i JuJy 17, 1928 Assistant Now is odak "Yime KODAKS, KODAK SUPPLIES FILMS Developing and Printing for Amateurs I IlOlir hOrVirP. Kllins Ipfl hornrn 19 nnnn ni-inla ------ - - Acs l W'tta J 1 III kkj ready G p.m. same day ones 1M. 7;c' Pioneer Drttgtisls HUAVLOblXin bl. ' -TELEPHONES 8?t,200 eiter : Bn?sn' sam- MM A WicTlcal Canadian Car ,i.c pleased to announce that the Ford Canadian fac-ull soon be in full production. I 'k exceptional value in the Mode! A car hoi been worth ,- lor. I .Mowing models will be on display at oar Third I'uwroom on and after July 17 for a few days: IOItDOK AND TUDOK SEDANS, i'HAETON AND I1USINESS COUTE, I ' t TON TKUCK. S. E. PARKER, LIMITED Dentistry PLATES that give you a natural ap-pearance and lend beauty to the contour ai the face. Dr. laguire Over Ormes Universal Trading Co. I'honc 525 few Drapery Fabrics IMPORTED Cretonne, ChlntasK, I)amnskn and Sunfnst Fabrics i -nt mines, fast colors, exquisite floral design, per yard :rr I Of, rf ... ti French Hand illock Trinted Cretonnes, assorted de- i-iis and colorings, per yard J)l.-" Si?l.r0 - li Silk Damasks, fadeless fabrics, heavy weight, l" yard ?' Fraser & Payne I CURE DEFECTIVE VISION, DEFECTIVE HE AH-INC, CATAHK1I and other organic troubles by naturul methods. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C. Wallace Mock. I'l.one 131. Open Evening Washm nnd DrieK Without a Wringer'';., THE NEW SAVAGE &D per cent Fuster From hamper to line in 14 minutes-Washed, Klued, Ttiniu'd and Dried. Sold on easy terms. Kaien Hardware Co. Phone 3 local and Personal I 4 a Tuxl Phone 4. Ilig 4 Tux I. tf Dentist. Dr. J. It. Uoeae, Phone 608 Pattpllo Meeting. Westholme Tlisatre tonight. Opposition candidate invited night. i- i a Why hafo ejni,,wcfl3 ft 1 loats? llduMlli jftflSwerf bX THont .f fU I . Iff Dr. Dickey. ..N aitd'TttWijt Office Hotel Prince Tlupert, Hours, Ml to 6 pm. Evening! 4y appointment. 186 Local Issues will be handled Without glove at Thompson's meeting tonight In the Itlnk. Even elector should be present. The road to Terrace." the hope of all the Citleen. Why has it been held back by the Liberal Government? Bear question tonight at Thoroptton'a meet- Now then folJul What about that double load ol boa: cuttings? The kid dles like to bandit It Can you best it at WJO per load? Hyde transfer Phone 660. tf Mrs. Robert Oavle and son arid Mrs William Beld. Mrs. Davie's mother. sailed by the Prince John butt night for Sandaptt where they will spend a holiday visiting friends. Mrs. Vie -Menzle and son, who have been on a holiday visit for the past few weeks in Vancouver sod Victoria, returned to the city on the Prince Charles yeaterday afternoon. WUl Oceisarvatlvss accept? The Conservative candidate or his accredited representative ha been invited to attend the mass meeting and fcive an address in Weetbolme Theatre tonight. Onion steamer Catala, Capt. A. Johnstone, returned at 10:46 this morning from Anyox. Stewart and other notbern ports of call and will sail at 6 o'clock this afternoon for Vancouver and way points. Liberal Committee Booms are now- open at the corner of Second Avenue and Fourth Street. All supporters of Hon. T. D. Patulo. minister of lands, are cordially invited to visit the rooms. Phone 190. tf James Otllespte, who la engaged in the hgg'ng business on the Wanda, arrived from Vancouver on the Prince Charles yesterday afternoon and proceeded by the Prince John to Queen Charlotte City. Knroute to the wreck of the THE DAILY NEW PAGE THREE Charles Larson of Stewart arrived in the city on the Catala this morning. tin. C. A. King and sister are sail ing this afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver. Srneet Blue. Hyder attorney, arrived in the city, from the north on the Catala this morning. Father Lcray, O.MJ. of Stewart arrived In the city from the north on $ie OaUtla this morning. iJ. O. Oavlgan returned to, the city on the Cartala this morning from a brief business trip to Stewart. Mrs. Oeorge Kelaey and children sail Led yesterday afternoon on the Prince Charles for a holiday visit to Massctt. Richard Goese and other officials of the Geese Packing Co. sailed yester day afternoon on the Prince George for Vancouver. A. Appleyerd, who has been Identi fied with senior football in this city, sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince Charles tor Stewart. William Duncan, storekeeper of Claxton Cannery, arrived In the city on yesterday afternoon's train from the 3keena iyver for a brief stay. iter. J. 8. Orayfleld, Anglican clergj-man at Anyox, and Mrs. Brayfleld. ar rived In the city from the smelter town on the Oatal this morning. Pour sisters of the local St. Joseph's Academy left on this morning's train for Hagwllget where they win take up residence for the summer holiday. yacht Ossac (f vynmgaii tvjrsj 'Hie npi MoAicgt the Pacific eMvage ' Cp. 