PAGE SIX We Eat No Meals; Ride No Cars WHEN you hire us to do the family washing, you are not put to the expense or bother of feeding us. We eat nothing! Neither do we ask you to pay our carfare. Instead ne call for and deliver your washing. We buy our own soap, starch and bluing. Heat our own softened water. Use our own electricity, too. There's no "picking-up" after us. We take all the. messy work out of your home, giving you an extra day to do the things you like to do! Yet you'll find our charges most reasonable considerably less than it would cost you to do the same work at home. Try us, and seel The LAUNDRY Does it best CANADIAN LAUNDRY anc Dry Cleaners Phone 8 HEALTH FOLLOWS Cswucnccemcrs rtamtofltniua IRVtSMDKAStJOf TWfouowmewiMS 1 1 K-1UM4 y- yr Ysotu . A SOUND INVESTMENT IN HEALTH Produce a Digger Dividend than the safest bond W.CAspinall CHIROPRACTOR G Exchange Block Green 211 Spring Hats emers :: Costumes :: Latest Frocks Dr. Alexander Smith Mock Phone 575 DENTIST Radio Radio As well as specialising on the No. 17 Badlola. we wish to draw your attention to the Badlolt No. 18. It la another of the up-to-date, last six months models, a six tube reoeiver. Price, less Radlotrons 95.00 Price, with Radlotrons .. 6114.11 Price, complete with Rsdlo-troivs and 100.A Ixud- hiwskcr 61'3."l I V I IIWDI.FR KxrhiMv.- WlioWvsJe Dealer for Radlilll" Of fire- ll( Mrili fit lo it." Prim- Rupert. D.C. FORMER MODERATOR OF PRESBYTERIAN Tuna Fish, tin CHURCH IS DEAD TORONTO. March 1 Rev. Dr. James Nell, former moderator of the Preaby-jterlan Church In Canada, died today at the afe of seventy-four yeara. I Dr. Nell was minister of the Union , Westminster-Central United Church. jhls only charge in thirty-five years. He was moderator In 1817-18 andretlrad from the ministry In 1920. FIGURE SKATING CHAMPIONSHIPS NEW HAVEN. Conn.. March 1. The National Figure Stating: Association has selected New Haven as the scene 'of the annual championships and titles for 1938 will be decided upon at the arena on March 26 and IT. The two day affair will bring inter nationally known figure skaters to New Haven. The first day of the champion ships will be given over to scoring In figures. Fancy skating and exhibitions 111 be open to the public on the second day. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Itll.LA COOLA MII K-l T SEALED TENDERS, endorsed Tender for Lock-up Bella Ooola." will be re ceived by the Minister of Public Work', up to 12 o'clock noon of Monday, the imo aay oi uarcn. wis. lor ine erection and completion of a standard Lockup building at Bella Coola In the Mac kenzie Electoral District. B.C. Plan, specification, contract, and forms of tender may te seen on and after tlx 24th day of February. 1928. and furtbei nformatlon obtained tt the Department o' Public Works. Pari lament BuUdino. and at the offices of the Oovernment Agents. Vancouver and Prince Rupert. iua me oiuce oi ine ruouc wot as Department. Bella Coola. Copies of plans, specifications, etc.. can be obtained from the Department on payment of a deposit of Ten Dollars (610.00) which will be refunded on return of the plana, etc.. in good condition. The lowext or any tender not necessarily accepted French Sardines, tin Freah Cream Cheese Swisa Cheese, lb. Edam Cheeae, Ib. . . . A Case of Pacific Free r. rrlU.U' Depu'v Mln'u'er and Public Works Engineer. Department of Public Works Engine Parliament Buildings. Victoria. BC. Lenten Specials Labrador Herring, 3 for . . -t Holland Herring, per keg $1.40 Kippered Herring, lb 15c" Finnan Haddie, 2 lb :fcr Smoked Black Cod, lb tlOc Stock Fish, lb 'ZTtt Salted Grey Cod, 2 lb -i.lf Brunswick Sardine. 