PAGE TWO TUB DAILY NEWS Mpnday, Novembi ews and Views In The World of Sport Mm I! SWORDFISH TRYING TO GET LOOSE FROM HOOK Aa action snapshot secured in New Zealand. These fish give spectacular displays in their to win their freedom. Both Montreal Hockey Teams Beaten Saturday Night when New York and Toronto Won TORONTO, Nov. 2G. The underdogs in the National Hockey League refuse to stay under. The New York Americans beat'the Montreal Canadiens at Montreal Sat- Maroons look bad in the Queen City by defeating them jn 6cqnd place. Leading the tnlii nnn i c t r rna U.-Vifri .... ftwma i.ujiv. ..-.-. i . sw "eavj-Ti8igni usi is lommy Ottawa antl Pfltroit payed a one-all tie in the Automo-i. bile City. i. ' SPORT CHAT Gene Fowler, boxing authority rates Knut Hanson as the best 1928 heavyweight with Johnny Risko, second, and Young Strib-ling, third, always omitting Gene Tunney, the retired champ. Jaek Sharkey he rates fourth and Paul- mi Uzcudun, fifth. Mickey Walker is given the best of the FOOTBALL PLAYER WEDS SCOITISH LADY Pretty Ceremony Saturday Eve-ning When Miss Jean Smart and James Miller Ross Unite Fortunes On Saturday evening at 7 p.m., 11 pretty wedding was solemnized, Rev. P. McAllister officiating, vhen Miss Jean Smart, an arrival .A a few days ago from Dalheith, Scotland, became the bride of James Miller Ross, well known .ootball. player and employee of he Canadian Fish and Cold Stor-:? Conapany. The bridf looked very pretty in hite crepe de chine and veil of white tulle and orange blossoms ,(ar-i!"- n 1 nun net of red rose. The bridesmaid was Mrs. Angus McDonald in powder blue crepe de chine and carrying a bouquet of pink carnations. Two sweet little train-bearers were Miss Elizabeth Wood and Miss Ella Murray in pink crepe die chine and carrying bouquets bride and groom, who were the recipients of many beautiful gifts, will reside at 163 Seal Cove Circle. SCORERS IN BASKETBALL! (Senior League) C. Robertson, Kincolth 28 C. Manning, Eagles . 2t Mabel--Very reluctantly, I be lt. ntcbeii. i'iayers Club .'i. ZG'rJImer Smith, Kagles & lieve P. Howard, Player's Club .... 25 Tom Kelsey, Player's Club ... 25 T- Stewart. Kincolith 25 R. Sankey, Port Simpson H MaiHorm I'nrt Slmnuin 24 23 iuKa arc; wmerweigniS, lOUng P A UrrMt Pr 3lmn.An ? r t. n in x Chicago earned their first point yesterday by tying , u , ? ,T J- McNulty. Sons .... 19 Kt& i SS SrS".:::: S failing to break the tie. lightweights, Sammy Mandell, George White, Port Simpson . 10 New York Rangers, downed Pittsburgh at Madison Zv LT ?; GttrriCLh' Ntive Son8 10 Morifan' "onejrbly r r I ' m. Trirabl, Kincolith ...... 9 fiardpn tmiU nnthinn- nnarP twn in square UaiOen tWO goals tO notmng. FInhegan; bantamweights, Bishy Dido Gurvlch, Native Sons ... 9 ' - -- Graham, Al Brown; feather- Eddie Smith. Plavr'a 'Club ... fi : weights, Tony Canzoneri, Benny B. McDonald, Native Sons ... 