I! November 26, ISM ITIim Kupert. IU;, lluUdalr, Alert May, flu, SCALE -OP -'CHARGES The following is the scale of charges made for reading notices Birth Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks, $2. Funeral Nolfces, $1. Fpneral Flbwes 10c per name. Marriage and Engagement announcements $2. 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Big 4 Taxi, tf Dentist. Dr. J. It. Gosse. 'hone C80. Butler 15c lb, 'Milk $5.23 case, all Hrrtnds at MURO BROS, tf. MwWjiyHMChis period-T'cai business trips to Prince George and other interior jioints. ! Mrs. J. H. Byrne, who has been ,in the city receiving medical treatment; returned by this morning's train to her home in Smith-ers. ( 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS ! i Women of Moose heart Legion Whist Drive and Dance, first Friday of every mouth. Kupert Bant United MCh-'rch Baar, November .20. 1 , ,,,,) St. Andrew's Day Scottish Dance, Moose Hall, .November 30. St. Andrew's Society Auxiliary Sale of Work, December 4. UnitedChure.b. Bazaar,. Decem ber Cr- Prince . Rupert Players' Club prtmenta. The.,SiivIng Grace" at the Capital TWatre, December 10 and 11. 1 Canadian Legion Christmas Tree Saturday, December 22 from 2 30 to 5 pun. A Tickling In Her Throat For Years Mm. Petr Johnaon, Tort AllxrnJ. B.C., writa: "I had been troubled lor year with a tickling in my throat every time I would lie down, and at night I woukl cough so I rould not sleep, and could hartily do my work. I would cough uctil I would vomit. "I heard of Dr. Wood's Norway ! Pino, j Syrup I rtd after the fint bottle I had no more (Might ami now I tu never without B j botUo of 'Dr. Wood's' in the house." i Prire Vie. a bottle: large family kt ouc. ai an uruggwta ana dealers. Put up only by The T. Milburo Co-Ltd, Toronto, Out. Dr. Alexander riioM: 373 BKKNKK 111 OPK DENTIST EWART LYNE .. (PftinUt, Capitol Theatra) Teacher of Pianoforte Candidates prepared for Associated Board of the Royal Academy and Royal College of Music Examinations. 100 per cnt aueceM during th past thirty years. Studio: 2nd floor Federal Blk Phone Red 701 Tin? rr??M ttrrs . Local and Personal News In Brief A fifty Pent package of Kleiizo Shaving Cream and and a fifty cent package of Gillette Razor Blades both for 60c With each $1.00 box of LaClaire Fontaine writing paper, a package containing 134 Xmas seals and tags given free. Ormes Ltd. "Tfic Pioneer Druggists THinpAVLo SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES ft? 6 200 am HYDE TRANSFER AND COAL CO. Phone 580 JACKPINK AND CEDAR Single load $3.50 Double load $6.50 Large sack 50c COAL PRICES DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts. $11.25 Alberta Sootiest Large Egg $12-50 Alk'rtaptless.Egp; $12.00 Alberta lump . $13.00 ' Also all other classes of coal. Piano and Furniture Moving. Express and Baggage Jln(gV;W , 129 Second Avenue. , - 1 , Canadian National Hilt Largcfl Railway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE V.HIns fn.111 ritlNCT Kl'I'llKT lr VASIVEH, VllTIIKH, NE.ITTI.K. ana Intermediate point, earn I KIDAV. :00 am. lor M i:VUT and ANYOX, earl. M MINEMIAV, I0 p.m. I ..1 Vrtlfril AMI Mil 111 H:i: rilUll.OTTt: IfLAMi.S lortnlibtly. MHSKMItK TRAIN1 LEAVE NUMfE Ml'PllRT Inn MOVIMV. UlllMMiW and sATl KltW at 11:30 a.m. for I'KINf'E li:illi(ir.. MlMONTON. MINNimi, all pnlnla Eastern Caiuilx, I nlte.1 stale. ' Afll.NCV ALL OCEAN NTEAMOIIir LIN EH l'l Ticket Office. 