4 tins 25c King Oscar Sardines, per tin l.'f Ib. WRITE TODAY Pacific Milk is getting in an immense number of letters, but we want an . tapmense. number more. So write us a letter on why you like Pacific Milk. For the beat letter we ure One case of Pacific Milk (tails) FREE, each week for foiir Weeks. For the second best : A half case. For third and fourth bent letters : A quarter case each. Your letter will receive the most careful consideration. And for the beat letter in four weeks, $10.00 In gold. Address : PACIFIC MILK 328 DRAKE STREET Vancouver, R.( . WINTER SPORTS IN MOSCOW ENJOYED Then- Have Taken Hold of all Classes and Skating on Hie I'oncK l Ueneral MOSCOW. March 1. At the mo ment the Moscow public Is chiefly Interested in the winter sports meeting. skating ecsn petitions, and long-distance ski-runniag- Groups tf competitors trr.lng from all parts of Russia and covering over 30 miles daily are ar-j riving In Moscow to receive a solemn: welcome from the members of the Oov-1 eminent. One party from the North- j era Dvlna covered 070 miles In II days. ' ski running five or six hours dally. another party 30 miles in eight days. Winter sports in the last few years have taken hold of all classes, and numbers of the Soviet People's Com missars are to be seen skating dally amid crowds on the Moscow ponds. As much apace In the newspapers Is te.ken up with these important affairs as with the reports of com collection, which, after the adoption of part of the opposition program of bringing pressure on the richer peasants, are much more hopeful than they were LORD HIGH CHANCELLOR UNDERGOES OPERATION LONDON. March I. Viscount Oave. Lord High Chancellor, underwent an operation at Bath, the nature of which U not stated, but be it said to be recovering. Be la 72 yeas of age. IN PRORATE IN Till; SI IMIEMK COI KT OI" UKITIMI COLl.MltIA In the Matter of the "AdminlstratkHi Act : and In the Matter of the Estate of Alexander Caauerun. Deceased. In tests te. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hl Honor. F. McB. Youna. Che 9th day of February. AX). 1928, I was uxmlnted Administrator of the estate of Akaaader Cameron, deceased, and all parties hav ing claims against the aaid estate, are hereby required to furnish same, pro- ny veruiea. w me on or oeiore toe th day of March. AX). 1928. and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their ln- oeoieanaas to me lorcnwnn. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B C. rxtted the 10th day of Februsrjr. AD. 1928. "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT MiTICE OF APPLICATION tOK lltl'.K Lit ENt'i; Notice Is hereby given that on the 10m oay oi ssarcn nen uw unoeraignea intends to spply to the Liquor Control Board for mises beln a nc IK E licence In respect to pre- part of. the building known as "Hotel Manet t" altuste on Lot Sight (St. Block Pourtren , 14). Plan DL. 7, Massett Townslte. Town of Mjsett. queen Charlotte Islands. Prince Rupert Land BeglstraUon District in the Province of British Columbia, for the sale of beer by the glass or by the open bottle for consumption on the DATED st Prtnee rtupert, B.C.. this 15th day of February. lttS. OORDOS B. HA VIES, Applicant. -GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT. MITIf'L' Oi' APPLICATION fOR ISEEK Lit r,i: Corner Fulton and Sixth Ave. SAVE THE COPPERS Sugar, Granulated, 10 lbs. . . 