»MORROW'S -TIDES— 14 rime 20.6 feet feet 92 feet 4.5 feet 1952 Che Published at Canada’s Most Strategic Pacific Port—"Frince Rupert, the Key to the Great thie SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1952 Vol. XLI, No. 292 f et es - i Fe The Queen's Royal Coach Hy United Kingd m's mo ancient titutior Muc! {f the brilliant ion serviees dates back centurl Queen Elizabeth will ride in the same pa : Admiralty Arch, as d her father King George VI and Queen i937 following his corona tion ’ ° overment Wont Arbitrate . : © age Dispute Over Herring ‘ idia neat e whe arbitratior it egotiatior for this season The her pre y Unite Fishe a re Workers Uni t ui would » nme price $9.37 { the dispute Was At ale i tine govern- nen The price t by t perator as $8.98 a ts Whe he unio artec WDSON'S BAY COMPANY WMPOINTS NEW GOVERNOR oldwell, Low Clash | —" = Renewal of Feud wince-Wide | ike Looms uebec upport be who walked Textile here ning we di puts sted ited action of whe violence on with iilnetter nks After sh Fire Ler was en Ure that minutes gator Bay Miles des of un-! sent it while near from Of the Faust, ™m digging, Was lam Rumiey, who if owned by Atlin under charter to ger Was Jeaving the fire broke e room. It swept th the boat, nking in less than according to re- here today the | A wa if No. I M, J. ¢ Oct ad eral i hh it 4 ea inti-se at } ha ‘ I len ‘ end S Lov er-( ‘ h CCF € fc vent ha blamit pus] a capi I ever t ha id ribed Mr. ¢ iwe acit , a ons and faisel Mr. Low said e who wa Lirre ip by angry W Mr. Coldwel ed in British Cc lumbia because the Soci had wrecked his aspiratiol power there Social Credit holds p B.C. by having one mort lature seat than CCF It Was a straight two-man fight but one Liberal, James A Byrne (L-Kootenay East) got on the fringes by accusing Social Creditors of hiding their pol ambitions under a religious Ship's Crews ¢ operators said they would 1 be able to pay thre 1952 scale yecause of a five-cent a pound ' m herring ol] market price ty at a floor DEMAND SLOW while prices are keeping last year’s level in the US e of government ceiling emMmana is There there OW, SAY Operators isn't any there on hand sign of being herring meal on markets Even if an reached ed, th market are no un- neilner While stocks there any sold NOvVE agreement could be or an arbitration order l any, likeli would com late date. wnere 1 hood mence Unis The best herring for oil pre au are } Seaso first schon the little silver .fish their yl ntent : by excessive swimmin biological pr te ation wit Afte imas” herring hold ttle oll, operators claim ire not worth our whil » process While the union has urged arbitration by the government some time, operators have been cool to this proposal! : Was too much discrep in price asked and price to hope for any success they have stated that “should De differences consider province this year joss due to the of new sources of sup past pure of oul production might be even mk ratior officials Say easo lost @S a of unsettled be a abl at nasers re Laborites Endorse CBC Control NANAIMO control CBC's over Canadian television and radio drew support from repre- sentatives of 70.000 British Co- lumbia unionists A. resolution, annual convention of the Trades and Labor opposes any changes passed at section Congress, ‘\that would lessen control by the To Be Checked In U.S. Ports WASHINGTON (CP) members of Canadian Crew British 1g CBC In other business, the conven- tion demanded a halt to immi- ration into Canada, and added that all persons able and willing to work and now resident should be given secure employment first. The federal government was asked to enact a comprehensive and other foreign ships must be) pj)) of rights to safeguard citi- checked for political secur fore they may step ash United States ports, a § | man for the US }partment said They said the US. & justic ity be- ore pokes- overn- zens, regardless of race, sect or IN| national origin. An amendement to the Crim- e de-| jnal Code to provide that no Can- jadian court should issue an in- junction against. peaceful picket- ment has started work on a NeW) jing also Was demanded, ~ which | ‘immigration policy ut : foreign sailors docking must answer questions their political leanings