528 Third Ave, Prince Kupert Phone 2f0. itCANAOUNJ ai nw 11 bj '.' B.C. Coast Steamship Services Sailings ff'om "Prince Rupert To KMrlilkan, Urantrll and Miasway l-iubr I. IS. IS. In VaiHi.uirr, VkturU and Mlll Norinlwr l, lircmilirr S, H. pKINfESS KOYAL l or Kulrdalr. Eat lUlla lUIU. Mrran I alL, Namu. Alrrt Kaj. (amiihrll Kltrr and Vanruff nrtj rrlday. It Ju. Atfiiry for all Xtranulilu IJnm. ru" Infnrmallon from W. .. OK( llRII. lnrml Arent, nrnrf nf 4th Htrfft anil Srd A.no. ftlnr Rnprft. Mn SI UNION STEAMSHIPS. LIMITED Ut ' Kalllnt Hailing from lot VA INnUIVKK. IDVrR. VH VHTOKIV flaauxin Tllnkfli. S.S0 p.m. Inr VAKI OIIVKR. VirTOKIA, Itnlf dale. Alert ha). rU, rrlilay mldulfht. tor ALICE ARM. ANVOV. MTKWAHI. H'AUW ISI.AM. rKI KI.MIU.N, NAAH Klt:it, Sunilar, 8 p.m. . . 123 !nil A.enae. a. M. HMlTII. AeU Ku ert.ll V Thry:h UekeU aeld mi Vhl.Hia and fiealUe, aad ba(kafe cherked llirniixh tu destination i 0 -s c r SRSJ tly Meat Market (SELVIG BROS.) 3rd Avenue 1 hone 765 MEAT. FISH. VEGETABLES ALL KINDS OF "NORWEGIAN PRODUCE" ? at low prices, and Immediate delivery Observe I All articles are of superior quality and absolutely frseh. Boxing Delcmber B. Dido Gur - vich vs. Eddie MeGooJy, ten r6unds in Moose Hall. " Tommy's, Taxi (Phone C71) an - nouneea tne placing of a second Dodge Sedan ear in business. tf Neither outstanding game In last wk first and second divis- ion billiard fixtures hve yet been playeu. ' Udmerket haar medisin tar vek F- J- Crossland M. E. of Van-flas. Stopper haar avfald og;Couver was a passenger aboard haaret begyndcr at gro. Mange tn Catala last evening going kumler ttlfrestilM Tellefon Bed through to Stewart where he is ( 720. 298 ! supervising operations on certain i mining properties. Westholme Tonight One b-ig! show, twenty reels. Two feature Capt. W- P. Armour, manager pictures, "Racing Blood," Two of tne I'rince Rupert Salvage & crackerjack comedies and news.Towhag Co., returned to the city reel. 86c and 10c. , For failing to stop the molar of his car while it was left unatten ded, Wong I was fined V, with the option of seven days' impris onment, by Magistrate McCI-mont in city police court this morning. T. II. Johnson, manager of the Canadian Fish Sc. Cold Storage Co., who has been on his annual business trip to centres in Eastern Canada and the United States, returned to the qity on last night's train. Arthur Shjlford of Wistaria, a promfnaat Conservative of the in terior and candidate for provin cial konoM n more than one oc- tnon i&yeca riding, arrived , in uie ciiy on me uataia yester- uay aiteraoon irom Vancouver and proceeded to the interior by this Zttril7Z4 the the recent recent meetin? meeting of of th the IWtl.h British Columbia Conservative Associat ion in Vancouver. 1 Union steamer Catala, Csyrt James FiadlayV arrived in port at i 4.80 yesterday afternoon from the I south and sailed at 8 p.m. for ! Anvnir filaui.rt a nl k ...fk ! ern points of call whence she will return here tomorrow morning and sail south at 3.30 p.m. Passengers aboard the Catala included: R. Fuller. G. S. Clark, Ron Maitland, C. S. Thicke, P. D.R .who has reigned teJ" lot" v 'e Gordon. II. Rendell, George Ay- pulpit, gave a brief review of . an nnK,,ihman. 7 iMt s .1 Parbinann Mia. To.n church work duHnr his two vear.' Wrta. He had been employed In Stalker, S. II. Pullan, Mrs. J. W Kilpatrick. A. Chilsholm, G. Gilbert, A. Shelford, Mrs. N. Bever- idge, T. A. Anderson and W. Armour, for Prince Rupert; Delmadge, R. II. Brooke, A. Maemillan, M. Betruaiak, F. Gardiner, Miss M. Donahue, S. Herrin and Carl Swanaon, for Anyox, and F. J. Crossland, for Stewart. INFORMATION WANTED Anyone knowlne" Ve. whore- about of CurtUnd Shwalbe frani; TliifrtAljl Alhat-la ' iJoifa. nvttrv : his crnndmotH'.' Mr Karniach, H0 Ninth Street, S. W., Pu'yhllUp. Wash. 278 1 1 There was large attendance at I the weekly Scandinavian