A' Save Money The cheapest way to buy the Dally News U to subscribe by the year. The coat la $S.oo and your copy la delivered to your addreaa each evening. Juat figure out the amall coat to you for thla dally Mrvlce for twelve month I Vol XVIII., No. 119. .. Aon inH hlrf hsMl l l max anri In sallf BREMEN DAMAGED TRYING TAKE OFF Mr. Kellogg said be waa greatly an-eowwffed by the attitude of the British government and the implied oo-operation of the Dominions. He had bewn anxious slnoe he first launched bis peace movement to have the Britiah Commonwealth nationals on his side. INVITATIONS AT ONCE WASHINGTON. May 21. The Britiah dominions and India are to be Invited Immediately by the United States to par- .' T; 7, m 'tKipst. m the negotiation of a gan-ral "ty. The Invitation wlH be lie w npd in the -w- !! arwTHr.y known a. t Canada and eUo toth. tritUI I IW if HagM. ws-o- 1 . k .h. .i.fr. Afrtoa. New Zealand and India the invl- "T7 TtZZ Te r,.n,ona have already eprem. '. d had bean a patient In the , P"' n i inert Oeneral Hospiuu iot cctlng hi death BRAVES CHECK CHICAGO RUSH IXUIl limtMl HI' HISSONETlr'. I Oil llllOOKLYN WHEN 111' SCORER ins seu.ntii homer It , n 'W YORK. MaV 1- Chicago's m the National League waa halt-iM! lowly Boston Braves altar " i otralght victories. ' ni.i.iti itede moved up to within ' '' 't the league readers by m-He made hi seventh homer for i i yti snored three times for hlm-"i iiruve in flea rutia. Pipgrasa U oredltad with his lory without a defeat in the k" win over 8t. Louis. ended a seven game losing 1 - i boating Chicago. ILLINOIS WOMAN BREAKS ENDURANCE RECORDS CHICAGO ' Hi. ,,-. t in oi u Miirtia Hud- "" MHtioon. Ills, shattered all 1,1 unn hwlm endurance records both f..l in.... . ..... " mm women wncn site from the water after 80 hours. i iiiiinuPN, IB uk OFFICERS HERE FROM SOUTH FOR TEMPORARY DEPUTY DURING TRIAL Provincial Constable Baker. John tone and Pattenden. from Vancouver arrived in the city on the Catala last evening for irmiy rary duty on district and city rie-taehmenU here during the absenoe of arvcrsl l;al officers who are witnesses In the Senkey murder oase and who ..ail Ujim If HI fea w - -- Oalala for New Westminster where the trial will be held. The orrioera going couth will be Sergeant Alex McNeill, o .t.si. Thomas Camm, Constable ; Robert Oibson snd ConsUble Oeorge Wyman (Haxelton) oi ine aisuici mrw and Constable B Ollker of the city detachment, inspector William Bplller. also a will", la already in the south. FM.MNER NOMINATED BY CONSERVATIVES AS CANDIDATE FOR ATL1N L. h.!,,,r of Alice Arm waa un- Co-rv.Uv. can- animoualy nominated dWaU for Atl.n r.a.ng vutclal tuiciw " election . t , at Anyox. held laat worfc weea ' Which was , Btawert, from Th-r were delegates V. 1 Arm snd other point. IB Siding - TJZ the boom day. " - JTh: PergTof member w Alice Arm, LIBerai. ROV.II. AUI'AMM m tls. ...... tai P' . sr. av- "AltPAX. Mav ai Th. teuiasUan- VANOOUVW. ay - " louupisne Bremen at Oreen Island Olnn of Vancouver iiitmaged Sunday when Pred Mel- guide of the Wh. ' ' ' ..uemptod to Uke off for Newysl toMtom w, ,t Mla ud Brf invention here the 1 H be necessary to Uke the plane final session " un' i to a more suitable ground. Saturday. r. E. CMIT Ni l I I MIW S tTl llDAV Minir AT iiomi; 1)1' SON I'ORMKU ALDERMAN Death removed one of Prince Hu- pert'a. moat ostcamed and pioneer bus- aamen in the person of Prank Ed win Clapp. altar a letgihy and serious iea, passed away at 12X16 midnight .Saturday, at the home of his jon. Bd wart Clapp. ISM Atlln Ave., Westrlew rhe UU Mr. Clapp had been in Ul .Malta for the past two yeara an. even months ago be suffered a parai yptlc atroke. His aubaequent codo Jon was such that recovery could no be hoped tor. Only tan days ag b was brought home fsom Los Augele-Catttornia, whare he has raaMad Inter mltteotly tsr the past tew years, to and his data la tbe city wImk . thaa )atiaat Ajs-- Ht Mat whet. ha wat known so wall. Born in Wisconsin on July 4. 1ST the late Mr. Clapp was spproachlm; bis slxty-lli st birthday. He eame wet some thirty years ago and waa aucoaas .vely located in Cranbiook. 