Mi PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS i ii in ore for anc Dry Cleaners Phone 8 Smith Itlock Phono S75 DENTIST e Vital Things More lime for mothering more lime for your pleasant household tasks more time .for .happy living.. All these we gh'e you in addition to doing your washing and ironing. Decide to-day to exchange your family hundie for these better things that we can offer you! Arrange now to have our rouleman o"nI ho that you can add two days of leisure to next week's calendar. THE LAUNDKY DOES IT UEST CANADI AN LAUNDRY For Those Odd Moments A complete range of Fancy Work Uoudoir Sets, Aprons, Centres, Itunners, Cushions, etc. Boll - proof Embroidery Cottons, D.M.C., Corticelli, and Wlldspur in all shades. For up-to-date Embroidery Work come to "Hie Nobby" "Bemers" For your Smart Wool Suit Flume 27 F.O. 327 MILK MILK Fresh Pasteurized Milk and Cream Daily. I2AKLY DELIVERY Throughout the City. VALENTIN DAIRY Telephone G57. Dr, Alexander WILLINGBON AT JASPER PARK (iOVt.KNOK-OKNKIUI. AMI LAIIY TO SPEND NINE DAYS AT FAMOUS KESOKT 1 JASPER. July 24 Alter several weeka oj stremiqus Journeying, which lnelud-efl their first trip to the wealthy Peace River 'i'coifrity, the Oovernor-acneral cod Lady Wllllngdon settled down at Jasper "Park Lodge yesterday morning ;1 r a quiet nine days. They spent part of yesterday renewing acquaintance with the golf course, which gave them such pleasure last fall, and It Is likely t n goll will take up most of their time while they are here. Their Excel -1 ucles both played the 19 holes yesterday morning, shortly after their arrival, and Lord Wllllngdon went around again In the early evening, while Her Ex-cellency enjoyed swim. I With their Excellencies are Viscount iHardlne. Captain the Hon. J. O. Jarvls, and Capt. Neville, the Vice-regal party ;la occupying the new self contained cottage overlooking Lac Beauvcrt. "Our plans are not definitely settled," 'said Captain Neville this afternoon. , We have been very busy for some weeks past and their Excellencies hare looked forward to their visit to Jasper Park as a rest." I "Best," of course Includes - golf and for Lady Wllllngdon whose energetic Idea of rest la another form of activity, swimming and riding. Plans have been sketched for a long trail trip for her and it la not unlikely that she will ride to Pocohontas and the famous Orotto hot springs. Her enthusiasm for the trails of Jasper has grown ever since she made a trip to Mallgne Lake last year. Last evening the Gov. -General wa bert, Norwegian the guest of honour at a dinner party Canada. given In the Lodge by E. H. Knight, superintendent of the park. Among th other guests were Hon. Charles Stewart, minister of the interior. Sir Henry Thornton, K.B.E., president and chairman of the Canadian National Rail ways. Dr. H. McCombe. chief medical officer of the Canadian National system. W. A. Klngsland, general manager western lines, H. A. Dixon, chief engi neer for the Canadian National Eall- ''ays, western region, and Ludwlg Au- JAMS Jams Now pack of Strawberry Jam on the market now. Why use your own make yet, when you can buy fresh stock? Pure Strawberry Jam, 4 lb. tins 75 e Pure Raspberry Jam, 4 lb. tins 70 Red Currant Jam, 4 lb. tins 70? Black Currant Jam, 4 lb. tins 7." Apricot, Gooseberry and Loganberry Jam, 4 lb. tins Vit Plum Jam, 4 lb. tins . . . OOf? Crab Apple Jelly, 4 lb. tins .") (While they lait) New Potatoes, 9 lb. for 25 p New Potatoes, per sack .5'J.25 Fresh Beets, 4 bunches 25f New Carrots, C lbs 25c Fresh Peas, 3 lb. for. . 