i - 'Jr PAGE FOUR 'iht i .11 i Atvv.'j BRINGING UP FATHER By George MdVati", ' 'I 'HI '"l'1 fijl a This advertisement is not pub-lished or displayed by the Liciuor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia Transfer Fifteen years' experience in FUKNITUKB AND PIANO MOVING We Nell 8 kinds of Coal Any kind of Wood in any quantity CEMENT SAND GKAVW, Our price, weights and measures art right. So is our Service Phone us and Save Money and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. NiRht Phone: Ited'317. . DRY : BIRCH JACKPINE AND CEDAR Sinjrle load $3J50 Double Load $G.30 Large Sack 50c COAL PRICKS DOWN Pembina Peerless Kgg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. Phone 580 139 Second Ave. MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. EARLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTINDAIRY Telephone 057. LINBSAYS Cartage and Storage Phone C8 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Hpeclalize In Piano and Furnltum Maying. SMITIIEUS Han. T. D. Psttullo, minister of oddNszed a large and enthusiastic matting in Telkws en Tuesday night last on behalf of Dr. II. C. Wrlaeb. M. LA., Liberal candidate for re-election in Bkeena. Hon. A. M. Manaan. attorney general , addressed an tnthus-. astir meettag In Suthers last Thurs day night. The local Hoard of Trade has mad arrangement to entertain the annual Triangle Tour party of the Canadian Uatkmal Railway which la due here on July 98. They will to taktxi for an auto trip through the district d a daaoe will be given In their honor. The Forest Brooch la putthag In a- telephone Una which will connect the Topley-Richfield mine with Smith- ers. Torrential rains the mountain heighu last week taiued caused to, . Uning roads ana hrldfM throughout the district. The pravlll-clal departmen tof public Vorks aaa TOtoflMwnt xoxk.jull swjnj. J. A. McLaren, editor of the Barrle (Onurioi Examiner, and Mrs. McLaren paid a brief visit here last veek. help. enroute to Alaska after having attended the annual meeting of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers' Association In Edmonton. Mr. McLaren was met here by L, B Warner, editor ( f the Interior Mown, with whom he 'tnrted in the printing aud newspaper ame thirty year ago. ALICE ARM All three candidates for Atlln In the forthcoming provincial election T. W. falconer, Conservative; It. T. Kergln. M.L.A.. Uberal. and W. Ml flonanaa Moult. Independent addressed a public .reeling held here last weei- under .I'cnservative auspices. Mr. JCergln ind Mr. Moult were both Invited .o speak and both accepted the op portunity. Other speakers were Capt George Black. M.P. and the chairman J. Trlnder. Both Liberal and Con rvattve camps claim a big majority it the polls tomorrow. It Is conceded that W. H. Moult of Anyox the Independent, will not cut much of a figure. Charles Gordon uid P. H. Haadley. the latter a Smltbers school teacher, i rived here last week by the overland route from Alyansh. They proceeded to the Queen Charlotte islands on a prospecting trip. Mr. Gordon plans to take up residence tn Alert Bay. STEWART H. P. Kergtn. UJA., Uberal for re-election In Atlln. con- " ' w.v .... i .1 .il". " s-" eonr-rnwi with . In. .ml .th.... were opis icr uw eapiaui ana ma man, relieved to have bean lost In a Uda on the north fork of the Marmot liver last winter. Close to a creek. Herbert Charlton found a toque which he believed to have bean worn by Vllller. The sawmill on Bitter Creek for the Canadian Northeastern Railway was completed on Sunday and is now cutting lumbar. The tint .cut will he to provide lumber tor thr completion of mill buildings after which regular rutting will St ci NEW JIAZEI.TON On Instruction of Dr. H C. Wrlnch, U.UA.. It was decided last week to data the otaelns of Um Haewllvct high ti -a 1-. ........ ... . ... i "otw trwm-iMA'n wof South IlaMlton is put to A lara sManrtannri fawtiart" Hon...T. D I SWSIIIlh i -M,JQU sat &Vtancb. M L A. at a public meeting In New Harelton laat Monday night. Oeorae D. Par cnt was chairman and M. P. Mc Hiss Ralpbenn Wrlnch. ho Is here from her mirslnf! duties at the Royal .Mil Nee Hospital to Kpetut a vacation lias been spending the past few days in Telkwa. Thomas 8 Dsvey. 111., Of the Alexandria oold Mines Ltd.. of Toronto Is expected here soon enroute to X-emhir the Mylaiul BbMh and Bablm pnipertl-s In the Bablne. m lays' V T Bwaa asjm r I a "fj W I mm w . COOL IN ANY PIPE ! , RICH IN FLAVOR ! MILD or MEDIUM T wllltn occupied local United 'ean Burns session. I-hlladslphm St Lculfl . . j0Kvclau Chlnajo Washington Dt tr lit . a iornier pastor , c( i.i ,: x't k by i . r. uv.i.mi.'.iiied by children They are ii visit in;; with Mr. J. H. Willan. Mr. the pulpit of the Church yesterday. Miss be inn a iiuloist for the George tirlarer.t left at the end 4f the week for a holiday which he Will epend prospect In.' , along the railway. He Is be tag relieved by Howard Wallan. H -" - CHICAGO CUBS RENEW THREAT TIIKEE TKA.VIN WON' O.IMKH IN NATIOVtl. IX tOlK YBHTEIt-IVWIIITK HOX IN 1'Ol'KTH Pi.tri: (Special to Daily News) NEW YORK. July 17. St. Lotus Oar- ad Now Ycrk Oiants. leaders and runnera-up of the National Laacue. both woo their games yesterday from arooklyn Roblnt and Clnclnnrtl Reds rti.ectwely and a margin af foira- half ganieamjasw separates tk ChtaaW COEdMrho outatrtaMgSInc nati imu JUK Third place r-The W. z 4 SB 8 M sa Bostctl . 33 National lMur Calfery ol Prince Rupert was slso a ; at Ixmuk M speaker. At the close af the meeting 'New York 48 n vote oi tnanas was moved ny sirs. w. 8 Sargent. Chicago 50 Cincinnati 47 Brooklyn 43 Plttewurg St Boston 34 Philadelphia 31 4 41 47 4 4S 47 48 31 33 37 a 37 41 54 53 exn lasUc KKeUng tn the Ofara house of Usav'eek.hn over the Phillies and ''ere on Saturday night, and will be. at j are but half apame banted the Olantt inyox tonight. T. W. Paloaaer, Con- jand ism gsmssiahead .af the Heds. arvatlve caadluate. and Capt. Oaorge ' citttmrg Pirstea. who are approaching Slack, MP. spoke at Premier last night ' the .first dlrlatan, won over Boatjn -nd will have their final meeting haaa handHy. anight. I lha Maw York YaaUtees stretched their fteadjln tdaAmrlcan Seague to twelve A starch Is being carried out for ; full games By taking a double-header the body of William ttlllrr. who U , from the OleveUnd Indians while Phil adelphia Athletics and Detroit Tigews divided honors. Chicago White Box went I.i to fault place ahead of the Indians by winning two games from Boston I he third place St. Louis Browns won over Waa)Uqton Sena torn. Yerdsy' accwes: Nat tonal League New York 3. Cincinnati a. Brooklyn 6, St. Louts 7. Boston 3. Pittaburg a. Philadelphia 6. Chicago 10. Amertwin agwe Cleveland 3.i. Maw York 7-4. Chlcagj 7-4. Boston 0-1 Detroit 