8pokm Victoria and Vancouver. Attracted b the proahlse of the new town. Mi 71s pp came to rrlnce Rupert in Jul 1B08 and soon saUblished hare the wall known Beaver BotUing Works business which he had since auceeeafuUr con ducts. The late Mr. Clapp had as- tenelve realty Interests hare at one ime and also had a farm property near Terrace. He was an e -alderman of the city, having served in that capacity for. one year. He erected tbe building on Third Avenue which la now the Moos Hall. Tbe lata Mr. Clapp waa an active member of tbe Mason kc Craft. harUis been a member of Tsimpeaan Lodge AT. & AAf.; Kalen Chapter, RAM Kineolith Preoeptory KT; and Olwl. Temnla, A. at A.OJ4JB.. He waa ala a member of the Prince Rupert Bhrw club. JOIE RAY WON DIR Beatoae his widow, the lata Mr. Clapp Is survived by his eldest son here. Bd ward, and a younger son. Chester, at Ban Diego. The family will have the genuine sympathy of maay friends In its bereavement Pull Masonic honors will be paid at the funeral service tomorrow afternoon in the Masonic Temple, Slith Avenue and Bowser Street cServlesa both at the Temple and at the graveside will be ritualistic conducted by tbe officer of Tsimpaean Lodge. Pall bearera will be C. H. Orme. Thomas McClymont Joseph Orrer. Robert Oordon. O. T. Moore and Oeorge Eckerman. BIG MARATHON fcTlXDY lit NM U Ull.l. fiKT I'UIT. ON OI.YMI'K' TKA.M AT AMsiDIIDAM LONQ BBACH. New Jrsey, May SI Jole Ray won the New York to Long Beach marathon Saturday In a hours 14 minutes 18 3-6 seconds, insuring a place for him on the Olympic team. CUrettoe Deanar was second. Hay heat the course record by 18 mwuftganuuL. aukL tbMe minutes fi hon recM d. I'lnilfON TODA Tbe big fight between MSLarnln and MQdi u on this afternoon and re turns see being received at the Orand Terminal Club, commencing about ala o'clook. WIIKAT I'liiri: TODAY VA.NOOUVBR, May 21-Tle price of wheat today was 1.8H. Subscribe for tbe Dally Newt. PRINCE RUPERT;: DIC., MONDAY, MAY 21, 1928 WANT W.U Mh.VOiXU.: Il Airica. The .v.-ulinr is Perc Met'-feet Iotik :ti:tl will lOvrn purl ol through the mud and rain to win the Kentucky Derby Saturday, covering the mile and a quarter la a minutes 10 S-5 seconds. The second h rse waa Misstep, three lengths behind. Toro war third. I'llti: IN SASKATCHEWAN STAR CITY. Sat.. May 81. Plre swept tan business buUdlnga on Main treat this morning causing heavy damage. Advertise in the Dally News. It paysl PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper ECT INVITATION FOR CANADA AN Britain, Dominions and India All in Accord Accepting the Principle of Outlawing War Sir Austen Chamberlain sends note to this effect PIONEER w aecreiary neuogg wun explanations regarding self-defense May 21. Secretary of State Kellogg will invite WASHINGTON, Canada and the rest of the British Dominions within a few days to participate in a league to outlaw war, which the st i rctary Is seeking to form. Mr. Kellogg so informed the Canadian pi.',-, following receipt of the British acceptance of his peace pro-"sal. Secretary Kellogg stated that he would immediately send an mutation to the Dominions and India to sign separately a pact to mi; law war as an instrument of national policy. S Aakad If Canada might uk the right "AB" LITTLE OF TERRACE PASSES WI.LI, KNOWN RESIDENT Of INTERIOR is tUHN .s llllllllir.lt wt uumun Afrr a lengthy II tan i from which It i : iwn realised during the Utter 'here waa no hope of recovery l.liiard Little well known real-r Terrace and brother of Oeorge ho founder of that place. pss- thla morning at 1 o'clock in ! Rupert Oeneral Hospital. Ontario fifty-four yeara ago. Mr. UtUe came to British Col- to negotiate a separate treaty for tbe arbitration of disputes. Kellogg Mid that vary likely the Dominion would do thla. The propcaed arbitration treat) waa m pirate from the outlawry of war pact of the Kellogg scheme to provide machinery by which all the gseat power and any leaser ho might choose to adhere for the fust oeauaciattosi of wai at as. mtrimwni. of national pUey asa. aaeondary for ,ar1asauen of all ate- BUSINESS MAN s for Durban, South tlfe. The lion i.s