CLASSIFIED HABIT Everyone Tcads the Classified Ads. It you lose, advertise for It. If you find, locate the owner. Whatever you need, advertise for It (JET THE CLASSIFIED II AWT. m XVIII.. No. ICC, ET asTfe i Mr SB m K Tt 3 i i 0 ar i c i p i METEORITE IS SEEN IN SOUTH': l-I '1-1.1. Ol WAKIIINHTON AND OllE-t,OS III.IMIUT HAME PHENOMENA l ltOM DIITEItENT PUtCES MTIJX. ' July 17. Raaldenta of Sound country yesterday nfaaed n- for traces of what they be- have ween a meteorite which i uk heavens shortly betoee one " i the mcrnlng The path of .i-,nal vialtor was marked by . v ol eerta blue lighto and was Seattle. Taooma. MamHto. .. Hid other communities. -'s describe variously a tremen- n uKUon craah. a hissing sound Til'mnt light. STEAMER MOGUL RUNS AGROUND - I "l l r July 17 Steamer Mogul iviound at Three CTrown Polir in i, of Seattle early thla morning "''I ir. m Anyoa with ore to Tacoma .. '. nipt will be made to refloat her OVOUlllg. How V f rttrtTTtttttft mawhin ih m ill; WINKEK IN DMIXWA VANVBRHOOr. July 17. Ron. A. M. Uanaon la a sure winner In this constituency Hla opponent Bhelfard WIU not get three pells out of the total M. Tte people throughou this oonsUtuency aiw oenvlnced that thla la no time for a change. WESTMINSTER BEATEN AT LACROSSE, TORONTO, BY AN ALL.STAR TEAM TORONTO. July IT The New Westminster SalmonlwIDee. Canada' Olympic lacrosse team, were defeated here lat night by the local all-tar 7 to 4. L0UG1IRAN GIVEN DECISION OYER SCRANTON MINER W1LKKSBAARC. July 17. Tommy Itirhtwolcht champion, nosed out a ten round decision Ijatno. the Bcranton miner. to Mark Ballot on Wednesday PATTULLO, THOS. DUFFERIN THOMPSON, JAMES H. jl... t. Mae, over Pete Your X Ottawa wUl hear your verdict act accordingly." Dr. Tolmie addnaaing another ma laat night said hla party would give good dean, honest government and would attempt to got a dollar valwe for a dollar expended. He said he wished a better understanding with the prairies where In some sections he found hostility toward British Columbia and a deal to favor trade with the United Stale rather than thla province PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, JULY 17, 1928 and NORTH MANITOBA MINIMI TOWN Ol' (HVMIK.KKY niKTAOE NOICIII Ol' THE PAS TIIKEATK-NED WINNIPEG. July 17 -Sweeping through the northern districts In the mineral belts adjacent U The Pas forest fires reached alarming proportions and unless rain comes soon fear la eapraanod that they will get beyond control o the Rangera and prove a great menace to mining camps and aettle- i nventfi In the north. The fires are all within a 30 mlie area. for a tune Saturday the mining I town of Cranberry Portage, north of The Paa was threatened with destruction but rain came Just In time to check Um progress of the flamea. . HELPPjOLICE VICTOMA. July "li.'". Ohria 'McRe. former member of the Legislature, was yesterday charged with assault for bis part in aastattnf. to eject Walter Har-bord tram a liberal meeting In Vic toria recently at the same time that Constable Samuel Strange, also charged r by llarbord with assault, launched a counter charge against llarbord of interfering wtth ai officer In the per iormaitce of hla duty. All three csaen are postponed to next Friday. PHEMDI1NT OBKEflON Of 1CJflr' '! CKDEKED mbyjoo orrr. juiy n. Jrealdanleiect Obregon who was named to office only a few days ago. was aaaaastnated today. Political anemias are held responsible for the killing and there Is uproar in the capital today over tha affair. Tha assassination took place at a banquet at a restaurant in Mexico Oity shortly after two o'clock this afternoon. Assassin who was not Immediately Identified was arrested. Obregon waa not flva times through the body. 4.,. 