1 iVO OHEK WAY But This Jn1vBfli n,,warlfou cnn iud the quality of a prescription , except vo by the integrity of the pharmacy that prepare it. Con- verily if you know the integrity of the pharmacy, you also know the quality of the preoption they will dispense. For twenty years, Orme.s have been Prince Rupert's leading prescription drug More- -. h continued patronage would come only if it were deserved. Jfic Pioneer Druoeisls THIRD AVE. I, SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONFS R?f.onn KM FOR A KEAL ENJOYABLE MOTOR DRIVE Rent One of Our, II RATE I) CARS AND DRIVE- IT YOURSELF Walker Motor Go.,X-imited jPhone Blue 389 2nd Ave. and 1th St. "CATERPILLARS Tractors BIGGER THAN THE WEATHER! A Size for Every Use A Hundred Use for Every Size 2 TON, TWENTY, THIRTY, SIXTY BETTER QUICKER CHEAPER Literature and Prices on Request Sole Distributors lor B. C. MORRISON TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT QOr . LIMITED . ' . ' jiranrh Office .VorthMit,rarir FrrtM UnlUmj Xrlmn Krtowna ;l Bta HtatlXn ;wrrt NArman 0 iilrfclV lVlnr( w V.5tOi:l!K. U. C. IIM. Mi6 t ilt m0f&mmtomm0k best tWJvaBMfljSM Local Items 4 a Taxi Phone 4. Big 4 Taxi, tf Dentist. Dr. J. R. Gosse. 686. Special Xmas Turkey Dinner, Commodore Cafe, $1:50; beam J I. PHONE 43. . .. . M f iTflmmy's'Tfaxi. (Phone 071 ah nounces the placing of a second Dodge Sedan car jn business, tt Oddfellows and Rebekahs Christmas Tree, Saturday, December 29 at 2;30 p.m. 804 Scandinavian dance, in Metro-polo Hall, Saturday night, December 29 at 8:30. 305 Ewart Lyne (Pianist, Capitol Theatre), teacher of pianoforte. Studio 10 Federal Block. Phone Red 701. 30C There was so much interfer ence in trie down town section last night that radio fans were ; unable to hear Sir Henry Thorn ton's address. Conductor A, C. Abbott of the Canadian Natloal, Railways sal ed by. the .Prince Rupert A SPECIAL INVITATION FROM DECEMBER 27TH TO 3IST TO VISIT OUR STORE AND INSPECT ONE OF THE MOST Wonderful Lines in Knitted Suits The Styles and Fabrics Arc Up to the Minute in Every Detail. Over 100 Samples for your Inspection You can place your order for any garment and have it exclusively. We will have it made to order exactly to your size ami ' " the style you choose. AND WE ARE PREPARED TO QUOTE YOU 25 PER CENT LESS THAN STOCK PRICES Fraser & Payne 3RD AVENUE AND 6TII STREET thfs!Jn morning on a week's trip to Van couverv Mr. and Mrs. H..B. Rochester and daughter returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from a brief visit to Port Joe Go Get, Chinese, charged with having opium in his possession, was further remanded for eight days on appearing In city police, court this morning before Magistrate McClymont. Staff Sergeant Alex .McNeill, provincial polta, and Mrs, McNeill, sailed on the Prince Rupert this morning for Victoria. Mrs. McNeill was in charge of a woman prisoner. Mrs.iJI. C. Hindle nd daughter of :lIazelton arrived in the city from the interior on yesterday afternoon's train and sailed this moaning by the Prince Rupert on a trip, to Vancouver. PHONE 571 This Week's Specials DETAILS BY MAIL If You Are Not on Our Mailing List. Phone Us. THE HOME OF GOOD THINGS TO EAT t ! TTTP The following is the scale of charges made for readinc ?honeU nntlcfa! Birth Notices 50c. "Curds' of Thanks:-f2r- Funeral Notices $1.. their brother. 4 ' 4 - SCALE OF CHARGES etsioc per Murriajre and Enirairement ' announcpnqntf 42. . . . . , ., 4 .- ' ..: . ANNOUNCEMENTS , ' 1 . Women of Moose heart Legion Whist Drive and Dance, first Friday of every month. St. Andrew's. Society Auxiliary Dance December 31. Moose Hall. D. D. Munro of the Land Settlement Board at Smithers is a visitor in the city, having arrived from the interior on yesterday afternoon's train. Miss Huldah Graham and Don Dr. R. G. La rife of Port Simp- i Graham returned to- the Htv nn son was an overnight caller in yesterday, afternoon's train from town, precwdJng home at noon i Terrace where they spent the today on hi power cruiser Sun-' Crjrlstmas holiday visiting with Miss Ethel Christie of the City HrfJJU tCff returned to the city yesterday afternoon's from Terrace where she the Christmas holidays home. train spent at her J. K. Green, well known Hyder mining roan, was an arrival in the city frfcm the north on the Prince Rupert this morning and is registered at the Hotel Prince Rupert. James Farquhar returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Terrace where he spent Christmas. Mrs. Farquhar is remaining over the New Year at Terrace with her parents. Canon and Mrs. T. J. Marsh. A. R, Holtby, superintendent D'PvDc'i: 1 '.AOrf u- oW, ora, year