The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIi ready to take the nomination, such as was the case in Victoria. The Liberals have two women on their lists. Most of the legislation for which women have asked have been passed by the Liberal government or forced on the Conservatives by Liberals. That is why tomorrow women will be voting for Liberal candidates throughout the province. LABOR VOTERS It is almost futile to point out once more why the MacLean government should be supported by Labor. They have done so much more than the other party in the past and will undoubtedly do the same in the future. Here is the crucial test, however. In Fens'e and Cowichan-Newcastle, Liberals have refrained from putting candidates in th field and are ranging up behind ' the Labor men, giving them every support and will be pretty sure to carry them to victory. Conservatives have their candidates in the field in every case, regardless of Labor. EMPLOYERS OP LABOR Employers of labor will be inclined to vote Liberal because the peritj' has returned. Capita is flowing into the province as never I , i i . t t t i m ft - . ,A in ii 1 ; Dei ore ana as khir as uie Liiuerni are m eixioe it win coounue to have confidence in the province. They know what to expect. They know they cannot get privileges but will be aure of. fair treatment with no favorites. That is why capitalists will Vote for the government candidates. AGAINST PRINCE RUPERT . It has been mentioned by the Conservative- that 'Prince -Rupert would have got the Court House without Ir. Pattullo's influence and yet every Conservative in the House vofed , againsi the appropriation with the exception of the member for Similkameen, W. A. McKenxie. That indicates the sort .of deal Prince Rupert is likely to get from Conservatives. While we cannot use federal issues -as an argument in this election it is impossible just now to 'forgot Sir Henry Drayton and the Prince Rupert elevator. He was a leading Conservative and he opposed the elevator tooth and nail. OPPORTUNITY IS OFFERED IN BIG NEWS CAMPAIGN i:nti:k yoik nomination tooay anw m: amono the rutsT iIIT Of INl'Sl AI. iti:iM orn iti.o Capital prizes are today more num-en ut than chdldatew entered In Ttf New M.0O0 price oampalgn. so your opportunity is bar today If you are, bit- to make daeMon to help your-all. v. OlMOllTI Nitrt j , T'.iere it- a top prize valued at $1,100 a rtr Pontine J-door Sedan and an SMO Ford Tudor nedon and cither oi these ran be youra. Then there ar caah prize and commissions totalim-hundicdN of dollars Every active pur tlclpmit who dt.e not win a car oi cash prize will be paid a cash commission of 10 percent on every dollar li. subscriptions you turn lu. Tan per cent In one dollar In ten, (or your sell and van liav' .sp.rr time. Can yoti do ).. well In any other way? 81km the coupon In todays News. See that It gets to the NewK rampalKn office. Moke tlio start, the start that will make you more money In n (cw wMks of Just your spare moment than the avenge man makes in an entlae yewr. How can The News make you realtor the opportunity there la for a man at womim who will go In to win who will go In and "carry on?" II you could see It. you would hnvr you nomination in this very minute. Till cunip.iv: !s an ?ut and out business proposition a propoaUloo ot alcamnabip. wltta evarythlns in your svor. There la no time for aantlmeiit In order to get subscriptions The Newa la putting up some $4,060 us utomobUaa and eaah. In order tc partlclnau In the awards you get tubaenpttoaa. You get paid mtgM) well too. Wbere else can you go and In a few wtwks carry away a prlae valued up to sueo? . "Everybody Win Something!" la the aanpatgn slogan. In this ""p'f you ln. Thare arc no goala set the grand pru wtaUMta win because Uvsy have mere votes than others but everybody wins and wins In a real way. lti:.T OITilUTl'MTV Surety a greater opportunity h: never knoeflcNl at ydur door. Tha two IMgoaat pelfwa m The News dla- trlbutloav aae two Mg beautiful, power !ul com. Ttfctf ore oar oi known value ftfi&twarth.' . Wavai an MiDOtti exists ' for peSaona enough to send in their nominations uicl secure one a a result of their ipare time effort In the next few weeHs. The neat prize Is S600 in uuli And there are other oash prises too. And the 10 per eent oommiaalon ature. "Everybody Win Something." Right now this very day. la the nte to start your campaign In earnest. Thuf far a aurprlalngly email number -nvi entered, considering the number I'd value oi the prlae to be given way Campaign headquarters are lo- itrd on the second floor In the News Building. 