Wednesday, July 25, 1928 Ml 'J U Wi itmrmnW 'No Question i i;. r am (.he lowest prices in our history. ML WOOL INDIGO SERGE .. HiM-Ke.j'rf.jr. $G5, now ' " m. Seie, rtep. $G0, now I ni , TM , ,:. Sfi-Ro, reg. ?!0, now HI' $10 iipi i fine Wornteda, Super . i UK ot d. Foxhound Tweed i I Irish or Scotch Tweeds, All finest quality ma-at astonishingly re-ii i"l prices. ' in in today and let us 1 1 ' your mensure. Ilest ,i I manship and fit j?uar- : --(1. Ling the Tailor l V Sri-ond Ave. Phone 649 H'.ti't toi-L'ct our steam ..... iiifl lA.inlti. .. ill, .IIU -It:WIJlK nvc ; ui' - called for and ' ri cil to any part of the l -HONE US TODAY s WALLACE CO. LTD. LADIES' Bathing Suits in JANTZEN UNIVERSAL and PENMAN makes It THIN(; KELTS H.S.WallaceCo.Ltd. Phone 9 ".ril Avenue nnd Fulton City Meat Market Selvig Ifros. '! hiul Ave. Phone 7C5 I ToT ' -ih, I 'NSAKU i if sorter norsk ost 'sKc fiskekonscrver lie sukkerknvrinRcr i' l.c hvctekonrokker osko rugsknnnikkcr hi 4ic knekkebrod i -Uc flathrod 'liter o.s.v. f kv. vnrer. Ilillige prlser. Hurlic onibritiRclse Bathing Suits with Skirts ' or Hoys, Girl nnd Children UK JERSEY WOOL U. irular $2.50 $1.11!) Montreal Importers J Ik Miller, Proprietor. r Tlm-d venue. Prince Rupert, COAL Your choice I I)S(i ( ASSII)Y . WEL- LlMiTON TELKWA Mho lhilklcy liny nnd Cirnin. '"' ! Hobin Hood Flour. Phone S8 Prince Purrt F::d Co. News of the Mines AROUND PRINCE RUPERT i Victoria Mines Litd. He.orKanlzed Progress tt't Saddle on Hastings Arm llufus-Argenta an Good as Ever. Difficpitiewhieh the Victoria Mines Ltd. have experienfced fnce organtedtionReveral years ago by Robert Martin are 'now f being straightened out and it is epected the company will be able to do some real work now in the Stewart field. Out of the jumble, a new company, the Dandy-Star Mines Ltd., has appeared to take over all the holdings and interests of the Victoria company and, according to Capt. A. J. Gaul, M.E. who is in Stewart to take charge of operations, I seventy-five per cent of the old Victoria Co. shareholders in Van-j ccuver and Victoria have joined the now organization. New interests in the company Include Col. W. V. r' ' " J?""', Kfnnth the Jos Angelw-Vancouver Mines UA.. Robtason ant Q. 8. Eldrldge. l to said: ToMnea Dr to gulde Bnd to be thc intention of the new com- 'a(lvlse u progreu u made , UM pany- to continue work In the lower worWng CTftw, n M(3w that the oon-levcls of the property where good: re- tmulty or the VlM and ore may eulto ahould aoon be achieved. There ,ntelngent,y worked upon ttnd the ' no PllmlnKy work to do In the mlne brought lnto .y production way or putting In campa of equipment. lmtead of cpumodlcalIy M has been V u t,.. ' case in the part. glneer lor the Stiver Creat Mine Ltd., Argent Co. Itself la In a sound ftnan etal position. It baa money in the bank I as no Aetata and has enough stock Thouch loeklns atTlelal confirmation tot. that the aerial tramway which M yet, repotU lBt blg tnlngb la being built to aerve the Saldle pro- are plannw, D w MJne. Ud on pmy on Ilaatlnga Arm will, together thc propert, ac, with the new cut the compre-or. op- 8keen. Hlvr from Cedarvale .Utlon raUng carta of the mine greatly A Wgh Dto tne , A large wharf 100 by 14 feet has been com- o! 0ne .uver-lead ore la reported ptoted and eacavatlon haa been made u, bav. opened up and lt ta uld for tlx ! tramway terminal, thc that operaUonjl on kn exten.lve Kaie right of way cleared and the cable la we piajm, TraoaportaUon to the raU-now being The tram la attrung. a dou- way one of th, blg probltm, whlch Ne-JUback. 