7:lr Milk, any brand, per tin li!f Tea Malkin's Rest, lllue Ribbon, or Nabob, Ib 7()r) Bulk Tea Excellent quality, per lb ."lie) Coffee Great West, Malkin's Rest. Nabob, Ib (,- Coffee Fresh Ground, per lb. 11)0 Creamery Uulter, per lb. -I.'lf-Hlf :t lbs. in one block $1.2.1 Salt Pork, per Ib, 84 lbs. for i):tf Tomatoes, large tins, C for . . OSr1 Pineapple, Singapore, 7 for Canned Fruits, assorted, : (orHD? Soap, Fein Naptha, per bar . . 8r? Kuyal Crown Soap, per curton Fresh line Green VeRetnblcs every bout at attractive prices FRESH MILK AND f REAM IN I R1GIDAIRE THE DAILZ NEW3 Thursday, m r ii WESTHOLME WORKMAN IS KILLED AT THEODOSIA ARM FOWBLL RITXR, March 1. Oeorg McKay a brldgmin, warting at Theodo-a!a Arm. was killed when struck by a line from a donkey engine and thrown off the bridge. Market Prices Prices current are as follows: LAIIU Purs 2ftc Compound 20o EGOS B.C. Fresh pulleU 40c B.C. fresh firsts 45c BX. Freah, extras Local new laid tl Ml Smoked kfppers. lb Kippered salmon, lb Smoked black cod. lb 50c 65c 16c Tic 20r Finnan baddies, lb. :' 25c MBATr) Re-Certlflcate of Title So. HU I tn tt . five (6) and six ). Block nineteen t Aprioota, valid objection as to am be made to in writing. 9. THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY. 7 and 9 p.m. beorge Sidney and in Charles Murray "Hie Life of Riley" A real laugh provider. SAM HARDY, STEPHEN t'ARR, EDWARDS DAVIS. RERT WOODRUFF. MYRTLE STEDMAN. JUNE MARLOWE and others. COMEDY LARRY SEMON IN "THE STUNT MAN. PARAMOUNT NEWS Admission 35c and 10c COMMANDER DIAZ OF ITALY DIED YESTERDAY ROME. March 1 Marhal Armando Diaz, commander of the Italian army in the world war, died y,-.-, tenia aged 87 from influenre cornpli u'.ei with Kraft Llmberger. Me ' OnUriu solids 30 New Zealand solids 200 Stilton, lb 40C Kraft ... 43c Norwegian Ooat CM! Nftpotaua Uinberger 70t Roquefort 7S: Swifts' BrookfieM. lb 46s Oorgutiaot. lu. 75c I McLaren's Cream. Jar . . . 44a and SV Brookfleld Swiss cheese. H lb. pkg. 99c Brook field Canadian cheese. lb. pkg. Oruyere 45c Golden Loaf, lb 45c Jack. th. Ste Romano Sardo. Ib 75c Oammelost. lb. Ot 8KIAB White, per 100 I7J6 Yellow, per 100 I6.TC I LOC K Flour. 40 s. No. 1 bard wheat I2.T If j rasiry iiour. lu s soc pastry flour, 9 tzo VLUKTAIILL'H Bsete. 5 Ib. for 3 Beets, sack M.W Carrou. new. g lbs. for 3ee Carrou. sack tlM Potatoes, a lbs lie Sack IIS Parsley, bunch 16c Cauliflower. B.C.. bead 44c California head lettuce Mr Oarllc. imported, per lb 40e Spanish onions, per lb Me Leeks, bunch Me California celery, head 10c- at 1ST FowL No. 1, lb SSc and 40c j Splnsch. local. Ib. Roasting ehlckea. H 45c Ham. sliced, first grade 50c Item, whole, first grade 36c Mam, picnic, lb 22 Uc BJC Cabbage. Ib 6c Cooking onions. 5 Ib. for 35c Turnips. lbs for 3 per sack 6140 Cottage rolls, lb 2i ' Brussels Sprouts, per Ib. Bacon, hack. stloM 6Vc Hothouse Rhubarb, Ib. . Bacon, awe Soc to 60c' I HUT Pork. My salt Stx Oranges. Valencia, down Aimhlrs haeon. Ih iSe Lemcns. Bunklst. dnoan . 30B 40c to 114b 0c and 89t ' Veal. shouMer 25c Imperial Valley OrapefrulV. . . 2 lor 36 I Vssi. loin 40r Florida grapefruit, each lie . L . Ve1' Bananas. 3 Ib See NOTICE m Is v hereby given that on .w the aoulder i., . ,., , , 2a. Bxtrscied lb, 36r lSh day of March nert. the undersigned honey, ntends to apply to the Liquor Control Pork, loin 4uc , Bed grapes, lb .. Sot Board (or s licence in respeat of the's, . 1 nt, Knr a ik for 'M- 1 oremltsa belnt part of the bolldlna () ' known as Fort Clements Hotel, situated &' pot roast tac to 20c ' BauUna. bulk, per Ib Ik . Da. -. - tar ..mmm tlM 1.ML n , t , . n . ... m . . - . . . ,M,r deaerlbed as lot No. 8. Bloek 44. Sub- - .. k " . . , . , fin I division of Lot 74. Oueen Charlotte U- 10 California layer figs, per brick 26c 30c .. land District. Mso No. I07S. Prtnee Bu- Beef, roast, prime rib 22c California Dainty Dates, package .. 