PAGE TWO time The Daily News PfilNqE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIl Published Every Afteinoon, except Sunday, toy Prince Rupert Dally New, Limited, Third Avenue. 11. p. I'ULLEN - - - Mana,rinK Edi.or. . Transient Display. AdvertlirinK.3f pe Trailatept ABvertisffig on KFpiPffK LocaJlHieaders. per insertioiflKperi per insertion er inch Claslmed Advertising&per inGrtiomtKler word Legal Notices, each insertion per a'tehto Hn3 Contract Hates on Applica.tion Advertising and Circulation fclephonc 93 Editor and Reporters Telephone - 86 Member of Audit Bureau of Cirt-u la t ions DAILY EDITION There are many who believe that Hoover presidential candidate if only for his ponsibl relations. $1.40 $2.80 VOTES CAN BE WON RAPIDLY FOl'K TIIOISAMI WMXAItS TO HU lilsTIIIItlTl-I) WITH NEXT .FEW CAMr.UON 'ia The Prince Rupet PiTly News! 14.- .2'nnft .-ttvei-vhrufv Win" lHlDtlKn H .15 Ivory short tin and .und no circumstances will it be extended beyond tha 'date advertised. At the vd, a tee or Judges, composed Ql prominent business and professional men, win count and tabulate the vote totals, and those who pole ths greatest number oi whisk to their home - - - votes will away Wednesday, July 25, 1928 ln the,r own uuriou mMbin" A" : thr will receive sums ln CASH In . 'proportion to their vote total a ex- NEXT U. S. PKEiSIDlSpCX plained to the announcement. Whether it be Secretary of Commorca Herbert Hoover or (Jnvnrnor Tw Prate districts have wen ar ai Qmf u th. linitoJ chuo .. l ........ i - - i 1 i j 'ranged one district ln the city ot strong president so, regardless of the political outcome, the detiniea TLtjZ cPM of the great republic to the south, will be in tuife hands for the next Mt of CMh prlBe, mvM be distributed iour years, issues ana not irersonajitieH, "vx,xjy umerent though each district. The choice oi tat. they may be, will settle the campaign and the ".ct that it is Hoover to car win be- made bj the peraou and Smith will throw in even more issue, owing to the ramifications polling the Mgheat vote of the district and policies that either Hoover and Smith or are alleged toiw,nners: the other district winner wtt; have. Present indications point that it will te Protestant and dry Uea nctivt th ttuc Hoover who will be the next president and not: the Catholic and wetj ""j,"' uken pari Smith. That is unless the people of the United States sink their ln , vo",ng cn,,,, 0i thi. magrti-religious affiliations and avowed dry tendencies in such a manner t,lde unable to reaiire hew rapidly as to swing the victory to Smith Itelifrion aand liquor, rightly or tieir vote total accumulate. Once the wrongly, give promise of becoming isuet in this big campaign and, start, is made, they Pile up like magic even though religion should not be an issue and both candidates are Subscription and coupon will sacuit pledged to the continuation of the dry laws, tiiey promise to over- thousand of votea in Tb Dally New throw other matters such as farm relief, tc In spite of the fact Pn- And it is not erpee that that they may not have much to do with the contest, reference to the LJSLJK "wu? personalities of Herbert Hoover and A.I Smith may, howeverp, TOtot ttnd what - prove interesting, n-erry pastime" it will ba with bounti. 1 1 reward at the end. HEIUiEICT IIOOVEK There an plenty oi prise to go If the American neonle send Herbert Uoo-veai- to th Vhito Hnnsp a ound among the hustler indeed in the November elections, he will be. at in reirarii tn fnt-olrn I PrtM' CAH Qr r political and economic conditions, the most thoroughly informed,'" ewjrJ!f"ve prUclpnt ,T!! . , . . . . . .. ' a competitive one. and wUl be eon- x resiueni in tne nation s msiory. , oigt Hoover's war relief work, the phase of hin career which first CUT .sort, the W you prtae. orougnt mm into national ana international n-rommence, is generally! come to the New odie. or write or recognized as having given him an understanding of European af- t lephone Ml today for full inform fairs comparable to that of any American pub-lie figure. But behind taa' Be tat WM the unprodet that lies 14 more obscure years during which Hoover, as a mining t:d aPPnrtw"rcT Pally hvn p pU-engineer and executive, came to know practically every section of1 g bvtax And et an early rt the globe at first hand. ' I TZST m Z!S? Hoover's world-wide background, his intimate knowledge of for- or . trtmi today, eign matters, gained as a private business man war relief director Make up your mind kow. Enter anu secretary ot uommerce, is ot particular MlKnificance at this now. Bverytedy win. YOD WIN. Yev AL. SMITJI Alfred Emanuel Smith rose from an obscure youth on the sidewalks of New York's crowded lower East side to become governor of the Empire States four times anti a candidate for nomination to the highest office in the nation. organization, of. tho state government. After ya ,of effort he was successful In abolishing more than-100 commievsions ani boards; and