1 J-.; PAGE SIX Radio "B" Power in its highest devel- . if ' m a opment power that gives continuous, mml a hum-free reception from both local Mml jk and distant stations. Economical J Iks power, too. You'll' be agreeably sur- mM$ MS prited how long Eveready Layerbilt Mmm 'MttCrieS opcratc our set Ih mMm i MsHg Ask your dealer. lie will tell JfMfl IBS you that his customers come in Mmai i I ; : : s. . iWew Y earls Gift GIVE A YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION to the Prince Rupert DAILY NEWS Y&mt a miftabfe gift A gift thntoiimfi etery day for a year, and rerowHttlIie How pliipbtfol they will be to receive Northern British Columbia's news-papeiitery day! PHONE 9S WHILE YOU STILL THINK OF IT! S NS m ihia cop nti BEAR, few montha timli ANCHOR. iKkr looct MUSHROOM, a qutteli WEIGHING SCALES, a Uw mil KANGAROO. btninaa-tin I HARE, ta abarnt IrWnd will mum Rrawtihrr iti ligni and watch font Matluri'a Bat cup. SIR HENRY THORNTON GIVES ANNUAL MESSAGE: i Qi ocas' and from that acquaintance there has devtloped a feeling of confidence, respect -and friendship. I'eolile who re :Uneonirenial do notrworjc well toimher, iliiaTuej t: Kt& itheftMfcrT NStToiial therefore, est' iuBet bf Hallways "There is plenty of room in Canada and quite sufficient opportunity to satisfy all those various interests which are in pursuit of wealth, power and in-1 I luen'.-e. without resorting to predatory method 8i Intolerance, one towards another, this amities 1 improved service to the public, 1 in the service of the company, i irrespective- of the department in 1 r, . . . ' . I which he is employed, will eel Amentia continent- Witfrfafcl-XhAf, Jsv againJbat those sh years a great deal; has-. been- isetompflahed, but Ehere il KtiiJ much more to bet' done; Because a railway is never finished i:nd nevr achieves perfection. It may bs worth while to examine both of these aspects of our1 corporate existence. "First and foremost, a schema ' of organization for the transaction oi the company's affairs 'has been developed i em lines, and we along mod-belfev it ;to be ...j.sonabIy efficient Of-, fleers? have been selected to various ( nosvs and. are well settled in their respective duties. By no i means the most important de- lai tmtht of our organization ! are such as the- Bdreau of Eeon- I omics and the Bureau of Natural Resources, whfeh are constn i studying imnrovad transportat-j ion method anC new avenues : for the dwelopnient not only of the lnrshiets of the railway but the business of the Nation, i "A business enterprise is Mice luny citizen, in that it must have principles of conduct and the : public judges the individual and the corporation by those principles. They are not to be found in the articles of corporation or in the b of the company. They are unwritfcn formulas which the company adopts in ite ceajings within Its own eireie and with the pubjic at large. ; What are these prfneipfea? They are: five Principles "Firstly, to furnish to the public -of Onada a good brand of transport tifen year by year. Seeonuiy, to aaatat in the development of each community .served by the company. -Thirdly, both as a ompany officersT-andi emnievee. duci-burt.reaudns with the imbue with such courtesy and de- tfrc tgierjre as will enhance the FrWtation of the' Canadian Nat-i. final llhilways, ad attract busi-vsM ta our lines. ! "Fourthly, to deal justly and in a kindly. spirit with all individuals and group of individuals in the service of the company. FiftMv. to ev&r VeeD in mind . Hhar'tJie railway 4a the tf the i'0ple of Oan&da, dedieateT to the welfare Dominion in a larger sense than purely i elfish motives might demand. "To