dance J in the Metropole Hal! Saturday night. The event, as usual, ;Provei1 very' enjoyable. A. C. Maemillan of the Great West Life Assu ranee Co., Van- jcouver, wa8 a passenger aboard the Catala yesterday '- afternoon ',n throtfgh to Anjtfx on busi- i ness. on the Catala yesterday afternoon from a ten day business, trip to Vancouver. Mrs, Bev'eridgtf TtitrHfe to ittumttn from ifllliharnl Oi-an. " t ; whel-e she was called ori aceoant of the serious illness and sub-seqiient death of her "daughter Mrs. R. W. KreiU. G. S. Ciark, Vancouver lawyer, who is tMtotfating on behalf of the Vogeiback interests of Chicago and Loc Angeles for the purchase of the city hydro-electric utility,, arrived in the city from the south on the Catala yester-.'ay afternoon. Railway offices this .morning ZL.!' 2 , ,v to the derailment near Kwinitsai terday. which 1. tying op trafj j the Mne. no wheat arrived here over the week-end. PREiCHED FAREWELL ' SERMON YESTERDAY Bev J. It. Frizell Reviews Work of Pastorate During Tvo Years In the morning at First Presby terlnn flhnrrh vnvterilav Rev. J Incnmhenev and .nl.n wrf-rrsd the finaneial situation. In the evening the pastor spoke from ths ; w" verJ w' Knwn. na, nigniy . An enthnsiaet for ath-and passage. 'The last shall be first the first shall be laat." Fol- ,etfr"' t time lou-in on the morninir suhi-ci. he exhorted the people to loyalty to the church and its traditions. These were Mr. FriteU's fare - well services before he leaves for week. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED 3ljlor gerl house werk. PhBRiGpL, ' tf FOR SAL& Chkichilla Rabbit. redigreVd. Kinnahan Fur Farm. Phone Red 691. 282 DOLLS! They Have n Personality Now! Little Dolls. Big Dolls, Mama DolK Papa Dolls and Baby Dolls! So real and beautiful! Dolls that say mama. Dolls that roll wicked little eyes I Everyone so beautifully attired. Everyone so new and different. Prices to suit every purse. Dolls to please every little girl for Christmas. Jabour Bros. Ltd. S. E. PARKES, LIMITED 3rd Ave. East. Phone S3 Dominion Hoyal Cord Tire Agency Ford Cars and Trucks Flat Rale Repairs USED CARS We have several excellent bargains In used Cars. Easy Terms If desired. KAYSER GLOVES NEW KIP-TONE Buttoned and pullover style. Pair S1.50 NEW LEATHERETTE FABRIC Novelty cuff styles; assorted shades. fair $1.00 AND S1.50 FOWNES CAPE GLOVES Wool lined, fur top. Pair j2 95 FRENCH KID GLOVES-Novelty cuffs styles! assorted shades. Pair 2 95 FRASER& PAYNE REY. W.F.PRICE IS NEW PRESIDENT OF MINISTERIAL ASSTf. At a speeial meeting this morn- In of the Prince Rupert Min isterial Association, there was a general discussion of church work in the city. The main object of the meeting was to elect a successor to the president, Rev. J. R. Frizell, who is leaving the city. Several of the members spoke in appreciative terms of Mr. FrixelPs work for the organization and expressed regret at his departure. It was unanimously agreed that Rev. W. F. I rice should be elected as oresideat for the ensuing year. The retiring president wel comed Mr. Price, stating that he h"d M lhe mf ' " vvu" T i'" FRKD'HTK A. HOBEKTS 1 . LOST HIS LIFE SUNDAY i tl I pd i engaged since yesterday in clear - , ng the track. It was necessary to trannfer passengers, mail and express irom yeaieiws .a ;tiain around the wreck to a stub train which came in at 11.20 last mght No. 6. going east today, was , also transferred. It may be a day or so before the line is cleared. Tbfe late CapU Roberts, who servad in the Imperial forces dur A.W . ft . Tlce or tne railway COin- Pnv hre r about 10 years Ije w rnoc ""P" roov ball Association. He is survived . I