CLASSIFIED HABIT Boston Grill Everyone read the d Ads. If you lose, tirt -f. If you find, lo y. Whatever you ne.A, ,f. . OET THE CLASSUlI, -'6. lJfI e. . 'Vs. Vol. XVIII., No. ICG. m&ln LABOR CONFERENCE HEARS ADDRESS ON Four Liberals Will Be Returned City of Victoria Says Premier Maclean in Address at Penticton FKINCETON, July 5. "I am convinced that in the city of Vic - toria we will return four Liberals," Premier MacLean said, in dressing a Ijlncton audience yesterday. 'The government will nave me suppun ui an classes ui of the province, frem the laboring uncial legislation and from the have not seen fit to name one woman candidate. "The Conservative party is split and led by a man who admits his inexierie!ice in provincial matters," declared the Premier. ATTEMPT LYNCH BLUEBEARD AT MARSEILLES i'oi.iri: H.Mt i(im man aniioui: to piikvent iiiencii moii takt.mi iiih UAmtaitm. July A. A mob al templed to take Jerome hit, alia Rey tlx frrnch Bluebeard, (ram tlM peUa t Had lynch him but lit polio ha-uaimled fist Sahara. Newspaper reports thai noory ow xiy can be eseeuted under Prenah . precipitated the attack en Prat who a ruHd of strangling eighteen women aitoni he had promised marriage mu.k their money TORY WOMEN ENLIST HERE INTIII HIAHTIf OATIIEHIMi LAT NKIIIT IIKCIDEIt TO All) CAM-PAH1S Of LOCAL LAMtlllATE About on hundred Conservative attesdawl an enthuaiaetic crgM-iraiirn mietins, last evenine In preper- ii'- -n for the torthcomln provincial election. ItlM E. M Earl occupied the chai: and bSMtasas Included the tier Mui, of offtaart and aovotntment of mmittea. J. H Thompson. Conserve r candidate 'tor keens, spoke before ii ladle and was given a good recep- i n Many of UM ladle, present ex- pressed their millaanraa to carry on rk in connection with the camnegln. AUSTRALIANS WIN TENNIS I'ATTKIIMIN AMI IIAWKEX HEAT TII.II;n AMI IIVNTKK IN fBMI" IIN'ALH AT tVIMIU.r.HON WIMBUHXm. July 8. Oerald Pat-Krsnn and John B. Itawkoi, Auatra-liana, defeated W. T. Tllden and P. T Humor of the United dtataa In Um Mini-finals of the Davis Cup tennis double todsy. The score was 7-, 7-9. 0-4. 6-4. 10-8. EIGHTY PEOPLE KILLED JULY 4 NKW YOtlK. July 8. -Firework, automobile acoideau and drownings ai for the death of about eighty (counted people m tue ITn'trri SUteaon thjir SURF POINT MINE'" DEVELOPMENT GOES STEADILY FORWARD Work of development of the known as (he Patterson Mine I pro- reeding aeedUy about twenty men be - k employed thai Just now. uusinuMmen ior me sound nnances classes for its 75 acts of labor and , women because the Conservatives , POLDER I.HHt'BH 11V 4. i TEIIKACE IK) AKI or 4, TRA1IE INTEIlrWTINU 4 i A folder batted by the Terrace 4. ' Board af Trade deaUaf 4. with ttoe attracUoaa. ladus tries 4, : and poMlbll'ttea at Um district concludes with a quotaUon 1 fosm an address by lion. T. D. Pattullo at Tarraea on June 14 of this year In which the ' minister aM: 4 -When one thinks of the 4 ' moodsrful adrantafes which essafaatetim thia distrteV-Ahe kMutirin aisusas th tvmvi. . weaHII Of wartw ftil mmmtrrw af mamtaln nH rtvar. of fareat and Iske. Um toresta abOMding with game and the rivers teeming with fish, the sturdy goad nature of Its cheerful iaMdlng people. the convenience of trsnsporta- tlon. and the orientation or noswiwaii'lal. Industrial and social aatMrttles all leading the world in tnta direction one can only aay that If Ood had given this district more lie would have to do an injustice to seme other part of the world." 4. 4. xilled"when"struck by street car last night at vancouver VANCOUVER, July S Oconee H play as bad been suggsatsrl. Dragging Savin of Burnaby died in the hospital ! operations have so far proven fruit-bis morning from injuries suffered lees. hen he was struck by a street car! at the corner of Ullooet and Hastings 9trv' last night. Motrrman O. II. Spencer, who was in charge of the oar. was remanded for n wee on a chart of mi net a ugh tr and was liberated on hell Of 4jOOO. STOCK QUOTATIONS Noon rinsing rrlres Today on Vancou ver tiuhanre (Courtesy of B. D J ah teen Co., Ltd Bayview Olasalr . Olacler Oolconda Indian Kootney Florence L. & t Lakevlew Lueky Jim Marmot Metala .. National SUvtr ... Iremler Ilich Bufi-HiUfr-.