lm sure, there will always be differences of opinion with respet? to whether or not we are fu.j ,dhering to these prin-ciiftos. will not always be possible to satisfy every individual and every Interest "Perhaps the greatest thini? that has been accomplished in the last nix years is that all of those in the services of the company, irrespective of rrink, have be come acquainted with each other nf thd family spirit. ;uhstantral' Surplus j "We are within few days of! the end of the most successful tar experienced by the Canad-mn National Railways. From avery iftoinV of i view the railway will meet the fixed charges en itsi , funded, debt in-the hands-of the public, and in addition will have a substantial surplus. This result has in no sense been, at the expense of the property, because the property itself is in matei tally better condition than it was ix years ago. The company is rwtyfftg higher wages to its employees than at that time and Jkia good, not only for the :atfon itself, but also for every itfzen of Canada, irrespective of " eeymphieat loeatfon or any af-. illation, Fndeed we have reached Ifrff ro'flt when I think the Canadiar ..-.tioaa1- tiailways may b eAsilf.4 regarded as a national asset Thtfil 'iheri,' 'repnisents the gift which those in the employ of the Canad-an National Railways, , thrbugh rfix. years of hard ,and anxious work, are able to present tq the jeople of the Dominion, and it fs a record of which you may all o proud. The task is by no neans finfshed. It never, will 'm finished. Year by yean we must Improve our service and ck constantly better facilities nd mere improved methods. "I heartily congratulate the officers and employees of the Can-ttan National Railways on their Pficient and devoted services ring the year about tor cjose yf T xrMt to you all a Happy New Year." ilEFERICKSONf CHRISTMAS TREE ucal N'Urweglans Celebrated Yulepde With Notable Function Last Night in Moe Hall , and k1VTmiat ano r TVtincwjJtmj IBSlUflKRl in lOBIlOOSt oi inf HhB Try ffeetieif griefcsoiavSociety. It wa a highly successful arm ewjeyaMe affair and one of the notable events of the present festive seakon. The program evened with. th iwging of M0 Canada and the Norwegian national anthem, "Ja V! Ehtker ." An address of wel ?ome was given by Pete Sunder and and Mrs'. Jarvis McLeod ang n Norwegian solo with splen- Ikl voice and precision. The ad-4 dress of the evening was given by '".ck Selvig, president of the Liefl Kricksen Seeiety. and Mrs. F. W Allen sang vocal solos in her usua fine voice. There was a recita tion by; .KarLJDybhavn and.avqcft" solo bMrs. IaN; Dyblmvn,' tio bf whfehvere much.enioved. ah th ajencibftge engaged, witff.lttsf' In the 'ceremony of marching the family snirit -which is theieX-Hrrounta ihe Chriitmas tree'. Pleas ptessio' of that .confidence. 'es-iHig tfUln musk was played b pect p ' friendship to which I Die Paiitad nrKr acco-dion solo have r it alludeq. St long as we a; e afte to , maintain and nrtngheir .that 'hrit we shaft .h.ve' rorae i lono W')y'townr's by Mr..' Plleberg, a young Nor tcgn.Viiho is on his way to !Petersbiirg, 'Alsk,- were render k.I .uuiA.TL .1.111 Hmlratlng friction 'in bur own. . Aft'TW prpgeain was complet- mahine," and eutrfuee compel ion -with good humor and confid nee. rm reilreshtneivU jvere 89" ved. an" th dancer which.'' ewsued1 was- is progress unlirS a . nr. J. K. GORDON HOST TO MANY iititlly to Industrial activity. Terrace- Resident Entertnimr Oh religiouff fervor and racial prides (.hristmas. fcve w Most individuals nd groups Of Usual Individuals .beeommatrnufleiinme. , j " -'V if t.thing Woi!iwhen thev iTEI&iACE, De2IH JH reac for & attempt