NfcWS Monday, Novomy,,.,. PACE EIGHT THE, DAILY I Purport the Home Theatre and keep your Money in the city. Westholme Theatre JJonday and Tuesday at 7 p.m. MONSTER DOUHLE HILL At 7:30 p.m. BUCK JONES in "DESERT VALLEY" A TII'-TOP WESTERN At 9:10 p.m. Monte Blue, in "THE BUSH LEAGUER" CHAPTER 4 "RACING H LOO IV "THE ARABIAN FIGHTS." Al Cooke, Alberta Vaughn and Others. COMEDY "TWENTY LEGS UNDER THE SEA." COMEDY "HLONDES HEWARE." FOX NEWS Orchestral Selection 'The Geisha." (Sidney Jones). Admission 35c and 10c. Canadian National Steamships Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AMI SHIPYARD Optriiltntr (i.T.P. 20.000 Ton I limlm Drj I )... Kn:ifiwri4. MachiniM. BoilermnkcrN lilarkMnHhs i'nnn makers. Founders. Woodwork rx Kir " ELECTRIC AND aCLTVI ENK WUI.IiiN'. Our plant is equipped u handlr hII Kind- MARINE AND COMMERCIAI WOHS PHONES 1.1 and SR "CATERPILLAR" Tractors DIGGER 'THE WEATIIEltl .-THAN A Size for Every Use ' , -A Hundred Used for Every Size 2 TON, TWENTY, THIRTY, SIXTY ' IJETTBR ' (JUICKER CHEAPER Literature- and Prices on Request - Sole Distributors for B. a MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO., LIMITED Hfsnch Off ? Nurthrrn VrUto rrelht liulldlnt Srlm,a Kriwwna SW Station fctrftt Norman C. rrulckrtiank, I'rlm-e (ttwrge VANCOUVER, B. C. Ilt. Unar HOLT &f&CAJk?ilM Pair . . . Phone 9 Corporation Investments BEST H. S.Wallace Co. Limited These charming hose are made from; the finest of heavy service weight pure thread silk. Full Fashioned of course,! silk to the welt, patented garter block. Extra wear patch on top and side of toe, reinforced slipper foot, fine even stitch fabric, and the very best of fast even dyes. At once serviceable and elegant. This smartly stylish hose will give excellent service. Atmosphere, Champagne, Flesh, Mirage, Nude, Pearl, Blush, Shell Grey, Black, White, Wrought Iron, Evenglow. CO ftft VMU V 3rd Ave. & Fulton St. To hose interested in hhrh-jrrade Corporation securities as a medium for sound investment, our new Booklet should-be of interest and assistance. It contrins the most recent available information regarding 'orty-four Corporation securities, with which we have been associated. A copy will bo furnished upon request W Ihningi Street West Wood , G II 11(1 y & Co. B.C. Vancouver, i j i lekthnetSeymtur6M Limited BUSH LEAGUER Here is an uproarious version of the old story of the ugly duck ling who became the swan. It was the style in the little Idaho village which was "Specs" White's home, to razz the lad, to speak lijrhtly of the gas pump which he had invented and on which ' he meant to make a fortune one 'day. But Specs played ball with the bush league team, on the sand lot next his gas station, and played so well that a scout for a Los Angeles team urged him to come on to that famous city for a try-out. Specs may not have listened to the stranger but for the fact that a certain pretty young lady, having stopped at the station to get her gasoline replenished, had smiled at him, and whirled away, losing her license tag. Specs had found it. read its inscription, "Los Angeles, etc.," and determined to set out on quest of the lady Whereupon the chance offered. Here was the opportunity. To Los Angeles he went, and, unmercifully ridiculed by Skeet McKin-non the catcher, and others, he lost all the ' knack he had displayed on the home town lot. It was here that the pretty lady again bobbed up, smiled at Specs, revived his fainting courage, spurred him on to win the game and to foil the attempt of her manager (for be it known, the fair one owned the team on which Specs played) in his attempt at dirty work. TV Bush Leaguer" is a whole-. some, amusing and wonderful! human piece. Mont Blue, who has endeared himself to so man-millions; as every sort of red-biooded hero, outdoes even himself, in this new role. COMEDY. THRILLS AND SUSPENSE IN PICTURE 'Desert Valley" Filmed Scenes of Rare lleauty Westholme Tonight Amir' at Amid scenes of rare beauty among the fantastic formations of the canyons of the Mojave, Fox Films feature "Desert Valley," starring Buck Jones, is showing as part of the big double program at the Westholme tonight. Comedy, thrills and suspense ..bound in this fine picture whose story deals with the feud of cattlemen over water rights. Buck plays the part of an irre-presible cowboy, who has a knack for fretting into .trouble over other people's troubles. Virginia Brown Faire is the girl in the case and Malcolm Waite the ruthless owner of the water rights. Hard riding, spectacular fighting and comedy of a rare order make this one of the. best westerns seen locally in some time. This is a clean wholesome picture which the entire family will enjoy. A Thousand Dollar Diamond Ring . . Silverware . . Watches . . these wonderful prizes are being given without obligation by the Canadian. Jeweleri Association for th" most eJtprcwive Slogan aptly descriptive of the high class merchandise sold by jewellers. Come to our store for an entry card and write in your slogan. Do not delay competition closes midnight, November 30th . John Bulger The Jewellers GEORGEAYLETT AT WESTHOLME1 AT THE CAPITOL ! Baseball Picture is Very Funny and Wonderfully Human and Wholesome ALL THIS WEEK The management of the Capitol Theatre-har been most fortunate in procuring for a limited engagement of one week beginning with tonight's show, George Ay- Jett, better known over the Capi tol circuit as "The Hawaiian FIRE DESTROYS STATION HOUSE er at 9:0o afm. Sunday, Drr-e-n- Wer 28. Make rewvation early t City Ticket Office. Third A-e. hone 260. 