til PAGF FOT'R lU tffl'W U . 1 tA3L-& ftw' Transfer JSftcen JgaraV cnerienggUJil raitotaliASl)j&'lANO' I r We sell 8 kinds. of. Coal ! Any kind'6f(Wood.S.y in any quantity CEMENT SAND GRAVEL Our price, weights and measures are right. So is our Service Fhono us and Save Mon6y and Time DAY & NIGHT SERVICE Day Phone: 201. Night Thone: Red 317. LADIES' DRESSES Coats, Millinery and Ling ene Richmond's Louvre Third Avenue Roofing and Spe cialities Mineral Surfaced Roofing Mineral Surfaced Shingles Roll Roofing Ituilding Papern and Felts. Evcrjet Elastic Paint Plastic Elastigum Shingle Stains Creosote Oils Marine Scam Pitch. Distributors Albert &McCaffery Limited Phones 11G and 11? ' MINING Stocks Noon and afternoon closing prices on Vancouver Stock Exchange on our stock-lint board daily. We can give instant service in buying and soiling Mining Stocks on Vancouver Stock Exchange. We also have facilities for accepting Wheat orders on Winnipog StocJc Exchange. Representing Miller, Court & Co- Ltd. Vnncouvcr. S.D Johnston Co.Ltd. G17 2nd Avenue Prince Rupert, II.C. DRY : BIRCH JACKPINE AND CEDAR Single load $3.50 Double Load; $O.G0' Large Sack GOc COAL PRICES-DOWN Pembina Peerless Egg $12.00 Pembina Washed Nuts $11.25 Alberta Sootless Egg $12.00 Alberta Lump $13.00 Also all other classes of coal HydeTransfer AND COAL CO. Phone 580 13! Second Ave. THISTLE WIN SOCCER GAME OX AN EVEN FOOTI.Nd FOR UiAOItr, MONOKS WITH TKlt.MINALK IIV HEATING llrXil.MRN'T In the City Football League last Av erting Thistles won over Regiment in a free acorlnf game by 6 to 3. Thistles had John Murray at back In place of Alex Halg who has been laid Up with a cold and Alex went Inside left. Regiment's attempt to rearrange' their team, to give Baptle a chance at centre forward wae not a success as he was needed at centre half. Thistles outplayed their opponents all the game save for the last fifteen minutes. In the first halt, playing ngalnst the sun. and uphill. Thistle scored three, times to Regiment's twice. Alex and Willie MKchell registered for the Scots while Baptle scored from a penalty Regiment defence in this half, save for Lam.be and Ktjsey, was. full of holes and the Thistles forwards did much as they liked. A rearrangement of- the Regiment line-up in the second half started off with a fine goal by Baptle. from Nor-rlngton's centre after a nice passing bout but the success was not maintained and Thistles were soon ahead further through goals by Alex and Willie Mitchell again. Towards the end. Regiment attacked and . Campbell had to save. From a free left outside the penalty area Wilson scored for Regiment with a drive that should have been saved. For Thistles Oampbeil saved Baptles penalty. Murray and Ereklne were safe (Thistle 2 Regiment 0 PRINCE RUPERT TIDES TUESIIAV, JULY 2i High C'M sun. 19:34 n-m. Low. 0:43. soa. 1338 p.m. 1 " WEIINIWIIAV. JULY. 23. High 8:10 am. 14.7 ft, 20:21 pm. 17i3 " Low t:S3 a.m. 8.1 " 13J pjn Oj0 " Tlli;il.H.Y, JULY 2A High .'. 01 am. 14.6 ft. 21:111 pm. 17.8 law 3:03 a.m. 7J1 " to .I...-..).. um pm gjB FKIOAYk JULY 27 lilab 10134 am. 144) ftj 22X pm 18.2 " low '. . 4i04 am. 12 " isaa pm. ' 10.7 " HATIWIIAY. JI I.Y 28. High 11:17 am. 15.6 ft. 23:81 pm. 18.7 " Low 4:87 am. 02 " 1836 pm. 10.1 " HDXHAY, AC'LY 29 High iJ;oa aim. is. u. 23:34 pm. 10 J " Low 8:44 am. 6.4 " 17:33 pm 91 !7 " it on the dealer jjfcTw : counter M&$kfy WNGLEY. of the competitors. SSSl.'