PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS -i The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIi Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. l'ULLEN - - - Managing Editor. 'I I L3 -8 9lrew -jr-jS DAILY EDITION INTEKEMTIVU CCKEMONY WEEK HAZELTOH. Aug. 10 Bev T. H. Wrsgt.t. B-A... tbe newly appointed mln-lMrr of the pentersl charge of HaaelUw in the Prince Rupert Presbytery, took Church. Mew Haaelton. Bev. J. K. Bewltk B-a... s former pastor of Cumberland. B C and Dr H C. Wrlncb of Haaelton, wen commissioned by tbe Prebytery to conduct tbe proceedings, and to induct Mr. Wright to tbe pastoral charge of Haaelton and adJolnlUE territory which be la to cover. Mr Hewitt outlined tbe steps leading up to tbe appointment and stated that it was a pieasure to visit bis former charge and meet the friends of former years, and it was an added pleasure and honor to be prise ut at tbe induc tion of Bev T. H. Wright. B. A be bad favorably known for sob Be said tfcat Mr. Wright took bis tteotoglral course of swadhi in "Wsw-lysn Tbeologteal OoDege Mentreal. at tbe ssme time taking uoslieis la FMk-acby la MoOUl OMverslty. Ooasing to British Columbia In 1MB be osnttnued bis Arts work in connection with Queen's University, riiigstoii Out. On tbr organisation of tbe university of British Columbia Mr. Wright transfer-red his undcrgradturie standing in aits from Queen's to that of Oi.C and after a (our years' coarse m residence he received the dsgnw of Bachelor of Arts from that institute of learning. fillAIK'.m: Or" Those four yean' coulee of study In British Columbia were tabtn while Mr. Wrtrh; bad charge of a pastorate In Vancouver. 1) r his ministry Bev. Mr. Wright bat been pastor of Sidney. Vancouver Island. Jubilee. B.C.. where parsonaKes ere built under his super vision and where the Churches were soon put upon a self-supporting basis. His last two cbarges were Beacoufletd Vancouver, and Howe Bound, where he has Just completed a tour-yean pas torn- . For seven yean Mr. Wright was JrurnaJ Secretary of Oonlercnoe and for several yean Financial Secretary of the District. H-v Mr Wright put tbe necessary qumi''in to tbe pastor elect and gave the charge to tbe minister Afterwards he was duly inducted into the pastoral chare" and Introduced to the official of the church and members ol the congress i.;jim Aiuutt'HK of lvnxmii Dr H C W iir . MPT . a v,-v spprprw.e nflcin-n. m n v.f.-im- to the pst-r M l ' W- ! im Re- If air. Wright to the pulpit. He wovl-gft appropriate messages, and It ww important that the minister give tb message of truth concerning man h bis relationship to God. We welcome Kr. Wright to our home Here be could ret acquainted with tb problems and difficulties, the Joys anf HAZIXTON AT sorrows of tbe people and thus woui this be able to act as a true abepberd tc the Hock. We welcome Mr Wright to the earn munlty and social activities of tbe lo clitlei where be Is called to labor." He wished lor Uz and Mrs. Wrigh-:he highest success in tbeir new nelr place las; stendsv evening in tbe United i of lsbor anil urged all present to male ;hls success possible by a spirit of loyalty and co-operation. Loyalty in at ending regularly the means of grsc ard active co-operation by suppettts: the rsrloua benevolent enterprises of tb. church. C H Bawle. of the Omlneca Herald. Kc Haaelton and John Jfewlck. Ba-. -el ton. on behalf ol the two churches tr.troduosd Mr. and Mrs. Wright to tb people Tbe ladles ol tbe church served re reshmeats Tbe young ladies of tb churcb lad tbe community singing an i Jsaa Burnt sang a sole with ton ing efloet. After spending a social bou: be )iriK iiriUngp ctaeed witb tbe Nation Antbem. H i ' Man in the Moon Good day, ;n usual t'li Esiox Six A fulks. This la really very Just listen to "Opportunity-Tbe campaign manager states: If you rustle bard you'll get the prise M s failure for him who waits. Ramsay MacdaRaM. tbe labor Inner is much more candid then many of bis followers iflat la what differentiate) tatesman from a politician. Nature never Intended people to pat themselves on the back It Is deer from Ute way the arms an bung, yet seme people are going It all tbe time. What pussies a baseball player is bov. a golfer can play bis game without s Jeering audience. Because s man is drain (I In tor crtam clothes is no indication that he can play tennis. Prince Rupert 1 changing. Instead ol (iidrl)ig whether to buy an outboard mctor or a nmall cabin cruiser, tbe !icl of the In mil j today won Sera whe ther In hivet In s lord, r Chevrolet or SALADA! very un-:i ses. Put up by a great