3a I0 nert Land Beclstrat'on District. In the luk .k,.. uw, s..k- -r Roquefort chee-e. ib. mt i '- s'TJ2i t-: zz -z::":::: Ha. nc, UOnronzoia L-neee. IU lop j bottle fnr eonsumntton on the orembe Mutton, leg 40c Bxtra fancy I4M, Limbunrer Cheese, p-r brick .".r "l" y 01 "onar- lmb. leg 48o Bcme Beauties, fsncy J6 We have a complete line of BBTDONX i.orne tinouey. Mutton, chops , 40a1 Extra fancy Cheese always in ntock. I Mutton shoulder 0o,yeiiow Newtons All Ml,t "tKMw- I. GAMULA. Proprietor Fifth Street. l'honc 20H varrv av Grocery IHTltR BrookfieM. Shamrock and Woodland. lb 50c B CD . Ib 60c Capitol. 2nd grade, lb 45c "C" grade MJ0 ncy M.76 Extra fancy 4.00 Wlneaops. "C" grade MM Fancy 56.75 Extra Fancy .6tM Fraaer Valley. Ib. . 55c Havel oranges 40c to tlou Mew Eealsnd, in bulk 46c I IKI ITS prints 50c Lemon and orange peel 30c Alberta Creamer) 45o Citron peat free CIII.KSK i Black cooking figs, 3 lb 36c Camembert cheese, g'ot pkg 65: White figs. 3 Ib Ha - -MCurranta. 8 lbs M NOTICE. lApplea M Peaches, peeled 36c lb .Ma section six !). Primes. 90-100. 4 -lbs 38c erttflcaU oi Tl Mo 30011 to V' V", .. Lots seventeeu 1171 snd elshtaen lo- oox 610 (18), Block twenty-elk (30). six SMCUon , nvnm, 0-70. ib ioe tle-Oertlllcste of Title Bo. SOU I to Lot I " '" nineteen ui. Black ten (10). Bse-i 40- 25c tlon seven 7i U Ib. bos 16.75 Re-Certlflcate oi Title No. 2647 I to Lot rami pmn nosn halves n Ih " oae forty-three 1 4s . forty-lour (44) and ; "P'"T. forty-flve (48i. aiock twentv-eeven H " bos 6M J37k Section cilht (6). Olty of NUTS Whereas proofof wmof the above 1 Almouu ,neUl Valenelas oc GMtiriraltM nf Tlllm 'lasksaaaMi let ha mosvu. B...ll. saa ten fkld In ttaU k.M 11 . ia. v va of Ira 46t E. si. kUhou. natiiuii. hu nmm Racon. Swiff. Premium, back. "?m ..Jj- exmrsLliai , , wuuu! ea special per lu l-rnc" Picnic Hams, per lb.. from the date ut tluf first Dubllcatlon . Alnntula . . !2I0 in ' Pesnuta cvics. stneuy iresn. s uox. si.ib wnincim VEGETARLE SPECIAL 10 Ib. Carrots 10 Ib. Turnips 10 lb. Potatoes (Ashcroft) 4 lb. Onions JSC 30 unlets in the meantime , Hanchurten walnuta 25r DATXO at the Land Registry Office. Prince Bupsrt. B.C. H Wis era IN PRORATE Janursy, l Tlffrsl PKCMi: roFuT Of HUITISII lOI.IMIIIA In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Sidney Scott Marnh. Doettttd. InteataU. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His a. toe 14th day of February. AD IU3B. 1 was appointed Administrator of trie estate of Sidney Scott Marsh, deceased, and all part lei having rlalmx niimt the said eatete are hereby mnilred tq furnish same. properly verlfiwi i m on or before the 15th day of Marrh. AD 1828, anrt nil iwrllen Inrtoiiici !,, the eiitate are rr-mlrl In i, v 'iir iwnoimt of their m-(leltrtliieM.s to m,- f.,rthwlth NOlUIAN A WATT California walnuts 40c No I mtaed nuts 35c New fllberta jse li:tii k . ' i t-i 0 lbs. wheat. N0if.:r..:.y.:r:.... 6ijoi M.79j u" 62.00 snorts $3.10 Middlings 2.60 Barley a.76 Poultry mash 13 .go Speclsl eggmasb 13.0a Oyster shell $2.30 Scratch food ,. 