25 f Lettuce, 3 for 25f Green Onions, per dozen ft5 Green Onions, 3 bunches I Or Vegetable Marrow, each lOi4 Spinach, 3 lb. for 25p Radishes, 3 bunches ... lOf Tomatoes, Hothouse, per lb. 25? Tomatoes, Hothouse, per basket Wit Plums, per basket 75f Lambert Black Cherries for preserving eating, per lb 25? We believe this will be the last of the cherry season. Order them' now! Red Currant, Black Currant, Raspberry and Gooseberries are in good condition. Order them from Mussallem Grocery CO. LTD. 417-123 5th Ave. East HEALTH FOLLOrVS OtlWPIKTIC CWRtCTJ rRUSUlI ON SPINAL tints w druse j or THtrotuwiNOoiaw r v Hfl9 sosf VstAr m HlVM : STOMACH r PANCSCAS CSOWCll if 'AWtHOH 1N BLAPDtl "throat eas9f N O says CHAS. DE BELLE, a.r.ca. When working on a picture, when creating beauty, a Buckingham is a pleasant help. I enjoy it and it has never caused my throat ,.,iV, the slightest irritation." ,.n ... ,,. .).- CHAS. DE BELLE, world-famous poet and painter, is one of the greatest living pastellists. For sixteen years he has resided in Montreal Mr.de Belle is an associate of the Royal Canadian Academy. Many of his pictures have been bought by the Canadian Government. ' Btickin Form No. 13, (Section 39) LAND ACT. NOTICE OK INTENTION TO AITLY TO I'LUCHAME LAM) CIGARETTES COUPONS ALL QUALITY Consul-Oeneral for B100 t 4 HANSON GIVEN BIG MAJORITY trlct and sltuaabout 8 miles from the ATIOUXEY-CIBXEII.lt KETAINS OM otolith of Khutise River, TAKE NOTICE that the Detroit Western Mining Company of Vancouver, a.u., occupation timing uompany, in- ends to apply for permission to pur chase the following described lands: NIL A KIDINO WITH LEAH OK ttt I 3 Phone 574 JPXllPAU Bhelford. hto Conservative opponent In Freoto Uk. 27 Omlnee. soootcUek to latest report. lTaw lAke ao ihence easterly 60 chains; thence nor- 'herly 10 chains, and containing 100 stands at 222. Following are the polls Hulatt M acres, more or less. frnm j-k Mb,, h.v. Kn LeJac F. rARuuS WILSUM, w Attent for ved: ( Mapea a. Detroit Western Mining Co., ' Manson Shelford Ootsa Lake 21 Dated 18th April. 1928. A Real Opportunity To Procure Splendid TOWELS Large Colored Hath Towels excellent valms at Wit nd J 1.1 pair Extra Larze While Turkkh !Uth Towels Bcaatifal qoality at pair Oor towels a4d pkararr in your twiauumg 'Hie Nobby" LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone C8 Crtge. WnrehoulnK, and Dlstrlbutin?. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In IManit and Furniture Movlnu. Phone Green 211 or lllack 283 W. C. ASPINALL ClilltOPItACTOU 6 and 7 Exchange IJlock, Prince Hupert, B.C. ... Absentee 30 IN THE MATTER of an application for vaudwrhoof 12B the Issue of a Duplicate Certificate of Nadlna River 11 Title fcr Lot nineteen hundred and nru,, puins 13 eighty-three (1983). Range five (). , , OoaU District. South Bttllrttf 19 Satisfactory proof of the loss of the(Toplj 20 Certificate of Title covering the above North Bulkley 0 lands having been produced to me, it Is .... . . my intention to Issue, atter the ex- Houston 24 pi rat ion of one month frcm the first Burns Lake ill publication hereof, a Duplicate Certlfl- Butcher Flate " 2 eate of Title to the absre land In the, - -- .. name of Jcel Plllsbury. The original Certificate of Title is dated the 7th I September. 