organization, specializing only In tea. Result better tea at a low price. Brown Label Quality, 80c per lb., in Black, Green and Mixed Blends. Orange Pekoe Blend (all black tea), 85c per lb. MOVIE STAR TO COME FOR FAIR TEX YOI NO. HEM. KNOWN COW llOY M'KKEN hT Alt. WILL I'EUtOipi IS III II.IHNW til YMIK CONC EKH-lONK The nlr Boom, at it retular weekly meeting Thursday night with U. P. Mc- Caflery. she president, in the chair, decided to bring Tex Young, well known diminutive and bow-legged iter In eow- ber moving pictures, from Hollywood to perform rope stunts and monolgues in tbe building on nights during Fair Wees A cleg dance and patstr vaudevullan will also be brought here In addition to tbe many other attractions that are being planned. The board decided to place facilities for concession in front of tbe building this year Instead of at the back. Ar and her dreams seemed to come true! For one '. brief moment the pot of gold at the end of the j rainbow ttws hers, and then .... San Francisco disaster had left Cherry an orphan in infancy THE without a trace of her pedigree. And forever there was uppermost in her mind the searing thought that, perhaps, she was Dan, the garbage man, had found her after the earthquake, wandering about the debris, in her little nightgown, crying for her "mama"! He took her home and amidst the unlovely surroundings of the city's poorest district, Cherry received her first improteions of life and its muiy intriguing ramifications. But although Dan drove a garbage wagon, he saw to it uiat the garbage did not taint hie home, and Cherry merged into young womanhood with a keen sense of right and wrong. Naturally, she was lacking in the outward manifestations of poise and culture, but a certain innate refinement, a part of her pre-natal equipment, no doubt, would always come to h.r rescue. It was this same inherited "spark" that had appealed so strongly to Dick, the' young and spoiled scion of the aristocratic Berrengcrs. Obviously she did not belong to iiis smart set, but he always got what he wanted and so they were wed. After the first year of rapture, Cherry was too absorbed in the care of her new treasure, young Berrenger the Third, to observe her husband's deflection. Baby's advent had helped to span the social gulf existing between the Berrenger family and "the garbage man's daughter" and all went well until a cheque for a small sum, and endorsed by Cherry, had been discovered "raised" to a considerable sum . . . and the blame fell on her shoulders! Stunned at the injustice of the accusation. Cherry's eyes sought Dick's for protection but he ignored her appeal and remained silent And, like a flash, Cherry read "Guilt" written all over him ! But she loved this coward, her husband, and she just could not disillusion his trusting parents, so she . packed up her things and fled ! Yes, she started off with her bright-eyed boy, but at the very thought of denying little Contents for September WHAT MY BUDDY COULDN'T FORGET STRANGE BONDAGE I WAS A DOCTOR'S WIFE CCSS LOVE EXCUSE ALL? FLYERS' WIVES SUPREME SACRIFICE RESTLESS WINGS WHEN A WOMAN LOSES HER TEMPER LOVE IN THE WILDERNESS MAY HE NEVER SEE WHAT A CRAZY OLD WOMAN TOLD ME . 'At LOVE WORTH THE PRICE? THREE LOVES JUDGE NOT LEST YE BE JUDGED AND SEVERAL SPECIAL 'FEATURES ON THE AIR TRUE STORY MAGAZINE, Mth Street and Broadway, New York City, U.S.A. I want to take advantage of your special offer. I enclose herewith $1.00 (one dollar) for which please enter ray name on your mailing list to receive (4) issues of TRUE STORY MAGAZINE, beginning with tbe September number. (If you prefer -to examine the magazine before subscribing, siamysy mail us S3 cents and we will send you a copy of tbe September issue at once). NAME. STREET. CITY PROV. Every Friday Night 9 to 10 Eastern Standard Time rangements wen also made for employees at tbe building during Fair Week. ROSS BROS. IN NEW BUILDING Hne w Urui turv ;n Rwond Atrnue . Urll AljHiitrcl .and, Miltantlul In Every lle.t. Snond Avenue neur the corner of Hard tables now In use Saturday Features of Some of the tables are and all will be reedy by the bunding, which Is SIMM tmrj rrer smlswvt mw4 Ills. CUr: t SWsBJwr WOR VVNAC WEAN WMAC WGHP WMAQ ! SEPTEMBER CANADIAN Saturday, The Greatest Newsstand Sale in the World otherwise aptetxTKUy -appointed in every respect, include washroom, lavatory and public telephone. There Is a half-slse concrete floored basement in which a heating system will t later Uistsilea MUNICIPAL INSPECTOR AND MASONIC HEAD TO PAY VISIT TO RUPERT Robert Qalrd of Vancouver Inspector Ro Z hsrU UkVn