twelve the great monument Cannery Tender Hope Destroyed by Fire Yesterday at Inverness Following Explosion on Vessel wpiBstoB-tgaak 4ac yBater4 arfUrjwofl'irt IrrwrtigM aboaret AN the cannery tender Hope belonging to J. II. Todd & Sons of Victoria. This was followed by a fire which burnt the face ind hands of the engineer and totally destroyed the boat. There was nobody aboard the boat at the time except the young engineer, a lad from Vanr outer. She had been oiled an hour before with the intention of bringing her here this morning and then going I douth to Beaver Cannery at Rivers Inlet. It was about 3.30 when everybody on the river was startled to hear an explosion and this was followed by fire with cloud of smoke. Tbe man aboard got ashore without help and tbe Klamtu Cannery, another tender, brought him to Prince Rupert where be was taken to the hospital. The Salvage Princess want out from here but tbe boat waa so badly burned It seamed useless to try to salvage her. Tble morning Hubert Ward, represent- ng tbe underwriura. vial led the scene to decide what shall be done with the remains of the tu Howard Chambers on the telephone this morning stated to the Dally Newa .bat there was nothing to Indicate vhat caused the explosion. They had n vest; gated a thoroughly as possible vllbout result RED COLT WON KENTUCKY DERBY liDinil COfST HI'LABIIEII TO VICTORY TllltOl (111 Mi l AMI IIAIN Louiaviujs. icy . May ai.-A favorite. ;aigh Count, a big rod colt owned by Mrs John D. Hertz of Chicago, splashed MANY LIVES LOST BELOW Sixty Bodies Taken From Pennsylvania .Mine and Over 100 St 1 1 There .MATHER, l'enn., May 21. With the bodies of 60 miners recovered rescue teams carried on today in an effort to reach 138 men till entombed in the Mather mine explosion of Saturday. Thirteen were rescued alive. Mine experts have given up all hope of saving the remaining men. It is lielleved a pocket of gas was struck at one of the working faces while others insist the explosion was caused by dust. Several of the bodiea found were decapitated and were minus arms and legs na a result of the explosion. An outstanding feat jre of the catastrophe was the large number of English speaking miners employed. KILLED WHEN CAR ROLLED DOWN BANK Langleyz Prairie This Morning- When Eight Places Destroyed Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457 Prite Ftw Cents D IRISH FREE STATE Canada Likely to Make Separate Arbitration Treaty Settle Disputes This Will be Separate From the Outlawry of War Pact but Part of the Machinery of the Kellogg Scheme W" VSI1INGT0N, May 21. The Dritish government as well as Independence ORAND VOCUCB. May 31 .--Abe Oallo- im na way. 7& yr of saw. waa killed when hi auto left the road near the Yankee Girl mine and ttirned over fifteen times ac It rolled down the embankment. Two paM-ngera who were In the ofti war slightly hurt. Fire Swept Business Section of 1 ANCOUVEIt, Mny 21. Fire this morning swept a larjre ection Terminus lV of the buaincu district of Lanaley Prairie situated In the Tone .. V V. Fraaer Vallav 86 miles east of Vancouver causing loss esti mated at more than $SO,000. Starting in the kitchen of the Lanirley Hotel the blaze spread rapidly to the Il.C. Electric station and then wied out six other establishments. its self-governing dominions and India are all in accord with the general principle proposed in the treaty of Secre tary Kellogg for the renunciation of -war and will support the movement to the irtmo.u of their power. Sir Austen Chamberlain thus replies io American proposals in a note received Saturday by Mr. Kellogg. i Sir Austen said the government found nothing in their exist-i ing commitments which prevents their hearty co-operation in the i t a .11 .-.i.cnt for itrcngthening the . .. foundations of peace. Inasmuch aa Sec- j reUry KellJgg had made It clear that the right of self-defense wss Inalienable, j the !i-.'