-- Ruth Hope BIHfff Otset, Silverado Temtuvtj Torlc Whitewater Cotton Belt .. Georgia River Blooan King Topley Hlchfleld Igtormanda Dm Askexi MV, M M Jit M S18 S-S8 .1 ,17 Jl .7 .77 M . UM JIM aTM4 V4 414 Vk - - li4 .V4 .t .18 tH 160 lfl-78 9 JO 3J1 .60 -88 .8 tt M .tov. .60 7 .t iS6 SM 3.43 2.4S SO Jl .70 .20 JM M -10 1.10 1.18 BV, .10 .1 .7 ,5A'j W (800 58.38 , Northern and l'UINCB sfps I ! AIFRF1. I flFiVFMTFlN ' LULTiLllulLili I ! RJ BELGIAN BANKER ' . rtLL rKulU AN AIKrLrtnt: j - - BRUSSKLB, July 8. Alfred Lcewen-1 ateln. a Belgian banker, one of the private airplane when crossing the channel and 'wss drowned. Lowensteln bad The newspaper Llndependent Beige. 'ays Captain Lowenateln had tmportaot inabilities lr Brussels and bad tried unsuccessfully to obtain a million pounds loan in London. CALAI8. July ft The special pellec uqulry into the death of Oapt. Al- fed Loweaatetn. who waa klUed In !sll from a plane last nijht his evening without aoj suttaMOt ng made by the poile eommlaatoB- r. Members of the party on the plane "sprntad the belief that death was accidental BeWaMWLB. July 6 Burners that CP LowensvUn was a possible sul- ride ware enertaUeslly denM today at 1wk " 0Vtfcyv -t? DeltM JttSSw Is. XUl M. Was a Victim o tragie agle mitawe ta WMcH he appar ently mistook a door ry which a pas- rngar would leave the plane for the -ntranc to the washroom. POiLCE DESIROUS OF RECEIVING WORD OF MISSING FISHERMAN Inspector William Splller stated this morning that the provincial pot lee would be pleased to receive lnforms- tlon from aay person who had seaa William Dane, fisherman, after April 31. The man disappeared from lua trolling boat Owl on the waterfront about that date and. so far as aan be learned, has not been seen sines. The police, the Inspector stated, had informatton leading to UM belief that Dann aught have mat with foul tvt4ttetv tt e4e WlHCr OVIHt KAUM AT MAOAia IN HAM. AM) UVNKKK AFi:i.Y MIAOAreA MUg. July 5 John laauatMT. branch Oawadtaa residing st iprlngfieM. Mass.. wont over liorsesnoe Valla ssfeiy today in a steal framed . rubber ball aix feet in diameter. TUG BOAT COOK IS DROWNED, VICTORIA tlplwnar Martini I'alN from Veooel In Harbor and Low Ills Life VIOTOHIA. July 6. Atpbonse Mar- qttta, cook aboard the tug Restless, fell Into Um harbor last night from the tug K. W. II. and was drowned. OKANAGAN CHERRIES ARE DAMAGED BY RAIN KELOWNA. July & The most optimistic reports say that rain la still falling and hss dotv. (ttty per ill da Sine' to the cherry crop which would "make the loss about 190.000. salariesIncreased HARBOR COMMISSIONERS VANCOUVER. July 8. It la announced here that the salary of F. R. Mo D. RuS' sell, chairman of the Vancouver liar bo; Oommtaaionera haa been tnereaset I hi .100 to 17,000 and the other commU' alonerH S3.000 each to 14,000. PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper KUPERTV'ttC. TlIUltSDAY. JULY 6; 1928 A Search to be Made for Secret Gold Mine in North by Airplane Arriving at Edmonton Few Days EDMONTON, July 5. Search for a secret gold mine is to ' be made by mean of a Fokker seaplane expected to arrive here in a few days. Stories of the mine and of the murder of two men who took $r,000 worth of gold from, it by crude methods, are told here. and are excHingthe wonder and curiosity of all who know the vast north country. 