Monday, November 20, 1&28 REV. W.B. JENNINGS ORDAINED SUNDAY Jlishop Hix Assisted at Ceremony In Cathedral Yesterday by Canon Ruuhbrook and Rev. J. I). Gibson Ttev. W. B.OjrinTrigs, who arrived here during the past summer from Toronto to take charge oi missionary work conducted from the launch Northern Crow, was ordairfed at morning service itt Sit Andrew's Anglican Cathedral yesterday by Bishop G. A. Rlx, t nn wan assisted by Canon W. F. Rushbrook and Rev. J. B. Gibson. SI Jennings preached an effec-t c service at evening service in Hr cathedral. Ten Years Ago In Prlnc Rupert November 2C, 1318 he fisheries patrol steamer 51 iaspino, representing the gov- jfe . ernment, will have the place of in tne marine lmrade which v. .! be. held here tomorrow as a fif;;:c demonstration. In the th"rc will be a patriotic pro-jr --m at the Exhibition Hall. There will also be a street parade, t r hlijfht procession and bon- Mur-h damage was done by a piVcrc gale which Vllted the city la 1 evening. Windows were l.nvn in, all street lights were cr of commission, sidewalks were l. own away and the waterfront 6..-.0 suffered. ! committee consisting of W. If Montgomery, Charles Edwards ; Bob Hanna met the city . r.. il last night and discussed use to which new floats be-built here by the provincial fownmenVwill -be put. Mayor 31 Hvmont and Aid. Casey were omted a committee of the vun.'il o go-further Into the tf: v Tt. Jt the fishermen. iManittheMoon k r i'-ng Zofrtf of Albania has de-to eooourage the use of ' name and has changeu d Kiog Zog. This is an ex-tur.uc worthy af emulation. Turre was a king called Zogu W lio ruled by the decalogue II: topped a. letter from his name "UiU is known now as King Zeg. i Austen Chamberlain taut re-ucd home with the bronie of thi unadian sun on his cheek. P ibly it is partly ritrtiatan f" Hollywood. 'M)f TO MENTION BABY "Sow:" safd the teacher, "which ' run name five things that '"i:t. in milkr "' un," shouted a freckle-face r unpster. "Butter an cheese & ice cream, an' two tews." aHOIl's, I.KTTKIC HO C'OLI.KCTinftM AM. PM C: nam & Atltn Art 7JI Ave Ai 8th Bt 9JM 1-' e a at puiun s. Ao 7.4' Ave & Thompwrn Bt. .. 0.16 I V. Ave tt 8hr)reek .... 8 JO 7A' ' A' Coond B.H 7 1 Ave & Htivt Coy Ave... 8.S0 f " Ave At Hey One Circle 858 : Ave At oottrn Bt 8.00 7j0i t. Ave Orrea Bt. (HtptlJ. 90 8.1' 6! Ave At McDfW. 8t 9.4S 8.1 r O ivt nulMlnc M 3 rra u n wrf 0.M 8.? CP Whiff 10.00 8J 0tp Bttion 1005 - " 11.84 - " Ave, At Jnfl Bt 10.10 84' ro Ave Ai Fulton St 10.18 8.4. ro Ave At Sth 8t 10.20 8 8uuajr--Or eolleetlon "y, e,ni On collection C.N.R. TRAINS tor the Kant M nrtnvn. Wednesday and BaturdMi . ! 30 nm "i ,r Klf p "iflnyi,- Tuesdays and Thuwdayt at 4 I'RINCB HUPEltT TIDES 444 e ' Monday, November 26 ,I,l'h 0.30 a.m. 20.2 ft 12.2C p.m. 23.5 ft a j n k. Low ti. 10 a.m. u.s it i 10,01 p.m. 1.5 ft. I CLASSIFIED THIS IS THE EMBARRASSING MOMENTS MAIL SCHEDULE i for the Eait uood.. 4i.,.. 8tW.!take its place along with the other Irom the f:l Buxtevx Ttiw4 mt Tburicbif. mitt due 3:10 pm T Vtnronvrr Tuee4 2.16 p-iii FtMWe 8:18 J 11 pm 0. P. HtDt. 6 Md M pjn Vte tMa WhImmMm n; Mm- ois ijojii. BMH 4 PJU We4BMr ... losti rrktova p C. P. R. Dee. 1. 18 and as ton For Mewurl, nrmlrt .tnyM nl All Afflt . . JHi4lSf 7 pxn WSBSMdapi 1 .... .8:18 .pm. I'roni Mrwrt anil Premier T4P 11 JO am PrMays . . Hi .M lMM- SiSnsaya 7 PJH nnl River l"l; Tuesltal ,lJ0 la r0 ipieen Charltir Dee. 1. 18 sea P. .uni (imii Charlwttr No. U. Dec 18 awa 87 .ii.Kn eiinl Dec. 1. 