8.400 feet long and aua- ;wlu bar(, met E.aovmxr I), pendfd on ten Uel towen. w. Davla. head ef the D. W. Mine Ltd.. I perating tne pnerty. is at precent In The Rufua ArgenU at Stewart la not ,n, ,t lueatn tbiU nm likely to be a4veley aflecUd for losg toeaWn announcement, ma, be by the decision of the Daly-Oerard In- miuSe on hla rrturn. ,.r, b, ha. been terete to it. Latest Information drop wUelent as to the pla of the com- indicate that the of thct englneera .jthough he baa expressed plea- Amricn entirely ml- capltaJMs were tJte xwopartj has ben isfled with the prospects after spewt- BKrrtn( up It u Mid that He has r- tnor aimirftrn 1 uaklrai nw t ha iirnnaii- f it ainrl .... " ' ' rjaad aotne Qatteftng offees far the pur- bad to their be- so reported principals 9mt of th( p,, Thp whole Soree fore Mr.. Daly became Ul. The Bufus- B,Ura dlstrtct. it la said by seme, may e due far Mg thtqgs in the ttmr fu-use. Thare are a number o other In- i aieatlng prospects and . showlnga near in we WMtiry w gire any new com- d. W. Minos, pany aontrai. There are reported to be! three other conearna negotiating for A cms, cut of 010 teat In length has option or purchase of the property. nw!- nn the aurfaee at Zouo n Tfaoee knowing the group and the ac- cim Kartt um P-tual ra4u of lta mliiwaltaaUon have at Stewart. The value are atotari no doubt as to Its future possibilities ti run owsr M0 par ton tor Vein A.. It wm atmply the state of Mrs. WJy s cw three (fet ln wldtb. uiium. newm mat cawa ue recroi aemi w Veln A u Mid, Uiould rsch the m through. win within thirty days. Vetq A, be- "" ctuse of a strike directly towart) the 4ne pwuvm, pnuu., - " xwier and the Sebafcwe, wlU Daw mwmu ! j ""j i a., important bearing on the future the cet of ewvlatuig an automobile TJiopnMnt thu dl,trlct. u to an 1- rasa inm m-aihs rtsn w bine propsfty at BVewart, The other Afty per cent, will be paid by the Waodbine, such an arrangament hav- ortant orebsarlng none. The taking up by the OonsoUdated lflnln-r A. Rrr-kltlni. ri nf la a.Lii Ing beeti reeommetKled by the resident " ,,, , ' T. 00 M'"url mme atUs- tWingtoear. Dr. T. Jamea. tc !k" 'T; iL- ,k ... nt opmuons on a large scale mat first built. It was eons true ted from two ends IB-Mile Port and the Woodbine-with the result that, when the appro -prlatloo was up. a dlatance or 2300 feet had been left unfinished in the may be expected as s result will have an important Influence upon that par-t.cular section of the Batman River alley In the Portland Oanal field. There are many other promising mines , ri iii i i i I t th. ! V t f I T Ta ,,? ol the Big Mtoourl which will . good "" - Mtf pLbl, tnef.t greaUy aa a result of from Hyder i.rt through to the w -o uiiir camfi, wsvuig iik rmwci road at iaMUe Post nnd crossing the adjoining Blue Jay property It is ex the most important de'clcpments that haa taken place at Stewart in yean. pected that IN wot win be finished will1 r'Kpenta at the B. C. Silver in about a month. Tnts new road alao benefit the Northern Light pro- cmtlnua to command much attention. pW-f 7 here la no doubt that the property at Stewart is a proven mine though no Dr. J. M. Turabull. professor of a mounoament has yet been mad aa to mineralogy of the University of Brl- a rangenxnta for milling the -or nnd tlth Oaiunihla and prominent mining eogtneer of the prevlnee. Is ranking an ujniuatlon of th Drum Uunmon mins. down Um eqast from bare. The laoing the property ln ataadj ggmjm-ion. The London board at diractar solved reoently not to noMft nn of-er of