1he mine waa located in a secret canyon and three 1 McLeod 'brothers.! acting on information supplied by the Indians, j PiiiMrl ft Trttdf air am f earn Ke tiMir nf 4 U a iit L(nn T In Vnrlli Awn British Columblni JIurdo MeiLeed, the trip and of the murder of his 'iltrt is the quegr iung that we firsts found." says the .utvtvjr of the UI -fated nrec woo were ins um wniw men u ce the mine. NO TKIX-T.U-i: SMOKE "Although the Indians had let, then ua ani . iU rbt where they had Uen working, and their camp-aMos were there, too, there wasn't a tingle sign of a fire." Appamitly the IndUns had cver lit fires there, taking In supplies r jerked niest. so thst no tell-taie aww wmm uwwj inc vtam ui 3oM to waa4amg white. : For three months the brcthees worked in there. living on sne country, -rney then went out wttb- samples, and determined to work ot the rest of the summer l-- msko a grub-suae" to en . 1 able them to ge-baak to the mtae for a long stay. In those daya. and even yet. It must be tensembered, It took "ir7rH. heMS or.csnoes. 1 the Maekensie. a long way frem the; Hher twa. when BUiy and m were ; told id by oy Indiana inaian. hat aat a a party pary o. of whites in Dawson. Yukon territory, bad learn- 3d the secret of the name sod were starting a stampede for the gold. I() I'M) IIROTHCHV HONKH Owing to the urgency of the situation, the other two brothers did not have Hme to get Chi rile They went in themselves. Thst waa the last of them for three years, when the brother, alarmed, eonducted a scarab on bjes given htm by Indians, and found the bones of his two brothers around the athea of their last oamp fire. MaUod'a eyes smouldered a he recalled the tragedy. "They were not murdered by Indiana: they were murdered by a white man I I know who that man was. but he's dead now. Little good that gold he stole ever did btmr LAHOi: CONOKESS ' toward research In connection with OTTAWA. July 5 The forty-fourth their grain problems. Hon. James Mai-Trades and Labor Cong reee, of Oan- : eolm announced today. The amount at ada Is called to meet at Toronto, the disposal of the government Is 3l.-eeptember 10. 000. Last of Witnesses Gives Evidence at Police Inquiry in Vancouver and Fletcher VANCOUVER, July 5. Denying that he ever operated disor derly houses or had known premises owned by him were used for such purposes, Joe Celona was the last witnee in the police inquiry yesterday. Witness denied having paid money to Mayor Taylor or to any member of the police department. Police Commissioner Fletcher appealed to Mr. Lennie to order Sergeant McLaughlin to either publicly apologize for or prove the suggestions to the effect that he, the Dunsmuir Hotel during 1925 ruled the matter out as beinjr beyond the jurisdiction of the Inquiry. vA PUBLIC MEETING will be held in the Moose Hall on lisl KyEridcLy, July 6, at 8 p.m. v at which the! Liberal candidate Hon. T. D. Pattullo Everybody Invited. GREAT VICTORY a member of the party, tells of two brothers TOLL OF LIFE FOR HOLIDAY UIICUOUHK not itEsroNHiiiu; IOK .MANY CAHt'ALTIKS ON JLXV 4 CHICAGO. July 8 Tne July 4 tell of y,,) BtatS was 208. They were dc Jp as follows: Ftrewatka 11 Drownings. 108. Automobiles. 84. Extreme heat. 12. Ugktntog. 1 Alialahea, 4. Other oauses. IS. JAMES GROSART IS UUILl I Uf llltM :hf ff Ih. Saturday Ipon ...... iMt 1 wis imnns r ruin safety Ilepotlt Itux VANCOUVER. July 8 James MeD. Orossrt was today found guilty by Magistrate . Henry Shaw of partietpatmg in the theft of 130.000 in bond from the safety deposit box of John M&Neely of Vancouver. He was remanded until Saturday for sentence ELEVATOR OVERAGES GO TOWARD RESEARCH CONNECTED WITH GRAIN OTTAWA. July 8 The Federal government hss decided to devote the entire amount of money resulting frem over takes in the Canadian Trsalnal elevators Makes an Appeal Fletcher, had kept a woman at and 192G. Commissioner Lennie Seats reserved for Ladled. Minister of Lands. Will discuss the Public Issues. WAR AND PEACE Indian Delegation to Labor Conference Not Satisfied Withdraws Tom Moore Speaks and Lord Olivier Makes Suggestions in Regard to Peace and War at Iiig Gathering' LONDON, July 5. Protesting the British Labor party's to Indian problems, the Indian delegation to the Commonwealth Labor Conference, withdrew. Tom