-r.. More for your money 9 m m and thrJ best Peppermint Chewing Sweet for any money SPORT CHAT To have a Ilmier broken with the at back. All the halves played well with first bowled to him and then to stay Haddon playing the- neatest football M the wicket for two hours and score woods and Geo. Mitchell were strong m runs Is an example of pluck, that bustlers. The forwards put up a fine n --j. veiled c. A. Rowland. showing. WIlltecToft and Jlmmle Cur- the- North. Wales cricket caDtaln is rle centered well all through. Halg at the hero of the atory and was finally insiae ngm snowea mat ne can pwy run out after scoriu 118 runs. It Ulit.LE HTAMUNdS sood football In anv position. The Mlt- . i kn i - " ... NBUtfJum viimi. lire Iiau I .wiiiwiwi uruii soarea uie sa goeas. Am teen broken In two places but young W getting four end Willie two. They had Rowland went on battlnt till the tea 8t Louis 86 ian easy time evading the opposition. interval and then. having had It I Chicago . . 66 I For the losers Carl Brand was not en- bandaged, continued batting till he Cincinnati 64 tlrely free from blame In a couple of vas finally run out. New York 48 gaus but, for his first game for years, . . Brooklyn 47 put up a fine showing, saved many.. 6pot appeals to all rtasm. and It Is Pittsburg 46 gd shots and Regiment to ruefcy to interesting to note that Kenneth Myers 1 Boston 26 have him, He. fielded the ball cleanly ho will represent the United states in Philadelphia .... and will do mucn better In his next.lw Olympics, having won toe single' (American) game. Lmte was the only good back. ieulls championship of the VBA. .re- New York j " "' """" " contiy, is a nrernM on the Phils del must not try to do too much. He lost r tlt and Heading RsUway. sViane-fsM VS Viomrlnn rai iVa the Vtall i-vz-k --v- aassujBssa Vs rV V'iV MHii tv , puMewai long. Ross did better at back. Tinker did not check back. Baptle was the Despite TllaVen's afeegMe from ;away towards tne cnu. lie nasv- ail tne team, 'signs of developing Into a good forward , ,' , but he must play harder and showl t. T Oeileeti wn was recently defeat-more "devil." ed in oim of tin niamatui Mill, h Thistle Oampbeil, X Murray, Era I - . THE .Aii-x riEWij i it- ' ojawanB BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManJS I i ! F J$$?M ISN'TTHlfcA. IIVOO'DHAVE R I T.Hl(lDEAOF 6UYlr4' J I II FORGOODME SAKE-TOP C" lift 1 6 THAT SCVEU--E j UOVBW CAPB?' OONE BETTER IF EVERYTHINQ THE'I' I 1 GROWUMQ-VOUR.'OAOGHTBR fij EVEN. COT TOUR, CIGARS J , PH 'S.?fti ' BOOGHT1T oOiHAOhiT rprbACrtoTTOTOP- , .1) A WOMOERONJ ECOsJOMZlMG- ! itf im HALP-?0 TOU'LLHAVF ' M J awaeB IBifr&-j L5'a- Winn rm " I wa, v;.v m . , , . ' "i certain course on Friday. Their regular appearance, on Fridays was noticed and In a casual way commented on. Vari ous suggestions were made tar account for this and at last one hit on the rei reason. Thursday was the clay set apart for ladles AjHi the number of bulls l-.st on thai day la almost- unbeHeva. lik'. 9 H STREAKENLED riTTsm;u(. lost to. new y chik YLHTKEHAY III T IS KT1I.I. CIIAL-. Mi.vnixn rkooklyn ion Finn PLACE (Special to Dally News) NEW YORK. July 35 Pittsburg Pl- I rates, who have been climbing rapklly ; In the National League of late in such form, as to give Brooklyn Robins and other league leaders concern, had a temporary setback yesterday at the hands of the -New York Otants but sure still only five per cent age paints behind the Doges who were beaten by the St Louis Cardinal Cincinnati held third place by winning easily over the Phillies. Ww Loth Yankees beat Boston Red Sox In the. 