they may go ashore. Also approved was a motion here} demanding the end of a govern- about | ment supervised strike vote and before a waiting period for unemploy- ment insurance, Feo E nOVERT. BC., F Teachers i ; Proposal |Plan Contained - In New Letter able to world the | of the B.C.) Dx i ' “ | PRO « iIMCIAL RAY NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBI14’s NEWSPAPER News TEN CENTS (including connie section) a rd ~ rene TMC IAL tense she : ORMES DRUGS DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 ‘Rents on CMHC Homes Here iSet by City Housing Authority Submit Prince district outlined a school board which they say “will -re- sult in the fixing of sal- iries for 1953.” But in his Daily News, R Rupert iteachers today plan to the the sal- tatement to H. Davidson hairman for the would not indicate the ry ommittec teacne! in the proposal, mailed today The eacher expect the board will make our proposal public on Monday.” said Mr Davidson This move follows rejection by the board of a. salary increase request of $40,000 for 62 teach- ers here, and cessation of nego- tiations. Present annual payroll is $210,000 Mr. Davidson said The latest communication; from the board ha irpris¢ j to the teachers, for re=j fusal to er the teacher proposal as ant received over two weeks ago “At that time the teachers) queried the board on continua- tion of negotiations. Within th« week, the board stated it would | ibe pleased to continue negotia- tions and that the teachers | would be notified of a suitable of meeting , date Thi meeting wa not hel¢c nd negotiation which never uly got past the initial pro- teachers y ceased posal by the parent! have ap- “In effect, the teachers, wanting to get started on ne- gotiations in line with the ex- pressed opinion of the board, have been told there is no negotiation. A letter ha dad expre been sent to the ssing regret about cessation of negotiations anc ing a procedure that will in the fixing of salaries for id Mr. Davidson Teachers first made their pre posal to the board Nov. 18 The board made its rejection knowr to the Daily News yesterday boar out re sult 1953," a STILL WOKKING CLINTON, Ont Mr. and Mrs. Aaron C. Fisher celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on the farm to which the groom | brougt bride 50 years ago and which they still operat e -aniantainniieananantgt his Fire Chief Warns Citizens To Get Oi! Heating Permits Oil barrels not properly in-| stalled or handled for the pur-| pose of feeding stoves are & con- stant source of fire hazard, Fire Chief Earl Becker said today. The chief referred to 18 fires} overheated oil stoves, improper use of oil or fqulty storage and feeding facilities, The Chief said he had been | notified by the Fire Marshall's | office that oil ¢ompanies would be stopped from delivering to) householders without oil heating | eprmits, and Said such permits | would be withdrawn where ir-| regularities in use of oil occur- | red. The most common hazard, said Chief Becker, was the use of taps to take oil from barrels in small- er quantities to supply inside stove tanks, MUST USE PUMP Householders using this: meth- | od of heating, are required by) law to use a pump to take oil from a barrel and the barrel must be equipped with an air vent, origins al} mentioned | [many Canadians, hin we Daily News yesterday was }™s jinto its third day | ways }contact with heat. this year directly responsible to | is | develop slow leakage and so soak ‘FIFTEEN YEARS AGO Queen Elizabeth—then, a solemn young ‘princess—watched her father, King George VI, walk down this come as al jalsle in crowded Westminster Abbey following his coronation. | Next June the young Queen herself will be crowned head of the elaborate ceremony, to be witnessed by Commonwealth in an Applications Total i i Over Fifty’ Applications for homes of the Prince Rupert rental housing scheme total “well over 50” to date, Housing Authority chairman Orme Stuart said today. Rents have been established ranging from $67 to $87.50 2 month, Deadline for “priorit ji- | Sigming the lease which is re- d | eations was 0 ee ea fundable when the tenant mov es but it does not preclude further out. This is a “good faith” de- applications, said