the Premlsr company to work i trip was made north Ue pownr t in mine nnd treat the ore on a nan- boat Halt Mean. Dr. J. M. Turnbuu be- t'aat basis but to oantlnue dvp- Ir j accompanied by hla assistant; W. C. tanqt 4taelf with a view to proving up Rannella. auperlntendeat of the mine, I re at a known quantity nnd value. A and a tore, of men to supplement ttm deal with Premlee, howotur, la aUB erew already at work. While the two- consklemt to be a poeaKtltttf , Tlw com- perty has already ben emunlned and pony's .eagtrefr baa rej-orted ore re reported nn ;MM jrHk no- serves dem)ea la 't W Rtneera. the preamt operauog -crapnj, 4ajw tons or a gross vaiuepor . . ... . - ooo. nun la eauivaiem te i.i4 per 1,A.MJ ti ten and Is about th? avenge or Pre- v..Tir- nr ivtkntion to APPLY T J1 T treatment of LlHSli I.VM) tbtt ore la plaeed at tllty per tent, or taOJ.OOO. The Setukwe Oo. announce. In Prince nupert Land Reeordlnf DU- . , . M tnct and situate adiaMnt to Aimorn w " ' wtF.v. ... . l ! Kl l4 n k Inl T KJmi . aiM Thh sa eM Ph'!0ifl-I,?5-f Mm.' oonskuo its own mlU and wo- uranlad. of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation ld wttb produatton eventiwlly. The i'ulp and rapor MinuiKiuivn juiure oj a. u. ouver ib aiimi-mgiy to apply tor s lease of the following de- msf mitty yMr( 0, wttBnt rnn.iVciu at a poet pltated on thevelopment. The Selukwe Ob. la In a w.nh water mark of an island: thence gttong " financial poaltlon.havlng $780,-iioltowinn water nfk around . the high of eommeaoemcnt. COO onalt. In its to t,1Mt treasury. he toland to point and oMitalnttu mm acre, more or leas. riO MIL. LIMITED, Annlloant. Donald Wilbur HWsdon, Agent for Pacific Mills. Limited, luted May . laag-. LAND ACT. Premier Oo.'a- engineers have iot Fa-ported very favorably upon the Bab' efcwe property. "BummwinlUg the ra suite of our examination," says the report "we find there are no bodies of ere actually blocked out on even two NOTICR OK YsNt:TV.NNO '" TjW by tunnels or by diamond drill . I holes and hence any figures for ton- In Smlthere Land Rfordlng District nft. and oulcftme gveri herewith are ''tLaj?l'11vr'rR ;bed on the assumption that the ore TAKE NOTICE that Chr'stma .Ofy-jarttled through ln the main tunnel ?' .I'io. thfouoWmg Si-nunue upwwd and downward '.!lS,dyund - certain distances as Indkmted and that VXlnfticing a 1 1 post P'ted t.tho grade will remain at certain UW- Ke north '80 oha1ns; toiKe. m Indleatcd nr,U that the 5SS5U wt chain-.: thence south 80 gr,Ue will remain at certain values. A. chBirvs: ufenoe west 20 chslns. and oon-Um,nf ore cut , maln tul)nel wU, uinlng 100 OT.;,Na ooblby. carry up fifty feet and down 100 feet Applicant. we can block, as possible ore In two Dated Mix i shnnts 10.784 tons or a 113.41 average PAIN . grade. Using Premier production coats in (of mill ore based on the fltat six . . . MAk - ,nv ...i ..I y, w- unuiHia ut u4i, which, we ut-H c v c. are DI A I31iljI.'!b0Ut wnt uld maintained 'should we mine this oro to ho v. a 1'romptly Knsrd by jv-'Mo print -f 70.40- If vr naaum- RANTAL Mll't ti a total depth of uo feet and lia lleanrr t get the tleiiuti" , v lu we would have 3400 tons and LuoMoct!K word "Mint a possible profit of U3.7ie." THE DAILY NEWS will be issued on nub- aorMkios: tfn. By vrs. oarrter $ soo ;uoo 15 UO 0.00 3600 90.00 Mall a M am 9.00 1x00 1SJ00 ibjbo Vote. 1X000 30,000 7SJB00 UOjOOO 360XKX) 30MO to CHOICE PAGE FIVE - - J , . . - I i ' I ill III H, ii-ii,ii ,imim. , i.i... i ii. , 1 ENTER NOW AND 'C THE PRIZ E OF YOU R Do.ypu';knor that each yearly