343 Third Avenue. Call, write it telephone and aak for Information. Or if you request It. a representative r111 call and explain the campaign plan to you. Sign the nomination i.lsnk today and get started immed-oatly. The s Doner your campaign Is inder way. the sooner you start making winning vote Campaign headquarter .re open evening until 8 o'clock, r.'onie In and rereiv lull drtalls Tele-plione 534 r L I T ill KILLS FLIES MOSQUITOES nrn iinr:? ants a KOAC1IES MOTHS Wliiiail WINNIPEG. July 17 Cropi throughout the whole of western Canada have teneflted Immensely from the very hot weather of, thr put week as with the abundance of moisture in thej ground and crops of sufficient height to present evaporation rapid develop ment has resulted. All diatriota report wheat and barley t'eaded out and oata well advanced In the ahot blade. A few districts throughout southern eaakatehewao report alight damage from halt,--with the meat damage occurring In the Btojy Beach and DartHQyAdlatricte. The are also Km.tUMj0hjMt re-portad from a ftvaeimKnujdn none of jjhese dUtrletjtjPl aer- Diatricla In southern ami eastern Manitoba whldh have suffered from too much rain are making rapid recovery and wtth the exception of flax UMre Is a splendid prospect that there will be a fair erop, excepting where It wee completely Inundated which at most only represents a very small acreage. Itay Is an excellent crop throughout the whole of the west, and In southern and central Manitoba some cx- ; : ill . Wi Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, limited, Third Avenue. H. F. i'ULLEN --- Managing Edkor. Member of Audit Rureau of Circulation , - .. J IMIOii DAIL' EDITJON -,. Jejjjg&fr TueBday. July 17, l2f ELECTION TOMORROW This is the last number of this paper prior to the election which lakes place tomorrow. Like a great many others we have been speculating as to the outcome and have decided that the Liberals are likely to get at least 29 seats, Conservatives 11, and Labor 5. While Home of those marked Conservative have a good chance of going Liberal and vice versa we submit this list as a very probable one and would suggest that note be made of the forecast as being pretty aear the mark. Here is the list of winners: Liberals Alberni, Atlin, Cariboo, Chilliwack, Columbia, Cran-brook, Crestnn, Delta, Prince George, Grand Forks, Islands, Kam-loops, Kasio, Lilooet, New Westminster, North Okanagan, North Vancouver, Omineca, Prince Rupert. Revelstoke, Similkameen. Skeeaa, Yale, Vancouver S, Victoria 3. Total 29. Conservatives South Okanagan, Saanich, Salmon Arm, Point Grey, Vancouver 3, Victoria 1, and possibly Comox, Dewdney and Mackenzie. Total 11. Labor Burnaby, Cowichan, Fernie, Nanaimo, and South Vancouver. Total 5. WOMEN VOTERS Women voters will doubtless remember that the Conservatives have refused to put a woman on their list of candidates in spite of the fact that in several ridings there have been outstanding women EVERY TWO MI SINCE the days of Confederation, General Motors of Canada Limited has been supplying Canada with transportation. Each year as requirements have multiplied, the scope of General Motors service has widened . . the quality of General Motors cars has steadily improved. Each year more Canadians have looked to General Motors for better automobiles, until now, every two minutes of every business day, someone in Canada buys a new General Motors car. These cars are bought by people you know . . by people like yourself . . for the very eellent crops of sweet clover are be-I i big cut. I Reporta from Alberta would Indicate i that at the present time prospects are favorable for a erop that will equal If not exceed that ot last year and that large acreage ot new - land , Is being brought under cultivation. With Saskatchewan and a large portion of Manitoba also preparing to harveet a large erop, present Indleatlona are that the farmers tit western Canada are about to reap their greatest harvest. BOYS' BAND TO BE CARED FOR KOTAKY CUII AT AMHCKTA CAPITAL WILL INTEREST TIIKM-SKLVKS IN TIIK LAOS Word waa received here by mall yesterday that the Rotary Club ot