Qlic Ileal Canadian Car M DEMAND Phone 3 We arc pleutted to announce that the Ford Cunadian factory will soon be- in full production. The exceptional value in the Model A car has been worth waiting for. The following models will bo on display at our Third Avenue showroom on and after July 17 for a few days: FOKIIOR AND TUDOK SEDANS, I'HAirrON AND BUSINESS COUPE, ltt TONTKUCK. S. E. PARKER, LIMITED "Rupert Brand" K ipper THE DAINTIEST IlltKAKr'AHT HUOI.-Smotfd Dally by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage C bi Prince Rupert. B.C. l'REK VOTING COUPON Good for 100 Voles In the Daily News "Everybody 1mm Crand Prize Campaign I hereby cast 100 FREE V0TE8 to the credit of Misa. Mr. or Mrs ....... Address This coupon, NEATLY CLtl'I'l.lt Ol'T, name and address of the candidate filled in, ami mailed or delivered to the ampaign Department of Ihe Prii.ce Rupert Dally News, will ounf as 100 FREE VOTES. It doea not coat anything to cast thefc coupons for your favorile candidate, and you are not restricted In any sen:;e in voting them. Get all you ran and nend them in they all count. Do not roll or fold; deliver in Hat package. NOTE -This coupon must be voted on or before 8 p.m. August 8, 1928. CURE DEFECTIVE VISION, DEFECTIVE HEAR-lNli. CATARRH and other organic troubles by natural met hod i. Dr. C. 0. McKAY, D.C. Wallace Mock. Phone 131. Open Evenings Wn.xhen and Dries Without a Wringer THE NEW SAVAGE 59 per cent Faster From hamper to line in 14 mlnuteg' Washed, Blued, Ringed and Dried. Sold on easy terms. t Kaien Hardware Co. 4. a Tal I'lione 4. Illg 4 Taxi. tl Dentist. Dr. J. It. Ooene Phone 686 J To uor cuitomers and patroni New t lepbone numbers 211 and 212. Bush's Croeerteria. m Retail Merchants' Picnic tomorrow Irom the Yacht Club Floats at 2 o'clock. Ist boat at 3. - Dr. Dickey, Eye. Eear, Nose and Throat Office Hotel Prince Rupert. Hours, 10 to S pjn. Evenings by appointment. 183 The Empress Social Club will have a ipeclal wire commencing about 4430 to morrow aftcrn Don giving round-by round returns of the Tunney-IIeeney fight In New York. John jSdsrgman has commenced the ulldlofc 'fcii Fifth Avenue lust eait or MeBrMe street of what will be a neat and modernly appointed sis room cottage. This will be Mr. Bergman' fifth house In the city. Union freighter ChilHwack. making her first trip of the season and with her new master, Oapt. W. W. M ounce, in command, is due in port tomorrow enroute to Stewart for which oolnt she ha a cargo of general freight. T. W. S. Parsons, formerly inspector of the provincial police here and now located In Victoria In a similar capacity, returned to the capital at the end of last week on the steamer Nla- gtra following a trip to Australia, and lew Zealand. A party numbering TO arrived on the Prince George this forenoon from Chi eigo under w. T. Oramer taking the rUi West Alaskan Tour. They con t nue to Skagway this afternoon an i .turning on Monday will go east, by t ln. Tula la the second tour under tie same management tills year and a tilrd is to follow. CAKI) OK THANKS Yesterday at 2 p.m. was laid to rest at the Catholic cemetery the little body of the new born son of Mr. and Mrs. Q. Rosin, with a broken heart, they thank all their friends who sent flowers and sympathy in their sorrow. Particularly loyal Order of Mooee. Mr. and Mrs. Slcurn, Mr. and Mrs. T. Bus- aanlch. Mr. sad Mrs. E Pettenuzzo. Ur and Mrs. P. Plorin. Mr. and Mrs. A. Antonello. Mr. and Mrs. O. Vaceher and Mr. and Mrn A. Dominato July 24. 1928 FRUIT is arriving in good condition, and prices are reasonable. This week we have Pears and Plums at Special prices. Bartlett Pears, large baskets, per basket . : (t()f Sweet .Plums, per basket . . 70 c Black Currants, per basket. . 10r Per crate Sf'2XT Sliced Pineapple, 2s, 2 tins -C Sunmald Italsins, Seedless, 2 lbs .-f Dried Prunes, GO-TO, per lb. 10? Chipso Soap Flakes, 2 pkgs We expect the first shipment of Fresh Corn on Cob tn nrriv Wednesday. Order early to avoid Iioyal Anne Cherries, large tins, per tin Cowan's Instant Cocoa Ha per tin .