1910. and is numbered 303R. Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert. B. C. 23rd July. 1928. H. P. MacLEOD. 201 Reglstrcr of Titles. LAND ACT NOTICE OK INTENTICN TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND In Prince Rupert Land .cording Dhi-trlct and situate adjacent to Alllfora Bay, Moresby Island. Skldegate Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Pacific Mills Limited, of Vancouver. B!C, occupation Pulp and Paper Manufacturers. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a uost planted on the high water murk of an Inland; thence following the high water mark around the Island to point of commencement, and containing 0.26 acre, more or leas PACIFIC MILLS. LIMITED. Applicant. Donald Wilbur llodsdon. Agent for Pacific Mills, Limited, noted ?,v lfW8 Fresh Fruit s Eat lot.s df Freeh Fruit Gren Vet(-Ul)lea in thin P. GAMULA. Pioprletor Fifth Street. Phone 208 45 Mechaoo 1 116 Palling 14 3 Quick 66 8 Rase Lake 14 6 South Bank M 16 Sheraton 7 4 Stuart River 8 30,TWlrose 10 61 Topiey-Rlchfteld 8 3 Webber Ltk iwiaurta 13 and hqt OraTeiwtein Apples, 2 U. . . t BawtlsHt Pearx. per doten .... Qt Peak-be, per dozen I Of Ap-i-ri'.'. 2 llfor AfvieoU, per crate $1.50 Pluaas. yellow, red or blue, C lb. j basket ". "."if jPfne Ripe Ilananai, lb 1r . Oransea, .mail fU, S.dosen $1.00 OranKek, large size per dos. ."()( to 7i"f Sunkiat Umona,-per dot. .. I0f Large Canteloupea each -Of1 and W Watermelon, per lb He Tomatoes, hot houw, lb -00 Tomatoes, per lb basket .. J0 Cucumbers, each Lettuce, 3 heads -"t Green Onions, 3 bunches .... 10( Hadishea, 3 bunches lOf Celery, 2 lb for ST Gabbatre, 4 lbs for Cauliflower, per teftd 0t Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs. . . 750 Perfect Seal Jars,, quarts, per dozen $1.05 Perfect Sea) Jars, pints, doz 1.15 Alberta Market Totals 873 Str Market Prices Prices current are as follow: LAKU ' 16 ; ' 12 8; 39! : 16! 70 1 18! 27 93 7 I ID 18 6 8 34 16 1! 7 S 1 M 70 fure Sic compound 20c tana B.C. fresh pullets 40c Il.O. frtak flnto 44c B.C. fresh extras 50c Local new laid 00c nsii bntoked kippers, lb.' 15c Kippered Mlnvon, lb 35c amoked Maek cod, lb. 20c riunan naddita, lb. 25c MIUTS Powl. No. 1, lb Me and 40o KoasUus etucken. 1U 45.- Broilers T H Ham, sliced, first grids Me Ham. whole, first grade Me Hun. nlcnlc, lb 22Vt Coita nils, lb 29 ft Bacon, back, sliced 50c Bacon, aide 4 So to S6c fork, jry salt 36c Ayrshire bacon, lb. 35c Vaal, shoulder , 2&c Veal, loin 40o .el. If 34r rorfc, shoulder 26c fork, loin uc Perk, leg ... 35a Beef, pot roast 1 So to 20c Beof. boiling Uc to 18c Beef, ateak 30c to 4&t Beef, roast, prime rib 32c Lamb, chops sue Lamb, snoulder JSc Mutton, leg 40c lmb, leg .' 48c Mutton, chops ,,,, 4oc Mutton shoulder joo IIUTTr.lt Drookfleld, Shamrock and Woodland, lb 60c E.CJD.. 2 lbs. for Dfte Oapttol, 2nd grade, lb 45- No. 2 grade, 3 lb. brick $1-40 Prater Valley, 2 lbs. for D5c Alberta Oreamery 45c New Zealand. In bulk 48c prints. 