eant help but win. The more yer- uld . be a desirable mor you e of court. But influence on foreign e,bod'r WJw nWiw The more candidate entered the Incidentally, another little known period of Hoover's career is 2lL . ..... o one of the big cash award, new M revealed. i j That is that be i has come to know tine life of the laboring tMrt do ytm MBf It llkg this man from his own experience. Following rvit graduation from, it there are oriiy to candioates nut-Stanford University in 1895, he spent several months on a regular! ing for the office of Mayor of pnnot shift in a California mine to complete his preparation before he took Rupert, the winning candidate musi his first position in the office of Louis Janin, San Francisco engineer. h",e mor tbtD 04,1 Qt " tb vot, cut ln order to win. But if there are ve candidate seeking election, the win- Ing candidate seeking election need nly have more votes than any of th ther four. In other words, victor conve to the winner with tar lee. The governor,' known to a legion of New "iTorlcers as AI, has led two are running. Yet the total vot a charmed political life In a state that is normally charted as rei m h instance may be the same publican, especially in presidential election mode than a quarted of a century of almost years. Only once in continuous public life has he been defeated for office. Geniality is one of the outstanding Smith attributes and accounts for part of his immense personal following in laic home city. Rut he has a rigid sense of public duty, with which his jrood nature is never permitted to interfere. . He has been called "The Happy Warrior- IF'iihtlng is something he haB always had to do., commencing with hie tstsruggle to overcome poverty in. hip boyhood, when he helped to upport his widowed mother. He: repeatedly fought hostile loKiwlatxires in Albany and was successful in putting through many important legislative measures. As governor he sponsored many welfare measures, such as widow's pensions and child labor laws. lie also championed legislation fav-vorable tjj organized labor His mpsti important worfc, as viewed by his, f rjends, was the re votes when Ave are running than wher a. ITV)rUle, mlrOaz editor of "Oa aads" Uluatrsted wsekly of London. QngiatKl. hM beeQ- vtsiUrig tnle camp the vast work oftho.' state fj& noyVflopd.; by a Tow. departments, andiri' tfte oure ! touf ef Canae. the governor's cabinet. ' 4f it U- W iffci .; --- v-fei, 4 '! eOt. ' Smith has been a storm center on tho pronibitlpn question. He has frequently said he favored modification of the Volstead Acti but that he was opposed to the return of the saloon. It's easy to cet a lastine. hrillinnt shinn witVi 'a'J&. Shoe Polish You can uie Nugget on any kind of boot or shoe. It preserves the leather, keeping it soft and pliable, and prevent! cracking. Ttrt'iaSvtt1 Shed for t very thot mode a fXlQl The Dally New' campaign office (lo cated on th aecoad floor of The New, building. 243 Thtrd Avenue, Prince Rupert) wlU be open from 9 'ajn. to 8 p. m. each day. Telephone 34. STEWART Oreu F. HIU. whose drug store and post office were numed down, in Ux ceeat Ore at Hyder, is building a new two-storey SO by 70 foot (traeture ln the construction of which tteel and concrete are being stemlvtly used. J. C. Oavlsan. well known Prtnot Rupert bsalneae man, ba been spend lag m week la Stewart. Mrs. Forshaw of VanoouTfr l visit ing here with her mother. Mr. WlU am Irwin. Mr. Forshaw 1 aeeovpan- ltd by her daughter. The body of William FUUer. well known pioneer and prospector, who lest hi life ln a enawtUde en the mrrting of Dwernbef. IT IttU while he was on hi wty up the north fork of the Marmot River to the Porter Idaho mine, wai found last week near the forks ot the river by Thorn m Ktikpat-rick. An lcquet held by Dr. H, A. WhUlsns. cconer. esUbUshed that dutn had buen aocldentel. The funeral took. pUce here with Rev. Father La-ray. OJJ.I.. officiating and hundred o'f friends of deceased attending. Mra. Dowther of Prince Rupert visiting Stewart on buslnee. Or. Rae L. Carlson of Ketchikan, who lost her equipment ln the recent fire at Hyder. ba returned here. Welllnaton Beaton, head of , the, Oeor- gja Hlver Oold Mines Ltd. rldJbe-,iAn-Jgaroatexl Mine Ltd- returrMUto van- oouver at th end W ' tne,rr- having pent several days hi h dis trict lnsnectlng proBrees of operation co properties In which he is Interested. VANDERHOOF E. A. Mitchell was elected acbool trutc at the annual meeting of the Vanderhoof Bupeflor School which wa htJd recently. W. J. rtlrocs w re-elected auditor. Wlnners In the stock Judging competitions held In connection with the an- MirtJ THE DAILY NEWS tOl , i I.. ICKIIIB-i '1 !! '. Ml Betty Lamb Thursday evening Jtan Edstrom. And If this progress, of which wc are so Justly proud, is to continue, does not the most vital force of this country lie in our children? Some day, they will take the helm. Events will follow their judgment, skill and decision. TIIEY ARE OUR GREATEST ASSET ! The Boy of today is the Man of to-morrow ... the Girl, the future Mother of our citizens. On us rests the responsibility of shaping their formative years so that when we hand over the reins, they may carry on the Torcli of Progress, undimmed. How have we met our responsibility? Can we look Young British Columbia In the eye with the feeling that all will be well with the future of the province for which we have planned so carefully and labored so faithfully? SURELY! In the last ten years our school population has ' grown from 64,570 to 101,688 . . . 