occupation i'L nd nM Mm' of lumbla. will pay a visit to the cltv aiv, " of Blsth Second svenur near tbe corner ., Street with their of Taxi, billiard hall and cigar store business. There sre five Dool tables, one of which Is new. . nv. y wceji u insiog a trip to Dawson and Atllp and will arrive from the north next Wednseday. That aLdwo brand'new bll-' the C. W. Homer, provincial awewor. veeterdey aftemooi on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Aiivok and blew- handsomely finished, well lighted and un on official dutlts. An " : fgag-ttssg - , . - - SjeZ-ZZ&--- S ' Ju . ; . . : HARVESTER EXCURSIONS Grevious complaint has bewi made locally at the running of har vest excursions from this part of the province just at a time when men are badly, needed here to take care of the ffrh harvest. It pointed out that the salmon fisfcinn- business here is purely a seasonal one just as the harvest on the prairies is seasonal. By delaying the harvest trains a couple of weeks from this point, the locai work would be completed and no hardship to local employers brought about. We all realise the seed of ma in the harvest fields, but there was no great rush on the part of the Government to put on their harves' excursions from Great Britain where there are plenty of idle men who would benefit immeasureably from the opportunity to work. Instead of that they try to induce men to go from here where they are needed for a week or two longer. Even a few days delay would make a great difference here. It seems if the dates arranged for the excursions have been set without thought of the possible injury it might do to the premier industry of Northern British Columbia. 01TIM1ST1C FEELING There is a feeling of optimism shown here in many quarters which seems to indicate not only that there will be a prosperous autumn but that there will be a general improvement here from this time on. It is pointed out that, so far as this autumn is concerned, the Seal Core mill is working steadily, the Billmor mill is being erected and will noon be in operation and particularly that the resul tof the shipbuilding operations at the Drydock will produce an autumn payroll which will be moat beneficial to Prince Rupert. Then there is a pretty good fishery season, so far as lower grade salmon is concerned. These are the chief immediate prospects but others may develop. The prospect for more grain shipping i good and if this proves to be correct it will mean more ships visiting here, more men employed at the elevator and more on the railroad. All this seems to indicate general improvement for the port which will make the coming wirrtei a better one than ha been seen for a number of years. REV. MR. WRIGHT IS INDUCTED tocomen rai(tn or Dicky the luxury and culture that were his heritage, she returned him to his nursery and with bleeotog heart and shattered dreams, Cherry silently passed out of their lives alone! What did she do? Where did she go? Did she- rr.lrn to the fetid atmosphere of the garbage wagon t Or, prchaac, W sew again find the pot of gold at the rainbow's end? AH these questions arc answered in "SHATTERED DREAMS", which appears in TRUE 8TOFY MAGAZINE for September . . . now on the newistendt. You will be astounded and thrilled at the soiotion and will find difficulty in keeping back the elusive tears of jay at 'the triumph of right over wrong ! $24000 In Prizes Cor True Stories Eacn year True Story Magazine pavs many thousands, of dollars to its readers for stories taken from their lives. Jo your life, probably, there is a story for which we are willing to pay handsomely. This it the time to cash in upon it, for right now True Story it offering $24,000 in prizes, ranging from $200 each up to $1,000 each for true stories of the sort you have to ttlL You will find the full particulars in the September issue. Kg? (JOOI) FOR 10,000 EXTRA VOTES First Sulwcrlption Coupon Accompanied by the nomination blank and your l"s'ng cripUoji, tbULWUpon will start you in Uie race f "T nlflcent Dally News sifts with tUe jrraatl total of m-n-25.00trvotesr "This coupon my U ujefl 6ty once unl " only when jccompanJil Jd' a uLwcrlptttti remittance. Name of Subscriber '" Candidate's Name Amount Enclosed " This coupon will count 10,000 extra votes w''n of turned to the Campaign Manajier at the enmftalt?" """'f . the Prince Rupert Dally Newa, together with the fiM' scriptlon you obtain. It must be uoeompanled by and the subscription must be for n period of onr v,'lir longer. The 10,000 free votes are IN ADDITION to H"' llU" ber given on the subscription ns per the regulur vote