CLASSIFIED HABIT E n radi the Claulflcd Ads ad-rtU for it. 0 j iu lo, (. j flud, locaU ths ownor. V, .:ver you need. advertlae for It (SK.T TIIK CLASSIFIED HABIT. T in ... No. 277 E KING CONTINUES IN Storm Continues to Buffet Coast of Western Europe on Fourth Day Since Commencing -onc Ships Posted at Lloyds as Kithcr I)st or in Distress, Including Italian Freighter Whose Crew Helicved lost DON, Nov. 2G. The western coast of Europe iiufftted by a terrific gale of four days' dura-ia.v. The storm has already taken toll of 29 lives No less than 21 ships appeared on Lloyd's list wrecks or in distress. At least 20 persons ing, with conflicting reports concerning the l a score more. reported killed in Britain. VESSELS LOST TNOUFSTIN WEEKEND GALE ROBERTS' DEATH I rn Europe Felt Force Circumstance of Hallway Aeci-Terrific Wind and dent Vcxterday Hcing Probed Ualrt "1 Coroner's Session .1 tiler which broke awa i l is responsible for two in northern Ireland, l ies reported in Eng- RATTENBURY ! LANDS CASE: Supreme Court of Canada Upnets Judgment of II. C. Court . of Appeal OTTAWA. Nov. 26. -1 he Sup-j rem Court of Canada upset tho 1 lillilBua mf Ik UrUi.-h Cnlimil.iu i jitire crew of the Italian ireignter Aangunto is court of Appeal which found thel ycd to have been drowned off Holland. Six per-: land eutaneat and de velopment act of British Columbia intra ; vires. In 19J7 the Land Settlement ! i Hoard entered into negotiations 1 jfwith T. M. Rattenhury with aj view f takinir over the KMX'O i aertaT of tend Mr. lgfttUnbflry held Grand Trunk Pacific. Negotiations fell through. Rattenlury claimed 600,000 ibtirrage, alleging an unlawful art bf the board. Pleadings in the cane raised the points whether the boSSd was '.. Nov. 25. The entire Inquest into the deaUi of Fred- liable to be sued, being a branch I iiopean coast from erick A. Roberta, who loot his life l0f the Provincial Departmiuit of Scandinavia felt the in a railway artuuh between Kwin- Agriculture nd whether the act force of u terrific iU nd Salvus station! yeaterday wai utra virea of the legislature. MiiMtorm at the week-, morning, opened before Ieputy xhe trial judge found that the i n nch coasting ahlp I Coroner James R. Tannock in city inj com4 be sued that there Hindered off Adders1 lHce couK at 2:30 this after- WM a for action left, how-w of 16. An Italian 'noon. After the body had been ew Question of ultra vires nk in the Bay of Bis- viewed, the session was adjourned wag to determined at the trial. r crew were rescued., until 7 o'clock this evening TheThe Cf,urt of appeal reversed the i men were rescued Jury consists of William Sher- ,fntinKII mj found the act ultra nikinir German school- """i Jr.. O. H. Munro. Max vires. Itattenbury appealed to the broner. Joe Brown, Malcolm Mc- -'II near the Ule of guprem, court. A Dutch twl fnun-'Aruiur ana owe run '.ufietum with five Hirer men tire missinir iff l'KICK OF WHEAT VANCOUVER, Nov. 2. The price of wbat today here was el.lS'i. Reduction in Fire Insurance Rates Announced by Manager of Underwriters7 Association DIVORCE WAS Name of Hev. S. ItoberlMin .Not .Stent iont-d by Trial ,, JucIkc Anxiety is increasing. over the safety of the two American hall but boats lirunvol ami Imperial, neither of which has been reported since the fishing aeaaon closed. Though he has neketl to be ndviaed immediately any information as to the whereabouts of the boats is available, J. M. Morrison, local agent of the Deep Sen Fishermen's Union, has received no word as yet. i Orr VANCOUVER, Nov. 2fi.-John, ftrdon Fleck waa granted a decree absolute of divorce, from his wife Margaret Winifred Fleck, in julgment handed down today by Mr. Justice Aulay Morrison. No reference was made in the iuclirment to Rev. S. Rolertaon Hunert fire insurance rates have been reduced. nrr. cited as co-respondent. ' "nnation to that effect is conveyed in a letter from i . le, manager of the fire branch of the uie H. i. C. v.. Un uiivj.A iTinnrv rrAHri t s Association, to to Alderman Alderman Theo. lneo. Loiinn (Joliart, yii VY IllXii rkiUlTl w " - -- of the joint committee appointed by 1... 