4.4- BRITISH WINNERS OF Notice to The Electors J. II. Thompson and his campaign committee wish to announce thut they disclaim all knowledge of the origin of the scurrulou letter about Mr. PattuUo which appeared in the Dailjr News of yesterday. The personal character of Mr. Pattullo has not been und will not be attacked by the Conservative party and it would be in the interest of cleaner politics if such letters were eonslgned to the waste paper basket instead of being published. THOMPSON'S CAMPAIGN COMMITTEE. YACHT RACES TODAY DUNOON. Scotland. July 17. The Brttlah aUt-metre ycrahtp team won the new Brttlah-AinirttoiW cup by defeating tha United States representatives in the fourth of a aeries of noes oti the Clyde. The British won tlsws of the and United Btatee one. PKH E Of WHEAT VANCOUVER July 17.-The price of wheat here today Is quoted an S1.3SH. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper 4 VC T IDED A I C IPC i I O LilMJLillflUiJ fllllj KOTII AMERICAN AND YANKEE I'K KINU I I' AND KI TH III T-TINO 1 1 DM i: Its' NEW YORK. July 17 Chicago Americana slnos Lena Blaofcourne took over the management from Ray flchalk' on July 1 have won nine victories In. .te starts. For the aecond time In! two playing days they took both ends of a double Matter front Boston yea-! terdsy j Ttat Yankees demonstrstad that they; have recovered from their recent slump ty taking the aecond eonaacutlve double' header from Cleveland. Ruth hit I6th homer in the third Inning ol l? il. 4. ,11 . oWmr 11 ;M days and flva various tuiiuiuaiva in jmuium "' - t :an Liberals, 11 Conservatives, i Laiwr, i mucpcnaeni uu-eral will be elected. Tliis will give the MacLcan government a majority in the next legislature of two to one. Tolmic's followers have virtually thrown up their hnads. NEW YORK IS PLAYING BALL BETTER TODAY atandmg St DONAGHY AND of his a H It a - VANCOCVBR, July 17. Hon. Dugald Donaghy. addraaalng a meeting last, nigh'., warned that U the liberal! wave defeated "you must bid farewell to aU hope of getting rid of the P. O. Mo deal will be made, so tar as X can see. If you turn down tha man who telle you Ma policy la to sell the road. i Ii editorial Osonoeo Again Seen by C1KCULAK TO rSCANDlNA V1ANS A circular letter l being sent out aiong Bcnodmavuu pjopie In this riding '-y H. W. Druha. ConKcivative member lor fanlmon Arm. the man who la.ied to put in an appearance for the propped faceting but night, in which h auggeata thai LHaynla in Canada do ni treat lotilghcni fairly. l.orway and t)v(hu are acaong the moat Ubaral cjiin'.rlea of Kur-ope and tha people ,uie most Intelligent any they will hardly be led away by such suggtatlon. Ni.rwkfaMj and those of Swedish birth will mneiubtr that Or. 'ioUn.v was a Maula uf the Oov-(T.n jnt who dHlnnnlsed thorn during the war and it is most on-bcc. ir.iiig to his party now to suggest that they are th' particular lr:eu(i- of those ol lorelgn birth. FOR CM. VICIOIUA. July 17. of tlirre new eMtwle Hnara alich will he larger and mode ii thaa tlte prntent khlps Kill be fiHdartakea. was aHivMiiM'aI .btrt tHly by Hlr-.HenryCTnejfli TmmV Ji lHf wtll lie rniMT ! M-rv4ee in IfWO nH the erviee m III Ite agalu en- tended to Vletrl4 and probably Seattle. tolmie speak r.i:r:. VIIMMTEK Of 1INANC E I lUiEH tllV-INU MAtTJiAN HAT TO HEU. P. O. E. Few Reasons Why People Will Vote for MacLean