16 and 88 UU .nln Dec 5 and 18 P- BRINGING UP ADVERTISEMENTS - FOR SALE, PAGE WHICH MOST PEOPLE READ BECAUSE IT T l J Th nblaeman who won the fty competition is hav ing hirldltrait painted. It should Constables and -London Opinion. MINING Stocks Nnoq and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver; Stock Exchange on our stock-) 1st board daily. We ean give instant service to "buying and selRnK , Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for au-epUcg Wheat order. on WinnifteR Stock Exchange. j Representing Miller. Court & Co- Ltd. Vancouver. I ; S.D. Johnston Go.Ltd. 617 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert. B.C. I FATHER ( OH-DEAR! OH, DEAR'. I'M TRIOHTElMEOXO (PSATH- j J ( HAVE. NOrAPuL . lf(t MORE MICE AROUND fff VHILC CLAMCV"s J THE DAILY NEWS .'.,,,' REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Iat on Third Ave- nuo opposite Fir! Street, $2,10Q Easy terms. Box 137 Daily i I News Office. . I I FOR SALE FOR SALE Remington hammer-less shot gun full choke both barrels, like nV. $50. Phone Green 409 28 FOR SALE Davenport openB to full siz lied, 7.00. Also Edison gramaphone and twelve cylinder records, Jii.00. Apply 408 Seventh Avenue W. 278 1 I FOR SALE Licensed Hotel at I Usk, B. C. for particulars apply S. D. Johnson Co. Ltd. 617 Sec - , ond Avenue, Prince Uuiert. 279 1 WANTED . , i WANTEU-Elderey My want ! intuition as housekeeper ih home 1 , of smal family. Apply T". r. i i Box 1564. 278 ' RED'S Transfer , I Fifteen years' experience In FURNITURE AND PIANO j MOVING j We eell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity ! CEMENT SAND GRAVEL, 1 Our price, weights and measures are right. So is our Service '.Phot e us tariS &$avQ. Moner and Time DAYir-NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 2ft 1. Night Phone: Red 317. Nanaimo-Wellington Screened Lump. Nanaimo-Wellington Screened Nut. i Nanaimo-Wellington Mine Run. Beacon Hard bootless Lump. l Beacon Hard Bootless Egg. Telkwa Lump. j Of the above there is ONE .that is particularly suited to your heating equipment. We shall be gbd to advise Albert & McCaffery in Limited "Phones 116 and 117 ' VOLCANIC DUST Volcanic- dust found in Saskat-j chewan and British Columbia is used for purpoms similar to ground pusnic-e, particularly in the manufacture of cleansers and scouring powders, nd in some instances as a substitute for ful-I ler's earth in the refinint; uf hard oils and fata. t'M 'SO GLAD MR-CLANCY LKT VOL) HAVE HIS DOQ AMD t'M jORTOf 1 WA ?iri ki c a . t AND DIDN'T WANT COL To lAlt MINI ii ii ii i YOUNG AND OLD. BATHS FINNISH SWEAT BATHS May now be had at the "Rupert , Baths," Ftet Ave. and McBride St. Prjvi t room, shower sth smommss mr room for mar ?n- jj remedy for rheu- ne for preservation of health A quick, safe and pleasant way to reduce surplus weight. Cure a cold iri one treatment. Rub-down and massage- If desired. Open day and night. A trial will convince yon of the benefits to be derived from Finnish Sweat Baths. SAM WfCKWIRE, Attendant Advertise in The News. COAL Your choice EDSON CASSIDY - WEL- LINGTON-vTELKWA Also Bulkley Hay and Grain. Agent for Robin Hood Flour. Phone 58 Prince Rupert Feed Co. MINING STOCKS V i it REAL ESTATE INSURANCE ' We 'are renared to take (''orMters on the Vancouver " Stock Exchange vOtlr;;ten' years experience 'en 'the' float' of the Brussels Stock Exchange is at your service. Prompt dealing with riny orders large or small. Representing Nanson Roth-&Ca .Ltd., Vancouver, Morning and afternoon closing prices daily. Theo Collar! Ltd. Capitol Theatre Building Phone Blue P.O. box 06 Trappers & Buyers (ienlli