to secuieWrwfjPf the TttgEelllote more thaw thefr share. Of course host again this yeaPat a Christ- "piW'ona m to what is a fair mas Eve dinner party, when, he hance and enernetic and health- had as his guests 20 of the "older f ul competition is by no means bachelors of the district, And from! to be condemned. The traffic the time they entered the dining officer quite properly -feels thflt'Jroonr singing, "Hail, Hail- the his fair share of any particular! Gang's All H6re," until the eve-bus.ness is 100 per cent and.j King's, entertalnment ended- at there is no objection to striving' midnight with "AuJd. Lang Syne," for the whole of It by fair meth ods. Such competitive activity results, amongst other things, in there was not .one dull rnoment. Following a bountiful Christina dinner ah impromptu program of toasts, songs, recitations, dances, and I hope that every irfdivrdual! etc, was enj&yed. Mr. uoraon s guesis were W. Parlser. James Nelson, T. M. Turner, John Hepburn, E-. Lai that day by day he caw contrib- j Plante, E. M. Lawrence, Octove ' way as a complete transportation,) nfo ute anma-fhim something. irtiNh which, wfTl. will,, rlrtfv directly :' Gngne C.ntrn,, Sin Rii Norris, Nnrri' Jnrritt James Burns, Hums. unit We represent, therefore, ; or indirectly, bring1- truffle,, both ( John Warne, J. McLaren (musi-the largeik but at the san time j freight and passenger, to theician), A. A. McDonald, George MumockitcLeod William Thompson, Dave Wilson, J. W. Graham and A. MeGilvra. Appreciation 6f Mr. Gordon's kindness: and- Yhoughtfulness in thus providing a real, Christmas treat and very enjoyable evening's entertainment wa heartily voiced i.TJ Whtrf L..L se-vT? per 10 OO JV grd Ay. i h St. noats every was ' I . I - (aaaaaaW.a V J l . . LrTSSSl. aSW WX.blmp.uUp. si v jsw v ii mm i -'W'tw e - riii-r v . . l Vi UrC, iv,i , la .J G. P. a S. PRINCESS NORAH Before" the guests departed. j i - i Newest of the British Columbia Coast StcHnhmW -' il ?m lce s vessels, Dune lor use on tne veat coast of Vancouver Traham St, Ula Av. B OO 1X9 Island by Fairfieltls, of Govan, Scotland. The Nor-' at , , am. at b.o4 ist iled from the Clyde on November 21 under command n nwv; oinrarouM .... Jau vjujuuiuia Via UJC X UIIU1WU OailUI. iIie njl.S U COntMnf ttto A- Jtt Onnnd . BJS IJOt t. i , . - . - cnaaii' rT in unmu lh Ave. t Hw Core Av. . 8.8 8.00 ; tit. Ave. Se Hij Owe Clrd 9SS IM ; tn, am. a Cottrw at S 00 7.00 . 0 TJf ajt,ttort. 10 Jbkz was born in Kirvi.t (i,. satras oi years a?o, itr ato. nacDrraw ok ..... . j -" s:u -,i a a 'am- Ptot. not tilffin M 30"a 811 ou actremt. Doul.t'.' w u wwf 8a umi sra a. a rmwj ov. .. t. av one of tne tlagu-s I.Mr,,!,,,, i, ioa u inion. 1 -a "WTHEN you sort out the soiled , . clothes from the hampei, try to decidewhich articles cost so little that you can; aflord to endanger- them by washing them with anything but Lux. Shirts, pyjamas, house dresses, the children's clothes, sheets, linens, just think, how quickly they t&tal up to $100 or over. You kn$bf b&m Lmx turns your fine silks ami ebifim, ymr soft wmtkm ktffa dm ahSys kJung tike new I Why mt km it far tke mry day tbinp m? Because they've learned it is true economy;, the thnftiest women are now plunging the regular family wash' ing, every stitch of it, into bt.Hb;mg, penetrating Lux suds each week, loix saves many, many doHars by prolong' ing the usefulness of both simple and costly fabrics. rlh many homes Lux alone w useJ for the1 whole famfly vah, ,weck in ind week out, at a. real saving. You, too, wil find tat to use Tux for everything waihable is cheaper in the end. t ' " Use nothing W LUX jtf LEVIS. BROTHERS UMITnD TORONTO L743