Mr. Stuart. | POSsit to protect the homes Priority consideration will be ®@4inst damages. — liven to those applications now|, 7¢ housing — is — lon hand, not on a first-come, Suilt under Central wing em lfirst-served basis, but on a Mortgage Corporation supervi- ibasis of merits. sion by three levels of govern- "| Monthly rents on the 50, ™ent, federal provincial, and f homes as set by the Housing| Prince Rupert city. The federal |Authority—the body governing en is ggure J = _ adminstration of the rental) C¢@t of the cost w scheme—are subject to approval | government and the city put up by the federal and provincial pow oe ee ee 7. governments which have the = ee ” red on pg oct aperag = a or The city, the Chamber of Section 7 (Sixth Avenue East) | Commerce and a special hous- —twoebedroom homes, no base- ing committee were active for ment, $67: two-bedroom homes, ®©¥era! years in promoting the basement, $75; three-bedroom project, the first such under- j homes, no basement, $78.50; taken in the province. | three-bedroom, basement, $82.50. | Aiwmal i Section % (Eleventh Avenue, | jnear McClymont Park) ae jbedroom, no basement, |three-bedroom, no cae : |$83.50: _ three- bedroom, base- jment, $86.50. ‘Service Section 2 (Atlin Avenue) -— three bedroom, no basement,) | $83.50; three bedroom, ment, $87.60, .. thre ~bedroom, no basement, $72; | base- US Approved Highway, Rail Travel Disrupted While Prince Rupert moved without air travel, the first disruption of rail and highway service by this winter's snows—which isolated the city for more than 12 hours) |—-was cleared early this after- noon One plane left today for Sand- spit, but will not be able to) return, due to delay in the con-| necting flight from Vancouver This is the third successive | day this city has had no air-| mail or air passenger service Canadian Pacific Airlines said, | however. that attempts would be} made Sunday to fly, providing) weather conditions were favor- | able A major snowslide near Kwin- itsa, about 44 miles east of| Prince Rupert, and several mi-} snowslides yesterday after-| noon haited the westbound train | ind all road traffic to and from Terrace The nor Canadian National Rail-| said today that yester- day's westbound passenger re- turned to Terrace, then depart- ea for | Pence George: Such an arrangement provides protection against explosion of gaseous air inside a partially filled barrel should it come in Using a tap, said Chief Becker, hazardous because it can easily be turned on by children or can }@ large area around the tank with oil. A carelessly flung match, cigarette or even spon- taneous combustion could start a fire of serious consequence. |NEED CUT-OFF The Chief pointed out that storage barrels directly feeding stoves or heaters inside the house must be mounted on an iron stand, be fitted with an air vent, and must have a cut-off valve in the feeder pipe. All householders using fuel oil must possess a permit, obtain- able at the city hall. A permit is ;8ranted when the installation jhas been checked by the fire de- partment and passed, «Householders burning oi! with- out a permit are subject to court | coastline | night ‘still continues | action. e Expected aie Wom the at lhomes is $3,950 monthly. Air mail service between Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Applications now on hand are Iyeing graded by the Housing| City will begin immediately, ix | Authority. Major factors being ann . +? a lconsidered are income of the| Here today from E. T. Apple- by Slide ‘applicant; number of depend-| Whalte, MP for Skeena, whose The eastbound train is ex-|ents, and urgency of accommo-|TePresentations at Ottawa ‘led pected to leave on time (8 p.m.)