Moore in an address said Canada would not consider herself automatically involved in Britain's wars and prophesied that wars would end when capital was conscripted lik? workers. A. A. Heaps of Winninpeg, presided at a meeting dealing with -racial and constitutional problems in Ceylon, Palestine and the West Indies. At the evening seaaton Lord Olivier i els red the question of peat and war 1nri7IiiriThT should be shifted to an International, LfLl M L M gltl organization like the League of Na- 1 lv VLlUUiVll tions. The dominions, he said, should declare themselves autonomcus as far, as paaee and war were eonoarned. i ANdULITltt VIAN UST tlKAIN SHIP The British freighter Anglo-Petuvlan. 1 It la now expected. 4 wttl be (he of the is son Alberta Vtaeat Poors Prtnoo Rupert elevator. This vessel Is due on about Jury 30 and wiu take a full cargo to the Diflted Kingdom or Continent, cleaning out practically all the grain which la now left In the local i plant. The Anglo-Peruvian is a new boat and belongs to the :j company and la the same type ! of vessel aa the Anglo-Indian, :i one of the ahlpa loading grain here earlier In the GEORGE COCHRANE, FORMER FOOTBALL PLAYER, IS DEAD The death occurred at the Prince Rupert Oenersl Hospital at 1 o'clock this rr.orrUng of Oeorgr Cochrane. formerly well known local .y as a foot ball player. Porty-flve years of age and a native of Ireland, deceased had been In the city for several years and worked as a laborer He was stnckwn reveral months ago with paralyala. since which time he was a patient In the hospital No aurvtvtng relatives in U,la country are known of. Funeral srrantamsnts are la the hand of the B C. Undertakers. RUSSIAN AVIATOR RETURNS SAFELY FROMRESCUE TRIP MOSCOW. July 8 - -The Russian aviator Babuaniua returned to the base ship after five daya' harrowing! eapetl-ence from storm and Icebergs endeavoring to rescue the Hal lan airmen STRIKING CARPENTERS AT WINNIPEG RETURN WINNIPEG July 8 Striking car- i penltrs returned to work Thursday while negotiation are proceeding for an Increase in wages, the amount askett being 81.18 an hour. , The strike lasted a fortnight. TOURIST WINNER Oapnral HtwimI and lodeee ThlM ' 'in ITInre of Hale MakesTmUy. NEWMARKET, July 6. Sir Abe Beueys three-yeer.okl Tourist won the Ptumo of Wales Stakes here today. Caporal was second and todore. third. MHMH UI limiVKHM VANCOUVER. July 8. -Big Mlmiouri recovered ten pent com Inn up K- ) as at rosy, LAltOE CABARF.T Special Dinners Thursdays and Saturdays banting every Saturday night from 8 to 12. Dance Hall for Hire. The latest and beat for the least. Phone 457 Price Fivetenu OF PILGRIMS IS BROKEN UP ROUE. July 8 "What to all thle?" shrtekecl Olovsnnt Ptraa. an Insane sehcol teacher, broke up a procession of pUgrim to the shrine of St. Peters sod tried to snatch, the priceless tiara robes sd ornaments of state of the first Pope. Pirns was committed to an asylum. yANCE SNAPPED GIANTS' WINS IIKOOKLYN TOOK IIK!T OP X DOt'llLE-IICtUaK: Kit. WALK JO., MADE DEMIT NEW YORK. July 8. uazzy Vance snapped the Olant winning atresk at eight when Brooklyn took the tlrat of a double-header yesterday. Larry Benton took the second gsme for the Olants, making hia fourteenth victory and seventeenth complete game la seventeen ttarts The Chicago celeb rattan wat notable chleny for the debut of Ed. Walla Jr.. whose stride in the shoes of his famous father was unsuccessful, but he showed he had pitching ability before being retried In the fourth TORONTO WINS ROWING HEATS HENLEY. July 8 - Jack Quest of Toronto won the first beat in the Diamond Sculls this afternoon, defeating T. launders of the Eton Vikings Joe Wright of Toronto detested David Collet t. a Lemnder oarsman The Toronto men will meet in the semifinals. Liberal Party Committee Rooms Have been opened at the eofrtdf 6? Second Avenue and Fourth Street. Phone 229 or visit the rooms and Bee if you are registered on tho VQttrV List.