'only game played In the Anxlom League and are eleven-and-a-half game ahead of the Philadelphia Athletics. Yesterday's . .scores : AMRUICAN I.Il(llE New York, f); Boston 3. NATIONAL LEAOIIE St. Louis 3: Brooklyn a. Cincinnati ffj Philadelphia 1. Pittsburg ; . New York S. COrtHT l.KAJHE Portland v4; fissions 7. San Francisco 6, Sacramento 8. Seattle 8; Hollywood 15. Los Angeles 0; Oakland 3. Mew York 67 Philadelphia 6S St. Louis 49 the i Chicago 4t .American Divta Cud team awinir to his iWeahlnston ...... 41 ai iorwara moujn. ne goi mue sup- uspenston by the America Tennis au-lOleveland 49 port from his inside Detroit ,. ,H ALL -THE- LUCK. L. 38 38 30 37 46 44 6 60 36 26 36 4ft 49 81 68 men or wings Verities for. writing newspaper articles. Bqaton SO 63 . Fred Cameron began well but ded America easily defeated the Italian Pet. .641 .501 .681 .606 .611 609 am .711 .781 .TS8 416 .470 Aid .40 Some peoplf have, all Vt) luck. A J- Wrteht. ftf.,1 tkM.clsiudlan Kullvr raaktent af fiousli " ssssM on EB DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. mil resfeeent KnersaeJ simtl: vatlon and on letetmtaz found, that r 'ntarofrneate is en attempt to IMiltiAfi - vrA oto tnav ho lalri on sji neaaasarv. Bar- Light and Nourishingf oojl ana oaosryinK Tasty and Healthhil TMSCUIT-ADulfcious Shret4dcd Wheat Cracker IADE AT NIAGARA FALLS VI61TORS WELCOME - 1sfc- 2c per word in advance. Na Advertisement taken for less thant 50c AGENTS WANTED CANADA'S finest line of Pemonal Greet ing Christmas Cards. Agents wanted in this locality. Regal Art Company. Manufacturers, 310 Spadlna, Toronto. TOR SALE FOR SALE FIRST CLASS ROOMINO house; twenty-six rooms fully furnished and In good eendltlea. Excellent opportunity for a couple. Apply T. McOtyrnont. tf OLD NEWSPAPERS MAY BE USED in stead of building paper or to lay beneath carpets on the floor. Oft special price on large quantities.. Dsllv Hews. FOB SALE LAUNCH QWBN. FOUR'! Horsepower Baethope engine. all complete and in good running con drtloa. Apply Pulled, Daily News, tf i' uk bale, usees wanted on one two-ton Trade Track: and one one-ton Ford Truck. Apply T. McCry-mont. tf FOR RENT OR RENT. CLAPPBRTON HOUSE. Ninth Avenue East. Rent reasonable Apply City Treasurer. City Hall. tf OR RENT PIANOS. PLAYER-PIANOS. Phonoerspha and Sewing Machines Walkers Music Store. tf FOR RENT. PURirtBirCD FOUR roomed apartment with bath. Water paid. Phone S47 tf FOR RENT. FOUR ROOM APART-ment. hot water heated. Apply Smith & Mallett, Ltd. tf FOR BENT. Furnished room In private residence. Borden Street. Phone Red 148. . 174 FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART-ments. Apply Musullem Orocery.' FOB RENT. FURNIsllED ROOMS; also small suite. Phone Oreen 600. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert -n July zs. 1918. Four hundred of the crew and paes- 1 u sen oi in wiuie siar liner jubw jag have been landed at an Irian pore I iter their rossel tad been torpedoed t Uoarlng e twenty-fpur hour battle :th a Germs n submarine. , I The Oermaae ere bringing up mans SALVAGE AND TOWING Prince Rupert Salvage & Towing wanted- Mtdei Co. Ltd. HAH I1.U:(1AIN-H IN OAS ISOATrl Agcuts for Kasthope Engines, Ooolldge Propellers, .and Tuxlube OH Hoot of all rIetrrlpllon for Charier Salt Lakes Ferry service week days on the hours 1 pjn. till 8 pjn. Sundays and Holiday, n a.m till 8 pjn. 1'lMnie SAI SUMMER RESORTS LAKELSE HOTSPRINGS LODGE NOW OPEN Ford Ton Truck, panel body .. 1100.00 Port Ton Truck. Chassis only, starter type 6180.00 ItaMf TaAal ' IMI " ibis uviirvil, teTsMI, mtmaA flrmrlltlnn tiaM - .