of tin. This most useful metsl has been ob- DIFFEHKNCES OF OPINION i''" chleriy ,rom lh M,1s' Penln' While Hon. 8. F. Tolmie is maki.w aim,,.. .-. a-v ,lvl . " ' "- in which he denies that the country is making progress ad states I hut 'lrlt, JMl.tne government Is driving the young men out of the country, his been reported from several localities in -n.l.un fa .'j te"'n,r different to'- "ere is what Sir Henrv cn0 there have never before been. jUrayion saysT, except in one insUnoe. such extensive "On the whole Canadians can look back at the iast yr with ,pUn ma ,or tviopwn The other isiaction for while in certain lines of ' production progress " has !!, ' tht f Conol,dtl M,n'n l I ... . ... Utc" "cMnK, ousiness ,n most lines has maile nood. The vain f th. " " ameiting Company, which Is reported ' ' vr r l year uust be lartmlv prriitrf .i...,i... ..i 4u- . . . taken up 100 claims In the V - ..u me extension oi ui Chibougamau wnimuawiau area area laat laat summer. summer. r.j: Canadian rmnlliiii mI.i..,.j. , i j . ... 7 ". t mining and pulp and industries. The paper Canadian far-! th deposits prove up to the es-mers have again won out and the crop can, I think, be safely regard-'rotations of the companies which cu me u.iru Kieaiest oi our nistory, Our great mining discoveries luve bn quietly exploring their pos-and development, with our ever-ifrowinir nelivitiiw in k, n,n,t. elbllltles. this would add to Canada's of pulp and paper, have brought many millions of new money into i"e country, auu. even t.etter. have given and will continue to iv, much employment." growing lint Miother of the most Im portant mineral of the world Advertise to The Dally News 'U'edneMav bji ThurMiny ' , Norma Shearer in "After Midnight" Christie Comedy "Dr. Quack." Aesop's Film Fables. Friday taml Nat unlay "Beau Oeate." earned?: "Lumberjack." Pathe Review. rtf tt 'r A JEWISH BOY WHO TOOK AN IRISH NiME "Private lacy Murphy," a Warner Bros, comedy la, motion pictures starring George Jeenel. ioaf to be seen here tonight. The story concerns a poor Bast Side boy named Izzy who Joins the army and 1 placed In an Irish Regiment, known as 'The Flght;ng Wth." where he discovers that his name Is a handicap to promotion. When he changes It to Issle Murphy, itome of the derision not seU 1 subside and he makes gaod. The story 1 by Charles Francis Relsner, adapted for the screen by Edward Clarke and stale for having a custom duty placed I Oraham Baker. This marks Jessel's first unon American fiction manzlnea of the i appearano In pictures. The cast in more or leas undesirable type. , this tax having served to cut the margin of profit of the dealer. For Instance, a magaalne formerly selling at twenty cents yielded the , dealer a margin of five cents, the same magarlne now sells at twenty-five cludes Patsy Ruth Miller, Vera Gordon and Nat Carr. Lloyd Bacon directed. KEN MAYNARD AS A WESTERN GUNMAN cents and yields him a margin of only lour cent. Because the government ! 'Ova Ooapel." here tomorrow, Ken fit to put the cheap and trashy : Miynar la called upon to portray three for not once does he overplay hi part. ; It is finely drawn and display real ar- j ,fn rtutiabte t.ttry, I 'r- , ot However, thla dees not mean that May- J not been en- nard ha discarded his daring and ii itmiiiMT ot uint riding. The story provides him '. ;n: a noma from the night club one night. Man la held up by Joe Miller, hut she knccki hlar out With the piece of lead pipe which ha bad "sold" to her. Then because ha W bleeding she takes him home snd brings htbi to. They fall In love snd Mary helps Joe to hnnenty by suggesting that he get wjrk In gas station. They both plan to save money. They work steadily for