Government Candidates at Polls Tomorrow Given Herewith Here are a few of the reasons why wc believe the electors will vote for the MacLcan candidates tomorrow: They have given British Columbia the best government the province ever had. The Conservatives are offering nothing half as. gpod. v ' LUerals..will be lictfer able to cancltide the1 deal-to dispose of the P.G.E. Labor has little hope of getting anything from the Conservatives but they have been shown what the Liberals arc willing to do. Liberal government means government for the people, whereas Conservative government means class government. jiLIBERALISHS SWEEPING SOUTH : THAT WAS WHAT KEIT U. W. Hill UN IKOM t'OMINO TO PRINCE ItlTEKT YIWTEKDAY Taste iday la was announced locally R.-W. Brubn. Oanservativo oanai- date in Salmon Arm. had tailed to arrive here to address a meeting last algnt and the meeting was cancsuaa. The reason for Mr. Brubn falling to; appear waa not set forth. Here It Is: j Mr Bruhn had a hurry-up call Tram his own constituency saying that a wave of Liberalism waa sweeping the interior and that it was nmiesaary for him to return at once to help atom the tide. The result was that he Immediately hMwht a ticket for Salmon Arm and is there new. CONSERVATIVES WIN SEAT IN ENGLAND AT HALLAM, SHEFFIELD LONDON. July 17 The parliamentary at lor Hallam. Bliemelfl. vaeawa bj i sir Frederick Sykes upon nomination w the post of Oovernor of Bombay has returned to the Conservatives by the election yesterday of L. W. wnitn oy a large majority. YACHT OAXACA IS NOW RESTING ON BOULDERS KETCHIKAN. July 17,-raalvage work- cn a bed of bouldenTW'BaKage King I )a aBeoted to arrive soon to assist th ! Akutei! of Ketchikan In making am- I norary repairs and floating the ahlp The oaaaca win H"") to Vancouver. C.N AS freighter Canadian riant John MoKei lion which at the local dry dock (or the havlnn flail oil cumin the souii. '.".Yrt!lt'Ml:l be taken Fawn past week tanks Installed and uiHlerKoiiiK oleaninic and painting , h mimi.i: iiiBiM'ciKiu will sail for Thursday. ELECTION KCTllKNst AT I.H1F.KAL ROOMS AND METKOPOLE HALL Election returns will be received at the Liberal committee rooms corner of 2nd Avenue and 4th Street on the evening of the election. So that may rrr.'e an opportunity to get the returns without crowding, returns will also be received at t M.Hfopnle Hall. . WESTMINSTER ROYALS ENTER SECOND STAGE FOOTBALL CHAMPION VANCOUVER. July 17. New West minster Royals defeated Edmonton Canadian legion In the lnterprovtnclal soccer playoff in the Dominion chempioti- shlp I to I and waning the two gams series 11 to 6. thus entering the western finals against either Winnipeg. West brook or Saskatoon. C. M. Rolston. British Columbia manager ot the Imperial OH Co., sailed by the Prince Oeorge yesterday afternoon n hla return to Vancouver after having spent the past week or so In the .ly and district on company business. Boston Grill LARGE CABARET Special Dinners Thursdaye and Saturdays Dancing every Hnturday night from 9 to 12. Dance Hall for Hire. The latest and best for the leaat. Phone 457 Price Five Cents 'ANSON REPORTS ALL POLLING STATIONS BUT THREE HIS nVlllll IS Bllllll III y B ,I!9PI IIIS VWIIB i a iftwe Sweeping Majority in the Election Tomorrow Premier Says mi rt -mw rm fi a- a- a a a w a a a. a mm m mj m m mm mm mm next Legislature and two Labor with only 14 Conservatives The following telegram has been received by Hon. . I). Pattullo from Premier MacLcan: "Victoria and Vancouver never looked better for i ii ii if