--w ays IViW IOJ pavkfiaxS 8d, 103A. lour iMUkda KslWV-t teaakei dtsldUt HA eteraTTwo wo k!ne: Oeo. MlteheU Ti Haddon. Woods; wulu at AnKanv ito mn t'je during his absejaM the had been , Am f1' J. Currle (r. Halg. A. Mitchell, W. wingfleld ScuUs for t erpaorlp tirned, into a.hus)tUl with el) tfcei ' , Mitchell. Wllllscrott. of the TOamp. " T Jwewslrr plplWKT cawpJete f- ft u-d w w- N t RegimenrBrand, George. Lambs; . 'When '&tA the Prlnee John fo v we come haek w are lueky : Kelsey, Ross. Tlflkerr Wilson, WWi noBh-MkfTeejrt Is now i: we find, tbs the fceuse.ie' sMIl, In- i J" T"Tn, gklnson, Baptle, Cameron. Norrington. . smtiHriim iifui.iiu muii nr th t.rt . ii u n u hihsi tHi we ' George Russell refereed In hU urual oiymple tV CHS Btteker tle Oalt haven't enough' for a bottle after the Q M "sneon, United States consul, impartial manner and A. Clapperton aieempanled by Mrs. Hsnson. left on WBg dtsianee runner has been In v. cation. end F. Hunter were on the line. tinwejeymd le Pri"oe re for W1P A1 Holland for some his It would aBji suggest a new item 'EAdt'E KTANDIXOS ft.Iow Canadians. He sVrtasi that the far advertlslne when one wishes to let k,n porU- lerminais 2 O 4 ninnm In thai Marathon will find the one's house whan eotae- on vacation 1, cobMestone. thst are died !hd con- One would state that It ha. all the' Btot ha awarded contract. 3 0 . m& ' JaPan ,or tn Of thirty .tmallnn -t emutal. MuecK nece-arv convenLnee. and that DlDlnsT that sore feet will crisis. raufiw oy uerman suomanne warfare. rels and botUes are fim supplied. And what may not be sold might be stored Australia Is resDonslble for the latest In the bnsement awaiting the owner's i ,. golf story. It was noticed at Canbcrr.i return. 15.4. ft that two Scoflsli rcpreftntatlv In the "8" Federal Parlmniuit uiwav ' 'v-d on Aieri.. m The Oallv News 1A No After Lunch Drowsiness y w m waLimmmm SMALL BOATS WARNED OF WRANGELL NARROWS AND URGED TO USE CARE The Prince Rupert Board of Trade l has received a telegram from the United Elites Engineers at Juneau warning all masters of small boats that a contractor I is now placing the foundation for a ' ..... .. ...... . . 1 I. .V. .UN IkvAlMM. ,--.- 1 ..M.uuK vm. uu ... . iwiw; iwoft 111 WrRimcll Narrows and that traffic must be runted through the bouyed channel north and west of . Prole wy Rook to avoid inte reference -with the beacon isreation plant. DeoH are urged to exercise the greatest care in passing this way as eve-al acokltnuj have already occurred. IIOYrt' HAM) lltl.'K Bandmaster Thomas Wilson, William Oiichrist and thirty members of the Prlnee Rupert Boys' Band returned to the city on this afternoon's train frajn a successful two weeks' tour to Bd-hiuntun. Brief stops were nlso made nt Prlnee George and Jatper Park. UMKIIWT IIOTSI'ltlNdH IN CANADA (Utnta Water) Trout Fishing on Lakclse Ijike now open (iOOl) ACCOMMODATION l It I ISII1M1 I'AltTIKH Lakelse Lake. Terrace, B.O J. nRUCE JOHNSTONE. Manager. AUCTIONEERS. PltlNCE Itl.'PEUT ACCTION MAKT Krilrrnl lllnrk Furniture of all kinds bought, sold or exchanged Crating and peeking done. Goods sold on Commission ittirtlnneer. Ct. J. DAWES. mack Ito J'URMTURE AND RANGES Faweett Ranges. Simmons Beds and Bedding eneludlng the Ottennoor Mi- trese, Dlnlnga Room Bui tea. Bedroom Suites, Chesterfield Suites. Window Blinds, Linoleum and Linoleum Rugs. We sell at very reasonable prices so It wall pay you wj give us a call Wateh our Windows A. MACKHN7.IE. furniture. IMione 763 USED CARS I-QR SALE Ton Trsfllc Trusk, new fctroti ...... ' srviVi Terms ean.be arrend shove ears KAIIiN UAUAOE Phone S3. Auction Sale will be held on Thurs day July SO on the premises at 333 Second Avenue at 330 pm. House snd Lot. Double barrelled shotguns. 