weeks and Mary's bank account amounts to 11.000. with which she buys a liberty bond. Joe saves tneugh for the first payment on a taxi- cab The night Mary buya her bond she is amicus to show It t Joe but he falls to meet er. At home she finds that M slate has pent the money she had loft for the rent for s dreu UalUe, too. has failed her! When the IIM night M slate comes home with a thousand dollar liberty bond ihsi she has received aa a "favor" at a party. Mrjr compares the ease with which it was earned to the slavery that had gone into her own bond, and she decides thst it's no use. tverytlilug can go to hell she buys pretty clothes and her manner at the night 'ehrb changes Whereas before she had been demure and dignified, she is now ready when a man pick Mary up to take her upstair M aisle yanks her from the man's arms, fling a wrap about her slater, get her Into a car to take her home. Mary, not knowing what she is doing, grab the wheel and the car turns over. Ualaee is kUled. Mary, grief-atrtaken, reaobaa hook, where Jce. drunk, has coo to claim her. for new he believe that the I a "Jane" Ilk ! her sister. The news of Mamie's death : nber turn. He realises he has failed ; fary In bar need of him. But Mary has failed, him. too. and they are ! Taught together In their mutual real- different and distinct character!. First Nation of the love which has been in that of the regulation Stetson hat -P Burning by the sacrifice of the and cowboy boots; then as a Mexican ne wha had not failed them. Malzle caballero and finally as a fighting par-, - son. In the last characterisation he shows that be is a trouper of abUlty 'BEAU GESTE" COMING THIS WEEKEND TO WESTHOLME THEATRE "Beau Oeste." the plcturisation of the e.niiKi.; took wrii ample opportunity for this, and famous novel, is to be here at the week-::iM-tent tie- he and Taramn. the wonder horse, have'- abawlng at the Westholme Friday tt.c-h u - new breath-taking tricks to of- turday. Uv Beau QesU" is worth the fortune Tim. ' sur w an adaptation of raramount poured Into It filming. It W P H. :;niioV novel of the same worth the months spent by Herbert :i, .j!- M :: ii Jackson is responsible ' Brenon and two thousand men among i n m ,, -i ru while Harry J. Brown, corched sand dunes of the Oreat the e: uf all of Maynards Wee- American Desert. ii- if.- on directed this picture. TW tory of the French Foreign Le- 1H; v iv ; ll da&U with thji mm. ITiOVk breStkeS an immortal fUm tK SLOGAN C0MPFTITI0N l 01 tbe w"i,rn un mmn ,ui h" hi me to MUbllshment ot law and order in a The action blBfM on tbe wondar- new, country. Ii weave into good f-1 ,in devotion of tfcree young Englishmen, feet the tyranny of the old land barons ' 1 xti oi whom decamp from home in and their reign of terror in order to ' Jr that the blame for the theft of s acquire mere territory. famous sapphlM may fall on him al- CIGARETTE GIRL IN "AFTER MIDNIGHT" FOR J though he believes one of his brothers r be gouty By comsson impulse all enlist in tbe For8 Leston. Two find themselves j at an Isolated Sahara fort which must tuc iwin lureir mmiDn ,n Arb with only o o U1L. miU-11 rivlUAC; tenders. The sheer fearlessness of these . v-ooaernu soMlers in their pitiably stun ii tin- n.iv Which nitr PutroDs hrave defense adds to the drama of the Mini) a Thrill j j BMM Caissaa aa "Beau- gives a por M.ev is . ,ir-ette girl In a night .trXai whlah aaany are sure to nlaoi it) in Af. Midnight" here at mid- Ws wonderful work In "The Whl 'Mk tie' M.vtele. is a dancer In j oiater." the picture that started him eh ..uis m.i . ... ambitious, orderly, i toward the aonnkanding place In the uui Mi . :, , ve in having a good "feea world he now holde. Mo more 'ien