3-11. Philadelphia 3-fl. at. Louis 4. Washington s. M'-im i; HTAMilNOM Awrrieaii lraur Pet. 738 .418 41 .458 .438 .413 .407 .835 .500 578 .65:1 .538 .401 aox TENNIS TOURNEY NEARING CLOSE CITY COMI'RTITION NOW IN fcKMI- iinai. -run: Ahii nvAi.h m mu- I l.l II f lilt Till 'HHII.IY fie ri:v tinnls championship tourna-muit has now reached its semi-final 4tugi' ami it is expected to play the finals T!)ur.suay afternoon on thV'Cftft. etiuru Much interest will be tsken in the play fro.i this on and some especially vdi-i in tested aaatebea are looked tor Yesterday the toUCWlnc games were played : Marantetu beat OHma. -. 4-6. 6-1 Howard and MUs Smith beat Smith and Miss K iwrteon, -i SI or out h and Underwood best Holtby slid McPhi iHOD. 8-3, 7-5. Uraiui ali i Mm. Shadwell beat Black mill Mix.-. D.vleB, 0-3. n-2. The fcilloumg games In the semi- 'V anted For Sale For Rent President Aid A. J. Pnidhomme. F'.rit Vice-president B. P Self. Second Vice-president B. J. Bacon. Secretary -treasurer a. S. Russell Thaw was a general discussion as to the organisation of a Junior league and. as a starter, a game will be played on Thursday night between teams bearing; the names of Young Conservatives and Young Liberals Later it is eapactad .to wraaniae a league oonsls'.lug of three learns sponsored by the Elks. Native Sons of Canada and Oyro Club. SPORT CHAT n u- -- ,., n Ray Sehalk has Joined the long profession of these who haw managed the Chicago White Sex Before s ciouble-haader with the St. Louis Brown's last week he advised Charles Comlskey, the club president, that he was through.' Bchalk explained that the team was being built around young men, and tor the good of the organisation be believed another manager should be named Lena Blackburue, veteran lnfltlder. an assistant coach under Bchalk. temporarily was, named manager. Bchalk succeeded Eddie Collins as manager of the team laat year. Hts 'team finished the season in fifth place . When the Sox went south to train last winter, the South Side tans were optimistic that the team would Be in the race this year. Until n few days ago It was in the cellar. Now It la seventh. After m- turning to toe ranks Sehalk went ut to catch young Bd Walsh, arm of the veteran White Sox pitcher, la hi major league debut. Sschalk was one a wettery anate of the youth' tauter. .Toumr ma was graduated tarn Notre Dam tftV Another of the great tennis players Is passing into that neglected niche reserved for the heroes of yestrryeer. William T. Tilden II hai. been beaten In '.iiiglea and In doubles at Wimbledon. That great Quaker, theapian. lltcratrur i'lid xenerallssltiKi or the American tennis expedition!' v lorcra succumbed J Mere is far niorcfl MAGIC BAKING POWDER used in Canada tlH of all other brands com biqeci MADE IN CANADA NO ALUM s&. r W, GILLCTT CO. tomonto, cam. A "' ' I-''' . ' ItmE NEVT SPEAKER OFTHE.EVEN.NQ. mm LADlEANOGarNUM-KCEl m$W fflfijjtW OEKERALl SPEAKIMGlM I introduction-he willpeak om -pfS. MM CS? .QwEHiiToTAfrr -rrm y ' lerroow, . . . Mf UNDERTAKERS PIS (ffi) fiTT Kl J TlBv5 O 1 l v' j '-' l O 1924. by lull Fwiuti W ! Qml Briuin ritlm nri I jf HV V il I'1 HAPPY SPEECH BY 'COMMANDER AIT. t'OLEUIIXlK OF JI.M.S. Ill ItlSAN KXl'itKUHHS .UM'KECIATION FOB ISM KITION IIKHK An Interesting diversion at laat night's boxing tauniainent in tin Exhibition Hall was a brief address by Capt Qeorjv Lincoln