His Ect'lli'nr the Governor-General i.f ':.n.ii.i. mi the "left, with Hon. Dr. J M. Baxter. Premier of New lirun wm hs.fitin the hydro electric power development at (iraml l ails on the Saint John River, New Brunswick, just after Lord Willinf''l"ii t uriHjd on the power of the biggest hydro plant in the Muratime Provfneen. The construction of this plant has just been completed with an initial 1ntll!itn of fAMO-h.p. by the Saint John River Power dhnce GA-t JEWELLERY GIFTS FOR MEN A complete selection of the most charming gifts for men awaits you. Special low prices, too. RINGS-Up from $5,00 WRIST WATCHES -From $9,50 TO 85.00 SOLID COLI) LINKS 5,Q0 to 35.00 Glad to Show You. John Bulger Limited THE JEWELLERS Advertise in 'The Daily News" pany, hm heen in change more recently in place of Wlttlam IXann. who wan iii the wxitti. ' The upper tunnel, which ia being driven on the vein, is now in 140 feet and has she feet of what looks trong shoots of jiood shipping ore. The lower tunnel, which is a runs -cut, was advanced 30 feet this season and is now in 2S0 feet. It is estimated that the vein is not more than 20 feet distant. Eleven claims of the United Empire were surveyed this summer and will be crown granted during .he winter. 1 Development work will 1 car LINDSAYS Cartage and Storage Phone C8 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Serviee Coal, Sand and Gravel We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. TRAPPERS Get every cent your FURS are worth. Ship them bring them to BOYD .YOUNG Port Simpson, B. C. or THE DAILV NKWB TPAGE CI2 I IWHW S IP HI HIH II " II 'I llli '" iii ii i imnniii COVBIINOR-GEN'ERAL STARTS POWER OF LARGEST DEVEL LOPMENT- IN MARATIMES News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Great Predictions Made For Owen Lake Country; MONTREAL PORTERS' United Empire Had Successful Season; to Continue. Work On. Big JVIike ifieri, WISHES TO ANNOUNCE THE CONCLUSION OF ITS NOVEMBER SALE AND TO THANK ITS MANY CUSTOMERS FOR THEIR GENEROUS PATRONAGE Although the sale is concluded, wb shall still continue th BARGAIN ROOM at the rear. of the store, wlijefc .will,be replenished from time to, time with new bargains and which will prove well worth your investigation's they will always be the best that money can purchase. v From Now Until New Year Our Front Stwc Will lie Conducted as a USEFUL GIFT EMPORIUM We have laid in a large and varied stm l; nf useful merchandise that will please the most exacting -tiisie. We kindly solicit your inspection. 1 A mining boom is taking place in the central interior of I the province and one of the most promising fields is the Owen Lake area. It is predicted by mining men that over 2000 people will be in that country in less than a year. All local residents are excitedly staking in on the rush. Lead-1 ing in the present development is Frank H. Taylor, the' .; m 1 t. i ir ll original aiscoverer oi ivyicy, wnu is rusiuny supplies uiiu nuidiinery into properties which he has taken up. The new road which is being built by - , lie provincial department of pub-Ik works in from Houston is be-pushed apace and will be I is taking nouce. I After a very successful season ! work haa been suspended on the ! United Rmpire property at Stew-' r.rt for the winter. F. R. Jancow-i nki, vice-president of the com I continued throughout the winter and high-grade ore will be ship ped. Some assays of the high- 'eudy for winter travel. Great 'grade ore gave returns of 400 to ii'U'iopment at Owen Lake is 60 ounce silver and from 50 to Vromiped and the whole district ,.o per cent lead. Th copper production and mar ket constitute the brightest spot in the British Columbia mining industry at this lime, writes E. A. lUflfteit. (.ra!y, as a company, .nakes the largest copper production for one organisation in the ltritidh Empire between Hidden Creek and Copper Meuntain. The Western Copper mine at Khutze Inlet made a small shipment of 160 tons running 21 per cent cojf like food milling wre. The up-' JluiM. ,,,.1 frm nia-.r nnd lr lead has been exposed on the I(Ke unm, j, Hkely to show an surface by open cut for a dis- 12 0UMm gM ami jc ounces ance oi tuu ieei, snowm """ , jncreart Ver last year. Atlin and Cariboo, which are principal producers, had a favorable swmon. Premier continues to be the principal source of lode gold and will contribute about 126,000 ounces to the year's output, firanby will account for between 9000 and 10,000 ounces. The silver production will be the highest in the history of the province. Next to Consol-i dated, Premier is the largest producer of silver with around 3,- I vied out all winter on the Big I.ake f ooo nuMM property, etgni muea uown me .anal from