I..: .1 tier money and ooie 'mantle a figure has ever tlsshsd across M..ry - i i:i vr.ia while she is yet to accept the advances of the men who ask hi to go to parties. One of them, who Is with a party ot which Mslaie is also a member, asks Mary to gn to a party wrth them and she accepts. On that evening Joe Is outside vtth his new taxi but Mary paa. him by with contempt When Joe realises that she hnd "ritned" him everything enn go tu hell lor all of him, too This is the woman who wanted tc reform him t Joe returns to his hangout the poolroom (irlnKs nnd spends his money. Mary, on twr purty. drinks to make up for trit time jump upon the plaoo and stags Hjju'h song. "Olve me today ana you cun have tomorrow." Ms Isle doesn't like her ister In this role. And the screen. Rivalling Colnaan are Ketl Hamilton and Ralph Forbes, the other two brothers, a snagnrrieent character is tarougjBt to UJe by Noah Beery aa "the oruetatt man and bravest soldier" la the Legion. d: A WoodUnet looal afMi the imperial OU Oo , returned to the olty on yesterday afternoons train from a business trip to the interior. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS NOTHK. Application for Orating Permits for the Applications for .rmlte to gram live-atoe); on tbe Crown . 'u;,-e withm snv graslng dUtrlct of Ui rT. . :!,co oi I BrltlX Columbu must be filed h the Du-Uijtnirasur at Port Oeo--,, JUmlps, Itopa Wnoe Rupert. Vn;ouver. or WjUlams Lake on or before March 31st Blank forms upon -vhleh to rubmlt Ohrtrlct Porastors at the .ho.-..! e n O R. NAOCN. Victoria. B.C.. January la. iaa. LAND ACT In Prince Runert f.n,i trlct, and situate 2T at Huston Ini.H&, Charlotte Islands . .t DU- ueen NOTICE that Robert VI Currte .-TAKS of Vancouver. B.C.. oecuDation Uk pe-ker. Intends to applytor , ILJ1, ' rbefoiiowlng deocribedlands--"- opmmenrlng at a post planted at northesst c. mer sboui I 000 feet was Jjrly from miners' cabln.Tt headJl Huston Irtet; thence wwerHT ROBERT M. CBRRIB AvpUcaat.l Ot aily News Who do not subscribe for'thc paper but who purchase occasional copies, will find it advantageous to remit $3.00 and have every copy mailed to their address for the next year. All the News of the North, coast and country, from our special correspondents, as well as world events will keep you well posted at minimum cost. Send the postal order today while you still think of it! Clearanc e GltEATER HAWIAINS THAN EVEIt COATS DRESSES HATS Hosiery and Lingerie Canadian National Steamships Co. Imilei Prince Rupert DRYDOCK Canadian lSlllTi AN 1 1 . SHIPYARD Prntlnc (J.T.I. M.000 Ton Floating Dry Do s rSnolneeri, Maehlflfcts, iWlermaVera. Blacksmith, liners makera, Pounder. Woodworker. Er. EI.ECTIIIC AND ACBTYLBNB WEI.DINri. Our plant It equipped to handle) all kinds of MAHIME AND COM.MBItCIAI. WOUK. I'HONBS 43 and 395 an Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services n e A mailings trom Prince Rupert J.. X? V1, ,n,"" l M.,-neeember II. , tsssjosver. tteteela and Seattle January . ig. Campbell nirVr. vineoim .,, and amy ' .4i" Agene, for ste.jj.h u? rorrr of m AtT2t Sa,:, BRUSHES Tar Ilrushert Deck llrusheH Dotlle llrushes Varnish llrushes lacquer llrushes Unnnfsler Hrushe BRU; Scrub llrushes Floo Fot HrushfM Nail Window Brush Marking; Hrust Stencil Ilrushe Whitewash Iln Prices range from U)f to $1.00 Thompson Hardware Co, UNION STEAMSHIPS LIM V. ""I'HU lor VAM OtVt.t V CT t! i S'lT' ..Vf" ' Tuet a.m. " " ins. 'RT 'MWOf. NAA8 niVI.M P()lTs TN' ... Wale, bland. Bandar, S ., m ALICE Al ids avenue. r. m. smith . Through ll, art. sold lo v loiaa 'Zji,,. . 1rrJnr lTmis, lu Uenllnatloii. 'ealtlf. and bam Jain' SHES r Urn Urn es ies H jxhe- ,'Itd. idin. l"TI , , Mif.i '"' tM. Avnv