1 the 1. Board T.....l ! and city council to lay the claims of Prince Ku-;,ie the insurance underwriters, icttcr received says there has been some delay in maklnif uu the new schedule, but CAiiiOLIC ARCHBISHOP DIED IN SCOTLAND . . i i 11 rtin) 'Seotlnld, : Nov. ' M(int Reverend James 1 tit'ithop of St. Andrew's 1 ' ' ''urKh Roman Catholic ' i Scotland, "died yester- -! KX. "in Stalker, who has f holiday trip outh, re-he city from Vancouver Jtaln yesterddy after- that all changes will be retroac tive to September 1. so that Prince Jlupcrt will not loc by the delay. It says there will lie a "very nice nverajre reduction" in the rates. During the summer a survey of hi. Inrnl sitiiiitinn was made and i the reduction followed the survey. AUSTEN CHAMBERLAIN IS HOME IN ENGLAND LIVERPOOL. Nov. 25. Sir returned tb England yesterday looking bronzed nnd healthy. MISSING BOATS Frank Semers, agent of the Deep Sea Fishermen s Union at Ketch Ikan, lias aked the United States government to semi out n revenue cutter In search of the two miss' ing boats. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, II. P., MONDAY. NOVEMBER 26, 1928 This is the latest portarit of the first lady of the United States, Mrs. Hooker, who will supersede Mrs. Cooliugc as hostess at White House. Washington. Frederick A. Roberts Lost His Life When Train on Which He Was Riding Crashed Into Rock When a westbound grain train crashed into a fallen rock in a cut between Salvus and Kwinitsa at 7:40 vester- day morning and turned over, four cars laden with wheat also being derailed; Capt. Frederick A. Roberts, brake-man, and well-known railwayman operating out of here, sustained injuries which resulted in his death last night at 10:15 in the Prince Rupert General Hospital. The unfortunate man, on duty on the forward part of the train, was riding in the engine and when the locomotive turned off the track he was caught ' - between the engine and the tender. His left foot was severed at the ankle on the spot and hit right iet though he suffered severely from Ions of blood and shock, he bore his terrible injuries with great bravery. Dr. J. II. Carson, railway physician, was called and left the city with Lineman J. North on a speeder for the scene of the accident. An extra train which left here nt 7 o'clock- in the morning with W. II. Tobey, general wperinten-dent, on board, rushed through to the scene and the injured man was taken into the official's private car and taken back to Kwinitsa, where the doctor came aboard and administered transfusions and stimulants. Return was made to the city at 2:30 p.m. and Dr. J. A. West and two nuratB of the fortunate man was taken to the hospital in the ambulance. The wounds were dresed in the hos- foot was badly crushed at the knee pftal and deceased made as corn- ami wouiu prousoiy nve had tojfortable as possible for the night have been amputated had he sur-(preparatory to giving surgicaj aid. (itiiul vived. K)Att lnalltis . . V l . VUHW.IUUO-1 up watt apparently, resting more easily before his death occurred. Engineer J. Rutter and Firman II. 0. Ohurch escaped from the derailed engine without injury. The train was in charge of Conductor A. C. Abbott. The railway line was blocked as a result of the accident and the engine and four cars were severely damaged. It was neceaaary to transfer the grain into other cars and the wrecking outfit has been (Continued on page three) EDMONTON FIRE LOSS VALUED AT 200,000 EDMONTON. Nov. 25. The hospital staff Miss Ahfte Castell I.amson, a three-story brick build-and Miss Phyllis Mooasy were ing, was practically destroyed by on hand when It arrived to give!fire on Sunday night. The eeti-further jissistniue before tho un-! mated loss is $20.000. Boston Grill ZAROE C.WAKET ,, Special