5 UHMTIMr D ADTV imnaer of the B,ue Navl- Baas; flyweights, liiy Schwartz,, H. McCallum, Native Sow. ... nUllllllU liliAl I !Ft,on Co- u- u- Gordon, who is t rankle Genaro. V. Menziet, Native Sons engaged in the wholesale hard- EDflM 1 A mrATllf UD wae & sporting goods business; 1 11U1T1 TiUlbUU Thll ami H. Rendell arrived from the are re as as follows: follows: M. Budinich, Native Sons Events scheduled for the week E- Ratchford, Native Sons ., !D. Musjfrate. Port Simoson .. outh on the Catala yesterday af- Mondav ftnni.rhnF.ik- Whi-t W. Umbie. Playera Club .... nurint. Men From the South to edTnhe Prince ' R?J3 Iff. !.urnameDt !j S"WS4hr; u ? RnnnH PU In ni f . ! V? ""J. Crlbbage League: L. n 0. L. vs A. Cross. Player's Club 1 deir' Birds on Islands 7 Z. . . . UI BlIe OODS VS J. ii.l' niwvmii Princess, Captain Frank Tyler, for Operators; P. R. Hotel vs Moose; the Queen Chnrlotte Islands. Ac- r W v Mhanlc. VB . rw s,,.,. -k mm . . ..... . t'tCVUOlllia LUI "throatemy" - says O 0- Wowifctf "Vhen the nervous strain of stage work overtakes me,I find much pleasure and relaxation in a Buckingham cigarette, because it is mild and is not injurious to the vocal cords." Norman I lack ctt, worU-famout Canadian actor. 2p Jter$Lw I HOME TINS NO COUPONS ALL QUALITY . ... ,H fVIV VVUI Oft, V jiuiiiinc rAprmuuii, a party oi hi v. i ne expeaiiion is aue oacK na,ii4 t ancouver men consisting of on hriday and its members ... irvthedral I n Rory M. Maitland of the brok- w1l sail that nlgW by te Car- PrJn.e nopert. 0en" " inC,r rCWrn l J. Van": Tuesday-Basketball: i i V. m L itic.Jtiiiii u i v:uui l Mil le .I v eouver. v. K. vs League. Players' Club vs Port sen-e vs High School, Big Four ts Toe H. Moose knockout whist. Wednesday First Division Billiards: Grotto vs Grand Terminals. Thursday Second Division Billiards: Grotto vs Grand Ter minals. Whist League: Grotto vs Lief Erickson; Moose vs New Era-press Club; Seal Cove vs St. George's; Knights of Pythias, bye. Friday Basketball : Senior League, Native Sons of Canada Maple Leafs vs Drill Team; Junior, Colts vs High School. R. C. N. V. R. rifle range. Evidently there was plenty of fun at Victoria rpcpntlv whn jVic Foley, and Tommy Fielding I put on what was meant a (10-rgunS battle. There are,dlf ferent'oplnfons of what happened. 'There is unanimity In the camp 'of Jack Allen at least. "They just flim-flammed us and that is all there's to it," is the verdict from the Cavalry Club crowd. "The 'wound' exhibited, by Field-ing could not possibly have been made by a boxing glove," one man declared, "It was a two-inch scratch nd no glove could (Indies League iMunatorUMaeuinietanaMi- companylng the party to the is- Grotto v Xew Kmre CIub.!L. Ixwe. Maple Leafs 15 u ni-rmw on a goose ana quck lanas was nuoert ward or this Cnnadi.n ItWnn v R.aiM iMay NW Maole Leafs 14 Retfjnent Irvine.' IriU Team ,TU r riizell. Drill Team Helen Sim, Drill Team Senior iBue ddle, Maple Lr . l.urvich, Drill Team ."tViJI- n. K'ora Hmitk Mania TMlfa R. Manh. Drill Team D. Morrison. II. S. R. Sommers. C. N. R. .... 1? Julia Wallers, Maple Leafs j. M. Thompson, Maple Leafs . . . M. Gilchrist, Maple Leafs .... (Intcrmediite League) II. Mai.'onald, II. S 42 II. McCallum, Ragles' 32 J. Underwood, Toe II 28 A. Cross. H. S 25 F. Dingwell, Bagles .25 B. McDonald, Bugles 24 G. How.-, R. C. N. V. R 20 Fred Mi Donald, R.C.N.V.R. ..19 E. DinyrwelL Eagles ........ 19 vs Port Simpson; Intermediate, !w- Wrathall. DlK Four ;...... 