2 lbs for osc camemben-cneese, -8 oz. pkg 65e Kraft Llmberger, H' 35c Ontario solids 3j. New Zealand solid aoo 8tllton, lb 40c Kraft 48o Norwegian Goat jjc Napoleon Llmberger Roquefort 7 8wlfU' Brookfleld, lb 4r uorgonzola, lb 75c MciAreu s cream. Jars ... 4Sa and Sea Brook.' U id 8wiA clieese, ', 10 ukg. 30s TmuwW mrr" rif 1 . rif fil I JaasTl Masses ans C. Butchers & Grocers, Wednesday, Jmy l SPECIALS-WEEK ENDING AULY(28iq m,i HEINZ CREAM OF TOMATO SOUP- Phne 45 Chllco 16 Oolleymount 8 But Francois Lake 30 Endako 34 'Engen 15 With only few small polls to hear Unmoor 13 P'...,mflnrln. at o, rwf r.:nlH nn irOHl. IBB IJiajUTliy UI IWU. A. m. Hftll port rraser o toot distant from the Witness post on son. AttornyGnera4. over Arthur S. Jtxom 3 tor FIKST GRADE BACON Sliced, per lb FELS NAPTIIA SOAP Per Carton EUREKA BLEACH Per bottle ROWNTREES COCOA Va's per tin McLAREN'S BAKING POWDER 12 oz. per tin SWEET BISCUITS (Fresh) Stock-Regular 50c per 'b I (!. K ' FD t it Phone 45 Ltd. '' 25c 43c 68c 13c 23c 17c 23c We resorve the right to limit the quantity purchased-by any one customer. f CHICKEN Boiling Birds, per lb 27C Light Fowl, per lb QQp WATCH OUR WINDOWS, IT PAYS. B.C. Butchers & Grocers, Ltd. THE HOME OF GOOD THINGS TO EAT Phone 574 B WESTHOLME THEATRE WEDNESDAY and TIIUIKDAY. 7 and 9 p.m. RICHARD DIX in "THE GAY DEFENDER" A new type of picture. A New Richard I1 T1IU1.MA TODD, FIlKI) KOI 1 I.Kit, JBIlllY MANDY r'KLfl ES.M ELTON, FKANCBS RAYMOND AND OTIIl Ii-i COMEDY JACK DUFFY IN "LONG HOSb Uclwcen nhowM at 8.00 p.mThe Van & Gilbert V.trlc P.ntertainera in one hour'M program of hih-cta -Vaudeville Songs, Dances, Instrumental and liistling Solo-, -Sketches, etc., etc.. Admission - - - 50c and 25c Canadian National Qfo Largeil Railway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE Sailings from rillNCT ItlTKRT for VAM'OI VKK, VKTOKIA, HI ATTU MOMIAVH. TIU'ltSUAYH, 4.00 pj.. HATIII(IAVS, Soo , For AM VOX and NTKWAKT, MONUttS. ITIIIIAVt. 4.00 i n ror .MAKMKTT 1M.KT, MOMIAVH. 4 00 pffl. lr MH TII qi'EKM CIIAUI.OTTr. lLMii. Portnlghiiy lor KKAdlVAY, tVLIINKHIlAYH. 4 00 pjn. PAF.Mirit TIIAINN I.K1YC rillNCK iH'I'KKT lAII.Yl;.( i:-THMYat IIJ(la.ni. for rillNCR lll'.OKdK. KOMONTO?1 HINMI-IO, all points Kantrrn Cansila, United hlatrs. Anr.NCY aU. iccas sti.amniiip ur.n ' ITY TICKTT orrKX. 5t TIIIKIl ttr. raiNte uiirruT (cAiaDIAlJ 'iaiiwtrS rbsn t B.C.Coast Steamship Services Sailings from Prince Rupert If Krlrlilkan. tYrangrll. Jiinruu anil Sknaj! July S3, , :0. lo Vanroiurr, Victoria rii Vealllr July t.1 and S I'KINCKSH KOYAL f or lluted.ile, Knt Helta IKIla, (hpjtn lail. Naniu, Alert Hay Camiilipll llltrr ami Yanmutrr every Irlday. Iti p.m. Artnry fur all Mranmhlp Lines. lull Information IV. OltCIIAHIl. (irnrral Asent, Comer of 4th Slrest and 3rd Aenue. I'rlnce lluprrt. H.C. rh"ne ' New Drapery Fabrics , l h IMIURTEI) CrctonnjOj'bjn)4H, IsrnakH'fvnd Sunfust Fahrica 3G in Cretonnes, fast colors, exquisite floral design;, i" 1 ' " :rc, l r,0f 29 inch French Hand Mock Printed Cretonnes, nxsoi ' ' signs and colorings, per yard H.lf, S I .." SI"'" CO Inch Silk Damasks, fadeless fabrics, heavy weight, per yard Fraser & Payne UnlvcrBnl Trading Co. 30