J I ( V wiuow ana young son, re - !oe"l ""V?" " "' jmnathy w... caud to I Funeral arrangements are in ) V" -nida o l:. ... c Under takers. GRAIN SHIPS MOVINGHERE One Departs With Full Cargo and Another Arrived to Load Yesterday Prince Rupert's first grain ship of the season, the Japanese freighter Yaye Mara, sailed at 1 o'clock yesterday afternoon with a full cargo loaded for the United Kingdom or Continent at the Alberta Wheat Pool's local elevator. At 5 a.m. the same day the BritisM tea me r Carperby, third ship of the season, arrived in port going on berth at the elevator at 2 p.m. The Carperby is a new ship this year and her master is CapU A. Eves. She came here from Wilmington, Deleware, which port she left on October 29, having an uneventful voyage via the Panama 1 Canal. The vessel belongs to the Repner Line. . i -The second grain ship of 'the season, the British steamer Rock pool, is now loading and will sail some time this week, also with a ! cargo for, the United Kingdom I or Continent Mrs. J. W. Kilpatrick. 416 Green Street, returned to the city on the Catala yesterday afternoon from Vancouver, bringing with her an infant adopted daughter. COPPER RIVER Iroperty Purchased by Lord Melchett Some Distance From Prince Kupert Coal Fields DEVELOPED NEXT YEAH Telkwa Collieries Already Being Operated by New Owners With McNeill in Charge Not the Prince Rupert coal '-. brt the Copper River coal fields, were Involved in the re-yurcfiase of the Lord Melchett Interests, states Jack Mc- . k : I m rrtti v i riVitor , town overnight The Copper River coal fields comprise a different property altogether and are a considerable distance 2way?nim thrprice Rupert coal fields. The property actually niirehuftMl and avt n ai v . rfovalnn. r - " ixnfnt 0f Which, including the bufldl of a n u ,inned ,1M neflr o r,w MttnW acr0S8 the dlide :nm the hej,dwaters of the T'lk- wa River. The same interests also parbmted otber coai properties , the Ttlkwa dl-trjcti in addition to the Telkwa collieries, which they bought outright and are now operating with Mr. McNeil in charge. No developments in connection with the Copper River coal fields are expected before next year. , Application will be made to the ;risiatw sambly at its next se sion for an act to incorporate a company under the name of the T kwa Kitimaat Railway Co. with ccpitaliiation of 16,000.000. Power Is being sought to build, con-tt. act, maintain and operate a standard gauge railway conrmenc-i ,'1. . v..:n ... oi ni r Telkwa, :.nce along i-o u:Ka River 36 i;:es .:ir. .i v6 to kiie Copper liiver coal i'. Is, La. .ice to a I int at or near Pacific on the eena River, or to a point at or te.ar Vanarsdol, to give connection with the Canadian National 'Railways afld thence southerly to a point at or near mumui uu Douglas Channel, a distance from Vanarsdol of 40 miles or less. Development of timber as well us coal resources is understood to be planned in connection with the undertaking. TRESPASSED UPON KINAHAN IS. FUR FARM, FINED TODAY Pleading guilty to a charge of trespassing on the Kinahan Isliind fur farm. Henry Ferguson was fined $50 and $2.60 costs, with option of two months' imprisonment, by Stiiendiary Magistrate II. F. McLeod, in provincial police court this morning. PARTY SATURDAY FOR MRSAND MRS. MARTIN Many friends gathered on Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Martin, 11th Avenue East. Those taking part in the planning of the evening were Mr. and Mrs. T. Bussanich and family. Frank Fitzgerald, T. De jBone and P. t'r .v. tto There were about 30 guests present and a very enjoyable evening was spent In . games, music and dancing. IN