13.50 Heer scrap j.oo ' Ground oil cake $4.36 Bsby chick feed 14.24 Pine oat chops 12,95 Crushed oats j 95 j ruie onriey cnop 62.90 O'ficlnl Adnilnln'riitor j Whole corn Pi iiiop RiiM'rt n ' Odtni th i.V!. !iy of Febriarv. AD 63.30 frsoked corn 19 an WWII SS ' lll'l I II Bl W II' 1 'IIIUDII i mm Weekend Snedak ATTENTION! OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOME. Our mail order department will fill Khip;, at prices quoted herein, up to Wednesday, Man h ',' exception is where any line is sold out. In oih. r extend our Week-end Specials to the following , , shippinir accounts. No packing charge, nor c.u ia, or station. FRESH MEATS AND FISH Extra Fancy White Plymouth Rock Chid, Fresh killed, stock weight over. 7 lbs. each, of these birds arriving from the interior on Thtn To introduce this line, which should command a 10c lb. over any line ever shown here, we will at per Ib These young cockerels are nearly an huge u - i REEF Sirloin Steak. Ib :t(p Round Steak. Ib tTr Shoulder Steak, ib. 17 V, p Pot Roast, lb I Or Rump Roast, Ib -."c Prime Ribs Reef Rolled, lb. iVit LAMH Loin Chops, Ib. : 50r) Shoulder Chops, Ib. ... 10c Shoulder Roast, Ib Leg Roast, lb. I.'f PISH Holland Herrings, keg .$10 Digby Chicks, box I."r Salt Cod. 2 Ib. brick . . .'Or EGOS I'Oiih Lei' I cia-l, lit. 1,'n.i Ho.i t, Hi Shoulder Uon1 Piikled hide, Ii, VKAf. Shoii'iler lloasl. i Slewing Veal. II, Veal Steak, l!. Veal Cutlets. I', HSU Fresh Cod Fillc ' Fresh llulibu,. 1 Fresh Crabs. 'J : Fresh Sln imp-. I Smoked Kippi i -. Finnon lluddi, i Smoked Black r PROVISIONS 100 lb. Smoked Rack Bacon, per lb. The above price is very low, and doe not . smaller than half of the original strip. Averu with wrapper on is 4 lbs. en V I, 2'i ;ih l , r,. B.C. Fresh Pullets. 3 doz. I s, n SI. 00 B.C. Fresh Firsts. 3 dos. S !.!." R.C. Fresh Extras, 3 doz. IJUTTER SI.U5 Capitol CBBsmery Prints, lb. Ific 3 lbs Maid of Clover Creamery, in bulk lour fii" iilKKS!-. McLan ii M Oh i I.-.- Taffuiost. I II.. 1 1 Norwegian (ioai. . Primula, 's Hi i Appctitost, 1 1 Hi : Gammdost, ' i ! Rouefort CIht Jai k Cheese, II, (iR0CKKIK8 Combination Canned Fruit Strecial 1 tin Del Mon(e Sliced Pineapple, regular 25c. 1 tin Libby's Crushed Pineapple, regular zhv. 1 tin Roaedale Sliced or Halved Peaches, regular 1 tin Rosedale Apricots, regular 26c. 1 tin Roaedale Rartlett Pears, regular 2." Extra Special, " tins for tl.'r Limit 10 tins to each customer. Pioneer Jam, par pail . . Your choice Strawberry, Raspberry, Pineapple, Blackberry or Black Currant. Ensign Jelly Powder. Strawberry, Raspberry, Lemon, Orange sad Cherry. Special. 4 for 'S2( Evaporated Prune, 90-100. Special. 4 lbs IMf Limit 12 lbs. to each customer. Prices have advanced. Last call. Spcrry's Pancake Flour Or Peacock Buckwheat Flour Vith Jug Waffle Syrup for )t Malkin's Rest Ten Packed In handy canister. Reg. $1.00. Special .... H!c Howes' Mince Meat Per Ib We) This product is good. Dutch Maid Prvlu ' Thousand Island I 8 ox. MavonuiAe ln Sandwich Spread -Salad Dressing. - Sally Ann i It Special. 4 for Limit 8 to cadi Chocolate E New Stork, fie -I: per Ib. ... Combination Piikl, 1 Koyal Sire I , Pickles. Sou i 1 Bottle Tomv.t" ' 1 Bottle WorceMt i 1 Jar Libby's M i 1 Bottle Plain Speciul. 5 fur Eastern Township Maple Stiuji Quart tin I4 gallon tin Gallon tin COMBINATION VEGETABLE SPECIAL 38 lbs. assorted, for SI. 00 10 lb. Terrace Turnips. 4 Ib. Cooking i: 10 Ib. U. C. Carrots. 8 Ib. Spuds. 4 Ib. Red Beets. 2 Ib. Texas New We guarantee the quality of all these Vegetable Marmalade Oranges, dosen oOf Sunkist Oranges, 3 dos. SI. 00 California Grape Fruit, 3 for urr Yellow Newton Apples, 3 lbs. !Mfj Per box SiL5 Chula Vista heads, per lb-Fiwh Tomatos. II Ileud lA-ttuce. e.n Sweet Potatos, 2 I Fresh Spinach, -Large Csullflowei Fresh Rhubarb. H New Texas Cab1' Ruoert Table u 11 Phones 210, 211, HI 12 si ' t;' to. tv 10, Dply All Sweaters, Mackinaws, Wind Breakers REDUCED 15 PER CENT RUIIIIERS. sizes G and 7. regular $2.25, now Shoe Sale Continues. Every pair must no. THOR JOHNSON