Stewart, which is I owned by Mike Milos, John A. .MaeDonald and Harry Wilkinson!" ;nd which is being financed by ! j Davidson & Co., of Vancouver. A j jtetinkhouse is now being built and i hen this is eomjlted the crew j, I will be -increased. A contract will ! be let on the south aeries which is ; Unown to consist of three veins,: eparnled by not more than 20 : feet and running parallel. Meantime, before going- underground, "urfaee work is beimr carriedn, tracing out new veins discovered this summer. It is the intention to tunnel and cross-cut between the veins. Already a 10-ton stilt ment has been made from the discovery vein on the property. Under the presidency of Ciay Porter, the Mayou Gold Copper Co, Ltd.. controlling over i claims in the Portland Canal ds--rict, haa been carrying on work 'lurinr the tmst season. WHMsm Tompkins, msnagin Wrec, hsw icpn supervising the work and the property has been favorably re-wted uin by X. M. Jackson, en ineer of the B. C. Silver staff. ! There are two distinct mineral ones ba the proper4K-W f gold opper nnd the ether silver losMl' The silver lead wttl iMrdrifietTui in in order to sstebtish bsAs and he gsU aoefttr wltt. lie proed byj " diamond drIUinK campaign. Some spectacular assayn have ome from the property, but the averages run between $60 and $60 in the ton. This has Insen ascertained by open cuts over the whole 'cngth of the veins. Work will be Other mine con tributing to the silver output Include the Duthie at Smithers. Fashion Fancies Winter Coats Are Elalwrately Turf Trimmed w inter coals rot ire . wear tend to be more elaborate uqtb in cut ai d material than they have I'wn far many a season. Muny of the smarter, coals are cut on princess lines, as s the one in the illustration. It is a -ft 1'ashmlr-firrished wool fabrid and its deep cuffs, its collar, ami the flare at the side are of eon trusting karakul. j PIUNCK AND PUNSTUI1SS A nows item states that the Prince of Wales, on his present ;tour, received a great reception tin L'tranda. E. L. thinks that poHMibly one nf the Prince's en tertainera there may have been the punning lady of the more or lean well-known limerick: There was an old girl of Uganda, Ilenowned for her coolness and i can da, When, during abuse Her spouse yelled, You 'goose I Me promptly retorted, "Uganda! i Boston Transcript, DOUBLING TUB CHANCES Grocer 'Half n jwund of rash ers nnd some potatoes till your father comes homo? And why doesn't our mother come here her self?. v Child (Innocently) She's try ing another shop. Passing Show SALEQF5A1.ES Continues Unabated . . j, A continuous flow of bargains has left our stor-pi every day this week, bought for cash by wise buyers who JtnoH' bargains 'when they see them. Pay us that visit now you h;w all aion intended making, before stocks gets too much broken. Everything for Men and Boys Suits, Overcoats, Underwear, Hats Socks, Hoots, Rubbers ALL AT IUDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES M Try MOTOKING nt once Plain or Milk, you'll like It. ROW N TREES CHOCOLAT Plain or Milk Chocolafc'wiLji Almonds and Raisins H A S UE.E R. w . ihiillinc 1M E W D I S CO V E RY in peybtmaice aid in valiiL It made a Hudson owner of mc." "It changed my whole idoa of motoryaTues." "It showed me that high price is not necessary to own a greut car." Thousands of riders talking like this. A great Hudson program of personal demonstration brought these values home with the impact of a new discovery. We have never heard such praise of a car. People comparing it to cars costing two or three times as much. Saying it is the easiest rid-jng car they ever drove suyingit is smoother saying it outperforms all cars of their experience. In this special month of personal demonstration thousands Coupe $1(10 litre riddem iu the advanced Hudson Super-Six. Even thoie wluj .owned and admired Hudson Super-Sixei of jreviou8 issue, have no conception of the superlative quality expressed both mechanically and in body betuty of the great Hudson! of today. The extraordinary speed of Hudson getaway ii but a single expression of the brilliant activity of the New Hudson Super-Six, which is carried on to every phase of performance. And wuh it a pwjhn. efficiency tint alters all previous standards. A single ridewill explain why this has been the most enthusiastic ally arcepted Hudson ever built. $1 lAA'flw ' 1 IB-Inch ChatiU .Roadster $1660 Ooch $H00' 1 127-Inch Cluljiij Standard Sedan $1860 - Custom Landau Sedan $2120 Custom Victoria $2120 Custom 7-IVm. Sfelmi $2500 AllprUrs . o. b. Windsor, huu trrri fay far cr out of incom at louftt available chnrgm for itttrrmJt, handling a-J Local Agents: Prince Rupert Auto Company Second Avenue - - Phone 275