58. We have 1,065 schools manned by 3,396 thoroughly BR J. O. Whiteacr 1 (pending a few day on hu Mndalay Farm in the Surt River dlautet, -tRtad thisi announcements and understand your province's progress . . . (lip them out and send them to friends. If you desiu extra etpiei tJ these annountfmenls a note to this newspaper tcii n'r them. siJvcrtise ytur Pmiiicel itiSH Colli nual field day hero were Kenneth lit thl district last week ln the course Campbell, Ralph Ewes. Ebert Lee, Ho- of a trip through the central Interior bcrt Smith, Ml Louise BnelL Shirley on official duties. He was accompanied Preston. Mis Mary Sncll and Miss Ma- ty William Doe of AafcciJft, rle Raw. - Edward Kohse and bis bride, who wa entertained last ormerjy Mia Emmy PaUtolU. returned In honor of Ml to the district last Thursday from Van- couvir, where they were married, and win make their home at Fort St. a me. Mr. Robert Reld and Ml. J. M. ohnston entertained at a picnic at The B. O. provincial public work lulkl Lake last Thursday in honor of department received cnrla4 of lum- Mis Jean Edstrom, Mis Molly Moore ber last week from the Eraser ' lt a id. Ml Barbara Mandrell. The event Sawmills,,,!., ,,- ,,!.. , largely attended. ' ttjjf . .vTtfefT HCT Uhi,td! . Hertcfl Larson, who is a patient in cnurch pastor hrrei: 'nduunie r r-) no-t-unvc vvnw 'wii. rrpurwa Ice la? Sunday. ' ' be making satisfactory progress to- Mis Molly Moore, daughter of Mr. Robert Reld. and Ml Barbara Man drell ot Vancouver are spending their summer vacation her w,tn Mr- ,nd Mra. Reld. A very sur.-cful tea and sa!e was held last Wednesday afternoon by the Canadian Uirii in Trajnlng- wrd recovery. HUITAIV WIN'S ('ItlCKI'.T MANCHESTER, July 23 Britain won the second cricket game against tie Wt Indies touring team, giving rltaln the rubber. A third match will played. VANCOUVER WHEAT. VANCOUVER, July 25 Wheat wa J. T Phelan itensral superintendent .quoted at yesterdaya closing on tlwi of Government Telegraphs, was a vUltorJyancouver Stock Exchange at ai.37,. 1 ; lis sty WW) Ux P3 WWWW WSS. m Increase increase so 5070 70 11 I SCHOOLS-Increase31.7 I SCHOOL pdrdLATION 3 1926-7 w&mmm THE material progress of our Province is known the world over. We speak with pride . . . and rightly ... of its vast natural resources awaiting conversion into merchandise and wealth. We take the figures of ten years ago and compare them with those of today . . . and the world agrees that our progress . . . considering our population . . . has been the brightest feature in the recovery of the British Empire froijv the war. trained, competent teachers ... an Increase of 31.7 and 71 respectively! Recently we have etnhHshed special vocational schools for our girls and boys, where they may be fitted for those occupations for which they have a natural bent. Higher education is amply provided for at our University of Hrltish Columbia, where two thousand students arc now enrolled, tho majority studying for their degree in Science and Agriculture. And to the school training of our children we add the powerful influence of Home, the religious and other organizations, each of which is contributing its full measure of the physical, mental and character upbuilding of our dearest, most treasured asset . . . OUR CHILDREN! With confidence and faith we will hand over our beloved Province's future when the time comes! FIRST WEEK COUPON I C.N. . 200,000 EXTRA VOTES Thia coupon, whon accompanied with three yearly scriptlons or their equivalent, to the ,1'rlnce Itupert I' News, entitles the candidate to 200,000 extra vote if scriptions aro turned In during the First Week of their " Name of Subscriber Namo of Subscriber Name of Subscriber Candidate's Name One First Week Coupon cn be voted bmach candidate tif every three one-year suuscnptions, or theP equivalent, tui in during the candidate's first week in tho campaign. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED! Hailing from i'rlm-e Kuprrt. lot VANCOUVER, VICTOUIA, Hwsiion Hay, lluledale, Alfrt Hay. rte TiifiUay, S li.lit. For VAM'OUVF.It, VICTOUIA, IJutf.lute. Alert Hav, etc., Saturday, ' am' For 1'OKT hlMI'HON ami NAAH I'OINTN, Friday. 0 For ALICE ARM. ANVOX. MEW Alii', WAI.IIH IM.ANII, 1'OKT BIMI)N' Hunday, 8 p.m. 123 2nd Avrnur. If. M. SMITH, ARent. Prince Rupert. H'. Ihrolicli tlrkrl sold lo Vlctorltt and rlratlle, and ImKgilie rlirckra dmllnatlur ,