lessen: jjf , Fw twenty years you have If ttltins: geeei treatment fl ttm hoMMmm. AnJ Gold- JiUIsjb ia in ruV RHirkel for flQ kind of fur. For a square tfeal bring your FURS to Goldbloom The old reliable house George McManus MOOftSj; i, a,T 1 v nr- II I I ITru I I I 1 is PAGE SEVER FOR RENT, LOST & FOUND IS FULL OF HUMAN BUSINESS INTEREST TO FOR RENT FOR RENT f urnished housekeeping rooms by the day, week, or month. Phone Red G07. tf FOR RENT-Thirty three room hotel, partly furnished. Applf J. C. McLennan. If FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. Mussallum Grocery. tf. FOR RENT Six room house with bath and pantry at 229 First Avenue. 279 j. DRIVURSELF TAXI For Hire to Reliable Drivers Phone Blue 589 WALKER MOTOR CO. LTD. II A I It I) It E S S I N ci New Method FERMANENT WAVE Given by Mrs. Allen of MI LADY BEAUTY SHOPPE Also Finger Waving, etc Phone 656 SALVAGE AND TOWING "If it's on or under the water we do it." i . PRINCE RUPERT SALVAGE & TOWING COMPANY LIMITED Fully EautDoed for Divfiw and General Salvage Work. Boats and Scows of all deacrpi-jtfons for Charter, ( Row Boats and Canoes for' hire. Bargains in Gas Eflsjines. AGEPTPS FOR Van Blerck, Eatthope, Hfcke k jBallantyne Bnigines. Northern B. , C Distributors Ceolklxe Jlraf eJ4s' ! Phone; Day or Night, 36J P. O. Box 15frl ItOWE'S SHEET METAL, WORKS Chimney tops, eave troughs, conductor pipe, roof flashing. warm air furnaces, pipe at pipe-less, stove pipes and elbows. Out of town orders promly at-, tended to. Phone 310. Box -IG7.' '227 Second Ave. ' . TUITION Candidates prepared for all Un- irersity and Professional entrance examinations, in English, ilathe-imatics, Latin. Greek, History, Geography, Individual tuition. Particular attention to those learning Enirlish. Terms on ' Interview. P. McKenna, II. A, T. C. I). Care of ,Rex 153, Daily flows Office ! i SHOE REPAIRI LOUIS SCH I BIG announces the opening in the old Gunsmith shop on Second Avenue and is now busy MAKING AND REPAIRING ' SHOES The beat leather, the finest workmanship and over SO years experience awaits your orttors. LOUIS SCTIiniG 3SS Second Avenue CHIROPRACTIC TRY CHIROPRACTIC For Headaches, Backache, Sciatica and Stomach Trouble You will be surprised iMm ihep disappear .t'S&m Constilt W- C. ASPINALL G and 7 Exchange Building Corner Third and Sixth Streets' Oam Hvrninn ' ! tl'honen: Green 2-11. Black 288 I : s DR. R. E. EYOLFSON Aided by his npw ANALYTE unfailingly picks the correct nerve centre to be adjuxted, and the right adjustment at the right time brings quicker and better results. Inquiries solicited. Consultation Free Phones Office. Blue 85 Res Red 589 THE SHAMROCK ROOMS Sth Street and Second Avenne- 'Undei new management. Clean ! 8lntr'e and doubl housekeeping j roomB Mrs. John Dalherg GOOD EATS CAFE Under management of Mrs Al Peterson A good place to eat MEALS 50c Home Cooking, Home Made Bread, Pantry and Cakes m CHIMNEY SWEEP H. J. Zumkthr General Hand ' MaU '"K Furnaces and Stoves Cleaned apd nepairea , t ; Phone 8 Prince Rupert, B. C. mi v Fre-ih Pasteurized Milk dnd Cream Daily. i t EARLY DELIVEIO' n ' Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone 657. WHAT IS IT that keeps you always looking well and smartly dressed? OUR SERVICE PHONE G10 to have your clothes pressed. I VVe call for and deliver Mj For that .Suit a. We have fine Fatt and Winter Suitings aafl Overcoatings on hand. Come in today and let us take your measure. i;uiiiag, workmanship, style, all guaranteed. Heal materials and reasonable prices. Ling, the Tailor Phone &I9 By THAT? )