13 gauge. Machinists' Toole. Anvils. OremepboM. And mlsetUtbtoue article must be sold. OEO. J. DAWB6. Auctioneer 173 CHIR()PRACTIC lU. It. n. EVOI ftON Chlroprnrlor 8 Third Avenue. Telephone for nppulntment now to Blue 86. Residence phone Blaek 233. Acute and Chronic Disorders success. fully treated. IsnabUehed 1034 RESTAURANTS UMI ttTH 0AHI', Mrs. linger. Pfeprlelreas Third Avenue, tt, ttAy.V.A, Oood Heme Oeoked Meals and Ilonn Baked Bread Hperlal Chlchen IMiiner Kvrry Hunilay Evening from 5JI0. HOUSES FOR RENT some eeperlencw . UiiRt be . l..ibit. (! OmliR-cu Hotel Artidei Lot and Found,&i WANTED II.; EXCAVATINQ WANTKH any kind, by day i i RosanK. WANTED Maid for Plrene lied 357. WATER NOTti I Clruriitg Htr.-.n, Take notice that ED' whose address Is Terra for s licence to u Lakeise River near 'l. -Streams" purpose nanx . Impruvlng the stream : boomlne. or rafting uf : . The poliiJi on llR which it i. propoaed t. thst jK)lnt at which leave Lakelse Lake, u. ' Lakelik' River. , The estimated m;ia said iwlnts U U". do i i.i i The term pr.p-.wl i-21 years Thki notice was poswd n the 10th day (tf Jv.i . A capy of th) noti;. cation (pursuant then ' Wuter Act" will bo n. of the Water Records: pert. B. C Objections to the tube filed with the said W with the Comptroller .. Parliament Buildings within thirty days alliance of tbM notice .n a ' E D Jr: - Bj-t. D Judson. Asjev' The petition for appt taking and an applies' of the Schedule of Ti,: In the office of the B .. lion at a date t: be f-v terened uers i. may . . tneeeto m the oftlee o or oi the Water Rer - i trtet COUHIII ATIOV or I III I'KIVCt HI I'l i; i Take notire that: 1. Th- Council i; ! ol the City of Priiur Kui ronuruct a ;ucrele s;i- wide on the west sld' ..' :omm::i;U;g at the or.) Avenue and ex tend n it: le of Pulton Street t. of the Fire Hall, a a lucu: and tntands to saeetall upeo nt land asHtumii a work, except such porti es Is nBoarred at street 8. The estimated -.' to aWOjeO. of which S6.' paid by the Oorporatioi: mated annual special i f rentage is 3S47 n.. saaeSH U to be paid n stalnstnu. 3. Peraons deslrlrui to r unrtertakliig the work n . or before the 3Sth day . Betted this 36th day ' L'ORPOIIATION III Till ' rillMT. Ill I'i.K i Take Notice That: 1. The Council of tlir ( the City of Prlnee ilui tonttrucl a cjturete wide on the east aide comaencliig at the smr.i avenue and extend nu side of Fulton Street m of the City Wall, as . nient, and intends to the cos: up:n the lunr rectly o.i the work, exit if the cjst as u Incur., tersectiojis. 3. The estimated is 3386.00. ot which paid by the Ct rnoratlun ntated annual special frontage Is 6.3087. Th: ment is t,. be paid in -ttalntenu. 3 Persons dealrlnK against untlerinklng tlw so on or befc the 38th ii Dated thu 3Ath day ' COIICOIIATION III' I'll' I'KIMT, 1(1 I'll: Take Notice Thiit: 1. The Oounr.ll of tlx ' the City of Prlnee Km co us true i a conereUt feet wide on the nor'h Ats)He cauvnvesksinK a) feet (rest of the east In 4trdli iSdUMelWil a. I line nf 1 flelT ST' ond Street. as n provemeut, and Intend, see. the cost upon the directly on the work. tlon of the cost as Is n Intersection Ih The estimated cost i whish 670 ik ONE four room house noar n..ihn. 1 61,130.00. .. ot of r.K...u. . " ". ' "' Corporation rp'irntlon, ... uiii.uai one on Ninth Ave.: all modern. 3.30H7 iKii'Riw roit ham: THE une we live In anl sneoial s.-.e paid In 'in annual ln:n! 1 .1 I...... I.. ,, "n O" 'lB Ulldertnleli.i. u... wnrk inn- Thompson St. facing 7th Ave. alijo. 1 before th jgth day of A. furnished. Hart. will sell at half coat. W. special rale per me Dated this 36th dm