Coleridge, the genial and lvBttrty Englishman who l the commander of H.HJ3. Durban. Going into the ring and couehlig his remarks In humorous 1 vein, which ivent over strong with the crcwd. Capt Coleridge expressed his appreciation for the efforts of the unfortunate young people who had participated In the bouts. He also extended the thanks of himself, his officers and men to the promoters of the many sports which the personnel of the ship had been privileged to attend and participate In while In Prince Rupert. "Our ship." continued Capt. Coleridge "hs. been a long way and long away but I feel sure that the officers and ship's company will acknowledge that we have rceelved no better receptee n all' the way around the world than you people of Prince Rupert have ac-ocrded us. For that recaption we desire to thank you all." Remarking that ship would move up from her present jUy at 5 o'clock Wednesday morning to load oil and would sail about 10 JO or 11 o'clock tor her next port. Capt. Coleridge facetiously warned the stokers to take notice and admonished man and officers, too that no waving to sweeties would be allowed even though he. himself, might be tempted to bid such a farewell. Led by Ben Self and the ship's band I While here he -will also make an ln- spection of the Velvet group, formerly I the Silver Ki:K on the south Slope I A Nine Mile Mountain. 1 Miss Blrtf of the Hszelton Hospital j ltirslng Staff ha rat timed to her '"ties after havmn spent n holiday visUmi: at Port Simpson with Dr. and iir K. O. Lnrft Rev. W B. W; H.ikan ,111 ..our: from Van. i 4rs. Willan and -pending a Vhoii; ! Willan's brother 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for less than SOc finals will be played this evening: 6.16 'pjn. Howard and Miss Smith vs. Arnott and Mrs. Rogers. 7 p.m air and Morton vs. Clyne and Howard 7 pin. Marauttte and Brand vs. Biooomb and Underwood. LACROSSE NOW IS ORGANIZED Ojrfanlaatlon of lacrosse in Prince JgBpsrt was effected at a meeting last night in the City Hall over which R. 6. Woods pr aided and at which there re some twenty-five persons in at tendance. Offloeri ware elected at follows: Honorary President W. J McCut- Honorary Vice-presidents Hon T. D Psttullo and James V Thompson. WANTED WANTED SIDE LINK SALESMAN TO sell on commission counter tales Ik ks and (special Business forms on territory Prince Rupert to Prince Oaorge. State experience and Unas carried. Write "Advertiser." Box Itt, Daily News Ofllce 167 WANTED SMART GIRL FOR RETAIL store: on- Utck at figure and with some knot ledge ol boots and shoes preferred. Write or call "Shoe Store" Dally News Office 107 WANTED TO KENT BY THE WEEK OH month, autsmcblle In good running condition. Apply Daily New Office. WANTED BOY TO WORK IN STORE for half days. Apply Montreal Im porters. its EXOAViATINO WANTED ROCK OR any kind, by day or by con tract El Rosang 183 FOR SALE FIRST CLASS ROOatINO house: twenty-six rooms fully furnished and in good condition. Excellent opportunity for a eoupie Assiy T. fAaClymoBt. tf OLD NKWSPAPKRB MAT BE USED IN- stesd of buUdlag paper or to lay beneath csepeu en the floor. Oet special pries on large quantities. Dally Wears. FOR 8AUt008BI ABO LOT AT 333 Second Avenue. Also contents comprising variety of mechanic's tools, guns, phonograph, etc Apply Ed. Cby-ber. 187 FOR SALE LAUNCH OWSN POUR Horst power Last hope engine. all complete and in good running con-C It Ion. Apply Pullen Dally News, tf FOR SALE --DOUBLE CORNER ON AT- lln Avenue unobstructed view, price 84M00.Phone Black 404. tf NEW CAMP AT SALT LAKES AMD small launch in good condition tar sale cheap Phone 485. tf PIANO FOR SALE RECENTLY TUNED. Also sideboard buffet. Phoue 133. 