'a big salvage steamer Salvage Ring arrived in port at midnight last night from Victoria and after taking supplies bare, sailed north a couple of hours later. C.NjR. steamer Prince John. Capt. f. Mabbs, arrived at 6-10 last evening from Vancouver direct, sailing it midnight for Vancouver via south Queen Charlotte Island points. The John had some overflow 1 passengers from tne .Prince Charles which left Vancouver the same night. These consisted principally of cannery hands for the Quean Charlotte Islands. Rev. W. 8. Jennings, graduate ol Trinity College. Toronto, arrived in the elty on the Prince Charles yester day afternoon from the south, being here to take over his new duties In charge of the Anglican Mission boat Northern Cross, succeeding Ber. Canon W. F Rushbrook. Ha waa accompanied by hie bride who was formerly Miss Dick, daughter of the city solicitor of Milton, Ontario. They travelled via. the Panama Cuual from the last. rTHi I CAithe service! indus&vj Fairbanks-Morse Type "-Z" EsigSitc This efficient little p-wer plant has Rotary High Tennion Mogneto; Kenewablc Div Cntt IJ tarings, Drop Forged Crankshaft. There are fewer parts subject to wear, and those parts are machined to within a fraction of the diameter of a human hair and then heat treated. In every pUrtMftar tbe "J" engine, is built to 'We-' the" -utmost wear-, vtheastv giving trouble or requiring repairs'. Made in 1, S, and 6'h.yt. tUei We also iupj4y FAIRBANKS MORSE Marine and Stationary Diesel Engines in lixct up P to 840 h.p. Q?w CANADIAN XairSj anlss -Mflr&e CMKANYlmUd tta-OW-ftiK-ntettonae'-tttm Hon. T. D. PactttUo will address a meeting In Westhotme Theatre trfrUgnt at 8 o'clock. The opposition candidate or accredited representative Is Rupert want Increased grain trade and rail corweotton with Peace Itlver. Hear the Conservative policy on this question oUitgbt at Thompson's meet ing. Al Small of the Safin-Canadian Oo. sailed yesterday afternoon on the Prince Charles to make the round trip to Stewart. Anyox and -Massett Inlet points on business. CJIJSjS. ma. Hurry On. Oapt. Dan MoKhinon. sailed yesterdat afternoon st 3.30 for New Westminster with a cargo of Terrace OoetaiRirood logs load ed at the dry deck. dgar Province, Hyder. Alaska merch ant, whose store watwtped out by the recennt fire in Hfdr, and Mrs. Province .-re passengers aMen the Oatela to day going through to Seattle.' ham. 3Aol thai. Kf ulhuuk sunnu smu sn xe x-tiimx- Bupert General Hospital returned to the city yalcrnaf following a three weeks' holiday trip to Atlln and Daw. on. P. S. Walton, CJf.R. roadmaster, re turned to the elty on yefeterday after noon's train from Sratfifers 'where he pent s boil day and where Mrs. Wal ton and child are remaining while longer. for a A Public Hance Mill le held In tne Inhibition llullillng on Tuesday itiftt at 0 'rlm-k 'In honor of the strip's rumpuny of . II. M. K. . "Itirrhan. Ailml-wUm free. Every- iMMty weli-oitie. lwi Opportunity Beckons! . , Hear Evalyn Davis i Pice Lecture) Metropole Hall 8 pjn. Learn laws of Health. Success ind Character reading. Vteeationsl ad vice. Character analysis by appoint- gieut. at. Buno Hotel. 