i us and reports irom an over me province muicaic u seeping majority for the government pn Wednesday. The labor vole is going to us where no Labor candidate is in the field and the women and independent vote is -supporting us. "Please convey my thanks to all your workers and .unnortcrs in Prince Kupcrt. Trust that Prince Kupcrt will roll up a handsome majority for yourself. "J. U. A1AUL1SAIS." A telegram received by the Daily News from Van couver says: "After a very careful and thorough checking up by nreredited authorities of the prospects ol election 01 me -penr and is now Girl Guides and Nurse Okanagan Lake Friday VKRNON, Juiy 17.- -The Ogopogo, the mysterious monster which inhabit OkaunBan L;.ke, was seen Friday by a group of girl guides and Miss L. Trice, a nurse, disporting itself in Otter The Lake was calm and Miss Trice on the beach observed a rao-lioa in the water north of cuiip. In a few minutes a long creature swam .iwlflly from a point across the bay in a southerly direction. Accordjnir to Miss Trice and five girl guides, it was between thirty and forty feut long and swam with undulating motion. The creature made quite a noise as it rushed through the water. PATTULLO IS VERY CHEERFUL OYER ELECTION NAY NO MATTER WHAT PEOPLE llEliE DO. rUOVINCE AH WHOLE WILL SL'I'I'OIIT MACLEAN Hon.' T. D. PattuUo, seen this morning in regard to the political situation ',n the eve of the election whicn takes place tomorrow, waa very cheerful over the outlook. He said that whatever Prince Rupert might do, he felt sure the provlnoe as a whole would return the MacLean government wtth a good working majority He also bad faith In the people of Prince Rupert that they would again send him to Victoria to represent tliem. However, that waa their optUn. He was m their hands. Tomorrow would tell the tale. STORMS DAMAGE PRAIRIE CROPS HEAVY TOLL IN NOME DISTRICTS IKOM HAIL. AND WIND LAST IEW DAYS WINftlFEXJ. July IT One deaV and sea eral" persons injured and severe dam age to property and crape la the toll of eJeatrlaal aajl hall sfcorma inaeveral SUUJ1MI1I tllllllttf ?Tiai Htord -ve- eetlved hsre yesterday Indicates. MELROSE. July 17 Oeorge Roeil. 18 ywsrt of age. was struck by lightning and Instantly killed. High winds wrecked numerous barns. In southern Sas katchewan storms, winds and hall took heavy toll, bringing ruin to crops and destruction to buildings. One man lost s flock of 300 sheep killed by hall and a cyclonic wind. LIQUOR DEALER DEFIES COURT UEITKEK TO ATTEND AS WITNESS TO (1IYE EVIDENCE IIEEOKE COMMISSION VANCOUVER, July 17. Challenging the Jurisdiction of Commissioner Bor- don Lindsay to inquire Into alleged violation of the excise taw Harry Relfel. rscretary. of Joseph Kennedy Ltd.. dealers In winee and aplrtu, refused to attend an a witness Monday afternoon although served with a subpeena. HOMES BURNED JORDAN RIVER VICTORIA July 17 A fire yesterday afternoon at Jordan River destroyed three home and damaged adjoining premise The plaom destroyed were those of Mrs. Bent, the post office, the hnmeH nf Mr DavMeon. Mr. Dedirtgham. Mr. Lee and the Community Hall waa munased as well as the Oovernment telegsaph tinea. Opposition candidate or accredited representative Invited to Westholme to apeak on same platform with Hon. T D. Pattullo tonight at 8. PUBLIC MEETING WESTHOLME THEATHE Tuesday, July 17 v i b pm?t Hon. T. D. Pattullo will address the meeting. An invitation is extended to the opposing candidate, James II. Thompson, or hid accredited representative. T.fwifps ropecialijr invited.