Edmonton and the president of the Exhibition Association had bualed .Jiem-sclvet to see .that all arrangements were completed to look after the Prince Rupert Boys' Band In every way. Hot only will the club as a whole entertain them but Individual members', will do what they can to make their xtoy ln the Alberta capital pleasant. The band, waa started under Rotary auspices and F. a. Dawson, a former member of the etub here, wrote to friends in Edmonton asking for tlwlr Interest in the local boys. reasons which would guide you in the choice of a car. They are bought because they are the product of the most progressive organization in the world's most progressive industry , . because they reflect the General Motors policy of constant advancement . . because they are better cars. . . .They represent the latest developments of the world's leading automotive research lahora- tpry. OHpring these developments t'p the public as soon GENERAL MOTORS CHEVROLET PONT1AC OLDSMOBILE OAKLAND MLAUGHLIN-BU1CK LA SALLE GENERAL MOTORS TRUCK i IT'S t. BETTER B vE CAUSE IT'S HOT WEATHER BENEFITS CROPS l.lklXY WKMTKKN CAN.lllA WILL ItKAl' ITS I.AItfJKHT HAKVKHT THIS YD Alt Frank Oray. manager of the Bomer-1 viUe Oannery Oo.'a floating cannery i laurel Whlden at Ferguson Bay. wax 1 pWngr aboard the Prince Charier yeateway afternoon, returning to Mas-attt -JAtt following a trip to Van-cotfver: He waa aooompauled by bis son.' LAND ACT NOTICE OF lYTBNTICK TO APPLY TO l.VAHf. UM) In Prince Rupert Land .toeordlng District and situate adjaeant to AUlford Bay. Moresby Island. Skidcnte Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Mills Limited. Of Vancouver. B.C.. oeeunatlon I Pulp and Paper Manufacturers, Intends to appiy tor a lease or the following de- Commencing at a post planted on the high water mark o the he hi hleh following laland: thence II ai an water mark around the island to point of commencement and eontalnlnK 0.36 acre, more or less PACIFIC MILLS. LIMITED, Applicant Donald Wilbur lloclsdon. Agent lor Faelfle Mills. Limited. Pstert axtft. JH. . . , , LAND ACT. NOTICE Of INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LANII In Bmlthers Land Recording District and situate adjoining Lot 8180 on East side of Bk'tena River. TAKE NOTICE that Christina Corley. of Pacific, B.C.. married woman. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands:. CommenoiPg at a post Planted at the southeast crrner of Lot 8180. Range 6, Coast District: thence north 80 chains; thence nut 20 chains: thence south 80 chalna: tl"iice west 30 chains, and containing 100 acre., more or lew. CHRISTINA COIILEY. Applicant. Dated May 30, 1020. ring, flrthl Tbt Victory Turr tbt Domini I'mrtismiut 'RuiUingt at.Otttum, fitm ublih tie Birring mttutt tbt csriBtm IV TT TT S OF EVERY BUSINESS BAY - SOMEONE IN CANADA BUYS ANEW GENERAL MOTORCAR as they become available. They are proved in advance, at the expense of General Motors, not the public They are better cars because they are Canadian cars. And they embodv greater value because of General Motors money-saving methods of quantity buying and volume production. This popularity of General Motors cars holds more than a passing interest for the Canadian car buyer . . for General Motors utilises increased demand to reduce production costs and to offer still more outstanding automobile vaiuc. MEAD OFFICE AND FACTORIES - OSHAWA.ONTARIO a.istt CANADA ui CADILLAC Alt wilh De4f y Fiiktr CANADIAN Ranadian National c7he Largcfl Railway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SKItVICE Balllnga from I'HINCE KI'I'EKT tor VAM'OI' VEIL VIPTOUIA, NEVTlii MONIIAYS. TIU'USKAYS. 4.00 p.m . NATI IIKAVS. 8 00 For ANYOX and STEH AUT. MONIIAYs. I KIIIAYN, 4 00 p.m For 9IAHSETT INLET. MOMAV. 4 00 p.m. Fof MOUTH IJI!EEN f!IIAHI.OTTE lw.AM, Fortnlithtlf For HKAOWAY, WEHNUSIlAYHa 4.00 p.m. PASSENOER TIIAINH LEtYE PIIINH: HIlfBIIT DAILY EXCEPT HUNIIAV at 11.30 a.m. for l IN E OEORriK. HllMOM" WINMPEd, all poind Kuttern Csimil, I Hllril state. AOr.NCY AU. OCEAN HTEAMSII1P I INTJi.- - tii-nr.! nrrii.r.. am thihii t... fHINcr. KupRMT. oiiiTKitonfaj sdvuiNoeustsor TNCrOtLOWINOOtMJOt Uw .Kill ' ll-tHwir WtSWif s&tt iVStOMAtH yLYJ ftsiiwirt StT Sowtil r Vtjv AWN0IX 1 VSIM liM wttn una -HiontTUrW. 2U or Iflntli 3ftS : ' mi. -,rt -,i rimiir W. C. ASPINALL CIUUOI'HACTOK 0 mill 7 IhcliHiige Muck, Prince Kupert, It"