1GS K. P. Jenncr, wharf freifiit agent for the Canadian National Railway; re turned to tne elty on yesteMay after noon's train from a holiday trip to Calgary where Mrs. Jennet and child are remaining for a while longer. Mr and Mrs, E. A. Mann and fam ily, pioneer resident of this city whose departure from Prince Rupert will be iltuernlly regretted, will sail this after noon on the Catala for Vancouver. They will spend a holiday and will probably take up future residence in the south. E c. Luke, pilot of tne Pacific Alr-v.uys seaplane which crashed last week near Butedale while engaged in fish-'ries patrol, was sufficiently recovered -.s rrday from his injurjea to leave tt.r Pr'.ncc Rupert Genera! Hospital. He lid Mrs. Luke went down the coast this morning. George B. Casey and Aid. Hert Greer r turned to the city on jkhe Oats! that morning from a brief trip. WAtltn riding in the interest of 11. P. Kargln, M I. A. Liberal candidate In in forthcoming provincial electron. MftOasey vlBiu-il Stewart and Mr. Greer Anyox. Thoy report prospecu vecjr bright for Mr. Kergln'a re-election at the polls tomorrow. J B. Lambert, assistant rHstiict en- Xjuvr for the federal department of ul.l.r Works, is a passenger aboard l.- C;itaiu today returning to Victoria 1 ' ' "Vr TI HNtUriit UftlPf, h. Ia .ha L- pnrtinont.il power crulacr Walronda Ui:xn Charlotte Uluuds and Port Simp-on laat week. The Walronda Is going on to Bkagway where It will ptek up I .'. P. Pome, district engineer who will pi.iw through the city aboard the !':ince Rupert tomorrow bound north ami take him on a trip to Glacier Bay hi ;),. northern .Mid of the Alaska in.:! Rev. Oeorge H. Rale. principal Coqualeetaa Institute at Bardie; la a pacaetiger aboard the Catala today returning south after having made the round trip on the Johnny Wood. Seattle boxer, who came north to meet Percy Lake of H.: M a. Durban in last night's boxing j bout, will sail this afternoon by the. Catala on hla return south. I Mrs. Ouy R. Balloch and her slater-1 in-law, Mrs. Oarr of St .Luke's Hospital XTa. Vn-lr niV -A llaH fkf ttfr. noon on the Prince Charles to make the round trip to Stewart. Anyox and Maasett Inlet point SUMMER COMPLAINT CAUSES MANY DCATHS AMONG INFANTS j m .. . i- e , i .i 1 l I Canada have used during the past 80 years it has been on j the market, and uieir child's iifo no doubt saved by iln timoly use. Irico, 60c. a tuttta at all druggiats or dflcra; jmt up only by The T. Mil- I burn Co. limitod. Toroato, Uni. Twosjes 5 anc CHOCO Wa fill COfft6. Bringing with him a wonderful new chocolate bar, Rowntree's MOTORING CHOCOLATE. It Is a combina-tion of the finest chocolate vith big white Valencia almonds and luscious Nectar raisins, the most delicious bar you will ever taste. There are two kinds of Motoring Chocolate bars, one is plain chocolate with almonds and raisins, and the other, milk chocolate with almonds and raisins. One taste of either Is worth more than a dozen words you'll love them! Notice its smooth fine chocolate. Notice the delicious flavour of the almonds and raisins how delightfully they blend with the chocolate. Made by the makers of the famous Plain York chocolate, MOTORING CHOCOLATE, whether milk or plain, lives up. to the Rowntrce worldwide reputation for quality. Try MOTORING at once the sooner you know how good it is, the sooner you'll start enjoying it. ROWNTREE'S LATE Plain or Milk Chocolafe with Almondr & Rairii J. M. Hockln returned to the city on the Catala this morning from a business trip to Stewart. Miss Blanche Hart returned to the city on the Catala this morning from a trip to Alice Ann. 8. M. Newton, who had been holiday ing at Terrace, has gone to Lake on a holiday trip. Mr. and Mrs. B. Q. Scale are salting this afternoon by the Catala on a holiday trip to Vancouver. H. MeGulre. weU known Stewart mining man. is a passenger aboard the Catala today bound aouth on business. DEMAND "Rupert Brand" Kippers "TOE DAINTIEST UKEAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage C.. W Prince ItuperU B.C. (JOOI) l'OK 10,000 EXTRA VOTES First Subscription Cuupon Accompanied by the nomination blank and your first ul-scription, thin coupon will start you in the race tor the magnificent Daily News gifts with the grand total of more than 26,000 votes. This coupon may be used only once and is valid only when accompanied by a subscription remittance. NainutjaubaibeJ' sail Mi" Canp:ilfm''amelpP ..... J MMBl $!--. Ameurrt Enclosed Thia eouiion will count 10,(Uiii extra voles when returned to the Campaign Manugcr at the uniiuigu office of the Prince Rupert Daily News, together with the first nuh-cription you obtain. It must be accompanied by the cash, and toe subscription must be for a period of one year or longwr. The 10,000 tree votes are IN ADDITION to .he number given on the subscription an per the regular vote scheiiule. 1