-, Fib-bara, Fresh Stock, per lb. U."r Irisli Unen Note Pads, Ituled, 2 for irr WKEK.END SPECIAL ON CANDY Jelly Uans, per lb tlTtf Fruit Drops, per lb urie? All kinds Fresh Frulta arriv ing every boat, including: Cher ries (when in shipping corfdition) Plums, Pears, Peaches, Apricots, Grapes, New Apples, Cauteloupes, Casnbns, Honey Dews and Water melons. 1-ocal Raspberries. Uemo Strawberries. We ex pect another shipment this week, which will about clean up this season s crop. are right. Watts' Grocery Phone 53 Phone 50 Shop Here and Save Money Miss Joyce Parr of Vancouver Is a visitor In the city and will be here for several weeks. This afternoon's train, due from tho East at 3 :30, was reported this morning to be on time. Wcstholme tonight, between shows at 850 pm., one hour of. high-class vaude ville. Excellent picture program. 174 Mnrthln . Rplllnpham mart on arlv call today. Irom Ketchikan with three cars of canned salmon (or shipment east on the train. The auxiliary schooner Elolse'of San Hranclsco left early this morning to continue her cruise north to Ketchikan and Alaskan waters. Passengers on the Catala for last evening Included J. E. Steph enson, A. B. Evans, E. R. Nicholson, C. llearn, and C. W. Harrison. Robert Bryson, having completed the contract of building the new Besner block here, will be sailing in a day or so on bis return to New Westminster. C. W. Harrison, hatcheries inspector. sailed by the Catala last evening on hls return to Vancouver after having spent a week In the district on official duties. To Women Only I A sane and practi cal lecture on Love, Sex and Marriage. By Evalyn Davis In Metropole Hall on Thursday, July 26, at 220 pm. 11X10 admission. Now then folksl What about that ioubl load of box cuttings? The kiddles like to handle it. Can you beat It at $3M per load? Hyde transfer! Phone 680. tf Oeorge McAfee, manager of the Big Bay Lumber Company, and Mrs. McAfee returned on the Prince George this morning from a trip to Vancouver and southern points. The regular monthly business lun cheon of the Prince Rupert Oyro. Club wae held this afternoon In the Com modore Cafe. President h. W. Waugb occupied the chair. C. P. R. steamer Princess Charlotte, Cast. C. C. tJalntef'. southbound troai Skagway to Vancouver and Victoria. Is one In port at 4 o'clock this afternoon " aad will sail at S pjn. Use Tunney-Hceriey fight tomorrow" afternoon at New York for the world'a heavyweight Utle will be recorded round by rojnd at the Empress Social Club commencing about 4.30 pm. R. Sston Phyfe of Hartford, Connecticut Is In the elty on his annual visit to his local property holdings which In clude the building on Third Avenue occupied by the ,Kalen Hardware and tbe Ttte furnlUue, store. i Arriving on the train this afternoon from the east Is a party of forty Cincinnati persons which wIU continue north to Sksgwsy on the Prince Oeorge This tour is tn charge of Miss Adeline Hardy and wUl make the round trip on the Prince Oeorge, continuing south to Vancouver en route to Cincinnati. Mias Watt, formerly on the nursing staff of the Prince Rupert General Hos pital and now engaged in her profemlon at Calgary, k a passenger aboard the Princess Charlotte this afternoon return ing acuta after making the trip to Skag way. On the way north, MUs Watt spent a few dsys visiting here with Mr. and Mrs. John R. Mitchell. Minor damage to the celling of the exhibition Han was done by an in cipient fire of unknown origin break Ing out about 10 JO this morning. Tie fire department was promptly on the cone and had Uie blaze, which might have proven serious If left a little iter, soon in cheek. Workmen were ouey reiMirlng Ue building at the time. Wits a crowd of some 300 tourist paaaenaen on board. C.N.R. steamer Prince Oeorge. Oapt. Harry Nedden, arrived In port at 11 o'clock this morning from Vancouver, Powell River and Ocean Falls and will sail at 4 o-clock this afternoon for Ketchikan, Wrangell. Juneau and Skagway. returning here at 10:S0 Monday morning and aalling south at 4 pjn. that day. SALMON" IU N HETTKK Reports would Indicate that tt sal mon run has started tn earnest, The Tip Top was In. last evening with .