108 FOR SALS MOOEHN HOUSE, for inspection. Phone 466. VOU ItENT OPEN TR RENT FURNISHED BEDROOM In new home: hoard if psafened. Phone Qremi 53H or call 055 Eighth Avenue East. t RENT - CtAI'PSRTON KOOSE, Ninth Avenue Bast. Bant rsaaosaot. Apply City Treasurar. City Hall. OR RENT- PIANOS. PLATES-PIANOS, nKUMfgaphs and aewiag Msebiase, i "WeiJief'a Music store.' tf FOR RENT FURNISHED roomed apartment with bath, paid. Phone 347 FOUR Water tf FOR RENT - FOUR ROOM APART -ment. hot water heated. Apply Smith & Mallett, Ltd. tf TOR RENT. FURNISHED APART-menu. Apply MussaUem Qrootry. KOU HKNT FURNISHED ROOMS: alio lunall Mille. Phone Green 080. u, Rene latcoMe. snd then he and W T Hunter, TUden's strongest lieu tenant, fell More the onalaughts of Cerald Patterson and John Hakwes. Maurice McLatighlln. thr CslUernla uiiK't. the Doltertys of England. Norman Brookes ai.d the gallant Wilding nave shown the way for Tllden's exit. No more glorious paxes in the history of tennis hsve l;cn written than by then mtfncihten -it another day. And Tilden targe Bill Tilden may have been beeri 'Uie uresteet ef them all. Arftuchent alon that line Is about as Useful as biittlliiK wordily over the relative merit i of preHeni day heavyweight champions ami tln oi earlier days. Tilden. it if true, may yet lead his ooherts to Davl.s cup victory In that dear Prance Hut youth, speed and court generalship seem to be unbodied in the lithe frames of Cochet former ball boy. Rene Laoostr, scion of mlllloiib and Jean Borotrs. graoeful Boumlini; HiiHque. LadliN Kpo lallv tnvlled to IIh' WckI -holnw riieatic niecliiit: tonlglu at 0 SAItVA(;K AMi Prince Hupcrt s.ii Co. I.i,. ll.H IiAHU.IINn : Small Safe a ml I Agents for -athii. Propellers, and i IkMts of all derrlii..i Milt tjike lerrv. -tsUaiAIIJK HI . : LAKKWK HOTSI'i" miu on L.IIK1HMT IIOTMPUIM i (Llthla V. Trout Ff stilnjc on f r now one i. noon .fTi)HJioiATiiiv i PAKTH J. ::: Lakelse Lake Terrace. BX AuenoNi:' i vni.vtt; nintNtT u Ivrieral m ... Furniture ex all kn or aacbsti". Crating and pv Aueslawrer. on (' G. J. DAW I ClllKOPKAi- lK. H. K. RYOI i -CMreprsrii.f 833 Third A-Telephone for appoln'n 5. Beatdewe plni Aeute and Chronic D fully treat e : Established i USUI) CAILft I or Ford Ton Truck, panel Ford Ton Truck, en..- aurter type Ford Roadster del.w good condition . Oakland Sedan. 1935 f brakes, bsloon tire; Two Ton Traffic Tn tires Terms ean he arrann. K; IBM UAI'ti.l Phone ii FUHN1TUUE AND I (SIMMONS HIOH ORAD!- I end msttreaas. includu) mere Msttreat. Slumix and Chateau bed, are us tn stock. A. MACKRVM 1'iirnllore HHBTAUHANT OOllli B.VTN l i Mrs. tinker. Prupi Third Atrttwe. nrl Oood Home Cooked Mea! Bskecf Rreail "prelil Chlrken Dinner I lit en lug from HOU. 3S 1'OH li BEAIiB V USE MCA It Church at 8800O; 615 1 West at 3A,00 Nlnt' rooms. 318.00 and a" These are all modern ii nue Weat for aile F. W. HART '' ! e. 4. . r . niMNCIJ ituruitT Ti I . . 4 . Jt!,V IT ' 1:03 am 14:00 pm l TeM a m I l pjn ,'h 1:50 am I 14(44 pjn. Low ItlB ajn ! aM7 pm j UTLX If "'Kit tH7 ajn. I 137 pjn. ' 48 aju I MM p.m.