.e said Britain ftlt ni addition tal the tei.i of Article 1. of the American draft was neceasary. Chainterlaln'a note points out that there are certain regions of tbe world. i r .;e. tlon of which against attacks la to the British Smplre a measure of self-defense. DAILY TRAIN SERVICE NOW EFFECTIVE HERE ('Htftkf era tile Equipment Arrive from I2ast to Inaugurate It Today's Train un Time Dally train service for the euiuiuer now e.'fect.ve on the Canadian Natiouai Railways. Considerable equipment. Including mountain observation cars, has tcan arriving from tbe Bast during tbe past few day to be used in Inaugurating the service. This afternoon's tr.ln. due from tbe last at 380, Is reported to be 3ii tune. Thare wUl be no train to morrow afternton from the PRESBYTERIAN BOY SCOUTS AND CUBS ATTEND SERVICE Boy Sceut and Cuba groups of the r;rt Frbbytcrlan Church attended sec-vice .:. a body yesterday morning under the leadership of Ben Ferguson. Mr. Dyer snd Jack MoBa. About twenty beys lormed tbe group. Bev. J. E. PriBCll gave a special sermon on tbe aims and objects of tbe organisation and there was special music by the junlcr choir under tbe direction of John B. Davey. STOCK QUOTATIONS Noon Hosing Prtees Tmlay on ver Eirhange (Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Bid B.C. Silver IM Bayview Big Missouri T3 Cork Province -38 Dunwell 30 Oecrge cCpper .... 3.50 Oladetono 05 Glacier Qoloonda Kootenay Florence. h. L. Lakevlew ticadsmith Lucky Jim ... Marmot Metala National Silver Fend Oreille Premier Porter Idaho . Richmond . . . Rdrus Argents Ruth hop ... Sliver Crest . Silverado . . . 8llvermltb 8unloch Whltewteer Woodbine .-. . Cotton Belt Oeorgla River Ornutlvtew Duthte The family of J. F. McLean, drygooda merchant. Iiviiik over Marmot oom the store, hml a narrow escape when the store went up in flames, aiocan King .78 .17 .07 .31 .11 04 H .SB .10 23 Vi 17.50 3.33 09 .07 SB . . .14 3.75 .16 3.50 345 .41 .41 .54 1.38 .11 Vsneou- , Ltd.) Asked 1.T5 .00 .75 .38 .33 4.00 .08 . 80 .18 07 . .13 .08 .06 M .11 .33 17.86 3.25 .70 JO .63 .14 1.00 .36 .10 3 50 180 .80 .43 .57 1 39 11 '4 .14 TELLS ABOUT VAN MISSIONS MISS EVA IIASSELL AbDKESSCs CATHEDRAL COKUKMUTIO.N ON WOKK Silt Is IlOINO Mia Bra HassaU of England. ta sMrahsn and is now m aharg af caea-tonary van 'watgy sw: she Cjjt f wsgMrM l Clhisa. -gs ah etasfUtsit and interesting address in St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral last night on the work. She told how these vans wre used for carrying the Osapel message In the scattered snd unsettled parts of the pralrlei. It being an honorary work. Miss Hasiell and her associates raise the necessary funds themselves and tbe actual work itself Is not without aome trials snd tribulations. For Instance, sIIm Husa.ll ud her assistant. Miss Fsyle. who Is here with bar, not only take care of the missionary work bait also attend to the mechanical end of tbe motor vans themselves. Miss announced that a van would be llshed this summer in the Interior of Caledonia diocese. Mia Hauell and Miss farl arrive in the "city from the Bast on yastwsjay afternoon' train and are the guests of' Archdeacon and Mrs. O. A. Rls. 417 Aognew Place. Miss Haaaall will address the Women's Auxiliary thla afternoon REVISION COURT IS BEING HELD TOIiAV I'UOHABLY LAST OITOIITC-XIT1 Of (ILTTIMt ON LIST IOR NEXT PROVINCIAL ELECTION Possibly the laat opportunity people who have not already qualified by registration will have to get on the voters' list tor the neat provincial election will be by appearing personally before Oov-ernment agent Norms n A. Watt who I holding court of revision today between 10 a.m. and 5 pm. If an election should be held within six months from thla date, which seems to be generally expected, it 1 not likely that there wouM be another court of revision Intervening but the list tabulated after thla court would probably be used. SAFECRACKERS AT VANCOUVER IJIOT CAUHItll OtT AMOIXTINU TO OVER TWO THOiaiMl DOLLARS VANCOUVER. May 31. -Safe croaker over the weak and looted tkreo Vhn-couver establishments, the DomMiou Meat Market, the Dominion Themtre. a'nd the Vanoouver Meat Market of total of more than 83.000. LADYSHITH WINNER PROVINCE CUP FINAL VANCOUVER. May 21 - Ladyamlth defeated St Aniliew four to one in tlie Pruvim-r C tp final on Saturday. -" J Advertise m the Dally News.