suhscription turned in during 'the FIRST PERIOD nf the NcwfiMug AvilKsecurc as many voles as FOUR one-year subscriptions turned in during thc last week? Schedule of Votes and Subscription Price of The Prince Rupert Daily News FIKST PEWOD I7j to and including August 20, fee following number of SECOND PERIOD Frwn August 31 to August TIIIHD PERIOD From September 1 to Sep- 31 inclusive, the following tember 7 Irteli-srve, the follow- number of vote, will be Is sued on subscriptions: Mo. By Yra. Ourler I 600 10.00 16JW .00 3000 By Mall t 3.00 OiW oxn 12J00 15.00 18D0 Votes 8.000 HMO 12.A00 2oojdoo 300.000 tag number of votes will issued on su bncrlptions : NO. BT Yrs. Oarrier 1 3 8.00 10.00 UJX) 20.00 25.00 3000 tty MU 8J0O 6J00 BOO Mj00 IBjOO iaoo be Votes GjQOO S04XM 4SJ000 3 100.000 160.000 30,000 6 FOURTH PERIOD The last period terminating Septecnbek 14, th? foi lowing number of vote, will be towed on snbNcrlptions: NO. By Tea. Carrier too 10 eg 16JN By Mall t JBQ BOB 13X0 tJOO 18J00 Vats. s.000 39-So COJX 10000 imoes The above solved ule of vats, wbtefc J an declining basis, positively will not be raised durtuc the competition. (Bee opeatas MumneenBt). A special vote credit good tor 100,000 extra vote, will be Issued on every "club7 of MIX) turned In. The "club may V amans'il " or large nmounta totalling UjQ0 worth. This arrangeoMtrt will be ln effect throughout the entire campaign and to to be cootldned part of the regular adfcedule. No aubacrlnttona will be accepted tor more than sis years In dvnMlNiyeRenVi through any one oandidate. r " 39,000 extra vote, will be given for each year of a NEW subeptfc turned ln during the first period; 30.000 extra vote. Will he given for naofa year of a HEW subscription turned ln during the second period; 10,000 extra voti wW be given tor ens ywar at a NTW subwsrlption turned in during the third pertod. but no extra votes wll be given far new aubmlpUana turned in during the last period , The mbKrtptlon price ot The News outaide of Northern and Central BjC.. to $6.00 per year in all parts of the British Empire and the United States: to all other countries the prior Is t740 per yr. NO EXTRA VOTES OTHER THAN THOSE OUTLINED IN THE OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT WILL BE GIVEN- DURING THIS CAMPAIGN EARLY START MEANS EASY FINISH The advantages of ar early start are manifest. Not only do you have the full; time in which to secure thc winning votes, but now and up to and including Monday, August 20th, you will receive the maximum schedule of voles on subscriptions, while those who put off entering until a later date will have to take What is left. Don't lose valuable Ic show the "other fellow' time, waiting to "sec what the other fellow is going to do,' but pitchy right in and ;"howto.dp$. ,V .k.xJM i -'4 ' CANDIDATES ARE NOT RESTRICTED TO THEIR RESPECTIVE DISTRICTS BUT MAY SECURE SUBSCRIPTIONS ANYWHERE ' Nomlnntlon Hlnnk In The Prinre Rupert Dnlly News "Everyhotly Wins" Camiinisn Good for 5,000 Votes I buret)? enter nnd cast 6,0b0 votea for it, nja Mm aa i cmndhMc In The Pxlnco Itiuwt DAtly New "iSrorybody Wsm Pxfee DlirtrtbuUan. Addrawi Phons, ........ . p.UWJnlvions' nomfnntion Jilank will lie credlit'd to tiich enndidnte nominated. tOlf ;. . i;' T h For full and complete information call on, telephonc'or write C-VMPA1GN MANAGER, The Prince Rupert Daily News. Campaign Headquarters located on the second floor of The Dally News Building, 2-13 Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, are open each evening until 8 o'clock. PHONE 531. a