year oiit out ana andx bring. brmg..tht B.C;3!jUr3BkTactrsfe'j3wjUn1vi. - i.v i ' ' 1 ' nmniVnV-fn'lio' 1 v rflnlv n limitml an .110 i EXPERT ! TYPEWRITER MECHANIC in town Anyone requiring repairs, Overhauling or Adjustment to Typewriters CALL C. McPHEE Royal Hotel Nursing Mothers Should Guard Against Vitamin-starvation ' SCOTT'S 11 EMULSION Abounds In. Cod-liver Oil Vitamins At ft Bourne, Toronto, Ont. 28-i C.N.R. steamer Prince, John, Capt. E. Mabbs, is reported' dtle tomorrow nieht from Vancouver via the Queen' Charlotte Islands. Owing to the late arrival of the vessel, it is expected Inr departr ure south over the same route will be delayed1 until Sunday. Passengers sailim? this morn- IU on the 'Rrinlej Wrt' for thef souin inciuueaj,. oergeaia auu Mrs. McNeill, for Victoria, and Kate Jackson, G. A. Scott F. G. McDonald, Mrs. II. C. Hindle and daughter, Emil Bechtold, Sam Leiske, Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Wearmouth and son, Mrs. J. W. Collier, Miss Pearl CoIIfer, Miss Eta Robertson, John M- Dexter, A. Payne, A. Porter, Mrs. R. C. Lock, A. C; Abbott, Miss Norah Todd, Mr. Barrow and Mr. and Mrs. J. G. S. Anderson, for HELPED DURING MIDDLE AGE Woman Praises Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Sands, Ont. T am willing to answer letters from other women, to of the Canadian National RailifAPPLES Cookin ways' bridges and building department, returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's traTir from a brief trip up the lifte p'tfiH official duties. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Collier and' Miss Pearl R. Collier sailed on the ss Prince Rupert this morning .for-Vancouve, enroute to Seattle, And , San ' ' Francisco where theK will visit with friends. Mrs-.Collier and Miss Collier expect to be away for a considerable time. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hawkins aod infant child returned to the city on yesterday afternoon's train from Edmonton where they have been spending the past few months. Mr. Hawkins, who suffered a stroke .some time ago, is able to get around again although he is still badly crippled up. Don't forget It! The New Year's' celebration in the Commodore Banquet Room. Ring tho .thajNew Lots of ith. bev. tell them the won derful eood Lydia E . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did me. I cannot be thankful enough for the benefits I received during the Change of Life. I do housework and my troubles made me unfit to work. A friend advised me to try the Veg etable Compound. I (elt great relief at once, began to regain my appetite, and my nervra got better. I wiU recommend your medicine to all with troubles like I bad." Mrs. Jo:in- Benson, 162 N. Christina St., Sarnia, Ontario. SPFfWI i PPIJiS-ookinganjdjeatinfe. I ?;.... .,..60. LETT.yCELari cacn pads. .15c . . . CELERY' Large heads. Each 20c GA ULI FLO WKK Each 30c SPROUTS-4b. 25c GRAPES-lb 35c PEARS -Dozen 60c BANANAS 8 lbs 50c JAP ORANGES Box $1.10 CRANBERRIES lb 35c PLUM PUDDINGS Up from 65c Mussallem Co. Limited 617-423 5th Ave. E. Phones 18&84 TRAPPERS ' Get e,?er'y. cent yoh'r FURS are worth. Ship them bribg them to tiOYD YOUNG PorfcSJmpson, B. C. have you forgotten somWgift 7ms Christmas .v, i i!ou ArC.Surc to Find Somc- thing Suitable at the Montreal Importers THIRD AVENUE i3K PAGE TURRP Ik Acme Importers r Fifth Anriial Temptation Sale Continues in Full Swing HYDE TRANSFER AND COAL CO. Phone 580 JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single, load ..i ,.i..pi....i.i. $3.50 Double load ..i.. . . . .. ,. . : . . S6.50 Large sack 50c fcOAL PRICES1 DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg f . $12.00 . Penibina-W8hd -luts. . . ; . . ,t.T. .s . $11.25 'Alberta S'ootless Large Egg $120 Alberta Sootless Egg . $12.00 AiMrtrtowp '.... $13.00 Also all other classes of coal. PJano and Ftirniture Moving, Express and Baggage Day and Night Service 139 Second Avenue DEMAND "Rupert Brand" ippers THE DAINTIEST BliEAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Prince UuperU B.C NEW YEAR'S is onry frw days away and many are in doubt as to what give. Have you considered something for the -car? PUESTONE ANTI-FREEZE WEED AND OFF N'ON TIRE CHAINS BUMPERS AND BU.MPERBTTBS GASOLINE GUAGES i CAR HEATERS SPOTLIGHTS SNimitRRS , AUTOMATIC WINDSHIELD WIPERS and many other items too numerous to Itemize are in stock to- reasonable prices. These are- very acceptable gifts to motorists. A , To all our customers and friends we wish a Very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. S. E. PARKER, LIMITED FORD DEALERS 3rd Ave. East DOMINION TIRES Phone 83 5 i y