Dlnnen Thursdays kfld Saturdays Danclnc every Saturday nljht from 9 to 12. Dance Hall for litre Accommodations for Private Parties riiene 457 PRICE FIVE CEr D AND CAUSES ANXIETY 'i in; new tk-o at white house Illness of King Ueorge Causes Worry Among English People Today Daily Mail Expresses Concern Which Is Felt but Doctors Are Reassuring and Cjurt Work Proceeds LONDON, Nov. 25. The official medical bulletin of the Killer's condition this morning said: "The King passed a restless night. A variability in fever and spread of pieurisy must be expected at this stage of the illness." Increasing anxiety over the illness is evident today among the public. The Daily Mail, while declaring the official bulletins precisely accurate, adds, "but the illness as a whole must bo borno in mind. Physicians know only too well that when there is - beyond doubt a microbe, as in the naf 4 I nnw Ti I T King's caae. it must be overcome. I MVS ft S 1 FflX KAIl Until it is routed the case ceflnotiiiimjitI UA LJtUJ be said to be without danger." If t njr t M TJlU(r ' ' The newspaper add. that the AlANlUlN fllft cheerfulness, of th King is con- Wil i sidered by his physicians be an , . aeefrtowdjt Quarantine" BstAib ' bolster It he 'Is' aliootd VtntUCj". or.GovernoMfxPrevent from certain friends. Two nurses! Us .Spread hHve been stationed at the .King's bedside -at night, inslea'd of one ' 'JFNKAU. ' Nor. 2H.-Shotgun i as previously. qtlaVaiitlne1 to prevent the spread . iieen Mary and other mem-j of smallpox has been established bers of the royal family go about in the rt-gion of the lower Yukon their visits in the customary man-; following an outbreak In central ner and a message was sent to the ' western Alaska, sard Governor Printe of Wales In Africa that it George Parks. was needless to make any change in his plans. STOCK QUOTATIONS lOourVny of 8. D. ohnion. Co Ltd.) The foMowmg quotations were b'd and atked. lUyview, Nil, 4. Big Missouri, 68, 54Vj. ( hicagoff, Nil, 05., Cork Province. 26, 28. CoiW Kelt. 60. 66. Dunwell, 18, 16; j ' Duthie, Nil, 90. George Copper 4.50," 4.TG. Georgia River, 9"," SO. Gladstone, Nil. 6. Golconda, T7! 2, 7f '4. Grandviev, 66, 56. Independence. 'J1, TSJ Indian, 4, Nil. Inter. Coal & Coke, 36, ST. Kootenay Florence, 18, 10.. Kootenay Kiug. 304, tU, L. & L., 6. 7. lakeview, lV'a, 2. Lucky Jim, 26, 26. Marmot Metals, 84, 0. Marmot Riv. Gold, 8, 3. Mohawk. 7':;. 7. Morten Woolsey, C4, GVi. National, lSy JOVa. Noble Five, 61. 5t ' Pend Oreille. .R0. 3i)0. Pioneer. 1J)3, .00. Porter Idaho, 01, 62. Premier, 2.22, 2.25. Rufus Argenta, 18, 21. Ruth Hope, 58. 50. Sliver Crest, 0; 7. Silversmith. 8, Nil. Slocan King, Nil, 7. u: " Slocan Rambler, N.I1. ID. Snowflake. 31 Vi, Sunlock, 2.05, 2.25. Terminus, 8, Nil. Topley Richfield, 19. GO. " Whitewater 1.28. IM. Woodbine, 04, 7. Eastern Stocks Noranda, 67.00. Nil. Oils Fabyon, Ci. G. Persona in the area are weighing their chances of being marked by smallpox if they remain against the certainty of being marked by birdshot if thoy at tempt to leave. BLEW VAULT; STOLE MONEY VANCOUVER, Nov. 25. The sum of $2,000 was taken from th premises of the Guarantee Savings and Ijoan Association, on Seymour Street, early this nwr- Lning. by safe crax'kgra jgfco blew open the vault. Sij'WTHS FOR bASCOAT THEFT Joe Seymour Sentenced This Morning and Alex Dennis Coming Up in Three Days Joe Seymour, Indian, received a sentence of six months' imprison went from Judge F. McR. Young in county court this morning for theit from the halibut boat Tramp on the local waterfront. In the same connection, Alex Dennis was found guilty, sentence upon him being reserved for three days. GOT RESULTS (INJ ti ADVERTISING OF ' LOCAL RE I (ESTATE W. Arnett of Dauphin, Manitoba, writes to say that as a result of a small adver- tisement in the Prince Hup- ert Daily News recently he wa able to dispose of his property here which ho had been trying to sell for a long time.