- 000 lbs. mostly humpback, but echoes are running too. Advertise In th Oal News IN PKOI1ATK ix Tin: m ritr.Mi: rourr ok imutihii I'IM.I'.MIVIA la the Matter of. the "Administration Act": and In the Matter of the Estate of Oeorge TAKE NOTICE that by order of His lienor. P. Men. Young, the 20th day of June, A D. 1938. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Oeorge Edwards, deceased, and all partlei hav ing , claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same properly verified, to me on or before the BXh Hl nf AliffM.t A TV looa .11 tn- iinimie a imj. una oj rxssnH TCiI'?,-JnaSota 10 lne estate are re ;reen Vegetable.and or i.ricea nraneiiIto" the amount of their in'.' me frrthwlth. NORMAN A. WATT. Offlrlal Administrator, . Prince Rupert. D O. Dated the 6th day of July, AX)., 1928. IN PROBATE IX Till: MTKKMK fOI KT OK IHtlTISII COI.l'MIII.1 la the' Matter of the "Administration Act": and In the Matter of the Estate of Edward Unrlseth Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE ili.i by, Ordsr Of Hla Gain Freei Tt jo Honor, P. McB. Young, the 11th day of July, A.D. 1928, I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Edward Llndseth, deceased, and all partleh having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me ori or before the 12th day of August, A.D. 1928, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prrnce Rupert, B.C. Dated the 12th day of July. AX). 1928. IN PROBATE IX TIIK Ml'PltKME rol'IlT Ot' ItKITISII COLUMBIA In the Matter of the "Administration Act"? and Id the Matter of the Estate of Peter McDonald, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE tnat bv Order of Hla Honor, P, McB. Young, the 11th day of July, AX). 1928. I was appoint Administrator of the estate of Peter McDonald, deceased, and all parties hav ing claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish ajune, properly verified, to me on or before the 12th day of August. A.D. 1928. and all parties Indebted to the estate are re-1 quired to psy the amount of their j Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. j Official Administrator i Dated the 13th dav of July. AD 1028 Prince Rupert, 'H-Ci dam, from. rerspiraiion uaoEf from Batii to Bath WHAT a simple, delightful way to avoid the unnecessary social error of perspiration odour ... to refresh one's skin from top to toe regularly, in a bath with the cleansing, blandly antiseptic lather of Lifebuoy Soap. Perspiration is natural . . . even healthful. Physicians say the average human body exudes from one to two pints of moisture daily in the form of perspiration. But this moisture need not be offensive. . Lifebuoy Soap in the bath opens the pores and cleanses and purifies them, keeps them sweet and breathing. Lifebuoy Soap gives you cleanliness that no other soap can give. . . . antiseptic cleanliness. And this advantage costs you nothing extra because Lifebuoy Soap a pure toilet soap for face, hands and bath sells at a popular price. You'll never know how truly delightful a bath can be until you try Lifebuoy. You Perspire Lever Brothers timited Toronto in both Winter and Summer Perspiration is not caused by warm weather, exercise, or heavy clothing alone. Joy, fear, or any emotion increases the flow of moisture through the pores of the skin. To keep well, drink lots of water, perspire freely and pre-vent perspiration odour by iit using nrt T Lifebuoy lUKiTf Snnn. Soap. i -aC Better Lndy AT.stnnt FOR TOILET AND BATH 'enbsby PLATES thai give'' you &' natural ap- StnVerj ifltb&P'blW.fSPe Dr. Maguire Over Ormes LfcSiJ fflW to Phone C23 V O Wednesday. July 25, 1928 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Now is Kodak T? KODAKS, KQIJPf UPEIIIJ5S me FILMS 1 Developing and Printing Tprinfiilcurs Six Hour Service. Films left before 12 noon, prints ready 6 p.m. same day Jfie Pioneer Drugeials THIRD AVE. O SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8?fc200 Local and Personal