231 Week-end Specials BUTTER All hrands. 2 lbs. JWf BUTTEIi Bulk. 3 lbs 1.3T iUTTER 14-lb. box 3.5 CAMPBELL'S SOUPS 7 tins 81.00 TOMATOES-SoiMl pack, 21,.. 6 tins S)5f FLOUR Swansdown. Per pkg lOf PLOUR Snowfltthe. 10a. 2 sacks Jjl.l5 DUTCH IK A ItUSKS- pkg. Kir ORANGES:! doc $!. Quality and Service Mussallem's -iiuiia n r Fro.m . msM A Lady In Lndner tVAWtfft f We can t v the nm of thU lady, but tint In.sart U what tnjt in & letter ftofntijr rtocivcd: "For 6 y an I lived In Lidnsr ! have i.-rd VMlftc Milk and 1 found tt wry ssttlfBctorjr In vrjr way. Ii. pnddlnga. oakuV custards on um tab;? every duy I find it . jpMndld ill-tbe-ytr-round ir.:lk." PACIFIC MILK rarlorlr at Ahlxitafwrd and Udnrr, IU-"llullit IIC." P0UGHS Apply over throat and ehtt V wallow tmall picf of 9 VAPORUB BLONDE VAMP IN PICTURE DRAMA Colorful Photoplay to Re Seen at the Ctipitol Theatre The Capitol Theatre will pre sent "The Foreign Legion," reversal's dramatic screen adaptat of "The Red Mirage," I. A R. Wylie'8 sensittional novel, us its feature picture beginning to night. This should be good news Wixard." fcjr. Aylett, who is a for local motion picture enthus-finished artist on the' banjo, uke, fasts as the picture is heralded as and' guitar, has' been a regular i one of the ifhfst ever produced wow" wherever he l&s pemred n and a most successful week s en- . ... . . . gaeement is predicted for this , . ' ... , , 8 ' ' I roll n liAiiAmM f nfatilnfn1 with an talented musician. ' L . , , . , , uuKiufufvua nuiiutu it uiunue uj indescribable beauty. Her kisses 3pell disaster. Ills fate is to be cashiered from the army and to drop out of sight. He turns up in the French Foreign Legion, as a private under the command of his own father, who had simi- Structure at 'Salvus, Sixty Milexjlnrly dropped out of sight before Up the Line. Burned Down him. The darigcrous blonde turns Yesterday Afternoon (tip in Algiers. With her hi the : hero's real sweetheart, her sister. Head offices of the railway here 'Bow father and son, their iden-were advised this nferning that tfties unknown to one . -another, the station building at Salvus. 60 'lock horns over th tdvtaMrtM. miles up the line, was destroyed ie unusual military results thai by fire yesterday afternoon.. It ensue and the final working out was occupied by the section fore-;jif the romance, makes one of the man and his crew, no operator jssost gripping life-dramas ever being installed there. The build- .Screened. Stone plays the father, ing wss of she ordinary type of ; Kerry the son. Mary Nolan i small station Mruetore such as the adventuress and Miss Mar- are located at most siding along the line CANTON MTI0NL HOLD STEAMER FOR CHRISTMAS SWUNG In order to a"ommolate tho'e lesiring to go snu'h after schoo's !pc Friday,, J)p ember 21, the Ca-adlsn iMSspd Steamships -touaca that on that day the S. 3. lowe the younger girl. IIROUGH SLEEPERS TO THE SHIP'S SIDE The Canadian National (tail ways have made arrargements to operate special trains tnd through sleeping cars from the I-at i fir Coast to the ship's side at Montreal tnd Halifax in connection with sailings for th Old Coun Prince Rupert will be held here: try during Novemler and Decern- bcr. Full intormation from rjty Ticket Office. 5- Third Avenue Prince Uuixtrl. 1'i.oite 200. FEATUKE PIC TURK TONIGHT With Norman Kerry anil Lewis Stonr. The Foreign Legion i ; i C! J! If Thrills, Passion A powerful, romantic otlonal drama of low sion at a denert out. ditxhing and colorful a fight for the woman VAUDKVILI.H Introducing GEORGE AYLETT. Capitol Cinm Youll like ttotl in Banjo, Ute aMPurUr With Jack l)c JausscrantI and His liupcrl Capilolians First Show at 7 p.m. ,rM .-p Coming Next Week "HEN HlTH." GREAT SALE OF URS FUR COATS, ,IAC(Jl KTs. CAPES AND CHOKKlls AH Going at Hargain I'nr s B.C.FUR CO. Third Avenue rTnwTi rwntr nrmiifrririFiHui ADVANCE! PRINCE RUPERT There are a great many improvements that might be made to Prince Rupert and district in order to make this part of th country more prosperous. Some of them may be easy of attainment and others difficult. Here are the suggestions : Trans-Pacific steamsliip service. A large hydro-elect rlc power development. Erection of smelter in vicinity. Establishment of a paper mill. Establishment of a shingle mill here. Establishment of connection with and development of interior coal fields. Securing direct connection with Peace River.. Joint operation of railway to port by C. P. R'. Establishment of local steamship service to nonrby points, making Prince Rupert home port. Tourist road to top of mountain. Completion of highway to Terrace. f i liuilding new oost office at Prince KijPUrir, ; ImnrovPfl ilnrlfiW fnr-ilitira for' f isliPriiiWrVVi Ti