17 Big Four vs C. N. R.; Ladies' iE- Ratchford, Big Four If Fddie Smith. Toe II 1 scratch a man In that manner." Then along comes Cic Gravlin sports editor of The Colonist, and declares it was very much like tfieMbrk otja gloveJndeed. "Sev en reputable doctors," Vic as serted, Vxamined Tommy anC they wen- unanimous in the verdict that it could not possibly have been anything but a foul blow that caused the Injury. Do you suppose that men who stand high in the medical profession would stake their reputations on such a thing if they were not strictly on the up and upT" ET3 NORWEGIAN HFAYVWEIOHT "CONTENDER W. Bagshaw. R.C.N.V.R. G. Dyer, R. C. N. V. R. . . . . B. Stalker, H. S., F. Burdett, Toe H. '..'..). B. McKay, C. N. R. . .:. J. W. Murray, Eagles ...... George Hjlls, Big Four J. I of carnations. The groom was to Paulino Uzcudun, Spanish heavyweight. n, a -yUious supported by Alex Strachan. - i battle at Madison Square" Garden. Thfa Wa-'tMeote After the ceremony a reception Ifessional debut on this continent. " ' was held at the home of Mr. and j . Mrs. Angus McDonald, which was i " " , attended by many friends. The! A. Styles, C. N. R 12 M. Conudina, C. N. R D. Stalker, C. N. R 10 Fred Cameron, C. N. R 2 Eddie Smith. Big Four 10 jF- Morrison, Toe II 2 D. Stalker. Big Four .'.' 8 i D- S0"- 8 2 J. Pierce. R.C.N. V.R. .......... 8,E- Rrtson. Big Foar 2 J. Harris Trw H 9 J- Scott. H. S 2 6!F. Boulter, R. C. N. V. It. q w. coiitnaon, Toe II. !(' 1 1 ( n. i r vine, n. . , . . i V. . . J. McNulty, Big Four 1 Helen So ry,i nw by's a 4 Scotchman J. Johnaon. Kincolith ..... i. 65 Lou si Astori, C. N. R. ...... -Ztlierr How doe lie treat nmft'BiRviru 1 1.1 ' INBIG FIGHT fo-Mcet Eddie Mcf., Next Week and Im TrainK ''''Ilard for Contest Peopl who thougV R. 1 vich cB)b home for a hi.'uj mistaken. He came home I nd already at it He . 1 ing for the biggr t f , ' of his career to take i !u on Tuesday of next wc i The man who i$ r I is Eddto McGo y of . j mer prrng p 'rtnrr lone, a man who foun ! battles. He is 1C2 j j rand a Worthy antag ri " "ability. If hemak. -s ; Otto Von Porat, Norwegian 1Uav have e" -10-round ieiirfn's pro- self as a fighter cf The basement of 'V building has been x temiorary gymnasium tommodatlon of 'uc the workouts will take every evening at 7 t' . WANTED SIZE YOt'NGQ M.K.S. relates: 'M W nleee was in a a - pair was being t .; Shewlggled her tn ' nside them for a rn hen,' looking dubicu-. : are owful big I wear a size sur.s Transcript. ' : Proclaimed to the world as the gift that rings true A feift that is to be a constant reminder of the fclyer imut bo dependable. The SheafTer Lifetime pen, unconditionally guaranteed for a lifetime, has taken. an outstanding place nmonfc the world's commercial masterpieces because it is dependable. And so vritK'tht SheafTer Titan pencil. Doth are built like magnificent pieces of fine machinery. Iridium and Waipalumiii are almost precious metals skillfully used in theif exacting constructipn. TW , arp, enduring reminv brances beautiful Jlft 6f the ,dvcnmihatin6 fcmr. Oi Ium4 -Ly.ll" pn. II0) J57J. (Mm l At better itortt retry whtrt SHEAFFEP'S 'PENS. PCNCLSSKRIPy oo HlONT ST. WEST, TORONTO Mm Shaeffer Pens are sold by ROSE, COWAN & LATTA, LIMITED STATIONEItS AND PRINTERS, THIRD AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT, . C