| dation to the much-needed service. tonight Applitants should have a A telegram addressed to Wal- Highway and railway crews|minimum income of $260 a ter J. Smith, president of the worked steadily to clear a five-|month to be eligible. Liberal association here, advisec foot-deep slide 100 feet long! “This is not a subsidized hous- that the delivery has been ap- which covered both rail and|ing scheme. It must stand on its| Proved and will operate twice a road where the two run paralleljown revenue,’ but’ of course,; Week. Mail will be transported near Kwinitsa there is no profit-making,” said| from ‘Sandspit to Queen Char> Meanwhile, long distance|Mr. Stuart, lotte City via Skidegate by Darby phone service, disrupted for a} The rents have been set ac-| Kendall who runs a car and few hours last night, and Cana-|cording to original value, tax-| motorboat service there... dian Broadcasting Corporation|able assessment, and cost of} The new system will replace maintenance. No homes are expected to be available before Jan. 15, the old round-about arrange- ment by which mail addressed to Queen Charlotte City went first to Vancouver, was returned to Prince Rupert and finally reached its destination by, boat after a delay which would eon- sume two weeks or more. The mail will be carried by |Canadian Pacifie Airlines and will be picked up promptly at |Sandsp#% for the speeded-up } delivery. The new service: has ; Occupied the close attention “of foal Applewhaite whose efiarts | an this direction have been trade — a considerable length of lines, out for 24% hours yester- day, were restored. On the local scene, no dam- age of consequence has been| A “month-to-month” lease on reported, but the gale which!a continuous basis allows a lashed the city and northern! month’s notice to leave by either yesterday and last|tenant or the housing authority. A deposit of $20 will be re- jquired f from each tenant upon The | WEATHERMAN | oe Says French Police Arrest More Morocco Leaders The present southerly flow of} moist mild Pacific air will con-| CASABLANCA «CP) — Prench| tinue over the weekend. }police arrested three more top act Skies will remain generally}members of the nar © Contr Talks cloudy although sunny periods | judy altho "ois party today, one a tomer ai-| Planned by IWA will occur in many localities.) | viser to the Sultan of Morocco. Temperatures both night and! ‘The arrests brought to more VANCOUVER (CP)—Decision on daytime remain well above nor- than 1,500 the number of Na- | whether to apply to re-open its mal for this time of year. tionalists, Communists and agi- | coast contract will be made by A weak weather disturbance|tators arrested since last week-| the International Woodworkers moving over the south coast! /end’s rioting of America here Saturday. and central interior late tonight; The Nationalists have de-| Under last summer's strike- and early Sunday will cause;manded independence. Those | Settling arbitration terms either some light rain during its pas-| arrested today included Ahmad | Union or operators may apply to sage. 'Bennani, member of the Sul-| Chief Justice Gordon Sloan to The persistant gales blowing in| tan’s inner cabinet in 1951. have the contract reopened be- exposed coastal waters will blow) Some 300 leaders of National-| tween Dee. 14 and Jan, 1. themselves out by Sunday morn-|ists have been interned in desert; Operators so far have not if- ing. jcampa, ‘dicated their position, impo ort Restrictions. Forecast North coast region Gaie warning continued. Cloudy with | showers today and Sunday. Little | change in temperature. Winds| southeast 30 today, southwest 20) Sunday. Low tonight and high) May es Lifted in'53 te t Port Hardy, Sandspit | ee es eee Sant 4? | OTTAWA ® — Commnwealth favorable to Canadian interests,” But the prime minister couldn't jadian goods may be lifted gradu- be pinned down as to when the ss y Ti up . United Kingdom and other im- Le gth le ‘the Commonwealth sterling-area| “You can’t remove restrictions SEATTLE (The end of a'trade policy insight was given|at a trade conference. All you month-long tie-up of the Seattle Friday by Prime Minister St.| can do is work toward removal,” Friday with the statement by adian party returning frm the! Another member of dete- Judge James Hodson that he ,Commonwealth Prime Ministers’ | gation said removal Ped. of would sign a temporary injune-|eonference in London, the restrictions can he expected |import testrictions against Can-j| the prime minister said . . Injunction Ends fy). iss A broad hint that a change in port restrictions will be lifted. waterfront appeared a certainty Laurent and officials in the Can-/he said. tion today panning picketing. “The conference certainly was /in 1953. Ae: ite les 6 om: lila